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- The Icon Librarian
- Version 1.0 April 8, 1993
- _______
- ____|__ | (tm)
- --| | |-------------------
- | ____|__ | Association of
- | | |_| Shareware
- |__| o | Professionals
- -----| | |---------------------
- |___|___| MEMBER
- Copyright (c) 1993 by Keith Ledbetter
- 4240 Ketcham Drive
- Chesterfield, VA 23832
- (804) 674-0780
- (6:00pm - 10:00pm Eastern Time)
- Tech Support BBS: Blue Ridge Express
- 804-790-1675
- 30 Phone Lines (2400 bd)
- Sub-board KEITHL
- ("J KEITHL")
- Email Addresses:
- Compuserve : 72240,1221
- America Online: kledbetter
- Program and Documentation are Copyright (c) 1993
- by Keith Ledbetter. All rights reserved.
- Portions (c) Borland International.
- The Icon Librarian was written with Borland C++ Professional.
- This program is produced by a member of the Association of
- Shareware Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the
- shareware principle works for you. If you are unable to resolve a
- shareware related problem with an ASP member by contacting the
- member directly, ASP may be able to help. The ASP Ombudsman can
- help you resolve a dispute or problem with an ASP member, but
- does not provide technical support for members' products. Please
- write to the ASP Ombudsman at PO. Box 5786, Bellevue, WA 98006 or
- send a Compuserve message via easyplex to ASP Ombudsman
- 70007,3536.
- Definition of Shareware
- Shareware distribution gives users a chance to try software
- before buying it. If you try a Shareware program and continue
- using it, you are expected to register. Individual programs
- differ on details -- some request registration while others
- require it, some specify a maximum trial period. With
- registration, you get anything from the simple right to continue
- using the software to an updated program with printed manual.
- Copyright laws apply to both Shareware and commercial software,
- and the copyright holder retains all rights, with a few specific
- exceptions as stated below. Shareware authors are accomplished
- programmers, just like commercial authors, and the programs are
- of comparable quality. (In both cases, there are good programs
- and bad ones!) The main difference is in the method of
- distribution. The author specifically grants the right to copy
- and distribute the software, either to all and sundry or to a
- specific group. For example, some authors require written
- permission before a commercial disk vendor may copy their
- Shareware.
- Shareware is a distribution method, not a type of software. You
- should find software that suits your needs and pocketbook,
- whether it's commercial or Shareware. The Shareware system makes
- fitting your needs easier, because you can try before you buy.
- And because the overhead is low, prices are low also. Shareware
- has the ultimate money-back guarantee -- if you don't use the
- product, you don't pay for it.
- Disclaimer - Agreement
- Users of The Icon Librarian must accept this disclaimer of
- warranty:
- "The Icon Librarian is supplied as is. The author disclaims all
- warranties, expressed or implied, including, without limitation,
- the warranties of merchantability and of fitness for any purpose.
- The author assumes no liability for damages, direct or
- consequential, which may result from the use of The Icon
- Librarian."
- The Icon Librarian is a "shareware program" and is provided at no
- charge to the user for evaluation. Feel free to share it with
- your friends, but please do not give it away altered or as part
- of another system. The essence of "user-supported" software is
- to provide personal computer users with quality software without
- high prices, and yet to provide incentive for programmers to
- continue to develop new products. If you find this program
- useful and find that you are using The Icon Librarian and
- continue to use it after a reasonable trial period, you must make
- a registration payment of $15 to Keith Ledbetter. The $15
- registration fee will license one copy for use on any one
- computer at any one time. You must treat this software just like
- a book. An example is that this software may be used by any
- number of people and may be freely moved from one computer
- location to another, so long as there is no possibility of it
- being used at one location while it's being used at another.
- Just as a book cannot be read by two different persons at the
- same time.
- Commercial users of The Icon Librarian must register and pay for
- their copies of the program within 30 days of first use or their
- license is withdrawn. Site-License arrangements may be made by
- contacting Keith Ledbetter.
- You are encouraged to pass a copy of The Icon Librarian along to
- your friends for evaluation. Please encourage them to register
- their copy if they find that they can use it. All registered
- users will receive a copy of the latest version of the Icon
- Librarian system.
- About the Program
- If you are a regular Windows user, then you have no doubt
- had to struggle to keep up with the multitude of icons available
- today. The Icon Librarian (Librarian) makes manipulation of
- these icons easy; you can categorize, delete, and choose icons
- from up to 100 user-defined categories (with up to 1,000 icons
- each) with intuitive drag-and-drop operations. The Librarian
- keeps its icons in space-efficient library files, so you'll save
- valuable disk space, too. Icons can be imported into your
- libraries from ICO, EXE, DLL, Norton Library, and PC Tools .ICL
- files.
- Developers will also find the Librarian very useful. It
- will allow you to keep your development icons in well-defined
- categories (buttons, hardware, etc.) without wasting disk space
- by having multitudes of small .ICO files on your hard drive.
- The Librarian works by keeping a master directory on your hard
- drive named \ICONLIB\. All of your library files (.TIL
- extension) will be stored here. In addition, a directory named
- \ICONLIB\IN_USE\ will also be created to hold any icons that you
- use with the "quick extract" features (more about this later).
- Installing the Librarian
- To install the Icon Librarian, copy the ICONLIB.EXE and
- ICONLIB.HLP files to the directory of your choice. Then, install
- the ICONLIB.EXE file into the program manager just as you would
- any other Windows program. Next, double-click on The Icon
- Librarian icon to load the program.
- The first time you execute the Icon Librarian, you will be
- presented with an "installation" screen. All you need to do
- here is to tell the Librarian which drive you'd like it to create
- the \ICONLIB\ directory structure on. Once you choose the drive
- letter and press the "Ok" button, the Librarian will do two
- things:
- 1. It will create the \ICONLIB\ and \ICONLIB\IN_USE\
- directory structure on the drive you selected.
- 2. It will modify your WIN.INI file to add
- [The Icon Librarian] section to the system.
- At this point, you will be presented with the Librarian's
- main screen. The screen will look bare at this point because
- you don't have any library files created yet. As an example,
- we'll create a library (i.e.: a "category") that consists of all
- of the icons from your \Windows\ subdirectory. Do these steps:
- 1. From the menu, choose "File/New Library" to create a new
- library file. You will be presented with a dialog box that
- allows you to (a) give this library a name, and (b) give its
- folder a color. Key in "Windows Icons" in the name field and
- pick a color of your choice. You can ignore the "filename"
- field; if you don't key a filename in, the Librarian will create
- one for you.
- 2. Double-click the left mouse button on the new "Windows Icons"
- folder that appeared in your main window. This will "open" that
- library.
- 3. In the icon window, choose "File/Import icons" from the menu
- bar. You will be presented with a file open box; navigate to
- your \Windows\ directory and select all of the available files by
- clicking on the "Select All" button.
- 4. You have just created your first icon library!
- 5. Repeat these steps to create libraries out of all of your
- existing icons.
- The "Preferences" Menu
- ----------------------
- Before we go any further, let's cover the "Preferences"
- menu. The preferences are divided into two categories: Library
- preferences and Icon preferences.
- Specify Icon Editor
- This option allows you to specify the icon editor that you
- want to use to edit icons. The only requirement is that the
- editor you choose must support filenames passed to it on the
- command line.
- Library / Confirm Deletes
- If this option is checked, the Librarian will prompt you for
- verification when you attempt to delete a library. Since
- deleting a library also deletes all icons in that library, it is
- highly recommended that you keep this option turned on.
- Library / Open Window upon Creation
- If this option is checked, the Librarian will automatically open
- up any new library that you create.
- Library / Color of New Folders
- This setting allows you to specify the default color to be used
- for libraries in the "File/New Folder" dialog box.
- Icons / Confirm Deletes
- If this option is checked, the Librarian will prompt you for
- verification when you attempt to delete an icon.
- Icons / Display While Importing
- If this option is checked, icons will be displayed in the library
- window as soon as they are imported. If you are importing large
- amounts of icons at one time, turning this option off will speed
- up the import process.
- Icons / Icon Spacing
- This option allows you to control the "white space" between
- each icon in the library window.
- Moving Icons
- ------------
- To start categorizing your Icons, you'll want to use the
- Librarian "move" function. All you need to do to move an icon
- to another library is to grab (click and hold the left mouse
- button) and then drag the icon to the new library. This can be
- accomplished in the following ways:
- 1. drop the icon in another open library window.
- 2. drop the icon on a closed library's "folder" in the
- main window.
- 3. drop the icon on an open library's minimized icon.
- Note: You can rearrange icons in a window by dropping them in
- another position within that window.
- Note: To make a copy of an icon, simply hold down the control
- key while dropping the icon.
- Note: To move multiple icons, hold down the SHIFT key while
- clicking on each icon to "mark" them.
- Using the Toolbar
- -----------------
- You use the Toolbar functions by dragging and then dropping
- an icon on any of the Toolbar icons. These tools perform the
- following functions:
- The Text Clipboard Tool
- -----------------------
- Dropping an icon on the text clipboard will cause two things
- to happen.
- 1. The icon will be saved as a .ICO file with a unique
- name in your \ICONLIB\IN_USE subdirectory.
- 2. The NAME of that icon file will be copied to the
- Windows clipboard.
- You're probably saying to yourself "OK, so what does this
- buy me?". If you think about it, how does Windows normally ask
- you for an Icon? That's right -- by the FILENAME. That's where
- the Librarian really shines. Any time you are asked for an Icon
- name (for example, in the "Change icon" dialog box in the Program
- Manager), you can simply open up the Librarian, find the icon you
- want, and the drag it to the "Text Clipboard" icon. This will
- cause the icon to be "extracted" and then copy the FILENAME of
- the icon to the Windows Clipboard. Then you just return to your
- text input box, press SHIFT-INSERT, and the full filename of the
- icon will be pasted into the text box.
- Let's take a normal example -- changing the icon of a
- Program Manager item. Here's the steps you'd take:
- 1. Start the Icon Librarian, and then "minimize" it to
- an Icon.
- 2. Single click on the item you want to change the
- icon for in the Program Manager.
- 3. Choose "File / Properties" from the Program Manager
- menu bar.
- 4. Click on the "Change Icon" button. (Notice here
- that the icon's filename is already highlighted).
- 5. Double-click on the Icon Librarian icon to bring it
- back to life.
- 6. Find the Icon you want to select, and then drag
- and drop it on the "Text Clipboard" icon. The
- Librarian will beep once to let you know the name
- has been copied into the clipboard.
- 7. Minimize the Icon Librarian again; this will return
- you to the Program Manager "change icon" dialog
- box.
- 8. Press SHIFT-INSERT to paste the icon's name into
- the dialog box.
- 9. Press OK twice -- all done!
- The Image Clipboard Tool
- ------------------------
- Dropping an icon on the Image Clipboard will copy the image
- of that icon to the Windows clipboard. This is useful if you
- want to get the icon into an image editor such as Window's Paint
- program.
- The Icon Editor Tool
- --------------------
- Dropping an icon here will cause the following actions to
- happen:
- 1. The icon will be extracted to a unique name in
- your \ICONLIB\IN_USE\ directory.
- 2. The icon editor that you have specified will be
- called so you can edit the icon.
- 3. After you exit your icon editor, The Icon
- Librarian will reload the icon from the file
- created in step 1.
- 4. The file created in step 1 will be deleted.
- Note: The Icon Librarian will be TOTALLY disabled until you
- exit your icon editor!
- The Diskette Tool
- -----------------
- Dropping an icon on this tool allows you to extract the icon
- from the Librarian file and save it to disk as a standard icon
- (.ICO) file. You will be prompted for the name to save the file
- under.
- The Trashcan Tool
- -----------------
- Surprise! Dropping an icon here will delete that icon from
- the library.
- The Information Tool
- --------------------
- Dropping an icon here will give you information about both
- the icon you dropped and the library in which that icon resides.
- Tips: Moving Your LIBRARIAN to a Different Hard Drive
- -----------------------------------------------------
- If you ever need to move your \ICONLIB\ directory to another
- hard drive, there's only a little work involved. In this
- example, we'll assume that you're moving it from drive C: to
- drive E:. You would perform these steps:
- 1. Exit Windows.
- 2. XCOPY c:\IconLib\*.* e:\IconLib\*.* /s /e
- 3. Delete the c:\IconLib directory.
- 4. Edit the WIN.INI file in your \WINDOWS\ directory.
- 5. In the [The Icon Librarian] section, change
- Path=C:\IconLib
- to
- Path=E:\IconLib
- Tips: Exchanging Libraries With Other People
- --------------------------------------------
- If you download or in some other way receive some .TIL files that
- you want to install with your own libraries, here are the steps
- you will need to take:
- 1. Copy the .TIL file(s) that you have received into
- your \ICONLIB\ directory.
- 2. Write down the filenames of the libraries.
- 3. Start up The Icon Librarian, and choose the
- "File / New Folder" option.
- 4. In the "filename" field, key in the name of the
- file that you wrote down in step 2 above. Don't
- key in the extension; it will always be .TIL. In
- other words, if the file is named CARTOONS.TIL,
- then key in "Cartoons" in the filename field.
- 5. Double click on the new library's folder, and the
- icons will appear.
- In Conclusion
- -------------
- I hope that you will enjoy using The Icon Librarian, and that it
- will help make your job of icon collection much easier. As
- always, I would appreciate hearing your comments about the
- program or suggestions for new ideas that you may have.
- You can contact me in any of the ways documented on the title
- page of this document. And, thanks again for supporting my
- Shareware products!
- Keith Ledbetter