home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- (object 1 TableCellSchema
- (attribute attrName "name")
- (attribute columnWidth 15)
- )
- (object 2 TableCellSchema
- (attribute attrName "livingWith")
- (attribute displayName "Living With")
- (attribute columnWidth 15)
- )
- (object 3 TableCellSchema
- (attribute attrName "homeAddress street")
- (attribute columnWidth 25)
- )
- (object 4 TableCellSchema
- (attribute attrName "homeAddress city")
- (attribute columnWidth 15)
- )
- (object 5 TableCellSchema
- (attribute attrName "homeAddress state")
- (attribute columnWidth 10)
- )
- (object 6 TableCellSchema
- (attribute attrName "homeAddress zip")
- (attribute columnWidth 7)
- )
- (object 7 TableCellSchema
- (attribute attrName "homeAddress country")
- (attribute columnWidth 8)
- )
- (object 10 TableSchema
- (attribute tableName "Person Home Address List")
- (attribute objectClassName "Person")
- (attribute tableCellSet (GiSet 1 2 3 4 5 6 7) )
- )
- (object 11 TableCellSchema
- (attribute attrName "name")
- (attribute columnWidth 15)
- )
- (object 12 TableCellSchema
- (attribute attrName "workingWith")
- (attribute displayName "Working With")
- (attribute columnWidth 15)
- )
- (object 13 TableCellSchema
- (attribute attrName "companyName")
- (attribute columnWidth 10)
- )
- (object 14 TableCellSchema
- (attribute attrName "workAddress street")
- (attribute columnWidth 25)
- )
- (object 15 TableCellSchema
- (attribute attrName "workAddress city")
- (attribute displayName "City")
- (attribute columnWidth 15)
- )
- (object 16 TableCellSchema
- (attribute attrName "workAddress state")
- (attribute columnWidth 10)
- )
- (object 17 TableCellSchema
- (attribute attrName "workAddress zip")
- (attribute columnWidth 7)
- )
- (object 18 TableCellSchema
- (attribute attrName "workAddress country")
- (attribute columnWidth 8)
- )
- (object 20 TableSchema
- (attribute tableName "Person Work Address List")
- (attribute objectClassName "Person")
- (attribute tableCellSet (GiSet 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18))
- )
- (object 21 TableCellSchema
- (attribute attrName "name")
- (attribute columnWidth 15)
- )
- (object 22 TableCellSchema
- (attribute attrName "alias")
- (attribute columnWidth 10)
- )
- (object 23 TableCellSchema
- (attribute attrName "emailSet emailAddress")
- (attribute columnWidth 30)
- )
- (object 24 TableCellSchema
- (attribute attrName "emailSet emailType")
- (attribute columnWidth 10)
- )
- (object 30 TableSchema
- (attribute tableName "Person Email List")
- (attribute objectClassName "Person")
- (attribute tableCellSet (GiSet 21 22 23 24))
- )
- (object 31 TableCellSchema
- (attribute attrName "name")
- (attribute columnWidth 15)
- )
- (object 32 TableCellSchema
- (attribute attrName "livingWith")
- (attribute displayName "Living With")
- (attribute columnWidth 15)
- )
- (object 33 TableCellSchema
- (attribute attrName "spouse")
- (attribute displayName "Spouse")
- (attribute columnWidth 15)
- )
- (object 34 TableCellSchema
- (attribute attrName "homeTelSet phoneNumber")
- (attribute displayName "Home Phone")
- (attribute columnWidth 10)
- )
- (object 35 TableCellSchema
- (attribute attrName "workTelSet phoneNumber")
- (attribute displayName "Work Phone")
- (attribute columnWidth 10)
- )
- (object 36 TableCellSchema
- (attribute attrName "homeFaxSet phoneNumber")
- (attribute displayName "Home Fax")
- (attribute columnWidth 10)
- )
- (object 37 TableCellSchema
- (attribute attrName "workFaxSet phoneNumber")
- (attribute displayName "Work Fax")
- (attribute columnWidth 10)
- )
- (object 40 TableSchema
- (attribute tableName "Person Tel/Fax List")
- (attribute objectClassName "Person")
- (attribute tableCellSet (GiSet 31 32 33 34 35 36 37))
- )
- (object 41 TableCellSchema
- (attribute attrName "name")
- (attribute columnWidth 15)
- )
- (object 42 TableCellSchema
- (attribute attrName "birthDate")
- (attribute columnWidth 13)
- )
- (object 43 TableCellSchema
- (attribute attrName "marriageDate")
- (attribute columnWidth 13)
- )
- (object 50 TableSchema
- (attribute tableName "Birth/Marriage Date List")
- (attribute objectClassName "Person")
- (attribute tableCellSet (GiSet 41 42 43))
- )
- (object 51 TableCellSchema
- (attribute attrName "name")
- (attribute columnWidth 15)
- )
- (object 52 TableCellSchema
- (attribute attrName "sex")
- (attribute displayName "Sex")
- (attribute columnWidth 8)
- )
- (object 53 TableCellSchema
- (attribute attrName "spouse")
- (attribute displayName "Spouse")
- (attribute columnWidth 15)
- )
- (object 54 TableCellSchema
- (attribute attrName "father")
- (attribute displayName "Father")
- (attribute columnWidth 15)
- )
- (object 55 TableCellSchema
- (attribute attrName "mother")
- (attribute displayName "Mother")
- (attribute columnWidth 15)
- )
- (object 60 TableSchema
- (attribute tableName "Family Relations")
- (attribute objectClassName "Person")
- (attribute tableCellSet (GiSet 51 52 53 54 55))
- )
- (object 61 TableCellSchema
- (attribute attrName "businessName")
- (attribute columnWidth 15)
- )
- (object 62 TableCellSchema
- (attribute attrName "additionalName")
- (attribute columnWidth 15)
- )
- (object 63 TableCellSchema
- (attribute attrName "address street")
- (attribute columnWidth 18)
- )
- (object 64 TableCellSchema
- (attribute attrName "address city")
- (attribute displayName "City")
- (attribute columnWidth 10)
- )
- (object 65 TableCellSchema
- (attribute attrName "address state")
- (attribute columnWidth 5)
- )
- (object 66 TableCellSchema
- (attribute attrName "address zip")
- (attribute columnWidth 7)
- )
- (object 67 TableCellSchema
- (attribute attrName "address country")
- (attribute columnWidth 7)
- )
- (object 70 TableSchema
- (attribute tableName "Business Address List")
- (attribute objectClassName "Business")
- (attribute tableCellSet (GiSet 61 62 63 64 65 66 67))
- )
- (object 71 TableCellSchema
- (attribute attrName "businessName")
- (attribute columnWidth 15)
- )
- (object 72 TableCellSchema
- (attribute attrName "additionalName")
- (attribute columnWidth 15)
- )
- (object 73 TableCellSchema
- (attribute attrName "telSet phoneNumber")
- (attribute displayName "Tel")
- (attribute columnWidth 10)
- )
- (object 74 TableCellSchema
- (attribute attrName "faxSet phoneNumber")
- (attribute displayName "Fax")
- (attribute columnWidth 10)
- )
- (object 75 TableCellSchema
- (attribute attrName "emailSet emailAddress")
- (attribute columnWidth 15)
- )
- (object 76 TableCellSchema
- (attribute attrName "emailSet emailType")
- (attribute columnWidth 8)
- )
- (object 80 TableSchema
- (attribute tableName "Business Tel/Fax/Email List")
- (attribute objectClassName "Business")
- (attribute tableCellSet (GiSet 71 72 73 74 75 76))
- )
- (object 81 TableCellSchema
- (attribute attrName "name")
- (attribute columnWidth 15)
- )
- (object 82 TableCellSchema
- (attribute attrName "comments")
- (attribute columnWidth 15)
- )
- (object 90 TableSchema
- (attribute tableName "Group List")
- (attribute objectClassName "Group")
- (attribute tableCellSet (GiSet 81 82))
- )
- (object 101 ReportSchema
- (attribute reportName "Home Address Labels")
- (attribute objectClassName "Person")
- (attribute rule "$(name)\n#(homeAddress:$(street)\n$(city), $(state) $(zip)\n$(country)\n)")
- (attribute colWidth 3600)
- (attribute rowHeightMaxText giTrue)
- (attribute interColSpacing 288)
- (attribute interRowSpacing 288)
- (attribute numCols 2)
- (attribute paperWidth 12240)
- (attribute paperHeight 15840)
- (attribute leftMargin 1080)
- (attribute rightMargin 1080)
- (attribute topMargin 1080)
- (attribute bottomMargin 1080)
- )
- (object 102 ReportSchema
- (attribute reportName "Home Address With Phone Number Labels")
- (attribute objectClassName "Person")
- (attribute rule "$(name)\n#(homeAddress:$(street)\n$(city),$(state)$(zip)\n$(country)\n)#(homeTelSet:Tel: $(phoneNumber) (H)\n)")
- (attribute colWidth 3600)
- (attribute rowHeightMaxText giTrue)
- (attribute interColSpacing 288)
- (attribute interRowSpacing 288)
- (attribute numCols 2)
- (attribute paperWidth 12240)
- (attribute paperHeight 15840)
- (attribute leftMargin 1080)
- (attribute rightMargin 1080)
- (attribute topMargin 1080)
- (attribute bottomMargin 1080)
- )
- (object 103 ReportSchema
- (attribute reportName "Work Address Labels")
- (attribute objectClassName "Person")
- (attribute rule "$(name)\n$(companyName)\n#(workAddress:$(street)\n$(city), $(state) $(zip)\n$(country)\n)")
- (attribute colWidth 3600)
- (attribute rowHeightMaxText giTrue)
- (attribute interColSpacing 288)
- (attribute interRowSpacing 288)
- (attribute numCols 2)
- (attribute paperWidth 12240)
- (attribute paperHeight 15840)
- (attribute leftMargin 1080)
- (attribute rightMargin 1080)
- (attribute topMargin 1080)
- (attribute bottomMargin 1080)
- )
- (object 104 ReportSchema
- (attribute reportName "Work Address With Phone Number Labels")
- (attribute objectClassName "Person")
- (attribute rule "$(name)\n$(companyName)\n#(workAddress:$(street)\n$(city), $(state) $(zip)\n$(country)\n)#(workTelSet:Tel: $(phoneNumber)\n)#(workFaxSet:Fax: $(phoneNumber)\n)")
- (attribute colWidth 3600)
- (attribute rowHeightMaxText giTrue)
- (attribute interColSpacing 288)
- (attribute interRowSpacing 288)
- (attribute numCols 2)
- (attribute paperWidth 12240)
- (attribute paperHeight 15840)
- (attribute leftMargin 1080)
- (attribute rightMargin 1080)
- (attribute topMargin 1080)
- (attribute bottomMargin 1080)
- )
- (object 105 ReportSchema
- (attribute reportName "Business Address Labels")
- (attribute objectClassName "Business")
- (attribute rule "$(businessName)\n#(address:$(street)\n$(city),$(state) $(zip)\n$(country)\n)")
- (attribute colWidth 3600)
- (attribute rowHeightMaxText giTrue)
- (attribute interColSpacing 288)
- (attribute interRowSpacing 288)
- (attribute numCols 2)
- (attribute paperWidth 12240)
- (attribute paperHeight 15840)
- (attribute leftMargin 1080)
- (attribute rightMargin 1080)
- (attribute topMargin 1080)
- (attribute bottomMargin 1080)
- )
- (object 106 ReportSchema
- (attribute reportName "Business Address With Phone Labels")
- (attribute objectClassName "Business")
- (attribute rule "$(businessName)\n#(address:$(street)\n$(city), $(state) $(zip)\n$(country)\n)#(telSet:Tel: $(phoneNumber)\n)#(faxSet:Fax: $(phoneNumber)\n)")
- (attribute colWidth 3600)
- (attribute rowHeightMaxText giTrue)
- (attribute interColSpacing 288)
- (attribute interRowSpacing 288)
- (attribute numCols 2)
- (attribute paperWidth 12240)
- (attribute paperHeight 15840)
- (attribute leftMargin 1080)
- (attribute rightMargin 1080)
- (attribute topMargin 1080)
- (attribute bottomMargin 1080)
- )
- (object 201 ExportChoiceSchema
- (attribute target 0x01) // exportTargetCIM1x
- (attribute dataChoices 0x11) // email, email+fax
- (attribute objectClassNames "Person Business")
- (attribute dosRelativePath "addrbook.dat")
- (attribute rootDir "C:\CSERVE")
- )
- (object 202 ExportChoiceSchema
- (attribute target 0x02) // exportTargetCIM2x
- (attribute dataChoices 0x11) // email, email+fax
- (attribute objectClassNames "Person Business")
- (attribute dosRelativePath "support\addrbook.dat")
- (attribute rootDir "C:\CSERVE")
- )
- (object 203 ExportChoiceSchema
- (attribute target 0x03) // exportTargetTabTextFile
- (attribute dataChoices 0x20) // list data
- (attribute dataSource 0x01) // list
- (attribute dosRelativePath "list.txt")
- )
- (object 204 ExportChoiceSchema
- (attribute target 0x04) // exportTargetCommaTextFile
- (attribute dataChoices 0x20) // list data
- (attribute dataSource 0x01) // list
- (attribute dosRelativePath "list.txt")
- )
- (object 1001 OptionsSchema
- (attribute majorVersion 1)
- (attribute minorVersion 0)
- (attribute patchVersion 0)
- (attribute serialNumber 0)
- (attribute installNumber 784420930)
- (attribute autoOpenLastFile giTrue)
- (attribute shareHomeTelephone giTrue)
- (attribute shareHomeFax giTrue)
- )