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- Town_______________________________State_____Zip_________ - _________
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- Where did you find this program______________________________________
- Processor: (circle one) 386 486 Pentium P6
- Memory: (circle one) 2MB 4MB 8MB 16MB+
- Disk Drive: (circle one) 720K 1.44M
- Shareware Funsol (25 games) Amt____X $23 = $__________
- Professional Funsol (113 games) Amt____X $28 = $__________
- Shareware Funpok (32 machines) Amt____X $18 = $__________
- Professional Funpok (192 machines) Amt____X $23 = $__________
- Shareware Inside World (Three levels) Amt____X $28 = $__________
- Professional Inside World (Ten levels) Amt____X $33 = $__________
- Superset! All three professional games Amt____X $73 = $__________
- Call discount if you called ahead subtract: $__________
- Total enclosed $__________
- Send payment to:
- The Softgame Company of Vermont Sales Dept.
- PO Box 841
- Barnard, VT 05031
- Please make checks payable to The Softgame Company of Vermont. All
- checks must be drawn on a U.S. bank. Checks or money orders will be
- accepted. The programs will be sent as soon as payment arrives.
- VT sales tax included.