REM This settings file enables to K-Install to generate a settings file!
REM Run K-Install with a parameter of "MAKE" to use this settings file.
REM K-Install will prompt for several pieces of information about your
REM program, and then generate a basic settings file for it.
TITLE Basic Settings File
MSG Create a basic K-Install settings file
DIR C:\TEMP, , Enter directory where the ~NAME program and settings file are to be placed
INPUT 40, ?*, Program Title, Enter the full title of your program (eg My Program v1.2)
INPUT 80, *, Message, Enter the message to go at the bottom of the installation screen (eg a copyright notice)
INPUT 6, *, Disk Space, Enter the total disk space needed by your program in KB (eg 100)
INPUT 40, *, Default Directory, Enter the default directory when the user installs the program (eg C:\MYPROG)
INPUT 40, *, Program Name, Enter the name and extension of the main program if you want the user to be able to run it from the install program (eg MYPROG.EXE)
INPUT 40, *, Document File, Enter the name of any document file the user should be asked to read after installation (eg README.NOW)
INPUT 8, ?*, ~NAME Name, Enter the name you want to call your ~NAME program itself (eg SETITUP)