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- /************************************************************************
- ************************************************************************/
- The following Agreement is a legal agreement between you (either
- an individual, party or entity), the end user, and WindowWear.
- If you do not agree to the terms of the Agreement, DO NOT USE
- 1) Copyright. The Software is owned by WindowWear or its
- suppliers and is protected by United States copyright laws and
- international treaty provisions. Therefore, you must treat the
- Software like any other copyrighted material (e.g., a book or
- musical recording) EXCEPT that you may (a) make one copy of the
- Software solely for backup or archival purposes, or (b) transfer
- the Software to a single hard disk provided you keep the original
- solely for backup or archival purposes.
- This product is not freeware. It requires the user to pay a registration
- fee in order to continue use. The receiver of the software is granted a
- limited 60 day evaluation license. Copyright 1992,1993 WindowMagic. All
- Rights Reserved. WindowMagic is a trademark of WindowWear.
- 4) No Other Warranties. Except as expressly stated herein, the
- Software is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind.
- WindowWear disclaims all other warranties, either express or
- implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of
- merchantability and fitness for a particular purposes, with
- respect to the Software, and the accompanying written materials.
- You, the user, bear all risk relating to the quality and
- performances of the Software.
- 5) No liability for Consequential Damages. In no event shall
- WindowWear or its suppliers be liable for any damages whatsoever
- (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business
- profits, business interruption, loss of business information or
- other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or inability to
- use this WindowWear product, even if WindowWear has been advised
- of the possibility of such damages. Because some states do not
- allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential
- or incidental damages, the above limitation may not apply to you.
- 6) U.S. Government Restricted Rights. The Software and
- documentation are provided with RESTRICTED RIGHTS. Use,
- duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to
- restrictions as set forth in Subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of The
- Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS
- 252.227-7013 or Subparagraphs (c)(1) and (2) of the Commercial
- Computer Software-Restricted Rights clause at 48 CFR 52.227-19,
- as applicable. Contractor/manufacturer is WindowWear, 401 NE
- Ravenna Blvd, #144, Seattle, WA, 98115.
- 7) Governing Law. This Agreement is governed by the laws of the
- State of Washington.
- 8) Effect of Agreement. This Agreement embodies the entire
- understanding of the parties with respect to, and supersedes any
- prior understanding or agreement, oral or written, relating to
- the Software.
- /************************END LICENSE AGREEMENT************************/
- WindowMagic is a utility that will let you easily assign an Icon to
- the Program Mangers Group or Application Icons. It also has a very
- useful Quick Launch feature. WindowMagic uses a drag & drop interface
- to make icon customization quick, easy and fun.
- Installation
- 1) Start Windows and select the Program Manager [File] & [Run] options
- then type SYSEDIT [RETURN]
- 2) Select the WIN.INI file from the group of windows
- 3) Add WMAGIC.EXE to the end of the "run=" line. Please make sure that it
- is at the END OF THE LINE! Be sure to include the directory name
- if you did not install WindowMagic into the \WINDOWS or \WINDOWS\SYSTEM
- directories, for example...
- run=\WMAGIC\WMAGIC.EXE or run=other programs \WMAGIC\WMAGIC.EXE
- Or alternatively you may place the WMAGIC>EXE in the Startup applications
- Group file. If you choose this option ignore steps 1 through 3.
- 4) Finally, quit and restart Windows to activate the program, or use
- the Program Manager [File] & [Run] menu items to start WindowMagic.
- /*************************************************************************
- *
- * Important for UPGRADING USERS!!!
- *
- * If you downloaded an early version of WindowMagic, it would be a good
- * idea to do a del \windows\wm*.* before unzipping the new files! A lot
- * of file names were changed.
- *
- * Be SURE to replace the run=WMDRIVER.EXE with run=WMAGIC.EXE in your
- * WIN.INI file (SEE ABOVE)
- *
- *************************************************************************/
- If you are reinstalling WindowMagic you may delete the CPALETTE.DLL
- & BWCC.DLL files. Be aware that other commercial programs may have
- also installed these two files, so you may want to back them up first.
- You may also delete the PMSUPER.DLL file on the Windows directory.
- PLEASE do this at the DOS prompt NOT in a DOS Box. That is to say
- don't do this with WindowMagic loaded!!!
- Also, Please note that since new files are being loaded you will have
- lost all of your previous Group icon selections. This won't happen in
- future releases.
- After re-installation: When you restart Windows, if you get a
- "WMDRIVER.EXE File Not Found" message, replace the line
- "run=WMDRIVER.EXE" in the WIN.INI file with "run=WMAGIC.EXE".
- (See above installation instructions)
- /*************************************************************************
- * How to use
- **************************************************************************
- WindowMagic uses a simple drag and drop interface. To use the utility
- select the [File] item from the Program Managers menu. You will notice
- an additional item on the menu.
- 1. Select [WindowMagic]
- You will be presented with a popup menu of all available choices
- for WindowMagic. Select "View Icon Palette" and then choose
- an .EXE,.DLL or .WMP file. Hint: try a .WMP first. The WMP file
- is located in the directory that you unzipped the program in.
- 2. The icons stored in the file you have choosen will be presented in
- a paletteized form. Simply click and hold the left mouse button when
- the cursor is over an icon you wish to use. Now drag the icon over a
- Program Manager group or Application icon and release.
- (The cursor will change from a circle/slash to a B&W icon
- when it is over a valid drop area.)
- 3. Once you get the hang of dragging and dropping icons, try Creating your
- own Icon Palette. With WindowMagic you can Import Icons from just about
- anywhere. Place several palettes on the screen and you're ready for
- hours of fun selecting, collecting, and mixing your own icon libraries!
- /***************************************************************************
- * *
- * NEW FEATURES!!!! *
- * *
- ***************************************************************************/
- 1 Palette Management functions are now fully active!!!
- 2 Icon Importing & Exporting are now fully functional !!!
- 3 QuickAccess & FastLaunch added to this version!!!
- ---------------------------------------------------
- Try it: click and hold your right mouse button over
- a minimized group icon. Select your favorite program and
- release the button. Or, select "Set FastLaunch" and highlight
- your most-used application. Double click (right button) the
- minimized Group icon and you're underway.
- Everybody seems to love this feature!
- 4 This version uses far less space than before, and has a
- register-by-phone option.
- To register your copy of WindowMagic send 19.95 + 5.95 SH to
- WindowWear
- 401 NE Ravenna Blvd #144
- Seattle WA 98115
- For VISA and Mastercard Orders, please call
- (206) 882-1530
- Register and you will receive:
- 1) 3800+ Palletized Icons in an organized format
- 2) Online Help
- 3) Any new features added to the product
- Look for more exciting new features in WindowMagic coming soon!
- P.S. If you don't register you may not be using the latest and
- greatest version. Register today!!
- ###