Computerworld 1996 March
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C/C++ Source or Header
2,040 lines
Overlayed odds and ends that don't fit anywhere else.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#ifndef XFRACT
#include <process.h>
#include <dos.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <varargs.h>
#include "fractint.h"
#include "fractype.h"
#include "helpdefs.h"
#include "prototyp.h"
/* routines in this module */
void write_batch_parms(FILE *,char *,int);
#ifndef XFRACT
static void put_parm(char *parm,...);
static void put_parm();
static void put_parm_line(void);
static int getprec(double,double,double);
static void put_float(int,double,int);
static void put_filename(char *keyword,char *fname);
static void format_item(int choice,char *buf);
static int check_modekey(int curkey,int choice);
static int entcompare(VOIDCONSTPTR p1,VOIDCONSTPTR p2);
static void update_fractint_cfg(void);
extern int debugflag;
extern int xdots,ydots;
extern int cpu; /* cpu type */
extern int fpu; /* fpu type */
extern int iit; /* iit fpu? */
extern int video_type;
extern int askvideo;
extern char overwrite; /* 1 means ok to overwrite */
extern int fillcolor; /* fill color: -1 = normal*/
extern int inside; /* inside color: 1=blue */
extern int outside; /* outside color, if set */
extern double xxmin,xxmax,yymin,yymax,xx3rd,yy3rd; /* selected screen corners */
extern double sxmin, sxmax, sx3rd, symin, symax, sy3rd; /* zoom box corners */
extern double param[]; /* up to four parameters */
extern int finattract; /* finite attractor option */
extern int forcesymmetry;
extern int LogFlag; /* non-zero if logarithmic palettes */
extern int rflag, rseed;
extern int periodicitycheck;
extern int potflag; /* continuous potential flag */
extern int pot16bit; /* save 16 bit values for continuous potential */
extern double potparam[3]; /* three potential parameters*/
extern int fractype; /* if == 0, use Mandelbrot */
extern BYTE usemag;
extern long delmin;
extern int maxit; /* try this many iterations */
extern int invert; /* non-zero if inversion active */
extern double inversion[];
extern int decomp[];
extern int distest; /* non-zero if distance estimator */
extern int distestwidth;
extern int init3d[20]; /* '3d=nn/nn/nn/...' values */
extern char floatflag; /* floating-point fractals? */
extern int usr_biomorph;
extern char FormFileName[]; /* file to find (type=)formulas in */
extern char FormName[]; /* Name of the Formula (if not null) */
extern char LFileName[];
extern char LName[];
extern char IFSFileName[];
extern char IFSName[];
extern int bailout; /* user input bailout value */
extern char useinitorbit;
extern _CMPLX initorbit;
extern int display3d; /* 3D display flag: 0 = OFF */
extern int overlay3d; /* 3D overlay flag: 0 = OFF */
extern int loaded3d;
extern char readname[]; /* name of fractal input file */
extern int showfile; /* has file been displayed yet? */
extern int transparent[];
extern char preview; /* 3D preview mode flag */
extern char showbox; /* flag to show box and vector in preview */
extern int RANDOMIZE; /* Color randomizing factor */
extern int Targa_Out; /* Selects full color with light source fills */
extern int Ambient; /* Darkness of shadows in light source */
extern int haze; /* Amount of haze to factor in in full color */
extern char light_name[]; /* Name of full color .TGA file */
extern int previewfactor;
extern int BRIEF;
extern int RAY;
extern int xtrans;
extern int ytrans;
extern int red_crop_left;
extern int red_crop_right;
extern int blue_crop_left;
extern int blue_crop_right;
extern int red_bright;
extern int blue_bright;
extern int xadjust;
extern int eyeseparation;
extern int glassestype;
extern BYTE trigndx[];
extern int rotate_lo,rotate_hi;
extern int far *ranges;
extern int rangeslen;
extern char CommandFile[80];
extern char CommandName[ITEMNAMELEN+1];
extern char far CommandComment1[57];
extern char far CommandComment2[57];
extern char far CommandComment3[57];
extern char far CommandComment4[57];
extern char usr_stdcalcmode;
extern int calc_status;
extern double sxmin,sxmax,symin,symax,sx3rd,sy3rd;
/* Julibrot variables TIW 1/24/93 */
extern double mxmaxfp, mxminfp, mymaxfp, myminfp, originfp;
extern double depthfp, heightfp, widthfp, distfp, eyesfp;
extern int zdots;
extern int lastorbittype, neworbittype;
extern char *juli3Doptions[];
extern int juli3Dmode;
/* viewwindows parameters */
extern int viewwindow;
extern float viewreduction;
extern int viewcrop;
extern float finalaspectratio;
extern int viewxdots,viewydots;
extern int colorstate; /* comments in cmdfiles */
extern int colors;
extern int gotrealdac;
extern int reallyega;
extern char colorfile[];
extern int mapset;
extern char MAP_name[];
extern BYTE dacbox[256][3];
extern char far *mapdacbox;
extern int save_release;
extern char suffix[4096];
extern char s_cantopen[];
extern char s_cantwrite[];
extern char s_cantcreate[];
extern char s_cantunderstand[];
extern char s_cantfind[];
extern int calc_status;
extern struct videoinfo far videotable[];
/* fullscreen_choice options */
#define CHOICEMENU 2
#define CHOICEHELP 4
void miscovl_overlay() { } /* for restore_active_ovly */
extern char s_real[];
extern char s_imag[];
extern char s_mult[];
extern char s_sum[];
extern char s_zmag[];
extern char s_bof60[];
extern char s_bof61[];
extern char s_maxiter[];
extern char s_epscross[];
extern char s_startrail[];
extern char s_normal[];
extern char s_period[];
extern char *s_16bit;
extern char *s_387;
extern char *s_3d;
extern char *s_3dmode;
extern char *s_adapter;
extern char *s_afi;
extern char *s_ambient;
extern char *s_antialias;
extern char *s_askvideo;
extern char *s_autokey;
extern char *s_autokeyname;
extern char *s_background;
extern char *s_bailout;
extern char *s_batch;
extern char *s_biomorph;
extern char *s_biospalette;
extern char *s_brief;
extern char *s_bright;
extern char *s_centermag;
extern char *s_cga;
extern char *s_coarse;
extern char *s_colorps;
extern char *s_colors;
extern char *s_comport;
extern char *s_converge;
extern char *s_corecolor;
extern char *s_corners;
extern char *s_cr;
extern char *s_crlf;
extern char *s_crop;
extern char *s_cyclelimit;
extern char *s_cyclerange;
extern char *s_debug;
extern char *s_debugflag;
extern char *s_decomp;
extern char *s_distest;
extern char *s_dither;
extern char *s_ega;
extern char *s_egamono;
extern char *s_epsf;
extern char *s_exitmode;
extern char *s_exitnoask;
extern char *s_filename;
extern char *s_fillcolor;
extern char *s_filltype;
extern char *s_finattract;
extern char *s_float;
extern char *s_formulafile;
extern char *s_formulaname;
extern char *s_fpu;
extern char *s_fract001prn;
extern char *s_fullcolor;
extern char *s_function;
extern char *s_gif87a;
extern char *s_halftone;
extern char *s_haze;
extern char *s_hertz;
extern char *s_hgc;
extern char *s_ifs3d;
extern char *s_ifs;
extern char *s_ifsfile;
extern char *s_iit;
extern char *s_initorbit;
extern char *s_inside;
extern char *s_interocular;
extern char *s_invert;
extern char *s_iterincr;
extern char *s_julibrot3d;
extern char *s_julibroteyes;
extern char *s_julibrotfromto;
extern char *s_latitude;
extern char *s_lf;
extern char *s_lfile;
extern char *s_lightname;
extern char *s_lightsource;
extern char *s_linefeed;
extern char *s_lname;
extern char *s_logmap;
extern char *s_longitude;
extern char *s_makedoc;
extern char *s_makemig;
extern char *s_map;
extern char *s_maxcolorres;
extern char *s_mcga;
extern char *s_mdcorners;
extern char *s_miim;
extern char *s_mono;
extern char *s_noiit;
extern char *s_none;
extern char *s_noninterlaced;
extern char *s_numframes;
extern char *s_orbitdelay;
extern char *s_orbitname;
extern char *s_orbitsave;
extern char *s_origin;
extern char *s_outside;
extern char *s_overlay;
extern char *s_overwrite;
extern char *s_params;
extern char *s_parmfile;
extern char *s_passes;
extern char *s_periodicity;
extern char *s_perspective;
extern char *s_pi;
extern char *s_pixel;
extern char *s_pixelzoom;
extern char *s_play;
extern char *s_plotstyle;
extern char *s_potential;
extern char *s_preview;
extern char *s_printer;
extern char *s_printfile;
extern char *s_radius;
extern char *s_ramvideo;
extern char *s_randomize;
extern char *s_ranges;
extern char *s_ray;
extern char *s_record;
extern char *s_release;
extern char *s_reset;
extern char *s_rleps;
extern char *s_rotation;
extern char *s_roughness;
extern char *s_rseed;
extern char *s_savename;
extern char *s_savetime;
extern char *s_scalexyz;
extern char *s_showbox;
extern char *s_showdot;
extern char *s_smoothing;
extern char *s_solidcore;
extern char *s_sound;
extern char *s_sphere;
extern char *s_stereo;
extern char *s_symmetry;
extern char *s_targa_out;
extern char *s_targa_overlay;
extern char *s_textcolors;
extern char *s_textsafe;
extern char *s_title;
extern char *s_tplus;
extern char *s_translate;
extern char *s_transparent3d;
extern char *s_transparent;
extern char *s_type;
extern char *s_vesadetect;
extern char *s_vga;
extern char *s_video;
extern char *s_viewwindows;
extern char *s_warn;
extern char *s_waterline;
extern char *s_xaxis;
extern char *s_xyadjust;
extern char *s_xyaxis;
extern char *s_xyshift;
extern char *s_yaxis ;
char *s_yes = "yes";
char *s_no = "no";
char *s_seqs = " %s=%s";
char *s_seqd = " %s=%d";
char *s_seqdd = " %s=%d/%d";
char *s_seqddd = " %s=%d/%d/%d";
char *major[] = {"breadth","depth","walk","run"};
char *minor[] = {"left","right"};
FILE *parmfile;
#define PAR_KEY(x) ( x < 10 ? '0' + x : 'a' - 10 + x)
#ifdef C6
#pragma optimize("e",off) /* MSC 6.00A messes up next rtn with "e" on */
void make_batch_file()
static char far hdg[]={"Save Current Parameters"};
/** added for pieces feature **/
double pdelx;
double pdely;
double pdelx2;
double pdely2;
unsigned int j, pxdots, pydots, xm, ym;
double pxxmin, pxxmax, pyymin, pyymax, pxx3rd, pyy3rd;
char vidmde[4];
int promptnum;
int piecespromts;
int have3rd;
int i;
char inpcommandfile[80], inpcommandname[ITEMNAMELEN + 1];
char inpcomment1[57], inpcomment2[57], inpcomment3[57], inpcomment4[57];
struct fullscreenvalues paramvalues[18];
char far *choices[18];
int gotinfile;
char outname[81], buf[256], buf2[128];
FILE *infile;
FILE *fpbat=NULL;
char colorspec[14];
int maxcolor;
int maxcolorindex;
char *sptr, *sptr2;
int oldhelpmode;
oldhelpmode = helpmode;
helpmode = HELPPARMFILE;
strcpy(colorspec, "n");
maxcolor = colors;
if (gotrealdac && !reallyega)
/* if (maxit < maxcolor) remove 2 lines */
/* maxcolor = maxit; so that whole palette is always saved */
if (inside > 0 && inside > maxcolor)
maxcolor = inside;
if (outside > 0 && outside > maxcolor)
maxcolor = outside;
if (distest < 0 && 0 - distest > maxcolor)
maxcolor = 0 - distest;
if (decomp[0] > maxcolor)
maxcolor = decomp[0] - 1;
if (potflag && potparam[0] >= maxcolor)
maxcolor = potparam[0];
if (++maxcolor > 256)
maxcolor = 256;
if (colorstate == 0)
{ /* default colors */
if (mapdacbox)
colorspec[0] = '@';
sptr = MAP_name;
if (colorstate == 2)
{ /* colors match colorfile */
colorspec[0] = '@';
sptr = colorfile;
else /* colors match no .map that we know of */
colorspec[0] = 'y';
if (colorspec[0] == '@')
if ((sptr2 = strrchr(sptr, SLASHC)))
sptr = sptr2 + 1;
if ((sptr2 = strrchr(sptr, ':')))
sptr = sptr2 + 1;
strncpy(&colorspec[1], sptr, 12);
colorspec[13] = 0;
strcpy(inpcommandfile, CommandFile);
strcpy(inpcommandname, CommandName);
far_strcpy(inpcomment1, CommandComment1);
far_strcpy(inpcomment2, CommandComment2);
far_strcpy(inpcomment3, CommandComment3);
far_strcpy(inpcomment4, CommandComment4);
if (CommandName[0] == 0)
strcpy(inpcommandname, "test");
/* TW added these - and Bert moved them */
pxdots = xdots;
pydots = ydots;
vidmode_keyname(videoentry.keynum, vidmde);
xm = ym = 1;
while (1)
promptnum = 0;
static char far tmp[] = {"Parameter file"};
choices[promptnum] = tmp;
paramvalues[promptnum].type = 0x100 + 56;
paramvalues[promptnum++].uval.sbuf = inpcommandfile;
static char far tmp[] = {"Name"};
choices[promptnum] = tmp;
paramvalues[promptnum].type = 0x100 + ITEMNAMELEN;
paramvalues[promptnum++].uval.sbuf = inpcommandname;
static char far tmp[] = {"Main comment"};
choices[promptnum] = tmp;
paramvalues[promptnum].type = 0x100 + 56;
paramvalues[promptnum++].uval.sbuf = inpcomment1;
static char far tmp[] = {"Second comment"};
choices[promptnum] = tmp;
paramvalues[promptnum].type = 0x100 + 56;;
paramvalues[promptnum++].uval.sbuf = inpcomment2;
static char far tmp[] = {"Third comment"};
choices[promptnum] = tmp;
paramvalues[promptnum].type = 0x100 + 56;;
paramvalues[promptnum++].uval.sbuf = inpcomment3;
static char far tmp[] = {"Fourth comment"};
choices[promptnum] = tmp;
paramvalues[promptnum].type = 0x100 + 56;;
paramvalues[promptnum++].uval.sbuf = inpcomment4;
if (gotrealdac && !reallyega)
static char far tmp[] = {"Record colors?"};
choices[promptnum] = tmp;
paramvalues[promptnum].type = 0x100 + 13;
paramvalues[promptnum++].uval.sbuf = colorspec;
static char far tmp[] = {" (no | yes for full info | @filename to point to a map file)"};
choices[promptnum] = tmp;
paramvalues[promptnum++].type = '*';
static char far tmp[] = {"# of colors"};
choices[promptnum] = tmp;
maxcolorindex = promptnum;
paramvalues[promptnum].type = 'i';
paramvalues[promptnum++].uval.ival = maxcolor;
static char far tmp[] = {" (if recording full color info)"};
choices[promptnum] = tmp;
paramvalues[promptnum++].type = '*';
static char tmp[] = {""};
choices[promptnum] = tmp;
paramvalues[promptnum++].type = '*';
static char far tmp[] = {" **** The following is for generating images in pieces ****"};
choices[promptnum] = tmp;
paramvalues[promptnum++].type = '*';
static char far tmp[] = {"X Multiples"};
choices[promptnum] = tmp;
piecespromts = promptnum;
paramvalues[promptnum].type = 'i';
paramvalues[promptnum++].uval.ival = xm;
static char far tmp[] = {"Y Multiples"};
choices[promptnum] = tmp;
paramvalues[promptnum].type = 'i';
paramvalues[promptnum++].uval.ival = ym;
#ifndef XFRACT
static char far tmp[] = {"Video mode"};
choices[promptnum] = tmp;
paramvalues[promptnum].type = 0x100 + 4;
paramvalues[promptnum++].uval.sbuf = vidmde;
if (fullscreen_prompt(hdg,promptnum, choices, paramvalues, 0, 0, NULL) < 0)
strcpy(CommandFile, inpcommandfile);
if (strchr(CommandFile, '.') == NULL)
strcat(CommandFile, ".par"); /* default extension .par */
strcpy(CommandName, inpcommandname);
far_strcpy(CommandComment1, inpcomment1);
far_strcpy(CommandComment2, inpcomment2);
far_strcpy(CommandComment3, inpcomment3);
far_strcpy(CommandComment4, inpcomment4);
if (gotrealdac && !reallyega)
if (paramvalues[maxcolorindex].uval.ival > 0 &&
paramvalues[maxcolorindex].uval.ival <= 256)
maxcolor = paramvalues[maxcolorindex].uval.ival;
promptnum = piecespromts;
xm = paramvalues[promptnum++].uval.ival;
ym = paramvalues[promptnum++].uval.ival;
/* sanity checks */
int i;
long xtotal, ytotal;
/* get resolution from the video name (which must be valid) */
#ifndef XFRACT
pxdots = pydots = 0;
if ((i = check_vidmode_keyname(vidmde)) > 0)
if ((i = check_vidmode_key(0, i)) >= 0) {
/* get the resolution of this video mode */
pxdots = videotable[i].xdots;
pydots = videotable[i].ydots;
if (pxdots == 0 ) {
/* no corresponding video mode! */
static char far msg[] = {"Invalid video mode entry!"};
goto prompt_user;
/* bounds range on xm, ym */
if (xm < 1 || xm > 36 || ym < 1 || ym > 36) {
static char far msg[] = {"X and Y components must be 1 to 36"};
goto prompt_user;
/* another sanity check: total resolution cannot exceed 65535 */
xtotal = xm; ytotal = ym;
xtotal *= pxdots; ytotal *= pydots;
if (xtotal > 65535L || ytotal > 65535L) {
static char far msg[] = {"Total resolution (X or Y) cannot exceed 65535"};
goto prompt_user;
strcpy(outname, CommandFile);
gotinfile = 0;
if (access(CommandFile, 0) == 0)
{ /* file exists */
gotinfile = 1;
if (access(CommandFile, 6))
sprintf(buf, s_cantwrite, CommandFile);
stopmsg(0, buf);
i = strlen(outname);
while (--i >= 0 && outname[i] != SLASHC)
outname[i] = 0;
strcat(outname, "fractint.tmp");
infile = fopen(CommandFile, "rt");
#ifndef XFRACT
setvbuf(infile, suffix, _IOFBF, 4096); /* improves speed */
if ((parmfile = fopen(outname, "wt")) == NULL)
sprintf(buf, s_cantcreate, outname);
stopmsg(0, buf);
if (gotinfile)
if (gotinfile)
while (file_gets(buf, 255, infile) >= 0)
if (strchr(buf, '{')/* entry heading? */
&& sscanf(buf, " %40[^ \t({]", buf2)
&& stricmp(buf2, CommandName) == 0)
{ /* entry with same name */
sprintf(buf2, "File already has an entry named %s\n\
Continue to replace it, Cancel to back out", CommandName);
if (stopmsg(18, buf2) < 0)
{ /* cancel */
goto prompt_user;
while (strchr(buf, '}') == NULL
&& file_gets(buf, 255, infile) > 0)
} /* skip to end of set */
fputs(buf, parmfile);
fputc('\n', parmfile);
/***** start here*/
if (xm > 1 || ym > 1)
if (xxmin != xx3rd || yymin != yy3rd)
have3rd = 1;
have3rd = 0;
if ((fpbat = fopen("makemig.bat", "w")) == NULL)
xm = ym = 0;
pdelx = (xxmax - xx3rd) / (xm * pxdots - 1); /* calculate stepsizes */
pdely = (yymax - yy3rd) / (ym * pydots - 1);
pdelx2 = (xx3rd - xxmin) / (ym * pydots - 1);
pdely2 = (yy3rd - yymin) / (xm * pxdots - 1);
/* save corners */
pxxmin = xxmin;
pxxmax = xxmax;
pyymin = yymin;
pyymax = yymax;
for (i = 0; i < xm; i++) /* columns */
for (j = 0; j < ym; j++) /* rows */
if (xm > 1 || ym > 1)
int w;
char c;
char PCommandName[80];
while(w < strlen(CommandName))
c = CommandName[w];
if(isspace(c) || c == 0)
PCommandName[w] = c;
PCommandName[w] = 0;
char buf[20];
fprintf(parmfile, "%-19s{",PCommandName);
xxmin = pxxmin + pdelx*(i*pxdots) + pdelx2*(j*pydots);
xxmax = pxxmin + pdelx*((i+1)*pxdots - 1) + pdelx2*((j+1)*pydots - 1);
yymin = pyymax - pdely*((j+1)*pydots - 1) - pdely2*((i+1)*pxdots - 1);
yymax = pyymax - pdely*(j*pydots) - pdely2*(i*pxdots);
if (have3rd)
xx3rd = pxxmin + pdelx*(i*pxdots) + pdelx2*((j+1)*pydots - 1);
yy3rd = pyymax - pdely*((j+1)*pydots - 1) - pdely2*(i*pxdots);
xx3rd = xxmin;
yy3rd = yymin;
fprintf(fpbat,"Fractint batch=yes overwrite=yes @%s/%s\n",CommandFile,PCommandName);
fprintf(fpbat,"If Errorlevel 2 goto oops\n");
fprintf(parmfile, "%-19s{", CommandName);
if (CommandComment1[0])
fprintf(parmfile, " ; %Fs", CommandComment1);
fputc('\n', parmfile);
char buf[25];
memset(buf, ' ', 23);
buf[23] = 0;
buf[21] = ';';
if (CommandComment2[0])
fprintf(parmfile, "%s%Fs\n", buf, CommandComment2);
if (CommandComment3[0])
fprintf(parmfile, "%s%Fs\n", buf, CommandComment3);
if (CommandComment4[0])
fprintf(parmfile, "%s%Fs\n", buf, CommandComment4);
write_batch_parms(parmfile, colorspec, maxcolor); /* write the parameters */
if(xm > 1 || ym > 1)
fprintf(parmfile," video=%s", vidmde);
fprintf(parmfile," savename=frmig_%c%c\n", PAR_KEY(i), PAR_KEY(j));
fprintf(parmfile, " }\n\n");
if(xm > 1 || ym > 1)
fprintf(fpbat,"Fractint makemig=%d/%d\n",xm,ym);
fprintf(fpbat,"Rem Simplgif fractmig.gif simplgif.gif in case you need it\n");
/*******end here */
if (gotinfile)
{ /* copy the rest of the file */
while ((i = file_gets(buf, 255, infile)) == 0)
} /* skip blanks */
while (i >= 0)
fputs(buf, parmfile);
fputc('\n', parmfile);
i = file_gets(buf, 255, infile);
if (gotinfile)
{ /* replace the original file with the new */
unlink(CommandFile); /* success assumed on these lines */
rename(outname, CommandFile); /* since we checked earlier with
* access */
helpmode = oldhelpmode;
#ifdef C6
#pragma optimize("e",on) /* back to normal */
static struct write_batch_data { /* buffer for parms to break lines nicely */
int len;
char buf[513];
} *wbdata;
void write_batch_parms(FILE *batch,char *colorinf,int maxcolor)
int i,j,k;
double Xctr, Yctr, Magnification;
struct write_batch_data wb_data;
char *sptr;
char buf[81];
wbdata = &wb_data;
wb_data.len = 0; /* force first parm to start on new line */
if (display3d <= 0) { /* a fractal was generated */
/****** fractal only parameters in this section *******/
put_parm(" reset");
if (save_release!=0) put_parm("=%d",save_release);
if (*(sptr = curfractalspecific->name) == '*') ++sptr;
put_parm( s_seqs,s_type,sptr);
if (fractype == JULIBROT || fractype == JULIBROTFP)
put_parm(" %s=%.15g/%.15g/%.15g/%.15g",
/* these rarely change */
if(originfp != 8 || heightfp != 7 || widthfp != 10 || distfp != 24
|| depthfp != 8 || zdots != 128)
put_parm(" %s=%d/%g/%g/%g/%g/%g",s_julibrot3d,
zdots, originfp, depthfp, heightfp, widthfp,distfp);
if(eyesfp != 0)
put_parm(" %s=%g",s_julibroteyes,eyesfp);
if(neworbittype != JULIA)
char *name;
name = fractalspecific[neworbittype].name;
if(juli3Dmode !=0)
if (fractype == FORMULA || fractype == FFORMULA)
put_parm( s_seqs,s_formulafile,FormFileName);
put_parm( s_seqs,s_formulaname,FormName);
if (fractype == LSYSTEM)
put_parm( s_seqs,s_lfile,LFileName);
put_parm( s_seqs,s_lname,LName);
if (fractype == IFS || fractype == IFS3D)
put_parm( s_seqs,s_ifsfile,IFSFileName);
put_parm( s_seqs,s_ifs,IFSName);
if (fractype == INVERSEJULIA || fractype == INVERSEJULIAFP)
extern int major_method, minor_method;
put_parm( " %s=%s/%s",s_miim,major[major_method], minor[minor_method]);
showtrig(buf); /* this function is in miscres.c */
if (buf[0])
if (usr_stdcalcmode != 'g')
put_parm(" %s=%c",s_passes,usr_stdcalcmode);
if (usemag && cvtcentermag(&Xctr, &Yctr, &Magnification)) {
put_parm(" %s=",s_centermag);
put_parm((delmin > 1000) ? "%g/%g/%g"
: "%+20.17lf/%+20.17lf/%+20.17lf",
else {
int xdigits,ydigits;
put_parm( " %s=",s_corners);
xdigits = getprec(xxmin,xxmax,xx3rd);
ydigits = getprec(yymin,yymax,yy3rd);
if (xx3rd != xxmin || yy3rd != yymin) {
for (i = (MAXPARAMS-1); i >= 0; --i)
if (param[i] != 0.0) break;
if (i >= 0) {
if (fractype == CELLULAR)
put_parm(" %s=%.1f",s_params,param[0]);
#ifndef XFRACT
put_parm(" %s=%.17Lg",s_params,(long double)param[0]);
put_parm(" %s=%.17g",s_params,(double)param[0]);
for (j = 1; j <= i; ++j)
if (fractype == CELLULAR)
#ifndef XFRACT
put_parm("/%.17Lg",(long double)param[j]);
if(useinitorbit == 2)
put_parm( " %s=pixel",s_initorbit);
else if(useinitorbit == 1)
put_parm( " %s=%.15g/%.15g",s_initorbit,initorbit.x,initorbit.y);
if (floatflag)
put_parm( " %s=y",s_float);
if (maxit != 150)
if(bailout && (potflag == 0 || potparam[2] == 0.0))
put_parm( s_seqd,s_bailout,bailout);
if(fillcolor != -1) {
put_parm(" %s=",s_fillcolor);
put_parm( "%d",fillcolor);
if (inside != 1) {
put_parm(" %s=",s_inside);
if (inside == -1)
put_parm( s_maxiter);
else if (inside == -59)
else if (inside == -60)
else if (inside == -61)
else if (inside == -100)
else if (inside == -101)
else if (inside == -102)
put_parm( "%d",inside);
if (outside != -1)
put_parm(" %s=",s_outside);
if (outside == -2)
else if (outside == -3)
else if (outside == -4)
else if (outside == -5)
put_parm( "%d",outside);
if(LogFlag) {
put_parm( " %s=",s_logmap);
if(LogFlag == -1)
put_parm( "old");
else if(LogFlag == 1)
put_parm( "yes");
put_parm( "%d", LogFlag);
if (potflag) {
put_parm( " %s=%d/%g/%d",s_potential,
put_parm( "/%s",s_16bit);
if (invert)
put_parm( " %s=%g/%g/%g",s_invert,
inversion[0], inversion[1], inversion[2]);
if (decomp[0])
put_parm( s_seqd,s_decomp, decomp[0]);
if (distest)
put_parm( s_seqdd,s_distest, distest, distestwidth);
if (usr_biomorph != -1)
put_parm( s_seqd,s_biomorph, usr_biomorph);
if (finattract)
put_parm(" %s=y",s_finattract);
if (forcesymmetry != 999) {
static char far msg[] =
{"Regenerate before <b> to get correct symmetry"};
if(forcesymmetry == 1000)
put_parm( " %s=",s_symmetry);
if (forcesymmetry==XAXIS)
else if(forcesymmetry==YAXIS)
else if(forcesymmetry==XYAXIS)
else if(forcesymmetry==ORIGIN)
else if(forcesymmetry==PI_SYM)
if (periodicitycheck != 1)
put_parm( s_seqd,s_periodicity,periodicitycheck);
if (rflag)
put_parm( s_seqd,s_rseed,rseed);
if (rangeslen) {
put_parm(" %s=",s_ranges);
i = 0;
while (i < rangeslen) {
if (i)
if (ranges[i] == -1) {
if (display3d >= 1) {
/***** 3d transform only parameters in this section *****/
if(display3d == 2)
put_parm( s_seqs,s_3d,s_overlay);
put_parm( s_seqs,s_3d,s_yes);
if (loaded3d == 0)
if (SPHERE) {
put_parm( " %s=y",s_sphere);
put_parm( s_seqdd,s_latitude, THETA1, THETA2);
put_parm( s_seqdd,s_longitude, PHI1, PHI2);
put_parm( s_seqd,s_radius, RADIUS);
put_parm( s_seqdd,s_scalexyz, XSCALE, YSCALE);
put_parm( s_seqd,s_roughness, ROUGH);
put_parm( s_seqd,s_waterline, WATERLINE);
put_parm( s_seqd,s_filltype, FILLTYPE);
if (transparent[0] || transparent[1])
put_parm( s_seqdd,s_transparent, transparent[0],transparent[1]);
if (preview) {
put_parm( s_seqs,s_preview,s_yes);
if (showbox)
put_parm( s_seqs,s_showbox,s_yes);
put_parm( s_seqd,s_coarse,previewfactor);
if (RAY) {
put_parm( s_seqd,s_ray,RAY);
if (BRIEF)
put_parm(" %s=y",s_brief);
if (FILLTYPE > 4) {
put_parm( s_seqddd,s_lightsource, XLIGHT, YLIGHT, ZLIGHT);
put_parm( " %=%d",s_smoothing, LIGHTAVG);
put_parm( s_seqd,s_randomize,RANDOMIZE);
if (Targa_Out)
put_parm( " %s=y",s_fullcolor);
if (Ambient)
put_parm( s_seqd,s_ambient,Ambient);
if (haze)
put_parm( s_seqd,s_haze,haze);
if (display3d) { /* universal 3d */
/***** common (fractal & transform) 3d parameters in this section *****/
if (!SPHERE || display3d < 0)
put_parm( s_seqddd,s_rotation, XROT, YROT, ZROT);
put_parm( s_seqd,s_perspective, ZVIEWER);
put_parm( s_seqdd,s_xyshift, XSHIFT, YSHIFT);
if(xtrans || ytrans)
put_parm( s_seqdd,s_xyadjust,xtrans,ytrans);
if(glassestype) {
put_parm( s_seqd,s_stereo,glassestype);
put_parm( s_seqd,s_interocular,eyeseparation);
put_parm( s_seqd,s_converge,xadjust);
put_parm( " %s=%d/%d/%d/%d",s_crop,
put_parm( s_seqdd,s_bright,
/***** universal parameters in this section *****/
if(viewwindow == 1)
put_parm(" %s=%g/%g",s_viewwindows,viewreduction,finalaspectratio);
if (*colorinf != 'n') {
put_parm(" %s=",s_colors);
if (*colorinf == '@')
else {
int curc,scanc,force,diffmag;
int delta,diff1[4][3],diff2[4][3];
curc = force = 0;
while (1) {
/* emit color in rgb 3 char encoded form */
for (j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
if ((k = dacbox[curc][j]) < 10) k += '0';
else if (k < 36) k += ('A' - 10);
else k += ('_' - 36);
buf[j] = k;
buf[3] = 0;
if (++curc >= maxcolor) /* quit if done last color */
/* Next a P Branderhorst special, a tricky scan for smooth-shaded
ranges which can be written as <nn> to compress .par file entry.
Method used is to check net change in each color value over
spans of 2 to 5 color numbers. First time for each span size
the value change is noted. After first time the change is
checked against noted change. First time it differs, a
a difference of 1 is tolerated and noted as an alternate
acceptable change. When change is not one of the tolerated
values, loop exits. */
if (force) {
scanc = curc;
while (scanc < maxcolor) { /* scan while same diff to next */
if ((i = scanc - curc) > 3) /* check spans up to 4 steps */
i = 3;
for (k = 0; k <= i; ++k) {
for (j = 0; j < 3; ++j) { /* check pattern of chg per color */
delta = (int)dacbox[scanc][j] - (int)dacbox[scanc-k-1][j];
if (k == scanc - curc)
diff1[k][j] = diff2[k][j] = delta;
if (delta != diff1[k][j] && delta != diff2[k][j]) {
diffmag = abs(delta - diff1[k][j]);
if (diff1[k][j] != diff2[k][j] || diffmag != 1)
diff2[k][j] = delta;
if (j < 3) break; /* must've exited from inner loop above */
if (k <= i) break; /* must've exited from inner loop above */
/* now scanc-1 is next color which must be written explicitly */
if (scanc - curc > 2) { /* good, we have a shaded range */
if (scanc != maxcolor) {
if (diffmag < 3) { /* not a sharp slope change? */
force = 2; /* force more between ranges, to stop */
--scanc; /* "drift" when load/store/load/store/ */
if (k) { /* more of the same */
force += k;
if (--scanc - curc > 1) {
curc = scanc;
else /* changed our mind */
force = 0;
if (rotate_lo != 1 || rotate_hi != 255)
put_parm( s_seqdd,s_cyclerange,rotate_lo,rotate_hi);
while (wbdata->len) /* flush the buffer */
static void put_filename(char *keyword,char *fname)
char *p;
if (*fname && !endswithslash(fname)) {
if ((p = strrchr(fname, SLASHC)))
if (*(fname = p+1) == 0) return;
#ifndef XFRACT
static void put_parm(char *parm,...)
static void put_parm(va_alist)
char *bufptr;
va_list args;
#ifndef XFRACT
char * parm;
parm = va_arg(args,char *);
if (*parm == ' ' /* starting a new parm */
&& wbdata->len == 0) /* skip leading space */
bufptr = wbdata->buf + wbdata->len;
while (*(bufptr++))
while (wbdata->len > 200)
#define NICELINELEN 68
#define MAXLINELEN 72
static void put_parm_line()
int len,c;
if ((len = wbdata->len) > NICELINELEN) {
while (--len != 0 && wbdata->buf[len] != ' ') { }
if (len == 0) {
while (++len < MAXLINELEN
&& wbdata->buf[len] && wbdata->buf[len] != ' ') { }
c = wbdata->buf[len];
wbdata->buf[len] = 0;
fputs(" ",parmfile);
if (c && c != ' ')
if ((wbdata->buf[len] = c) == ' ')
wbdata->len -= len;
static int getprec(double a,double b,double c)
double diff,temp;
int digits;
double highv = 1.0E20;
if ((diff = fabs(a - b)) == 0.0) diff = highv;
if ((temp = fabs(a - c)) == 0.0) temp = highv;
if (temp < diff) diff = temp;
if ((temp = fabs(b - c)) == 0.0) temp = highv;
if (temp < diff) diff = temp;
digits = 7;
if(debugflag >= 700 && debugflag < 720 )
digits = debugflag - 700;
while (diff < 1.0 && digits < 17) {
diff *= 10;
static void put_float(int slash,double fnum,int prec)
{ char buf[40];
char *bptr, *dptr;
bptr = buf;
if (slash)
*(bptr++) = '/';
/* sprintf(bptr,"%1.*f",prec,fnum); */
#ifndef XFRACT
sprintf(bptr,"%1.*Lg",prec,(long double)fnum);
if ((dptr = strchr(bptr,'.'))) {
bptr = buf + strlen(buf);
while (--bptr > dptr && *bptr == '0')
*bptr = 0;
#ifndef XFRACT
void shell_to_dos()
char *comspec;
/* from fractint.c & calls no ovlys, doesn't need ENTER_OVLY */
if ((comspec = getenv("COMSPEC")) == NULL)
printf("Cannot find COMMAND.COM.\n");
else {
putenv("PROMPT='EXIT' returns to FRACTINT.$_$p$g");
spawnl(P_WAIT, comspec, NULL);
void showfreemem()
#ifndef XFRACT
extern int num_adapters;
extern char *adapters[];
char *tempptr;
BYTE huge *fartempptr;
unsigned i,i2;
long j,j2;
extern char supervga_list; /* from the list in VIDEO.ASM */
char adapter_name[8]; /* entry lenth from VIDEO.ASM */
char *adapter_ptr;
printf("\n CPU type: %d FPU type: %d IIT FPU: %d Video: %d",
cpu, fpu, iit, video_type);
adapter_ptr = &supervga_list;
for(i = 0 ; ; i++) { /* find the SuperVGA entry */
int j;
memcpy(adapter_name , adapter_ptr, 8);
adapter_ptr += 8;
if (adapter_name[0] == ' ') break; /* end-of-the-list */
if (adapter_name[6] == 0) continue; /* not our adapter */
adapter_name[6] = ' ';
for (j = 0; j < 8; j++)
if(adapter_name[j] == ' ')
adapter_name[j] = 0;
printf(" Video chip: %d (%s)",i+1,adapter_name);
i = j = 0;
i2 = 0x8000;
while ((i2 >>= 1) != 0)
if ((tempptr = malloc(i+i2)) != NULL) {
i += i2;
printf(" %d NEAR bytes free \n", i);
j2 = 0x80000;
while ((j2 >>= 1) != 0)
if ((fartempptr = (BYTE huge *)farmemalloc(j+j2)) != NULL) {
farmemfree((void far*)fartempptr);
j += j2;
printf(" %ld FAR bytes free \n\n press any key to continue...\n", j);
extern int debugflag;
extern int lookatmouse;
int save_debugflag,save_lookatmouse;
int row,col,bkgrd;
int rowf,colf,rowt,colt;
char far *vidmem;
char far *savescreen;
char far *farp1; char far *farp2;
int i,j,k;
save_debugflag = debugflag;
save_lookatmouse = lookatmouse;
debugflag = 0; /* don't get called recursively */
lookatmouse = 2; /* text mouse sensitivity */
row = col = bkgrd = rowt = rowf = colt = colf = 0;
vidmem = MK_FP(0xB800,0);
while (1) {
if (row < 0) row = 0;
if (row > 24) row = 24;
if (col < 0) col = 0;
if (col > 79) col = 79;
i = getakey();
if (i >= 'a' && i <= 'z') i -= 32; /* uppercase */
switch (i) {
case 27: /* esc */
debugflag = save_debugflag;
lookatmouse = save_lookatmouse;
return 0;
case '/':
farp1 = savescreen = farmemalloc(4000L);
farp2 = vidmem;
for (i = 0; i < 4000; ++i) { /* save and blank */
*(farp1++) = *farp2;
*(farp2++) = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) /* 8 bkgrd attrs */
for (j = 0; j < 16; ++j) { /* 16 fgrd attrs */
k = i*16 + j;
farp1 = vidmem + i*320 + j*10;
*(farp1++) = ' '; *(farp1++) = k;
*(farp1++) = i+'0'; *(farp1++) = k;
*(farp1++) = (j < 10) ? j+'0' : j+'A'-10; *(farp1++) = k;
*(farp1++) = ' '; *(farp1++) = k;
farp1 = vidmem;
farp2 = savescreen;
for (i = 0; i < 4000; ++i) /* restore */
*(farp1++) = *(farp2++);
case ',':
rowf = row; colf = col; break;
case '.':
rowt = row; colt = col; break;
case ' ': /* next color is background */
bkgrd = 1; break;
case 1075: /* cursor left */
--col; break;
case 1077: /* cursor right */
++col; break;
case 1072: /* cursor up */
--row; break;
case 1080: /* cursor down */
++row; break;
case 13: /* enter */
*(vidmem + row*160 + col*2) = getakey();
if (i >= '0' && i <= '9') i -= '0';
else if (i >= 'A' && i <= 'F') i -= 'A'-10;
else break;
for (j = rowf; j <= rowt; ++j)
for (k = colf; k <= colt; ++k) {
farp1 = vidmem + j*160 + k*2 + 1;
if (bkgrd) *farp1 = (*farp1 & 15) + i * 16;
else *farp1 = (*farp1 & 0xf0) + i;
bkgrd = 0;
extern int badconfig;
extern struct videoinfo far videotable[];
extern struct videoinfo far *vidtbl;
extern int vidtbllen;
extern int tabmode;
extern int adapter;
static int *entsptr;
static int modes_changed;
extern int mode7text;
int select_video_mode(int curmode)
static char far hdg2[]={"key...name......................xdot.ydot.colr.comment.................."};
static char far hdg1[]={"Select Video Mode"};
int entnums[MAXVIDEOMODES];
int attributes[MAXVIDEOMODES];
int i,j,k,ret;
int oldtabmode,oldhelpmode;
load_fractint_cfg(0); /* load fractint.cfg to extraseg */
for (i = 0; i < vidtbllen; ++i) { /* init tables */
entnums[i] = i;
attributes[i] = 1;
entsptr = entnums; /* for indirectly called subroutines */
qsort(entnums,vidtbllen,sizeof(entnums[0]),entcompare); /* sort modes */
/* pick default mode */
if (curmode < 0) {
switch (video_type) { /* set up a reasonable default (we hope) */
case 1: videoentry.videomodeax = 8; /* hgc */
videoentry.colors = 2;
case 2: videoentry.videomodeax = 4; /* cga */
videoentry.colors = 4;
case 3: videoentry.videomodeax = 16; /* ega */
videoentry.colors = 16;
if (mode7text) { /* egamono */
videoentry.videomodeax = 15;
videoentry.colors = 2;
default: videoentry.videomodeax = 19; /* mcga/vga? */
videoentry.colors = 256;
far_memcpy((char far *)&videoentry,(char far *)&videotable[curmode],
#ifndef XFRACT
for (i = 0; i < vidtbllen; ++i) { /* find default mode */
if ( videoentry.videomodeax == vidtbl[entnums[i]].videomodeax
&& videoentry.colors == vidtbl[entnums[i]].colors
&& (curmode < 0
|| far_memcmp((char far *)&videoentry,(char far *)&vidtbl[entnums[i]],
sizeof(videoentry)) == 0))
if (i >= vidtbllen) /* no match, default to first entry */
i = 0;
oldtabmode = tabmode;
oldhelpmode = helpmode;
modes_changed = 0;
tabmode = 0;
helpmode = HELPVIDSEL;
i = fullscreen_choice(CHOICEHELP,hdg1,hdg2,NULL,vidtbllen,NULL,attributes,
tabmode = oldtabmode;
helpmode = oldhelpmode;
if (i == -1) {
static char far msg[]={"Save new function key assignments or cancel changes?"};
if (modes_changed /* update fractint.cfg for new key assignments */
&& badconfig == 0
&& stopmsg(22,msg) == 0)
if (i < 0) /* picked by function key */
i = -1 - i;
else /* picked by Enter key */
i = entnums[i];
far_memcpy((char far *)&videoentry,(char far *)&vidtbl[i],
sizeof(videoentry)); /* the selected entry now in videoentry */
#ifndef XFRACT
/* copy fractint.cfg table to resident table, note selected entry */
j = k = 0;
far_memset((char far *)videotable,0,sizeof(*vidtbl)*MAXVIDEOTABLE);
for (i = 0; i < vidtbllen; ++i) {
if (vidtbl[i].keynum > 0) {
far_memcpy((char far *)&videotable[j],(char far *)&vidtbl[i],
if (far_memcmp((char far *)&videoentry,(char far *)&vidtbl[i],
sizeof(videoentry)) == 0)
k = vidtbl[i].keynum;
if (++j >= MAXVIDEOTABLE-1)
k = vidtbl[0].keynum;
if ((ret = k) == 0) { /* selected entry not a copied (assigned to key) one */
far_memcpy((char far *)&videotable[MAXVIDEOTABLE-1],
(char far *)&videoentry,sizeof(*vidtbl));
ret = 1400; /* special value for check_vidmode_key */
if (modes_changed /* update fractint.cfg for new key assignments */
&& badconfig == 0)
static void format_item(int choice,char *buf)
char kname[5];
char biosflag;
far_memcpy((char far *)&videoentry,(char far *)&vidtbl[entsptr[choice]],
biosflag = (videoentry.dotmode % 100 == 1) ? 'B' : ' ';
sprintf(buf,"%-5s %-25s %4d %4d %3d%c %-25s", /* 72 chars */
kname, videoentry.name, videoentry.xdots, videoentry.ydots,
videoentry.colors, biosflag, videoentry.comment);
static int check_modekey(int curkey,int choice)
int i,j,k,ret;
if ((i = check_vidmode_key(1,curkey)) >= 0)
i = entsptr[choice];
ret = 0;
if ( (curkey == '-' || curkey == '+')
&& (vidtbl[i].keynum == 0 || vidtbl[i].keynum >= 1084)) {
static char far msg[]={"Missing or bad FRACTINT.CFG file. Can't reassign keys."};
if (badconfig)
else {
if (curkey == '-') { /* deassign key? */
if (vidtbl[i].keynum >= 1084) {
vidtbl[i].keynum = 0;
modes_changed = 1;
else { /* assign key? */
j = getakeynohelp();
if (j >= 1084 && j <= 1113) {
for (k = 0; k < vidtbllen; ++k) {
if (vidtbl[k].keynum == j) {
vidtbl[k].keynum = 0;
ret = -1; /* force redisplay */
vidtbl[i].keynum = j;
modes_changed = 1;
static int entcompare(VOIDCONSTPTR p1,VOIDCONSTPTR p2)
int i,j;
if ((i = vidtbl[*((int *)p1)].keynum) == 0) i = 9999;
if ((j = vidtbl[*((int *)p2)].keynum) == 0) j = 9999;
if (i < j || (i == j && *((int *)p1) < *((int *)p2)))
static void update_fractint_cfg()
#ifndef XFRACT
char cfgname[100],outname[100],buf[121],kname[5];
FILE *cfgfile,*outfile;
int far *cfglinenums;
int i,j,linenum,nextlinenum,nextmode;
struct videoinfo vident;
if (access(cfgname,6)) {
i = strlen(outname);
while (--i >= 0 && outname[i] != SLASHC)
outname[i] = 0;
if ((outfile = fopen(outname,"w")) == NULL) {
cfgfile = fopen(cfgname,"r");
cfglinenums = (int far *)(&vidtbl[MAXVIDEOMODES]);
linenum = nextmode = 0;
nextlinenum = cfglinenums[0];
while (fgets(buf,120,cfgfile)) {
if (linenum == nextlinenum) { /* replace this line */
far_memcpy((char far *)&vident,(char far *)&vidtbl[nextmode],
i = strlen(buf);
while (i && buf[i-1] == ' ') /* strip trailing spaces to compress */
j = i + 5;
while (j < 32) { /* tab to column 33 */
buf[i++] = '\t';
j += 8;
buf[i] = 0;
if (++nextmode >= vidtbllen)
nextlinenum = 32767;
nextlinenum = cfglinenums[nextmode];
unlink(cfgname); /* success assumed on these lines */
rename(outname,cfgname); /* since we checked earlier with access */
extern unsigned char olddacbox[256][3];
extern int gif87a_flag;
/* make_mig() takes a collection of individual GIF images (all
presumably the same resolution and all presumably generated
by Fractint and its "divide and conquer" algorithm) and builds
a single multiple-image GIF out of them. This routine is
invoked by the "batch=stitchmode/x/y" option, and is called
with the 'x' and 'y' parameters
make_mig(unsigned int xmult, unsigned int ymult)
unsigned int xstep, ystep;
unsigned int xres, yres;
unsigned int allxres, allyres, xtot, ytot;
unsigned int xloc, yloc;
unsigned int x, y;
unsigned char ichar;
unsigned int allitbl, itbl;
unsigned int i, j, k;
char gifin[15], gifout[15];
int errorflag, inputerrorflag;
unsigned char *temp;
FILE *out, *in;
char msgbuf[81];
errorflag = 0; /* no errors so far */
temp= &olddacbox[0][0]; /* a safe place for our temp data */
gif87a_flag = 1; /* for now, force this */
/* process each input image, one at a time */
for (ystep = 0; ystep < ymult; ystep++) {
for (xstep = 0; xstep < xmult; xstep++) {
if (xstep == 0 && ystep == 0) { /* first time through? */
static char far msg1[] = "Cannot create output file %s!\n";
static char far msg2[] = " \n Generating multi-image GIF file %s using";
static char far msg3[] = " %d X and %d Y components\n\n";
_fstrcpy(msgbuf, msg2);
printf(msgbuf, gifout);
_fstrcpy(msgbuf, msg3);
printf(msgbuf, xmult, ymult);
/* attempt to create the output file */
if ((out = fopen(gifout,"wb")) == NULL) {
_fstrcpy(msgbuf, msg1);
printf(msgbuf, gifout);
sprintf(gifin, "frmig_%c%c.gif", PAR_KEY(xstep), PAR_KEY(ystep));
if ((in = fopen(gifin,"rb")) == NULL) {
static char far msg1[] = "Can't open file %s!\n";
_fstrcpy(msgbuf, msg1);
printf(msgbuf, gifin);
inputerrorflag = 0;
/* (read, but only copy this if it's the first time through) */
if (fread(temp,13,1,in) != 1) /* read the header and LDS */
inputerrorflag = 1;
memcpy(&xres, &temp[6], 2); /* X-resolution */
memcpy(&yres, &temp[8], 2); /* Y-resolution */
if (xstep == 0 && ystep == 0) { /* first time through? */
allxres = xres; /* save the "master" resolution */
allyres = yres;
xtot = xres * xmult; /* adjust the image size */
ytot = yres * ymult;
memcpy(&temp[6], &xtot, 2);
memcpy(&temp[8], &ytot, 2);
if (gif87a_flag) {
temp[3] = '8';
temp[4] = '7';
temp[5] = 'a';
if (fwrite(temp,13,1,out) != 1) /* write out the header */
errorflag = 1;
} /* end of first-time-through */
ichar = temp[10] & 0x07; /* find the color table size */
itbl = 1 << (++ichar);
ichar = temp[10] & 0x80; /* is there a global color table? */
if (xstep == 0 && ystep == 0) /* first time through? */
allitbl = itbl; /* save the color table size */
if (ichar != 0) { /* yup */
/* (read, but only copy this if it's the first time through) */
if(fread(temp,3*itbl,1,in) != 1) /* read the global color table */
inputerrorflag = 2;
if (xstep == 0 && ystep == 0) /* first time through? */
if (fwrite(temp,3*itbl,1,out) != 1) /* write out the GCT */
errorflag = 2;
if (xres != allxres || yres != allyres || itbl != allitbl) {
/* Oops - our pieces don't match */
static char far msg1[] = "File %s doesn't have the same resolution as its predecessors!\n";
_fstrcpy(msgbuf, msg1);
printf(msgbuf, gifin);
for (;;) { /* process each information block */
if (fread(temp,1,1,in) != 1) /* read the block identifier */
inputerrorflag = 3;
if (temp[0] == 0x2c) { /* image descriptor block */
if (fread(&temp[1],9,1,in) != 1) /* read the Image Descriptor */
inputerrorflag = 4;
memcpy(&xloc, &temp[1], 2); /* X-location */
memcpy(&yloc, &temp[3], 2); /* Y-location */
xloc += (xstep * xres); /* adjust the locations */
yloc += (ystep * yres);
memcpy(&temp[1], &xloc, 2);
memcpy(&temp[3], &yloc, 2);
if (fwrite(temp,10,1,out) != 1) /* write out the Image Descriptor */
errorflag = 4;
ichar = temp[9] & 0x80; /* is there a local color table? */
if (ichar != 0) { /* yup */
if (fread(temp,3*itbl,1,in) != 1) /* read the local color table */
inputerrorflag = 5;
if (fwrite(temp,3*itbl,1,out) != 1) /* write out the LCT */
errorflag = 5;
if (fread(temp,1,1,in) != 1) /* LZH table size */
inputerrorflag = 6;
if (fwrite(temp,1,1,out) != 1)
errorflag = 6;
while (1) {
if (errorflag != 0 || inputerrorflag != 0) /* oops - did something go wrong? */
if (fread(temp,1,1,in) != 1) /* block size */
inputerrorflag = 7;
if (fwrite(temp,1,1,out) != 1)
errorflag = 7;
if ((i = temp[0]) == 0)
if (fread(temp,i,1,in) != 1) /* LZH data block */
inputerrorflag = 8;
if (fwrite(temp,i,1,out) != 1)
errorflag = 8;
if (temp[0] == 0x21) { /* extension block */
/* (read, but only copy this if it's the last time through) */
if (fread(&temp[2],1,1,in) != 1) /* read the block type */
inputerrorflag = 9;
if ((!gif87a_flag) && xstep == xmult-1 && ystep == ymult-1)
if (fwrite(temp,2,1,out) != 1)
errorflag = 9;
while (1) {
if (errorflag != 0 || inputerrorflag != 0) /* oops - did something go wrong? */
if (fread(temp,1,1,in) != 1) /* block size */
inputerrorflag = 10;
if ((!gif87a_flag) && xstep == xmult-1 && ystep == ymult-1)
if (fwrite(temp,1,1,out) != 1)
errorflag = 10;
if ((i = temp[0]) == 0)
if (fread(temp,i,1,in) != 1) /* data block */
inputerrorflag = 11;
if ((!gif87a_flag) && xstep == xmult-1 && ystep == ymult-1)
if (fwrite(temp,i,1,out) != 1)
errorflag = 11;
if (temp[0] == 0x3b) { /* end-of-stream indicator */
break; /* done with this file */
if (errorflag != 0 || inputerrorflag != 0) /* oops - did something go wrong? */
fclose(in); /* done with an input GIF */
if (errorflag != 0 || inputerrorflag != 0) /* oops - did something go wrong? */
if (errorflag != 0 || inputerrorflag != 0) /* oops - did something go wrong? */
temp[0] = 0x3b; /* end-of-stream indicator */
if (fwrite(temp,1,1,out) != 1)
errorflag = 12;
fclose(out); /* done with the output GIF */
if (inputerrorflag != 0) { /* uh-oh - something failed */
static char far msg1[] = "\007 Process failed = early EOF on input file %s\n";
_fstrcpy(msgbuf, msg1);
printf(msgbuf, gifin);
/* following line was for debugging
printf("inputerrorflag = %d\n", inputerrorflag);
if (errorflag != 0) { /* uh-oh - something failed */
static char far msg1[] = "\007 Process failed = out of disk space?\n";
_fstrcpy(msgbuf, msg1);
/* following line was for debugging
printf("errorflag = %d\n", errorflag);
/* now delete each input image, one at a time */
if (errorflag == 0 && inputerrorflag == 0)
for (ystep = 0; ystep < ymult; ystep++) {
for (xstep = 0; xstep < xmult; xstep++) {
sprintf(gifin, "frmig_%c%c.gif", PAR_KEY(xstep), PAR_KEY(ystep));
/* tell the world we're done */
if (errorflag == 0 && inputerrorflag == 0) {
static char far msg1[] = "File %s has been created (and its component files deleted)\n";
_fstrcpy(msgbuf, msg1);
printf(msgbuf, gifout);
/* This routine copies the current screen to by flipping x-axis, y-axis,
or both. Refuses to work if calculation in progress or if fractal
non-resumable. Clears zoombox if any. Resets corners so resulting fractal
is still valid. */
void flip_image(int key)
int i, j, ix, iy, ixhalf, iyhalf, tempdot;
/* fractal must be rotate-able and be finished */
if ((curfractalspecific->flags&NOROTATE) > 0
|| calc_status == 1
|| calc_status == 2)
clear_zoombox(); /* clear, don't copy, the zoombox */
ixhalf = xdots / 2;
iyhalf = ydots / 2;
case 24: /* control-X - reverse X-axis */
for (i = 0; i < ixhalf; i++)
for (j = 0; j < ydots; j++)
putcolor(i, j, getcolor(xdots-1-i,j));
putcolor(xdots-1-i, j, tempdot);
sxmin = xxmax + xxmin - xx3rd;
symax = yymax + yymin - yy3rd;
sxmax = xx3rd;
symin = yy3rd;
sx3rd = xxmax;
sy3rd = yymin;
calc_status = 0;
case 25: /* control-Y - reverse Y-aXis */
for (j = 0; j < iyhalf; j++)
for (i = 0; i < xdots; i++)
putcolor(i, j, getcolor(i,ydots-1-j));
putcolor(i,ydots-1-j, tempdot);
sxmin = xx3rd;
symax = yy3rd;
sxmax = xxmax + xxmin - xx3rd;
symin = yymax + yymin - yy3rd;
sx3rd = xxmin;
sy3rd = yymax;
calc_status = 0;
case 26: /* control-Z - reverse X and Y aXis */
for (i = 0; i < ixhalf; i++)
for (j = 0; j < ydots; j++)
putcolor(i, j, getcolor(xdots-1-i,ydots-1-j));
putcolor(xdots-1-i, ydots-1-j, tempdot);
sxmin = xxmax;
symax = yymin;
sxmax = xxmin;
symin = yymax;
sx3rd = xxmax + xxmin - xx3rd;
sy3rd = yymax + yymin - yy3rd;
calc_status = 0;