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- GrabIt Professional
- Version 3.1
- -------------------
- A Screen Capture Program
- for Microsoft Windows(tm)
- (c)Copyright 1990, 1991, 1992
- Software Excellence By Design Inc.*
- All Rights Reserved
- Software Excellence By Design Inc.*
- 107 East Paradise Lane
- Phoenix, AZ 85022
- (602)375-9928 Voice
- (602)375-9928 Fax
- Our BBS #'s Are:
- (602)375-0531 12-2400
- (602)375-9945 9600 V32 V42
- (*formerly Moon Valley Software)
- Table Of Contents Page
- ----------------- ----
- Introduction............................................................. 1
- GrabIt Pro Procedures
- ---------------------
- Capturing A Window....................................................... 2
- Capturing The Window Client Area Only.................................... 2
- Capturing A Selected Area Of The Screen.................................. 2
- Capturing The Entire Desktop............................................. 2
- Capturing A Selected Area Of A Child Window.............................. 3
- **Special Note On Child Window Capture................................... 3
- Capturing Menus With GrabIt Pro.......................................... 4
- Loading A Bitmap From Disk............................................... 4
- Saving A Captured Screen To Disk......................................... 4
- **Converting From One File Format To Another............................. 5
- Copying An Image To The Clipboard........................................ 5
- Pasting An Image From The Clipboard...................................... 5
- Printing A Screen Or Bitmap.............................................. 5
- **Image Scaling When Printing............................................ 5
- **Problems Printing A Bitmap Or Screen Capture........................... 6
- How To Obtain Technical Support.......................................... 6
- Software License Agreement..............................................7-9
- Registration Information.................................................10
- ** Denotes Items Of Special Information. Please Take The Time To Read This
- Information
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- GrabIt Pro User's Guide Page i
- Introduction
- ------------
- Thank you for taking the time to evaluate GrabIt Pro. You will find a great
- many uses for this program. It is both a screen capture program and a
- marvelous utility for working with your favorite graphics program.
- By using GrabIt Pro to capture and save the images you have created, you will
- save many megabytes of hard disk space since only the crucial information
- about your bitmap is saved to disk. This results in very small bitmap's
- that load faster and are much easier to view and store.
- Please keep in mind that GrabIt Pro is being distributed as Shareware.
- This gives you the opportunity to "try before you buy", just as a test
- drive in that new car you always wanted. But just as the car dealer needs to
- be paid for his efforts so do we!
- New Features In Version 3.1
- ---------------------------
- -> GrabIt has a new name: GrabIt Professional
- We felt that the many improvements made to this version warranted a new
- name.
- -> The program now uses the Multiple Document Interface so that you may
- work with a large number of screen captures at the same time, each in
- its own child window.
- -> You can now save a bitmap in both BMP and RLE format.
- -> Convert color images to monochrome
- -> View the attributes of a graphic before you open it.
- -> Capture a single window, client area only, or the entire desk top with
- a single command from the GrabIt Pro Menu. This is in addition to the
- standard selected area capture in version 2.01.
- -> Mark selected areas of child windows and create a new image from the
- capture without changing the original screen capture.
- -> A more complete Windows help file that should answer any question that
- may arise.
- -> The number of screen captures is limited only by your available system
- resources.
- The following files should be contained in your GrabIt Pro Archive:
- GRABPRO.EXE ----------> The Windows Executable Program.
- EBDCNTRL.DLL ----------> Our Custom Control DLL
- GRABPRO.DOC ----------> The program documentation (This Document)
- GRABPRO.HLP ----------> The Windows Help File
- REGISTER.FRM ----------> The shareware registration form.
- README.TXT ----------> Important information.
- REGISTER.TXT ----------> Registration Information
- VENDOR.TXT ----------> Shareware Vendor Information
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- GrabIt Pro User's Guide Page 1
- GrabIt Pro Procedures
- ---------------------
- Capturing A Window Only
- ----------------------------------
- To capture an entire Window follow the steps outlined below:
- 1. Select Entire Window from the Grab menu or press Ctrl + W
- 2. The GrabIt window will disappear and the cursor will change into a
- net with a crosshair.
- 3. Move the cursor to the Title Bar of the Window you wish to capture.
- 4. Click on the title bar.
- 5. The window capture will be displayed in a child window.
- Capturing The Window Client Area Only
- -------------------------------------
- To capture the window client area only (no caption bar) follow the steps
- outlined below:
- 1. Select Client Area from the Grab menu or press Ctrl + C
- 2. The GrabIt window will disappear and the cursor will change into a
- net with a crosshair.
- 3. Move the cursor to the client area of the window you wish to capture.
- 4. Click on the client area.
- 5. Your client area capture will be displayed in a child window.
- Capturing A Selected Area Of The Screen
- ---------------------------------------
- To capture a portion of the screen follow the steps outlined below:
- 1. Click on Selected Area from the Grab menu selection or press Ctrl + M
- 2. The GrabIt window will disappear and the cursor will change into a
- crosshair.
- 3. Move the cursor to the UPPER LEFT HAND CORNER of the area you wish to
- capture.
- 4. Press and hold down the LEFT mouse button.
- 5. As you move the mouse you will see that the area you are marking will
- be changed to inverse video.
- 6. When you have marked the area you wish to capture release the left mouse
- button.
- 7. The Image will now be displayed in a child window.
- Capturing The Entire Desktop
- ----------------------------
- To capture the entire Windows desktop follow the steps outlined below:
- 1. Select Desktop from the Grab menu or press Ctrl + D
- 2. The GrabIt window will disappear
- 3. The GrabIt window will re-appear
- 4. Your desktop grab will be displayed in a child window.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- GrabIt Pro User's Guide Page 2
- Capturing Selected Areas Of A Child Window
- ------------------------------------------
- You may need to capture only a portion of a screen grab or file opened
- from disk. Follow these steps to capture a portion of a child window.
- 1. Move the mouse cursor to the UPPER LEFT HAND corner of the image that
- you want to capture. Press and HOLD THE LEFT MOUSE BUTTON DOWN.
- 2. Drag the crosshair cursor to invert the area.
- 3. When you release the left mouse button the area you marked will remain
- inverted.
- 4. Press Ctrl + Ins to copy that area to the clipboard.
- 5. Now press Shift + Ins to copy the new image into a child window.
- 6. That's all there is to it! You now have a window that contains only the
- area you selected.
- 7. Save your new image to disk
- -> Special Note On Child Window Selected Area Captures <-
- ---------------------------------------------------
- When you mark an area of a child window the inverted rectangle will
- remain visible until you either click on the window again or select another
- window. You must clear the inverted rectangle in any child window before
- performing another screen capture operation. The program has set the focus
- to that rectangle so that you may copy and paste it. If you don't clear it
- before attempting another screen capture, it will be transferred to the
- windows desktop and become an inverted area in that window.
- So just remember to clear the inverted rectangle from the current child
- window before you do any further screen captures. Remember to clear it all
- you have to do is click anywhere on the child window where the rectangle is
- located, or click on any other child window.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- GrabIt Pro User's Guide Page 3
- Capturing Menus With GrabIt
- ---------------------------
- You may need to capture the pull down menus of another application for
- inclusion in program documentation or training manuals.
- Follow these steps to capture a menu.
- 1. Display the menu you wish to grab.
- 2. Press the Print Screen Key on your Keyboard ( Print Scrn)
- 3. Now switch back to GrabIt.
- 4. Press Shift + Ins to copy the entire contents of your print screen
- into a GrabIt child Window.
- 5. Now move the mouse cursor to the UPPER LEFT HAND corner of the image
- that contains the menu you want to save. Press and HOLD THE LEFT MOUSE
- 6. Drag the crosshair cursor to invert the area containing the menu.
- 7. When you release the left mouse button the area you marked will remain
- inverted.
- 8. Press Ctrl + Ins to copy that area to the clipboard.
- 9. Now press Shift + Ins to paste the new image into a child window.
- 10. That's all there is to it! You now have an image that contains only
- the menu you wanted to capture.
- 11. Save your new image to disk
- Loading A Bitmap From Disk
- --------------------------
- To load a bitmap from disk select File from the main menu and choose Open,
- or press CTRL + O. You can select a bitmap from the listbox, enter the
- drive and path to the bitmap you wish to load, or use the directory listbox
- to change to the directory where your bitmap is located and then select it
- from the listbox.
- To open the bitmap either select it from the listbox and click on Ok or press
- Enter. Alternately you can just double click on it to load the image.
- Saving A Captured Image To Disk
- -------------------------------
- Choose File Save from the main menu. Enter the file name of the bitmap in
- the edit field. You can convert between various formats by choosing the
- Options Button on the save dialog. The options are as follows:
- Bitmap Options Color Options
- Windows 3.X Bitmap Monochrome
- OS/2 2.0 Bitmap 16 Color
- 16 color RLE 256 Color
- 256 Color RLE 24 Bit Color
- For users making screen shots for documentation and other presentations,
- You can convert your screen shoots to monochrome on the fly by
- choosing the monochrome option when saving your screen grabs.
- The radio buttons are only functional for legitimate combinations of
- image and color options.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- GrabIt Pro User's Guide Page 4
- -> Please Note The Information Below
- -------------------------------------
- *** File Conversions ***
- Converting from one format to another. Don't convert 24 Bit or 256 color
- **bitmaps to monochrome when you are using a 256 color driver. This may
- result in a loss of portions of the image and could turn the image to solid
- black.
- You can safely convert 16 color bitmaps to monochrome when running a
- 16 color driver.
- You may have other conversion gremlins depending on the graphics card you
- have. Actually its a function of the drivers that came with your card that
- may cause you a problem. I use the standard 800X600 windows driver anytime
- I want to convert graphics from one format to another.
- This will eliminate many of headaches in the long run.
- Copying To And From The Clipboard
- ---------------------------------
- To copy text or graphics
- 1. Select the area or the child window you want to copy.
- 2. Choose Edit Copy or press Ctrl+Ins.
- 3. Choose Edit Paste or press Shift+Ins.
- To paste text or graphics
- 1. Choose Edit Paste or press Shift+Ins. If the clipboard is empty you
- will receive an error message.
- 2. The pasted image will be displayed in its own child window. The title
- bar will say pasted, and will list the size of your pasted image.
- Printing A Screen Or Bitmap
- ---------------------------
- Laser Printers
- With GrabIt Pro you can print a screen or portion of a screen immediately
- after you have captured it. In addition you can load from disk and print
- any Windows bitmap. GrabIt Pro will render to shades of gray all of the
- colors it can to give you an accurate representation of your captured screen.
- This grey scale dithering applies to Postscript and PCL printers.
- Image Scaling
- -------------
- GrabIt Pro will size the image currently in its client area to the size of the
- current page defined in your printer setup. This means that very small
- bitmaps will be enlarged to 8 1/2 x 11" if that is the current page
- definition. This is done so that on full screen captures and images loaded
- from disk you will get a 1:1 aspect ratio printout. If you wish to print
- images in a smaller format, simply change your printer setup to reflect a
- smaller page size.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- GrabIt Pro User's Guide Page 5
- Printer Problems
- If you have a problem printing a bitmap, and you are using a HP LaserJet
- printer be sure that you obtain the new windows 3.1 HP Laserjet driver that
- is on the windows supplemental drivers disk.
- Technical Support
- -----------------
- If you are having trouble with GrabIt you have the following help options
- available to you.
- Shareware Evaluation Users
- --------------------------
- There is no voice tech support available for shareware evaluation users.
- 1. You can get help by calling our BBS at 602-375-0531 (2400 Baud) or
- 602-375-9945 (9600 Baud). Leave a message to the sysop stating your
- problem. You will have an answer in a few days.
- 2. You can Fax us with your problem at 602-375-9928. We will return your
- answer by Fax only so be sure to include your fax number with your
- tech support question.
- 3. You can leave a message in our compuserve mailbox.
- Our CIS ID number is 72200,576
- Registered Users
- ----------------
- You can use the options outlined above, and you can get direct phone
- help. Before you call for help YOU MUST HAVE YOUR REGISTRATION NUMBER READY.
- It will be the first thing we will ask you for when you call.
- The tech support phone number is 602-375-9928 and is available from
- 9:00 am until 3:00 pm Monday - Friday.
- Please Note: Arizona is on Mountain Standard Time All Year Long.
- When daylight savings is in effect we are the same time as the West Coast.
- The rest of the year we are on the same time as Denver, 1 hour later than
- the west coast.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- GrabIt Pro User's Guide Page 6
- GrabIt Pro License Agreement
- Effective 09-22-92
- ---------------------------
- License Agreement
- -----------------
- No part of this document or the program documentation may be reproduced,
- transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into
- any language (natural or binary), in any form or by any means, except as
- described in the following license agreement or without the express prior
- written consent of Software Excellence By Design Inc.
- The use of GrabIt Pro is subject to the following terms and
- conditions.
- Title To The Licensed Software
- ------------------------------
- Title to the licensed software is NOT transferred or sold to the end user.
- The end user is granted a non-exclusive license to use the software
- on a SINGLE computer or computer work station. EACH computer or computer
- work station must have its own licensed copy of the software.
- Copyright Protection
- --------------------
- GrabIt Pro is copyrighted material. It is protected by the copyright laws
- of the United States, the State of Arizona, and other proprietary rights
- of Software Excellence By Design Inc. You may not make any changes or
- modifications to GrabIt Pro or this manual. You may not decompile,
- disassemble, or otherwise reverse-engineer the software in any way.
- You may make copies of GrabIt Pro only under the terms of the section
- entitled "Limited License To Copy The Licensed Software".
- You may use GrabIt Pro on a fourteen (14) day trial basis only, provided
- you do not violate the protection afforded the licensed software by the
- copyright laws, and you agree to the terms of the license agreement.
- If you use GrabIt Pro past the 14 day evaluation period you are
- required to purchase it.
- Limited Warranty
- ----------------
- Software Excellence By Design does not warrant that the licensed software
- will meet your requirements or that the operation of the software will be
- uninterrupted or error free. The warranty does not cover any media or
- documentation which has been subjected to damage or abuse by you or others.
- The software warranty does not cover any copy of the licensed software
- which has been altered or changed in any way. In other words there is no
- warranty either implied or expressed.
- WARRANTIES. Some States do not allow limitations on how long an implied
- warranty lasts, so the above limitation may not apply to you.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- GrabIt Pro User's Guide Page 7
- Other Warranties
- ----------------
- The warranties set forth above are in lieu of any and all other express or
- implied warranties, whether oral, written, or implied, and the remedies set
- forth above are the sole and exclusive remedies.
- Limitation Of Liability
- -----------------------
- Software Excellence By Design Inc. is not responsible nor liable in anyway
- for any problems or damage caused by the licensed software that may result
- from using the licensed software. This includes, but is not limited to,
- computer hardware, computer software, operating systems, and any computer
- or computing accessories. End user agrees to hold Software Excellence By
- Design Inc. harmless for any problems arising from the use of the software.
- Software Excellence By Design Inc. SHALL NOT IN ANY CASE BE LIABLE FOR ANY
- POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Some states do not allow the exclusion or l
- imitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation
- or exclusion may not apply to you.
- In no case shall Software Excellence By Design Inc.'s liability exceed the
- license fees paid for the right to use the licensed software, or a sum no
- greater than one Dollar ($1.00), whichever is less.
- Limited License To Copy The Software
- ------------------------------------
- You are granted a limited license to copy GrabIt Pro ONLY FOR THE TRIAL
- USE OF OTHERS subject to the terms of this software license agreement
- described herein, and that the conditions described below are met:
- GrabIt Pro MUST be copied in an unmodified form and GRBPRO.ZIP MUST contain
- the following files:
- GRABPRO.EXE ----------> The Windows Executable Program.
- EBDCNTRL.DLL ----------> Our Custom Control DLL
- GRABIT PRO.DOC ----------> The program documentation (This Document)
- GRABIT PRO.HLP ----------> The Windows Help File
- REGISTER.FRM ----------> The shareware registration form.
- README.TXT ----------> Important information.
- REGISTER.TXT ----------> Registration Information
- VENDOR.TXT ----------> Shareware Vendor Information
- -> No fee, charge or other compensation may be accepted or requested by
- anyone without the express written permission of Software Excellence By
- Design Inc.
- -> Public Domain Disk Vendors May NOT CHARGE a fee for GrabIt Pro
- itself. However you may include GrabIt Pro on a diskette for
- which you charge a nominal distribution fee. The purchaser of said
- diskette must be informed in advance that the fee paid to acquire the
- diskette does NOT relieve said purchaser from paying the Registration
- Fee for GrabIt Pro if said purchaser uses GrabIt Pro.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- GrabIt Pro User's Guide Page 8
- The statement of shareware registration requirements MUST be printed
- on a label, or other form, that is directly attached to the distribution
- media.
- -> Operators of electronic bulletin board systems (Sysops) may post
- GrabIt Pro for downloading by their users without written permission
- DOWNLOADING GrabIt Pro files without first obtaining the express
- written permission from Software Excellence By Design Inc. to charge
- such a fee.
- The above constitutes the license agreement for GrabIt Pro. It superceeds
- any and all previous license agreements.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- GrabIt Pro User's Guide Page 9
- Registration Information
- ------------------------
- Thank you for taking the time to find out how to register your copy of
- Grabit Professional. Please use the registration form enclosed. It is the
- register.frm file.
- When you register you will receive the following:
- 1. The most current version of the program.
- 2. Printed documentation.
- 3. You will be notified of any future upgrades by mail, and will be
- eligible for discounts on our other programs.
- 4. No more of those "pesky nagware screens".
- 5. You will be able to tell your computing associates that you like the
- program and that you registered it. In order for new and higher
- quality shareware to become available end user support is vital!
- 6. Get a one year free membership on our BBS at registration time if you
- remember to ask for it at the time you register.
- That's $120.00 worth of online time FREE!!!
- The registration fee for GrabIt Pro is $34.95 + $3.00 shipping in US Funds.
- We welcome Visa, MasterCard, checks, money orders, and
- foreign checks drawn on a US BANK. Total registration price is $37.95
- Questions or correspondence should be directed to:
- Software Excellence By Design Inc.
- 107 East Paradise Lane
- Phoenix, AZ 85022
- Voice (602) 375-9928
- Fax (602) 375-9928
- BBS (602) 375-0531 2400 Baud
- BBS (602) 375-9945 9600 Baud V32, V42
- CIS 72200,576
- To register your copy of GrabIt Pro, please use the file called REGISTER.FRM
- that is supplied with the program. If you wish, you can phone in your order
- using your Visa or Master Card Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm MST.
- The order phone number is 602-375-9502
- The registration fee is $34.95 + $3.00 Shipping -> $37.95 Total
- Any correspondence should be addressed to:
- Software Excellence By Design Inc.
- 107 East Paradise Lane
- Phoenix, AZ 85022 USA
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- GrabIt Pro User's Guide Page 10