Computerworld 1996 March
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From Arf.bbs@csie.nctu.edu.tw Fri Dec 23 01:27:46 1994
This is a fractal animationes generation package. The fractal
animations here are some what different from other existing
ones: most availiable animations are zoom-in type, the ones
here are parameter twisters. By adjusting parameters within
each frame, you get a slight different image. Thus you have
a different type of fractal animation.
Technically speaking, I am just moving along some different
axes in the multi-dimetional parameter space.
This package contains three sets of fractal animation batch
and configuration files. You need a seperate .fli encoder
to glue all seperate pieces of images together.
Finished animations are all 72 frames long and can be played
back in a loop. You may modify rendering options like color
map, tesselation, bof,... etc. to your taste. Or you may
try a different video configuration. But beware of file
To generate those beautiful images, I used some formula files
made by other people. I don't remember if I have made any
modification or not. If things come out very strange, it can
be the lack of definition to some parameters. I always add
parameters p1 and p2 to any formula files I got. To reduce
the possibility that your formula files and mine are not the
same, I included the three of them at the end of this message.
These batch files are generated by a small QBASIC program I
wrote. I am not going to release it now, because of some bugs
I forgot to kill. If any of you are interested in generating
fractal movies, you may write your own bug-free version. I
am not a good programer, all I know is Applesoft :) My QB
experience is limited and retarded.
Thanks to all of them, Mr. Lewen, Mr. Wareman, and the person
who wrote those beautiful tchebych formulas. Without your
formulas, a layman like me can not realize all these beautiful
Jiaqing Bao
comment {
The fractals in this file are some of my first attempts
at using the formula complier. (At least those I was willing
to show others <G>). Comments are welcome as always!
The accompanying parameter file (RCL.PAR) provides a simple
example generated from each formula.
Ron Lewen
CIS: 76376,2567
RCL_Pick13 { ; Ron Lewen
; Formula from Frontpiece for Appendix C
; and Credits in Pickover's book.
; Set p1=(3,0) to generate the Frontpiece
; for Appendix C and to (2,0) for Credits
; Use Floating Point
|z| <= 100
Readme {
; This Fractint .FRM file (c) 1993 by:
; Michael G. Wareman
; P.O. Box 1856
; Olds, Alberta, Canada
; T0M 1P0
Hall-c {
z = pixel:
z = (-2.7 + 5 * z * conj(z) + 1.5 * real(z ^ 6)) * z + 1 * conj(z * z) +c +p1,
|z| <= 4
;Date: Mon, 10 Feb 1992 13:10:12 EST
;From: "Bruno"
;Subject: MORE .par and .frm
;X-Topic: Entry #3185 of LISTS.FRAC-L
;To: "LISTS.FRAC-L.3185"
;Posted on 10 Feb 1992 at 12:24:22 by BrownVM Mailer (103837)
;MORE .par and .frm
;Date: Mon, 10 Feb 1992 08:18:36 GMT
;Reply-To: 'FRACTAL' discussion list <FRAC-L@GITVM1.BITNET>
;From: Rob den Braasem <rdb@KTIBV.UUCP>
;Here are a group of files with formulas derived from a book of Roger Stevens
;First the formmats file and then the par file.
J_TchebychevS7 { ;
c = pixel, z = P1:
z = c*z*(z*z*(z*z*(z*z-6)+10)-4),