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- MiniMenu 2.0
- Easy menu shell for children and anyone else who cannot (yet) read
- (C) 1993-1995 SichemSoft Netherlands
- Introduction
- ------------
- This package was originally developed by us for our then 4 year old daughter.
- We wanted her to be able to start any program herself. Since she couldn't yet
- read, this was not possible without our help. We tried several shareware or
- public domain "easy" menu shell systems, but all required the user to be able
- to read. So, we wrote MiniMenu.
- Since then, MiniMenu has found use at private homes, elementary schools, and
- at institutions for mentally and/or physically handicapped people.
- The user only has to point to a picture button with the arrow keys or by
- repeatedly pressing Tab and then press Enter or click on it with the mouse.
- After the chosen program finishes, MiniMenu appears again, ready for the
- next choice. Submenu's are also possible.
- MiniMenu comes in versions for both MS-DOS and MS Windows. The parent or
- instructor only has to add one line to a text file and design or obtain
- an icon file and a just installed new game or educational program is
- instantly accessible for the user.
- Important notice
- ----------------
- Please note that this package is for NON-PROFIT use only. Any commercial
- usage is STRICTLY prohibited. Neither the package, nor any part of it, may be
- sold. If you'd like to pass it on, you MUST include all original files in
- unmodified form.
- The MiniMenu package is provided as is. There are NO WARRANTIES expressed or
- implied. By using it you agree not to hold SichemSoft liable for any damages
- resulting from the use of or inability to use this software.
- MiniMenu is SHAREWARE. This means that when you have tried it out and
- decide to use it on a regular basis you are REQUIRED to register. This can
- be done at no charge at all, simply by sending us a picture postcard from
- where you live or work. On the back, please describe what you use MiniMenu
- for. The address is:
- Carel & Anneke Sicherer-Roetman
- SichemSoft VoF
- Roghorst 160
- 6708 KS Wageningen
- Netherlands
- If you have any questions or suggestions please send them to this address
- or email them to: anneke@chem.ruu.nl
- > Although SichemSoft is a commercial software company, we have decided <
- > to make MiniMenu available without any charge. Please keep your part of <
- > the bargain and DO register when you decide to use it! <
- System requirements
- -------------------
- This program should run on any IBM-PC AT compatible computer with at least
- 512KB memory and running under DOS 5.x or later. It requires an EGA, VGA or
- Hercules graphics adapter or MS Windows 3.1. A mouse is recommended but not
- required. Many Super VGA adapters are supported.
- Installation
- ------------
- Just copy all files to a directory, e.g. c:\minimenu.
- The package consists of the following files:
- MINIMENU.DOC You're reading it now
- MENU.EXE MS-DOS executable
- WMENU.EXE MS Windows executable
- XEXEC.DLL DLL for spawning (MS Windows version)
- XADOS.EXE DOS spawning engine (MS Windows Version)
- XAWIN16.EXE Windows spawning engine (MS Windows version)
- BASIC.DAT Basic data file
- MENU.CMD Command file (example)
- MENU.DAT Data file (example)
- GAMES.CMD Second command file (example)
- GAMES.DAT Second data file (example)
- TEST.BAT Batch file for example
- Copyrights
- ----------
- MiniMenu is (C) SichemSoft, Roghorst 160, 6708 KS Wageningen, Netherlands.
- MiniMenu was written in Borland C++ 4.0 and uses Zinc Application Framework
- 4.0 for it's GUI.
- MiniMenu's MS-DOS version uses the SPAWNO routines by Ralf Brown to minimize
- memory use while running other programs. It also uses a Super VGA driver by
- Jordan P.Hargrave.
- MiniMenu's MS Windows version uses the XSPAWN routines by Golan Yaniv to
- spawn child programs in MS Windows and wait for their completion.
- Usage
- -----
- After installation, type "menu" at the prompt to see an example of how it
- works. If you have a mouse and use the MS-DOS version, load it's driver first!
- Use Tab and Enter or point and click to select your program. The button
- marked Games opens a submenu. Click on Stop or press Alt-F4 to quit.
- The complete command line for starting MiniMenu is:
- C> menu [ command file ] [ x ]
- The command file name is optional. The default name is menu[.cmd].
- For a given set of programs, a command file must be prepared. When MiniMenu
- first starts up with a new or modified command file, it automatically
- generates a new data file (see below). On the user's computer only (w)menu.exe
- and these command and data files must be present. Both files are always
- expected to be in the current directory when (w)menu.exe starts. (w)menu.exe
- should be started from the autoexec.bat. If you have a mouse, be sure to
- precede this command by a command to load the mouse driver.
- In MS-DOS, generally 24 buttons can be displayed at once on VGA, 21 on Hercules
- and 16 on EGA. In MS Windows this depends on the installed graphics driver
- and font. If you need more buttons, use a submenu (see below).
- The second parameter is only useful if you have a Super VGA adapter and use
- the MS-DOS version. This gives you an 800x600 screen.
- Command file
- ------------
- The command file is a plain text file that can be created with any text
- editor. It consists of comment lines, a header line and command lines.
- An example is given here:
- * example MiniMenu command file
- * header line:
- &Quit ; Games menu
- * program lines:
- * Captain Comic
- Comic ; comic ; c:\games\comic ; comic.bat
- * Commander Keen
- Keen ; keen ; c:\games\keen ; keen1.exe
- * Test program (blank icon)
- &Test ; - ; . ; test.com 1 2 3
- * Shooting gallery
- Shootout ; gun ; d:\wargames ; shoot.exe /l apple
- * Submenu
- Numbers ; numbers ; c:\education ; @edu
- * (end)
- Comment lines have a * at the very first position.
- The first non-comment line is the header. This line consists of two items
- that must be separated by a semicolon. The first item is the text that is
- to be displayed on the exit button. An ampersand can be used to designate
- a hot key. Hot keys are used by pressing Alt-(key) and shown on the button by
- underlining the 'hot' character. The second item is the text to be displayed
- in the title bar of the menu window. If you do not want to have an exit
- button, use - for it's text. The menu can still be exited with Alt-F4.
- The other non-comment lines each consist of four items, also separated by
- semicolons. The first item is the name of the program to be displayed on its
- button in the menu window. Here too, a hot key can be designated by preceding
- the chosen character with an ampersand. The second item is the name of the
- icon to be displayed on the button. This icon must reside in a data file, see
- below. A - indicates that no icon is present. The third item represents the
- complete drive+path where the program can be found (its home directory), this
- may also be just one dot to designate the current directory. The fourth item
- consists of the command to start the program from its home directory. This
- command should always include a .com, .exe. or .bat extension.
- If the command is prepended by a '@', it is taken as the filename of a
- new command file (without the .cmd extension!). This gives MiniMenu the
- possiblitity of using submenu's. In this case the home directory should
- contain both the icon file and the command file for the submenu. A submenu
- should always have an exit button to be able to revert to the previous menu.
- Data file
- ---------
- The data file contains the icons in an internal format and is created and
- maintained automatically by MiniMenu when it detects a command file change.
- You will only notice a longer startup time after a command file change.
- MiniMenu then reads and converts all necessary icon files and creates
- a new data file. For this, it also needs BASIC.DAT in the current directory.
- Icons can be obtained from various sources. Many can be found on BBS's,
- simtel or garbo on Internet or can be obtained from user groups.
- You can also create your own with an icon editor like Ike (for Windows).
- The icons should be of the Windows 3.x .ico format. For an icon file to
- be valid for MiniMenu use, it must contain precisely one icon of 32x32
- pixels and a maximum of 16 colors. For the automatic maintanance feature it
- is required that an icon file resides in the home directory of the program
- to which it belongs.
- Getting started
- ---------------
- To begin using MiniMenu in your situation follow the steps below. In this
- example it is assumed that the first program you want to add to MiniMenu
- is called prelude.exe and resides in the directory d:\apps\prelude.
- 0. Install the prelude program package in d:\apps\prelude.
- 1. Design or obtain a suitable icon (32x32,16 colors) for the program.
- 2. Store this in an MS Windows .ico file and call it e.g. prelude.ico.
- 3. Put the .ico file in the home directory of the program (d:\apps\prelude).
- 4. Create a file menu.cmd in any text editor, like this:
- * MiniMenu command file
- * header:
- &Quit ; Make your choice:
- * programs:
- * Prelude music program
- Prelude ; prelude ; d:\apps\prelude ; prelude.exe
- * (end)
- 5. Run MiniMenu from the directory where menu.cmd resides:
- C> menu
- 6. If all goes well, two buttons will show up, the first being the button
- with your icon for prelude, the second being the Quit button.
- 7. Test the first button and exit MiniMenu with the second after that.
- 8. To add further programs to MiniMenu, repeat the steps above. In step 4
- just add one extra line for each new program.
- Note for MS-DOS users
- ---------------------
- If you use the MS-DOS version of MiniMenu, it is important that you designate
- a swap directory. MiniMenu swaps itself out of the conventional memory to
- make room for the chosen program. If there is no extended memory, it will
- swap itself to disk. When the user turns the computer off during the chosen
- program, a hidden file, containing the swapped MiniMenu program, is left
- on disk. To ensure that the disk is not slowly filled up because of this,
- you must do the following:
- - make a swap directory e.g.: mkdir c:\minimenu\swap
- - add the following lines to your autoexec.bat file:
- set SWAPDIR=c:\minimenu\swap
- attrib c:\minimenu\swap\*. -h
- del c:\minimenu\swap\*.
- Note for upgraders from version 1.0/1.1 to version 2.0
- ------------------------------------------------------
- - In your command file(s) you have to add semicolons to separate the items
- on the non-comment lines. This was necessary, because on some systems the
- รก did not show up correctly as a space character in the name on a button.
- - The utilities addicon.exe , listicon.exe, delicon.exe and icon2dat.exe
- can be deleted; MiniMenu now automatically takes care of the data file(s).
- - Submenu's should not be done anymore by recursively calling (w)menu.exe.
- Use the '@'-trick (see above) instead.
- Version history
- ---------------
- 1.0 (930112) : - initial release
- 1.1 (940919) : - added possibility to omit exit button in window
- - added SWAPDIR environment variable for MS-DOS version
- - improved error handling in MS Windows version
- 2.0 (950630) - added automatic (re)generation facility for data files
- - added Super VGA support in the MS-DOS version
- - improved submenu facility
- - improved placement of buttons in window
- - improved button handling in MS Windows version
- - made menu window full screen to keep the user from
- accidentally clicking outside the window
- - iconified menu window in MS Windows version while a
- chosen application is running
- Carel & Anneke Sicherer-Roetman
- SichemSoft VoF
- Roghorst 160
- 6708 KS Wageningen
- Netherlands