Computerworld 1996 March
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475 lines
* ptmidsav.c: MOD-format saver module for ptmid. Takes a structure
* representing a tune and creates a file which contains that tune.
* Author: Andrew Scott (c)opyright 1994
* Date: 17/11/1993 ver 0.0
* 8/1/1994 ver 0.1
* 11/2/1994 ver 0.2
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "ptmid.h"
#include "samples.h"
** The midiperiod array allows quick conversion between MIDI note
** values and Protracker note values. All "out-of-bounds" values
** are given closest legal value.
unsigned midiperiod[128] = {
0, 1712,1712,1712,1712,1712,1712,1712,1712,1712,1712,1712,
1712,1616,1525,1440,1357,1281,1209,1141,1077,1017,961, 907,
856, 808, 762, 720, 678, 640, 604, 570, 538, 508, 480, 453,
428, 404, 381, 360, 339, 320, 302, 285, 269, 254, 240, 226,
214, 202, 190, 180, 170, 160, 151, 143, 135, 127, 120, 113,
107, 101, 95, 90, 85, 80, 76, 71, 67, 64, 60, 57,
57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57,
57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57,
57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57
* PutblanksPfile: Outputs as many null characters to a given file as
* is desired (max. 131). Inelegant solution.
void PutblanksPfile(FILE *pfile, int cch)
if (cch)
"\0\0", 1, cch, pfile);
* PutPfileSz: Outputs a string to a given file and pads it to the correct
* length by outputting null characters if necessary.
void PutPfileSz(FILE *pfile, Sz szT, int cch)
while (*szT && cch) {
putc(*(szT++), pfile);
PutblanksPfile(pfile, cch);
* WritePfile: Writes division information (sample, pitch, effect) to
* given file in the format specified by wModfmt.
* date: 2/7/1994 - added multi-format support
* 3/7/1994 - now aborts on write error
void WritePfile(FILE *pfile, unsigned bSam, unsigned wPit, unsigned wEff)
static int cNote = -1, irgchPos, Buffsiz;
static char *pchBuff;
if (-1 == cNote) {
irgchPos = 0;
if (1 == wModfmt)
pchBuff = (char *) malloc(cNote = Buffsiz = 4 * wMaxchan * DIVSPERPAT);
pchBuff = (char *) malloc(cNote = Buffsiz = 3 * wMaxchan * DIVSPERPAT);
switch (wModfmt) {
case 1:
wPit = midiperiod[wPit];
pchBuff[0 + irgchPos] = (bSam & 0xF0) | (wPit >> 8);
pchBuff[1 + irgchPos] = wPit & 0xFF;
pchBuff[2 + irgchPos] = ((bSam & 0x0F) << 4) | (wEff >> 8);
pchBuff[3 + irgchPos] = wEff & 0xFF;
cNote -= 4;
irgchPos += 4;
case 2:
if (0 < wPit)
wPit = wPit - 36;
pchBuff[0 + irgchPos] = ((bSam & 0x30) >> 4) | (wPit << 2);
pchBuff[1 + irgchPos] = ((bSam & 0x0F) << 4) | (wEff >> 8);
pchBuff[2 + irgchPos] = wEff & 0xFF;
cNote -= 3;
if ((irgchPos += DIVSPERPAT * 3) >= Buffsiz)
irgchPos -= Buffsiz - 3;
if (0 == cNote) {
if (0 == fwrite(pchBuff, Buffsiz, 1, pfile)) {
irgchPos = 0;
cNote = Buffsiz;
* PeiNextPtune: Given a pointer to a tune, will start using it if not
* already using one. Will return next event in quanta, else NULL.
* If it gets to the end of the tune, will set flag to false and will
* wait to be given a new tune.
EI *PeiNextPtune(Tune *ptuneMain, int *pf)
static Tune *ptune = NULL;
static unsigned long quant;
EI *pei;
if (NULL == ptune) { /** If first time called **/
if (NULL == ptuneMain) /** If no tune given, quit **/
return NULL;
*pf = 1;
quant = 0;
ptune = ptuneMain; /** Initialize tune pointer to start of tune **/
} else /** Else **/
quant++; /** Advance along tune 1 quantize fraction **/
if (quant < ptune->count) /** If haven't reached next event **/
return NULL; /** return nothing-happening **/
pei = ptune->pei; /** Otherwise note next event **/
if ((ptune = ptune->ptune) == NULL) /** If no more events **/
*pf = 0; /** register end of tune **/
return pei; /** Return that event **/
* Convqpm: Converts a given qpm number into a double tempo thingy.
void Convqpm(unsigned qpm, int rgbTempo[2], int ticks)
if (792 / ticks <= qpm && 6144 / ticks - 1 >= qpm) {
rgbTempo[0] = ticks; /** If can use current ticks/div, do so **/
rgbTempo[1] = qpm * ticks / 24;
} else if (33 > qpm) /** Else if qpm is very small **/
if (26 > qpm) { /** approximate it **/
rgbTempo[0] = 31;
rgbTempo[1] = 33;
} else {
rgbTempo[0] = 31;
rgbTempo[1] = qpm * 31 / 24;
else if (6144 <= qpm) { /** Else if qpm is very big **/
rgbTempo[0] = 1; /** approximate it too **/
rgbTempo[1] = 255;
} else { /** Else look for closest fraction **/
int j, k, kMax;
double ratio, junk;
ratio = qpm / 24.0;
j = k = 791 / qpm + 1; /** I hope these constraints are Ok **/
kMax = 6143 / qpm;
while (k++ < kMax)
if (fabs(modf(ratio * k, &junk) - 0.5) >
fabs(modf(ratio * j, &junk) - 0.5))
j = k;
rgbTempo[0] = j;
rgbTempo[1] = j * ratio + 0.5;
* PutpatternsPtunePfile: Given an output file and a tune, will output the
* tune as standard Protracker patterns. wMaxchan determines number of
* channels per division. wPatmax determines maximum number of patterns
* to write before terminating.
* date: 3/7/1994 - quiet samples now play sample 0 rather than sample 31
int PutpatternsPtunePfile(Tune *ptune, FILE *pfile)
int iT, iT2, wPat = 0, cDiv, ipw, ipwMax, fGoing;
unsigned *pwLen, pwNote[3 * MAXCHANS], rgbTempo[2] = {6,125};
unsigned wNewtempo = 120;
unsigned long cDev = 0;
EI *pei;
pwLen = (unsigned *) calloc(MAXCHANS, sizeof(unsigned));
pei = PeiNextPtune(ptune, &fGoing); /** Get first event **/
ipw = wMaxchan;
ipwMax = wMaxchan * 3;
for (wPat = 0; fGoing; wPat++) { /** Loop until told to stop **/
if (wPat == wPatmax) { /** If pattern limit reached, stop **/
Error("Warning -- Pattern limit %d reached. Aborting!", wPatmax);
for (cDiv = 64; cDiv--; ) { /** For each division in a pattern **/
memset(pwNote, 0, ipwMax * sizeof(unsigned)); /** Clear next notes **/
for (iT = wMaxchan; iT--; ) /** With any currently playing notes **/
if (pwLen[iT])
if (0 == --pwLen[iT]) { /** Check if just stopped **/
pwNote[iT2 = iT * 3] = 0; /** Yes.. store quiet command **/
pwNote[iT2 + 2] = 0xC00;
if (fGoing) { /** If still going in the tune **/
for (; NULL != pei; pei = pei->pei) /** For each event at this position **/
if (-1 != pei->pitch) { /** If note-event **/
if (-2 != pei->pitch) { /** which is valid **/
iT = ipwMax - 1; /*** Find channel to stick note ***/
for (; 0 < iT && 0xC00 != pwNote[iT]; iT -= 3);
if (0 > iT) {
for (iT = ipw; iT--; )
if (0 == pwLen[iT])
if (0 > iT) {
for (iT = wMaxchan; iT-- > ipw; )
if (0 == pwLen[iT])
if (0 > iT) {
iT2 = (unsigned) pei->effect / 2;
for (iT = wMaxchan; iT--; )
if (iT2 <= pwLen[iT])
if (0 > iT) {
if (--ipw < 0)
ipw = wMaxchan - 1;
iT = iT * 3 + 2;
pwNote[iT - 2] = pei->inst + 1; /*** Store note ***/
if (fStats && 0 != pwNote[iT - 1])
pwNote[iT - 1] = pei->pitch;
if (pei->vol != rgmsDecided[pei->inst].bDefvol)
pwNote[iT] = 0xC00 + pei->vol;
pwNote[iT] = 0;
pwLen[iT / 3] = (unsigned) pei->effect;
} else /** Else store new tempo **/
wNewtempo = (unsigned) pei->effect;
pei = PeiNextPtune(NULL, &fGoing);
if (0 != wNewtempo) { /** If need to set a tempo this division **/
int rgbNew[2];
Convqpm(wNewtempo, rgbNew, rgbTempo[0]); /** Find protracker equivalent **/
if (rgbNew[0] != rgbTempo[0] || rgbNew[1] != rgbTempo[1]) {
for (iT = ipwMax - 1; iT > 0; iT -= 3) /** Find a channel for it **/
if (0 == pwNote[iT])
if (iT < 0) { /** If no channel.. damn. Have to replace something **/
unsigned bMin = -1, bTest;
for (iT2 = ipwMax - 1; iT2 > 0; iT2 -= 3) {
bTest = abs((pwNote[iT2] & 0xFF) - rgmsDecided[pwNote[iT2 - 2] - 1].bDefvol);
if (bTest < bMin) {
bMin = bTest;
iT = iT2; /** Find best thing to replace **/
if (rgbNew[0] != rgbTempo[0])
if (rgbNew[1] != rgbTempo[1]) { /** If need two places **/
pwNote[iT] = 0xFFF;
for (iT2 = ipwMax - 1; iT2 > 0; iT2 -= 3) /** Find a channel **/
if (0 == pwNote[iT2])
if (iT2 < 0) { /** No channels.. use different new tempo **/
iT2 = rgbNew[1] * rgbTempo[0] / rgbNew[0];
if (255 < iT2)
if (280 < iT2)
iT2 = 0;
iT2 = 255;
else if (33 > iT2)
if (30 > iT2)
iT2 = 33;
iT2 = 0;
if (0 != iT2) { /** If we can allow for ~10% bpm variance **/
pwNote[iT] = 0xF00 + iT2; /** then use it **/
rgbTempo[1] = iT2;
} else { /** Else try to find a ticks value **/
iT2 = rgbNew[0] * rgbTempo[1] / rgbNew[1];
if (0 == iT2)
iT2 = 1;
else if (32 < iT2)
iT2 = 32;
pwNote[iT] = 0xF00 + iT2; /** and use it **/
rgbTempo[0] = iT2;
} else {
pwNote[iT] = 0xF00 + rgbNew[0]; /** Store 2 value tempo **/
rgbTempo[0] = rgbNew[0];
pwNote[iT2] = 0xF00 + rgbNew[1];
rgbTempo[1] = rgbNew[1];
} else {
pwNote[iT] = 0xF00 + rgbNew[0]; /** Store just ticks/div **/
rgbTempo[0] = rgbNew[0];
else {
pwNote[iT] = 0xF00 + rgbNew[1]; /** Store just bpm **/
rgbTempo[1] = rgbNew[1];
wNewtempo = 0;
for (iT = ipwMax - 1; iT > 0; iT -= 3) /** Write division to file **/
WritePfile(pfile, pwNote[iT - 2], pwNote[iT - 1], pwNote[iT]);
if (fStats)
printf(" Number of dropped notes: %lu\n", cDev);
return wPat; /** Return number of patterns written **/
* SavePtunePfile: Given an output file and a tune, will output the tune to
* the file using module format specified by wModfmt.
* date: 30/6/1994 - added call to LenOutPfileFn
* 2/7/1994 - added MTM saving
void SavePtunePfile(Tune *ptune, FILE *pfile)
int iT, cPatterns, cSamps;
unsigned rgwSampsiz[MAXSAMPS], wT;
long Patternpos;
SI *psi;
if (2 == wModfmt)
fwrite("MTM\20", 1, 4, pfile);
PutPfileSz(pfile, szTitle, 20); /** Write title **/
if (2 == wModfmt)
PutblanksPfile(pfile, 6);
for (cSamps = 0; cSamps < MAXSAMPS; cSamps++)
if (NULL == rgmsDecided[cSamps].psi)
if (2 == wModfmt) {
putc(cSamps, pfile);
putc(0, pfile);
putc(DIVSPERPAT, pfile);
putc(wMaxchan, pfile);
"\0\17\0\17\0\17", 1, 32, pfile); /** Write pan positions **/
for (iT = 0; iT < cSamps; iT++) { /** Write sample info **/
PutPfileSz(pfile, rgmsDecided[iT].szName, 22);
psi = rgmsDecided[iT].psi;
switch (wModfmt) {
case 1:
putc(0, pfile);
putc(0, pfile);
putc(psi->bFinetune & 0x0F, pfile);
putc(rgmsDecided[iT].bDefvol, pfile);
putc(psi->wLppos >> 8, pfile);
putc(psi->wLppos & 0xFF, pfile);
putc(psi->wLplen >> 8, pfile);
putc(psi->wLplen & 0xFF, pfile);
case 2:
PutblanksPfile(pfile, 4);
wT = psi->wLppos;
putc((wT & 0x007F) << 1, pfile);
putc((wT & 0x7F80) >> 7, pfile);
putc((wT > 0x7FFF) ? 1 : 0, pfile);
putc(0, pfile);
wT += psi->wLplen;
putc((wT & 0x007F) << 1, pfile);
putc((wT & 0x7F80) >> 7, pfile);
putc((wT > 0x7FFF) ? 1 : 0, pfile);
putc(0, pfile);
putc(psi->bFinetune, pfile);
putc(rgmsDecided[iT].bDefvol, pfile);
putc(0, pfile);
if (1 == wModfmt)
for (iT = cSamps; iT < MAXSAMPS; iT++) { /** Write any blank samples **/
PutPfileSz(pfile, rgmsDecided[iT].szName, 22);
PutblanksPfile(pfile, 8);
Patternpos = ftell(pfile); /** Store start of pattern # table **/
if (1 == wModfmt) {
PutblanksPfile(pfile, 130); /** Write it as blanks **/
fwrite(szId, 4, 1, pfile); /** Write protracker id **/
} else
PutblanksPfile(pfile, 128);
cPatterns = PutpatternsPtunePfile(ptune, pfile); /** Write patterns **/
if (2 == wModfmt) {
int wT2;
iT = 1;
for (wT = cPatterns; wT--; )
for (wT2 = 0; wT2 < 32; wT2++)
if (wT2 < wMaxchan) {
putc(iT & 0xFF, pfile);
putc(iT >> 8, pfile);
} else {
putc(0, pfile);
putc(0, pfile);
fseek(pfile, 24, SEEK_SET);
wT = cPatterns * wMaxchan;
putc(wT & 0xFF, pfile);
putc(wT >> 8, pfile);
putc(cPatterns - 1, pfile);
putc(cPatterns - 1, pfile);
fseek(pfile, Patternpos, SEEK_SET); /** Go back to pattern # table **/
if (1 == wModfmt) {
putc(cPatterns, pfile);
putc(127, pfile);
for (iT = 0; iT < cPatterns; ) /** Write pattern numbers **/
putc(iT++, pfile);
if (!fQuiet)
printf("Writing %d samples: ", cSamps);
fseek(pfile, 0, SEEK_END);
for (iT = 0; iT < cSamps; iT++) { /** Write samples **/
psi = rgmsDecided[iT].psi;
rgwSampsiz[iT] = (unsigned) (LenOutPfileFn(pfile, psi->fnSample,
1 == wModfmt) / 2);
if (!fQuiet)
if (!fQuiet)
for (iT = cSamps; iT--; ) /** Write samples' lengths **/
switch (wModfmt) {
case 1:
fseek(pfile, 42 + 30 * iT, SEEK_SET);
putc(rgwSampsiz[iT] >> 8, pfile);
putc(rgwSampsiz[iT] & 0xFF, pfile);
case 2:
fseek(pfile, 88 + 37 * iT, SEEK_SET);
wT = rgwSampsiz[iT];
putc((wT & 0x007F) << 1, pfile);
putc((wT & 0x7F80) >> 7, pfile);
putc((wT > 0x7FFF) ? 1 : 0, pfile);