Computerworld 1996 March
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MarsIcon 2.7 - July 14th, 1994
What is MarsIcon?
MarsIcon is a MicroSoft Windows 3.x program that displays the current
view of the planet Mars in an icon. You can specify the icon's title to
display the current Central Meridian longitude, the number of hours and
minutes until the next CM crossing, and the time and/or date in *many*
different formats. You can also change the icon's background color and
rotation direction. MarsIcon even adjusts AUTOMATICALLY for daylight
savings/summer time for users in the United States, the UK, and Europe.
Installing MarsIcon
Simply use the Program Manager to create a New Program Icon in the group of
your choice and set the "Working Directory" to the subdirectory where you
installed the files. You can place MarsIcon in the subdirectory of your
choice, but the program MUST be able to find it's MARSICON.INI file. If it
cannot, then the About box will be displayed each and every time you start
the program. If you have trouble, you may also set the "Working Directory"
to your Windows subdirectory explicitly, or just leave it blank to have it
default to your Windows subdirectory. Just make SURE your MARSICON.INI file
can be found there. See the section "Troubleshooting" in the on-line help
system for more information.
I also recommend placing the Program Icon in the "Startup" group so it loads
every time you start Windows.
If you don't already have the file BWCC.DLL, make SURE you copy it to your
Windows system subdirectory and erase any other older copies of it. See the
file BWCC.TXT for more information.
On-line help
For more information about setting up MarsIcon and using it's many options,
please consult the on-line help system.