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- Icon Chooser v1.2
- Released July 17, 1991
- _______
- ____|__ | (tm)
- --| | |-------------------
- | ____|__ | Association of
- | | |_| Shareware
- |__| o | Professionals
- -----| | |---------------------
- |___|___| MEMBER
- Written by Keith Ledbetter
- 4240 Ketcham Drive
- Chesterfield, VA 23832
- (804) 674-0780
- (6:00pm - 10:00pm Eastern Time)
- Tech Support BBS: Blue Ridge Express
- 804-790-1675
- 30 Phone Lines (2400 bd)
- Sub-board KEITHL
- ("J KEITHL")
- Electronic mail on GEnie : ORION.MICRO
- CompuServe: 72240,1221
- BIX : kledbetter
- Program and Documentation are Copyright (c) 1991 by Keith Ledbetter.
- All rights reserved.
- Portions (c) Microsoft Corporation. Chooser was written with Visual BASIC.
- Icon Chooser Page 1
- About the Program
- If you are a regular Windows user, then you have no doubt had to struggle
- to keep up with the multitude of icons (.ICO files) available today. The
- Icon Chooser is my solution to the problem. The Chooser makes manipulation
- of icons easy; you can easily categorize, delete, and choose icons from up to
- twelve different categories with intuitive drag-and-drop operations.
- The Chooser works by keeping a master directory on your hard drive named
- \CHOOSER\. There are twelve subdirectories under \CHOOSER\ which are
- named as followed:
- APPS application icons
- BUSINESS business icons
- BUTTONS buttons (for programmers)
- CARTOONS cartoons (how many Bart Simpsons do you have?)
- COMM communications
- DOCS documents
- DOS DOS-based icons
- GAMES the all-important games!
- HARDWARE hardware icons
- SPORTS sports icons
- TOOLS tools, utilities, etc.
- OTHERS a catch-all for all other icons
- Icon Chooser Page 2
- Installing the Chooser
- To use the Icon Chooser, you MUST have a copy of the Visual BASIC runtime
- library, which is named VBRUN100.DLL. This file is readily available on
- most BBS's. If you can't find it on your favorite BBS system, you can
- download it from CompuServe's MSLANG forum, Library #6. Once you download
- the VB runtime library, simply copy the VBRUN100.DLL file to your \WINDOWS\
- directory.
- To install the Icon Chooser, copy the ICO-CHZ.EXE file to the directory
- of your choice (I keep it in the \WINDOWS\ directory). Then, install it
- into the program manager like you would any other Windows program. Next,
- double-click on the Icon Chooser icon to load the program.
- The first time you execute the Icon Chooser, you will be presented with
- an "installation" screen. All you need to do here is to tell the Chooser
- which drive you'd like it to create the above directory structure on. Once
- you choose the drive letter and press the "Continue" button, the Chooser
- will do two things:
- 1) It will create the CHOOSER directory structure on
- the drive you selected.
- 2) It will modify your WIN.INI file to add the
- [Icon Chooser] section to the system.
- At this point, you will be presented with the Chooser's main screen.
- But, we can't do much at this point because none of your .ICO files are
- located in the new directory structure. You need to exit the Chooser
- and go to DOS so we can move your icon files to where the Chooser expects
- them to be.
- The easiest way to get going with the Chooser is to copy all of your
- .ICO files into one of the Chooser directories. I normally use the
- "business" directory. Once all of your icons are in this directory, you
- can then easily move them to the other categories with the Chooser. If
- all of your .ICO files are currently in one directory, you can accomplish
- this with the command:
- where x: is the drive letter you told the Icon Chooser when you installed.
- If your .ICO files are straying around all over your hard drive, then you
- could use my SST (Supersonic Search Tool) program to hunt them down and
- move them into the business directory.
- Icon Chooser Page 3
- Using the Icon Chooser
- Now we're ready to get down to business! After you've moved all of your
- .ICO files into the \business\ subdirectory, re-run Windows and open up the
- Icon Chooser. Double-click on the "Business" folder and you'll now see all
- of your icon files in the scrollable display area (I told you this would be
- fun!).
- The "Options" menu
- ------------------
- Before we get started, let's cover the "Options" menu. You find two
- important items under this menu: "Check Icon Integrity" and "Verify
- Deletes".
- The "Check Icon Integrity" is the most important thing to cover. There
- is a serious problem with Windows in that attempting to load an "illegal"
- icon normally results in the program terminating with a UAE ("Unrecoverable
- Application Error"). If you turn on the "Check Icon Integrity" option, the
- Chooser will actually read in EVERY SINGLE ICON and check its header to make
- sure that it looks like a valid icon. Any icon that the Chooser thinks is
- invalid will be displayed as a totally black box. When you first start
- using the Chooser, you should keep this option turned ON until you've
- deleted all of the "totally black" icons. Once you're assured that all of
- your icon files are valid, you should turn off the "Check Icon Integrity"
- switch. Turning this switch off greatly speeds up the Chooser's performance.
- If you ever get an "Unrecoverable Application Error" while paging through
- your icons, simply run the Chooser again with the integrity check turned
- on and look for the all-black icons, and then drag them to the trash can.
- The "Verify Deletes" option does exactly what it says -- when you drag
- an Icon to the trash can, the Chooser will ask you to verify the deletion if
- this menu item is checked.
- To move an Icon
- ---------------
- To start categorizing your Icons, you'll want to use the Chooser "move"
- function. All you need to do to move an icon to another category is to
- grab (click and hold the left mouse button) and then drag it on top of the
- folder you want to move it into. When you are "over" a valid target folder,
- you'll notice that the target folder is outlined and highlighted.
- To "Paste" an Icon
- ------------------
- You're probably saying to yourself "OK, so what does this buy me?".
- If you think about it, how does Windows 3 normally ask you for an Icon?
- That's right -- by the FILENAME. That's where the Chooser really shines.
- Icon Chooser Page 4
- Using the Icon Chooser
- Any time you are asked for an Icon name (for example, in the "Change icon"
- dialog box in the Program Manager), you can simply open up the Chooser,
- find the icon you want, and the drag it to the "Clipboard" icon. This will
- copy the FILENAME of the icon to the Windows Clipboard. Then you just
- return to your text input box, press SHIFT-INSERT, and the full filename of
- the icon will be pasted into the text box.
- Let's take a normal example -- changing the icon of a Program Manager
- item. Here's the steps you'd take:
- 1. Start the Icon Chooser, and then "minimize" it to
- an Icon.
- 2. Single click on the item you want to change the icon
- for in the Program Mangager.
- 3. Choose "File / Properties" from the Program Manager
- menu bar.
- 4. Click on the "Change Icon" button. (Notice here that
- the icon's filename is already highlighted).
- 5. Double-click on the Icon Chooser icon to bring it
- back to life.
- 6. Find the Icon you want to select, and then drag and
- drop it on the "Clipboard" icon. The Chooser will
- beep once to let you know the name has been copied
- into the clipboard.
- 7. Minimize the Icon Chooser again; this will return
- you to the Program Manager "change icon" dialog box.
- 8. Press SHIFT-INSERT to paste the icon's name into the
- dialog box.
- 9. Press OK twice -- all done!
- Moving Your CHOOSER to a Different Hard Drive
- ----------------------------------------------
- If you ever need to move your \CHOOSER\ directory to another hard drive,
- there's only a little work involved. In this example, we'll assume that
- you're moving it from drive C: to drive E:. You would perform these steps:
- 1. Exit Windows.
- 2. XCOPY c:\chooser\*.* e:\chooser\*.* /s /e
- 3. Delete the c:\CHOOSER directory.
- Icon Chooser Page 5
- Using the Icon Chooser
- 4. Edit the WIN.INI file in your \WINDOWS\ directory.
- 5. In the [Icon Chooser] section, change
- to
- Icon Chooser Page 6
- Keith Ledbetter's Software Catalog
- Keith Ledbetter's Software Catalog
- ----------------------------------
- Listed below is a chart of my other shareware and freeware utilities,
- along with the current version number of each. Also listed is the
- filename that you will find them under on BBS systems (please note that
- they may be different on your favorite BBS's, but it should help you at
- least get close to locating them). When you register one of my Shareware
- programs, you will receive a disk with all of these utilities on it.
- Filename Version Description
- ----------- ------- -------------------------------
- SST_53a.ZIP 5.2a The ultimate file-finder program. Until
- recently this was simply called "WhereIs".
- It's now been renamed to "Supersonic Search
- Tool" to avoid confusion with other programs.
- Shareware: $15
- LCD_31a.ZIP 2.1a "Led's Change Directory" is an intelligent
- directory changing program. This program was
- voted one of "the 10 best utilities of 1990"
- by the "Public (software) Library" magazine.
- Shareware: $15
- ICOCHZ12.ZIP 1.0 The ultimate Windows Icon Manager. Mangage
- all of your .ICO files with the Chooser's
- intuitive drag-and-drop design.
- Freeware: $0
- AV_12.ZIP 1.2 "Archive Viewer" is used to display the names
- of members of all of the popular archiving
- programs (ZIP, ARC, LHARC, PKARC, ZOO, PAK).
- No longer do you have to struggle remembering
- the syntax to 6 different archiving programs.
- Freeware: $0
- X_30.ZIP 3.0 "X: The Executioner" can save you a lot of
- disk space. X allows you to ZIP down those
- seldom-used-but-hard-to-delete .COM, .EXE,
- and .BAT files into one system "Command
- Library". You can then execute them easily
- by simply typing an "x" in front of the
- command line (eg: "x chkdsk c:").
- Freeware: $0
- ADMENU30.ZIP 3.0 If you own an Adlib Music card, you need this
- program. It allows you to ZIP down all of
- those .ROL song files you've accumulated, yet
- still play them with no extra effort! Uses
- a mouse-able, easy-on-the-eyes window system.
- Freeware: $0
- Icon Chooser Page 7
- Keith Ledbetter's Software Catalog
- DELDIR12.ZIP 1.2 "Delete Directory" allows you to delete an
- entire directory (and all directories under
- it) with one quick command. You will be
- shown totals of what you are about to delete
- and then be asked to confirm (the confirm
- process can be over-ridden from the command
- line).
- Freeware: $0
- DIRSIZ11.ZIP 1.1 "Directory Size Information" allows you to
- easily determine the total size (in both
- files and bytes) of any directory.
- Freeware: $0
- DUPICO10.ZIP 1.0 "Duplicate Icon Deleter" is for any Windows
- 3.0 user who has accumulated tons of icons.
- It will go through a directory and delete all
- duplicate icon images, regardless of what they
- are named.
- Freeware: $0
- TIMER10.ZIP 1.0 This program allows you to easily time the
- execution of any program. Simply use TIMER
- to invoke the command (eg: "timer chkdsk C:")
- and you will be shown, at the completion of
- the command, the elapsed time.
- Freeware: $0
- UNTAB10.ZIP 1.0 One of the fastest "un-tab" programs you will
- find. It takes the specified input file and
- copies it to the specified output file,
- replacing all tab characters with hard blanks
- (you specify the "tab size").
- Freeware: $0
- You can download all of these files from the Blue Ridge Express in
- Richmond, VA. This is the official tech support board for all of my
- software, and there's a special "Keith Ledbetter" message section where
- you can quickly get your questions answered. Once you log on, just do
- a "J KEITHL" to join my sub-board. First-time callers have access to
- both my message base and all of my download files. The Blue Ridge Express
- is a first-class BBS, with 30 phone lines; no need to worry about getting
- a busy signal! The number is:
- The Blue Ridge Express BBS
- 804-790-1675
- Icon Chooser Page 8
- Keith Ledbetter's Software Catalog
- All of my software can also be obtained from the following places:
- Alternative Personal Software
- 269 Springside Drive Suite C
- Hamilton, Ontario
- Canada L9B 1P8
- Tel: (416) 577-4068
- PC Assist Limited
- 4 Carruber's Close
- 135 High Street
- Edinburgh, EH1 1SJ
- Scotland
- Tel: 031-557-6432
- BroCo Software
- P. O. Box 446
- 3760 AK SOEST
- Holland
- Tel: 31-2155-26650
- John Warren
- Postfach
- 3920 ZERMATT, VS
- Switzerland
- BBS: (0228) / 476-111-06 (Swiss Telepac)
- End of document.