Computerworld 1996 March
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encoder.c - GIF Encoder and associated routines
This module is linked as an overlay, use ENTER_OVLY and EXIT_OVLY.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#ifndef XFRACT
#include <io.h>
#include "fractint.h"
#include "fractype.h"
#include "prototyp.h"
/* MCP 10-27-91 */
extern int OperCancelled;
void OpenStatusBox(void);
void UpdateStatusBox(unsigned long Partial, unsigned long Total);
void CloseStatusBox(void);
extern char s_cantopen[];
extern char s_cantwrite[];
extern char s_cantcreate[];
extern char s_cantunderstand[];
extern char s_cantfind[];
extern char maxfn;
static void _fastcall setup_save_info(struct fractal_info *);
static int inittable(void);
static int _fastcall shftwrite(BYTE *color,int numcolors);
static int _fastcall raster(unsigned int);
static int _fastcall extend_blk_len(int datalen);
static int _fastcall put_extend_blk(int block_id,int block_len,char far *block_data);
static int _fastcall store_item_name(char *);
extern int initbatch;
extern char far *resume_info; /* pointer to resume info if allocated */
extern int resume_len; /* length of resume info */
extern char LName[];
extern char FormName[]; /* formula name */
extern char IFSName[];
extern int active_system; /* 0=dos, 1=windows */
extern int far *ranges;
extern int rangeslen;
extern int sxdots,sydots; /* # of dots on the physical screen */
extern int sxoffs,syoffs; /* physical top left of logical screen */
extern int xdots, ydots; /* # of dots on the logical screen */
extern int viewwindow; /* 0 for full screen, 1 for window */
extern float finalaspectratio; /* for view shape and rotation */
extern int viewxdots,viewydots; /* explicit view sizing */
extern int colors; /* maximum colors available */
extern int dotmode; /* so we can detect disk-video */
extern char overwrite; /* overwrite on/off */
extern int resave_flag; /* resaving after a timed save */
extern int started_resaves;
extern int timedsave; /* if doing an auto save */
extern int disk16bit; /* 16 bit continuous potential */
extern BYTE dacbox[256][3]; /* Video-DAC (filled in by SETVIDEO) */
extern int gotrealdac; /* DAC valid? */
extern int daclearn, daccount; /* used by the color-cyclers */
extern SEGTYPE extraseg; /* used by Save-to-GIF routines */
extern int debugflag;
extern int gif87a_flag; /* if 1, supress GIF extension blocks */
extern int calc_status;
extern long calctime;
extern char stdcalcmode;
extern int fractype;
extern double xxmin,xxmax;
extern double yymin,yymax;
extern double xx3rd,yy3rd;
extern double param[];
extern int major_method; /* inverse julia parms */
extern int minor_method;
extern int maxit; /* try this many iterations */
extern int fillcolor; /* fill color: -1 = normal */
extern int inside; /* inside color: 1=blue */
extern int outside; /* outside color, if set */
extern int finattract; /* finite attractor option */
extern int forcesymmetry;
extern int LogFlag; /* non-zero if logarithmic palettes */
extern int rflag, rseed;
extern int periodicitycheck;
extern char useinitorbit;
extern _CMPLX initorbit;
extern int pot16bit;
extern float finalaspectratio;
extern double potparam[3]; /* three potential parameters*/
extern double inversion[];
extern int decomp[];
extern int distest; /* non-zero if distance estimator */
extern int distestwidth;
extern int init3d[20]; /* '3d=nn/nn/nn/...' values */
extern char floatflag; /* floating-point fractals? */
extern int usr_biomorph;
extern int bailout; /* user input bailout value */
extern int previewfactor;
extern int xtrans;
extern int ytrans;
extern int red_crop_left;
extern int red_crop_right;
extern int blue_crop_left;
extern int blue_crop_right;
extern int red_bright;
extern int blue_bright;
extern int xadjust;
extern int eyeseparation;
extern int glassestype;
extern int save_system;
extern int save_release;
extern int display3d; /* 3D display flag: 0 = OFF */
extern int Ambient;
extern int RANDOMIZE;
extern int haze;
extern int transparent[2];
extern int rotate_lo,rotate_hi;
extern char busy;
extern float screenaspect;
extern double mxmaxfp;
extern double mxminfp;
extern double mymaxfp;
extern double myminfp;
extern int zdots;
extern float originfp;
extern float depthfp;
extern float heightfp;
extern float widthfp;
extern float distfp;
extern float eyesfp;
extern int neworbittype;
extern short juli3Dmode;
#ifdef XFRACT
extern int decode_fractal_info();
Save-To-Disk Routines (GIF)
GIF and 'Graphics Interchange Format' are trademarks (tm) of Compuserve
Incorporated, an H&R Block Company.
The following routines perform the GIF encoding when the 's' key is pressed.
The routines refer to several variables that are declared elsewhere
[colors, xdots, ydots, and 'dacbox'], and rely on external routines to
actually read and write screen pixels [getcolor(x,y) and putcolor(x,y,color)].
(Writing pixels is just stuffed in here as a sort of visual status report,
and has nothing to do with any GIF function.) They also rely on the
existence of an externally-defined 64K dataspace and they use the routines
'toextra()' and 'cmpextra()' to deal with that dataspace (in the same manner
as 'memcpy()' and 'memcmp()' would). Otherwise, they perform a generic
GIF-encoder function.
Note that these routines use small string- and hash-tables, and "flush"
the GIF entries whenever the hash-table gets two-thirds full or the string
table gets full. They also use the GIF encoding technique of limiting the
encoded string length to a specific size, "adding" a string to the hash table
at that point even if a matching string exists ("adding" is in quotes, because
if a matching string exists we can increment the code counter but safely throw
the duplicate string away, saving both string space and a hash table entry).
This results in relatively good speed and small data space, but at the
expense of compression efficiency (filesize). These trade-offs could be
adjusted by modifying the #DEFINEd variables below.
Note that the 'strlocn' and 'teststring' routines are declared
to be external just so that they can be defined (and the space re-used)
elsewhere. The actual declarations are in the assembler code.
#define MAXTEST 100 /* maximum single string length */
#define MAXSTRING 64000 /* total space reserved for strings */
/* maximum number of strings available */
#define MAXENTRY 5003 /* (a prime number is best for hashing) */
#ifndef XFRACT
extern unsigned int strlocn[MAXENTRY];
extern BYTE teststring[MAXTEST];
extern BYTE block[266]; /* GIF-encoded blocks go here */
unsigned int strlocn[10240];
BYTE teststring[MAXTEST];
BYTE block[266]; /* GIF-encoded blocks go here */
static int numsaves = 0; /* For adjusting 'save-to-disk' filenames */
static FILE *out;
static int last_colorbar;
static int save16bit;
static int outcolor1s, outcolor2s;
static int lentest, lastentry, numentries, numrealentries;
static unsigned int nextentry;
static int clearcode, endcode;
static unsigned int hashcode;
static BYTE blockcount;
static int startbits, codebits, bytecount, bitcount;
static char paletteBW[] = { /* B&W palette */
0, 0, 0, 63, 63, 63,
static char paletteCGA[] = { /* 4-color (CGA) palette */
0, 0, 0, 21, 63, 63, 63, 21, 63, 63, 63, 63,
static char paletteEGA[] = { /* 16-color (EGA/CGA) pal */
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 42, 0, 42, 0, 0, 42, 42,
42, 0, 0, 42, 0, 42, 42, 21, 0, 42, 42, 42,
21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 63, 21, 63, 21, 21, 63, 63,
63, 21, 21, 63, 21, 63, 63, 63, 21, 63, 63, 63,
void encoder_overlay() { } /* for restore_active_ovly */
int savetodisk(filename) /* save-to-disk routine */
char *filename;
char tmpmsg[41]; /* before openfile in case of overrun */
char openfile[80], openfiletype[10];
char tmpfile[80];
int newfile;
int i, j, outcolor1, outcolor2, interrupted;
save16bit = disk16bit;
if (gif87a_flag) /* not storing non-standard fractal info */
save16bit = 0;
strcpy(openfile,filename); /* decode and open the filename */
strcpy(openfiletype,DEFAULTFRACTALTYPE);/* determine the file extension */
if (save16bit)
for (i = 0; i < strlen(openfile); i++)
if (openfile[i] == '.') {
openfile[i] = 0;
if (resave_flag != 1)
updatesavename(filename); /* for next time */
if (access(openfile,0) != 0) /* file doesn't exist */
newfile = 1;
else { /* file already exists */
if (overwrite == 0) {
if (resave_flag == 0)
goto restart;
if (started_resaves == 0) { /* first save of a savetime set */
goto restart;
if (access(openfile,2) != 0) {
return -1;
newfile = 0;
i = strlen(tmpfile);
while (--i >= 0 && tmpfile[i] != SLASHC)
tmpfile[i] = 0;
started_resaves = (resave_flag == 1) ? 1 : 0;
if (resave_flag == 2) /* final save of savetime set? */
resave_flag = 0;
if ((out=fopen(tmpfile,"wb")) == NULL) {
return -1;
if (dotmode == 11) { /* disk-video */
char buf[60];
sprintf(buf,"Saving %s",openfile);
#ifdef XFRACT
else {
putstring(3,0,0,"Saving to:");
putstring(5,0,0," ");
busy = 1;
if (debugflag != 200)
interrupted = encoder();
interrupted = timer(2,NULL); /* invoke encoder() via timer */
busy = 0;
if (interrupted) {
char buf[200];
sprintf(buf,"Save of %s interrupted.\nCancel to ",openfile);
if (newfile)
strcat(buf,"delete the file,\ncontinue to keep the partial image.");
strcat(buf,"retain the original file,\ncontinue to replace original with new partial image.");
interrupted = 1;
if (stopmsg(2,buf) < 0) {
interrupted = -1;
if (newfile == 0 && interrupted >= 0) { /* replace the real file */
unlink(openfile); /* success assumed since we checked */
rename(tmpfile,openfile); /* earlier with access */
if (dotmode != 11) { /* supress this on disk-video */
if (active_system == 0) { /* no bars in Windows version */
outcolor1 = outcolor1s;
outcolor2 = outcolor2s;
for (j = 0; j <= last_colorbar; j++) {
if ((j & 4) == 0) {
if (++outcolor1 >= colors) outcolor1 = 0;
if (++outcolor2 >= colors) outcolor2 = 0;
for (i = 0; 250*i < xdots; i++) { /* clear vert status bars */
#ifdef XFRACT
putstring(5,0,0,"Saving done\n");
else /* disk-video */
if (interrupted) {
texttempmsg(" *interrupted* save ");
if (initbatch == 2 || initbatch == 5) initbatch = 3; /* if batch mode, set error level */
return -1;
if (timedsave == 0) {
if (initbatch == 0) {
sprintf(tmpmsg," File saved as %s ",openfile);
return 0;
int encoder()
int i, ydot, xdot, color, outcolor1, outcolor2;
int width;
int rownum, rowlimit;
unsigned int hashentry;
BYTE bitsperpixel, x;
int entrynum;
struct fractal_info save_info;
if(initbatch) /* flush any impending keystrokes */
#ifndef XFRACT
bitsperpixel = 0; /* calculate bits / pixel */
for (i = colors; i >= 2; i /= 2 )
startbits = bitsperpixel+1; /* start coding with this many bits */
if (colors == 2)
startbits++; /* B&W Klooge */
if (colors==2) {
bitsperpixel = 1;
startbits = 3;
} else {
bitsperpixel = 8;
startbits = 9;
clearcode = 1 << (startbits - 1); /* set clear and end codes */
endcode = clearcode+1;
outcolor1 = 0; /* use these colors to show progress */
outcolor2 = 1; /* (this has nothing to do with GIF) */
if (colors > 2) {
outcolor1 = 2;
outcolor2 = 3;
if (((++numsaves) & 1) == 0) { /* reverse the colors on alt saves */
i = outcolor1;
outcolor1 = outcolor2;
outcolor2 = i;
outcolor1s = outcolor1;
outcolor2s = outcolor2;
if (gif87a_flag == 1) {
if (fwrite("GIF87a",6,1,out) != 1) goto oops; /* old GIF Signature */
} else {
if (fwrite("GIF89a",6,1,out) != 1) goto oops; /* new GIF Signature */
width = xdots;
rowlimit = ydots;
if (save16bit) {
/* pot16bit info is stored as:
file: double width rows, right side of row is low 8 bits
diskvid: ydots rows of colors followed by ydots rows of low 8 bits
decoder: returns (row of color info then row of low 8 bits) * ydots
rowlimit <<= 1;
width <<= 1;
if (write2(&width,2,1,out) != 1) goto oops; /* screen descriptor */
if (write2(&ydots,2,1,out) != 1) goto oops;
x = 128 + ((6-1)<<4) + (bitsperpixel-1); /* color resolution == 6 bits worth */
if (write1(&x,1,1,out) != 1) goto oops;
if (fputc(0,out) != 0) goto oops; /* background color */
i = 0;
/** PB, changed to always store pixel aspect ratio, some utilities
have been reported to like it **/
if ( finalaspectratio < screenaspect-0.01
|| finalaspectratio > screenaspect+0.01) {
if (viewwindow /* less than full screen? */
&& (viewxdots == 0 || viewydots == 0)) /* and we picked the dots? */
i = ((double)sydots / (double)sxdots) * 64.0/screenaspect - 14.5;
else /* must risk loss of precision if numbers low */
i = (((double)ydots / (double)xdots) / finalaspectratio) * 64 - 14.5;
if (i < 1) i = 1;
if (i > 255) i = 255;
if (gif87a_flag) i = 0; /* for some decoders which can't handle aspect */
if (fputc(i,out) != i) goto oops; /* pixel aspect ratio */
#ifndef XFRACT
if (colors == 256) { /* write out the 256-color palette */
if (gotrealdac) { /* got a DAC - must be a VGA */
if (!shftwrite((BYTE *)dacbox,colors)) goto oops;
if (colors > 2) {
if (gotrealdac) { /* got a DAC - must be a VGA */
if (!shftwrite((BYTE *)dacbox,256)) goto oops;
} else { /* uh oh - better fake it */
for (i = 0; i < 256; i += 16)
if (!shftwrite((BYTE *)paletteEGA,16)) goto oops;
if (colors == 2) { /* write out the B&W palette */
if (!shftwrite((BYTE *)paletteBW,colors)) goto oops;
#ifndef XFRACT
if (colors == 4) { /* write out the CGA palette */
if (!shftwrite(paletteCGA,colors))goto oops;
if (colors == 16) { /* Either EGA or VGA */
if (gotrealdac) {
if (!shftwrite((BYTE *)dacbox,colors))goto oops;
else { /* no DAC - must be an EGA */
if (!shftwrite(paletteEGA,colors))goto oops;
if (fwrite(",",1,1,out) != 1) goto oops; /* Image Descriptor */
i = 0;
if (write2(&i,2,1,out) != 1) goto oops;
if (write2(&i,2,1,out) != 1) goto oops;
if (write2(&width,2,1,out) != 1) goto oops;
if (write2(&ydots,2,1,out) != 1) goto oops;
if (write1(&i,1,1,out) != 1) goto oops;
bitsperpixel = startbits - 1; /* raster data starts here */
if (write1(&bitsperpixel,1,1,out) != 1) goto oops;
codebits = startbits; /* start encoding */
if (!raster(9999)) goto oops; /* initialize the raster routine */
if (!inittable()) goto oops; /* initialize the LZW tables */
for ( rownum = 0; rownum < ydots; rownum++
, UpdateStatusBox(rownum, ydots)
) { /* scan through the dots */
for (ydot = rownum; ydot < rowlimit; ydot += ydots) {
for (xdot = 0; xdot < xdots; xdot++) {
if (save16bit == 0 || ydot < ydots)
color = getcolor(xdot,ydot);
color = readdisk(xdot+sxoffs,ydot+syoffs);
teststring[0] = ++lentest;
teststring[lentest] = color;
if (lentest == 1) { /* root entry? */
lastentry = color;
if (lentest == 2) /* init the hash code */
hashcode = 301 * (teststring[1]+1);
hashcode *= (color + lentest); /* update the hash code */
hashentry = ++hashcode % MAXENTRY;
for( i = 0; i < MAXENTRY; i++) {
if (++hashentry >= MAXENTRY) hashentry = 0;
if (cmpextra(strlocn[hashentry]+sizeof(int),
(char *)teststring,lentest+1) == 0)
if (strlocn[hashentry] == 0) i = MAXENTRY;
/* found an entry and string length isn't too bad */
if (strlocn[hashentry] != 0 && lentest < MAXTEST-1-sizeof(int)) {
fromextra(strlocn[hashentry],(char *)&entrynum,sizeof(int));
lastentry = entrynum;
if (!raster(lastentry)) goto oops; /* write entry */
numentries++; /* act like you added one, anyway */
if (strlocn[hashentry] == 0) { /* add new string, if any */
entrynum = numentries+endcode;
strlocn[hashentry] = nextentry;
toextra(nextentry, (char *)&entrynum,sizeof(int));
(char *)teststring,lentest+1);
nextentry += lentest+1+sizeof(int);
teststring[0] = 1; /* reset current entry */
teststring[1] = color;
lentest = 1;
lastentry = color;
if ((numentries+endcode) == (1<<codebits))
codebits++; /* use longer encoding */
if ( numentries + endcode > 4093 || /* out of room? */
numrealentries > (MAXENTRY*2)/3 ||
nextentry > MAXSTRING-MAXTEST-1-2*sizeof(int)) {
if (!raster(lastentry)) goto oops; /* flush & restart */
if (!inittable()) goto oops;
if (dotmode != 11 /* supress this on disk-video */
&& active_system == 0 /* and in Windows version */
&& ydot == rownum) {
if ((ydot & 4) == 0) {
if (++outcolor1 >= colors) outcolor1 = 0;
if (++outcolor2 >= colors) outcolor2 = 0;
for (i = 0; 250*i < xdots; i++) { /* display vert status bars */
/* (this is NOT GIF-related) */
/* PB Changed following code to xor color, so that
image can be restored at end and resumed
putcolor( i,ydot,outcolor1);
last_colorbar = ydot;
if (OperCancelled)
if (keypressed()) /* keyboard hit - bail out */
ydot = rownum = 9999;
if (!raster(lastentry)) goto oops; /* tidy up - dump the last code */
if (!raster(endcode)) goto oops; /* finish the map */
if (fputc(0,out) != 0) goto oops; /* raster data ends here */
if (gif87a_flag == 0) { /* store non-standard fractal info */
/* loadfile.c has notes about extension block structure */
if (ydot >= 9999)
save_info.calc_status = 0; /* partial save is not resumable */
save_info.tot_extend_len = 0;
if (resume_info != NULL && save_info.calc_status == 2) {
/* resume info block, 002 */
save_info.tot_extend_len += extend_blk_len(resume_len);
if (!put_extend_blk(2,resume_len,resume_info))goto oops;
if (save_info.fractal_type == FORMULA || save_info.fractal_type == FFORMULA)
save_info.tot_extend_len += store_item_name(FormName);
if (save_info.fractal_type == LSYSTEM)
save_info.tot_extend_len += store_item_name(LName);
if (save_info.fractal_type == IFS || save_info.fractal_type == IFS3D)
save_info.tot_extend_len += store_item_name(IFSName);
if (display3d <= 0 && rangeslen) {
/* ranges block, 004 */
save_info.tot_extend_len += extend_blk_len(rangeslen*2);
#ifdef XFRACT
put_extend_blk(4,rangeslen*2,(char far *)ranges);
if (!put_extend_blk(4,rangeslen*2,(char far *)ranges))
goto oops;
/* main and last block, 001 */
save_info.tot_extend_len += extend_blk_len(FRACTAL_INFO_SIZE);
#ifdef XFRACT
if (!put_extend_blk(1,FRACTAL_INFO_SIZE,(char far *)&save_info)) {
goto oops;
if (fwrite(";",1,1,out) != 1) goto oops; /* GIF Terminator */
return ((ydot < 9999) ? 0 : 1);
stopmsg(0,"Error Writing to disk (Disk full?)");
return 1;
static int _fastcall shftwrite(BYTE *color,int numcolors)
/* shift IBM colors to GIF */
BYTE thiscolor;
int i,j;
for (i = 0; i < numcolors; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
thiscolor = color[3*i+j];
thiscolor = thiscolor << 2;
thiscolor += (thiscolor >> 6);
if (fputc(thiscolor,out) != thiscolor) return(0);
static int inittable() /* routine to init tables */
int i;
if (!raster(clearcode)) return(0); /* signal that table is initialized */
numentries = 0; /* initialize the table */
numrealentries = 0;
nextentry = 1;
lentest = 0;
codebits = startbits;
toextra(0,"\0",1); /* clear the hash entries */
for (i = 0; i < MAXENTRY; i++)
strlocn[i] = 0;
static int _fastcall raster(code) /* routine to block and output codes */
unsigned int code;
unsigned int icode, i, j;
if (code == 9999) { /* special start-up signal */
bytecount = 0;
bitcount = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 266; i++)
block[i] = 0;
icode = code << bitcount; /* update the bit string */
block[bytecount ] |= (icode & 255);
block[bytecount+1] |= ((icode>>8) & 255);
icode = (code>>8) << bitcount;
block[bytecount+2] |= ((icode>>8) & 255);
bitcount += codebits;
while (bitcount >= 8) { /* locate next starting point */
bitcount -= 8;
if (bytecount > 250 || code == endcode) { /* time to write a block */
if (code == endcode)
while (bitcount > 0) { /* if EOF, find the real end */
bitcount -= 8;
i = bytecount;
blockcount = i;
if (write1(&blockcount,1,1,out) != 1) return(0); /* write the block */
if (fwrite(block,i,1,out) != 1) return(0);
bytecount = 0; /* now re-start the block */
for (j = 0; j < 5; j++) /* (may have leftover bits) */
block[j] = block[j+i];
for (j = 5; j < 266; j++)
block[j] = 0;
static int _fastcall extend_blk_len(int datalen)
return(datalen + (datalen+254)/255 + 15);
/* data + 1.per.block + 14 for id + 1 for null at end */
static int _fastcall put_extend_blk(int block_id,int block_len,char far *block_data)
int i,j;
char header[15];
if (fwrite(header,14,1,out) != 1) return(0);
i = (block_len + 254) / 255;
while (--i >= 0) {
block_len -= (j = min(block_len,255));
if (fputc(j,out) != j) return(0);
while (--j >= 0)
if (fputc(0,out) != 0) return(0);
static int _fastcall store_item_name(char *nameptr)
char tmpname[40];
/* formula/lsys/ifs info block, 003 */
static void _fastcall setup_save_info(struct fractal_info *save_info)
int i;
if(fractype != FORMULA && fractype != FFORMULA)
maxfn = 0;
/* set save parameters in save structure */
strcpy(save_info->info_id, INFO_ID);
save_info->version = 9; /* file version, independant of system */
save_info->iterations = maxit;
save_info->fractal_type = fractype;
save_info->xmin = xxmin;
save_info->xmax = xxmax;
save_info->ymin = yymin;
save_info->ymax = yymax;
save_info->creal = param[0];
save_info->cimag = param[1];
save_info->videomodeax = videoentry.videomodeax;
save_info->videomodebx = videoentry.videomodebx;
save_info->videomodecx = videoentry.videomodecx;
save_info->videomodedx = videoentry.videomodedx;
save_info->dotmode = videoentry.dotmode % 100;
save_info->xdots = videoentry.xdots;
save_info->ydots = videoentry.ydots;
save_info->colors = videoentry.colors;
save_info->parm3 = 0; /* pre version==7 fields */
save_info->parm4 = 0;
save_info->dparm3 = param[2];
save_info->dparm4 = param[3];
save_info->dparm5 = param[4];
save_info->dparm6 = param[5];
save_info->dparm7 = param[6];
save_info->dparm8 = param[7];
save_info->dparm9 = param[8];
save_info->dparm10 = param[9];
save_info->fillcolor = fillcolor;
save_info->potential[0] = potparam[0];
save_info->potential[1] = potparam[1];
save_info->potential[2] = potparam[2];
save_info->rflag = rflag;
save_info->rseed = rseed;
save_info->inside = inside;
save_info->logmap = LogFlag;
save_info->invert[0] = inversion[0];
save_info->invert[1] = inversion[1];
save_info->invert[2] = inversion[2];
save_info->decomp[0] = decomp[0];
save_info->biomorph = usr_biomorph;
save_info->symmetry = forcesymmetry;
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
save_info->init3d[i] = init3d[i];
save_info->previewfactor = previewfactor;
save_info->xtrans = xtrans;
save_info->ytrans = ytrans;
save_info->red_crop_left = red_crop_left;
save_info->red_crop_right = red_crop_right;
save_info->blue_crop_left = blue_crop_left;
save_info->blue_crop_right = blue_crop_right;
save_info->red_bright = red_bright;
save_info->blue_bright = blue_bright;
save_info->xadjust = xadjust;
save_info->eyeseparation = eyeseparation;
save_info->glassestype = glassestype;
save_info->outside = outside;
save_info->x3rd = xx3rd;
save_info->y3rd = yy3rd;
save_info->calc_status = calc_status;
save_info->stdcalcmode = stdcalcmode;
save_info->distest = distest;
save_info->floatflag = floatflag;
save_info->bailout = bailout;
save_info->calctime = calctime;
save_info->trigndx[0] = trigndx[0];
save_info->trigndx[1] = trigndx[1];
save_info->trigndx[2] = trigndx[2];
save_info->trigndx[3] = trigndx[3];
save_info->finattract = finattract;
save_info->initorbit[0] = initorbit.x;
save_info->initorbit[1] = initorbit.y;
save_info->useinitorbit = useinitorbit;
save_info->periodicity = periodicitycheck;
save_info->pot16bit = disk16bit;
save_info->faspectratio = finalaspectratio;
save_info->system = save_system;
save_info->release = save_release;
save_info->flag3d = display3d;
save_info->ambient = Ambient;
save_info->randomize = RANDOMIZE;
save_info->haze = haze;
save_info->transparent[0] = transparent[0];
save_info->transparent[1] = transparent[1];
save_info->rotate_lo = rotate_lo;
save_info->rotate_hi = rotate_hi;
save_info->distestwidth = distestwidth;
save_info->mxmaxfp = mxmaxfp;
save_info->mxminfp = mxminfp;
save_info->mymaxfp = mymaxfp;
save_info->myminfp = myminfp;
save_info->zdots = zdots;
save_info->originfp = originfp;
save_info->depthfp = depthfp;
save_info->heightfp = heightfp;
save_info->widthfp = widthfp;
save_info->distfp = distfp;
save_info->eyesfp = eyesfp;
save_info->orbittype = neworbittype;
save_info->juli3Dmode = juli3Dmode;
save_info->maxfn = maxfn;
save_info->inversejulia = (major_method << 8) + minor_method; /* MVS */
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(save_info->future)/sizeof(short); i++)
save_info->future[i] = 0;