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- .Shareware
- Shareware distribution gives users a chance to try software before buying it.
- If you try a Shareware program and continue using it you must register.
- Shareware is a distribution method not a type of software. You should find
- software that suits your needs and pocketbook whether it's commercial or
- Shareware. The Shareware system makes fitting your needs easier because you can
- try before you buy
- and because the overhead is low and prices are low also.
- Shareware has the ultimate money-back guarantee -- if you don't use the
- product you don't pay for it.
- All Blind Mellon Software programs
- shareware and freeware are protected
- under the copyright laws of the United States and foreign countries.
- All rights are reserved to Blink Mellon Software and Mike Owens.
- Violations of copyright laws are investigated by the FBI. Distribution
- of Blind Mellon products implies that you have read and agreed to the
- distribution terms.
- Contact information:
- Mike Owens Internet: Blindmello@aol.com
- 499 Dogwood Dr. Compuserve: 75037,2625
- Lawrenceville Ga. 30245 America on line: Blindmello
- .Order
- When you register this product you will receive
- support as well as notification of all future releases. You
- will be able to register future releases of this product with
- your registration number, you will also be able to take advantage
- of out 3 for 2 offer on all of our products.
- Payment can be thru Compuserves Software Registration
- GO SWREG Product # 4439
- or you may
- Print this help message and utilize the form enclosed to order.
- Payment in Cash
- money order & checks
- Remit payment:
- Mike Owens
- Future additional tools are planned for the product. Let me know if you
- have suggestions or comments.
- The registration fee for this product is $ 15.00
- Note: Please print your name/company name clearly
- Name: ______________________
- Company: _______________________________________
- Address: _______________________________________
- City : _______________________________________
- State: ___
- Zip: ___________
- Country: _______________________________________
- Day Phone: _______________________ Eve: _________________
- Electronic Mail address: ________________________________
- How did you hear about this product? __________________________
- Suggestions
- changes or additions you would like to
- see in future versions ?
- Comments:
- .Options - Schedule
- The schedule option allows the user to specify a different wallpaper for every
- day of the week. The weekly schedule is kept in the setup configuration screen
- and may be changed at any time, select setup under control on the menu, then
- highlight a wallpaper file and click on the name of the day desired. Make sure
- that the schedule option button is selected to enable the schedule.
- .Options - Timed
- The timed option allows the user to select from 3 specific timings, change on the
- hour, every 30 min or every 15 min. The program will cycle thru the specified
- master directory at the specified interval. A custom timing can be created by
- entering a specified number of min.
- .Minimize on startup
- Simply means that the configuration screen will not automatically appear, once
- the program is started it will minimize itself, this only applies to the Timed
- Operation Option.
- .Display Time
- Provides an option to display the current time while minimized.
- .Preview
- The preview option allows you to view each wallpaper file as you select them,
- in addition it provides the ability to create some specialized designs that may
- be saved and used on a regular basis.
- .Master Directory
- All files in the MASTER directory will be cycled thru when the timed funciton is
- selected. You may select change on the hour, as well as several fixed timed
- changes. You may also define a custom timing.
- .Select Button
- Once a wall paper has been previewed, you may change the system wallpaper
- using the select button. If you have defined a custom wallpaper you will also be
- given the opportunity to save it for later use.
- .Contents
- Wallpaper Manager will allow selection of Windows wallpaper as well as allow the
- user to modify and create custom wallpaper. The user has the ability to select
- from timed change of wallpaper, hourly, half hourly, or custom defined by the
- user. You may select a scheduled different wallpaper for each day.
- .Read Me
- There are several options available for the user in this program, read Timed, and
- schedule to review:
- If you want a scheduled change of wallpaper during the day then, set the timed
- option for the desired timing and choose a master directory or create your own
- master directory for bitmaps. You may want to select the minimize on startup option and then enter Wallpaper manager in your Windows startup group.
- If you only want a daily change then select schedule and enter the paths for
- each days wallpaper in the Sunday thru Saturday schedule, you may use the
- mouse to accomplish this task, select a bitmap in the file window and then
- click the day of the week.
- It is possible to create custom wallpaper with the mouse, select preview of a
- file and use the mouse to manipulate the upperleft corner of the preview screen,
- once you select this wallpaper you will be given an opportunity to save it for
- later use. Utilize the preview screen to resize the wallpaper bitmap, if the
- bit map is tiled, i.e. (you have checked the Tile Wallpaper box), then click
- in the upper left corner of the preview screen and drag to the right, If you
- have not checked the Tile Wallpaper option, then the bitmap will be centered
- in the preview screen, and you should click the lower right corner of the
- bitmap and drag to the right.
- .Free Wallpaper
- Several free wallpaper bitmaps come with the product, look in the directory that
- contain the executable files, look for the *.bmp extension.
- Additional wallpaper may be ordered from the following
- source, Print this help topic and use it as an order form.
- -----------------------------
- Photodex Corporation 800-377-4686 (ORDERS ONLY)
- 1781 Barcelona Street 510-449-9079 Voice
- Livermore
- CA 94550 510-449-3519 FAX
- CompuServe: GO PHOTODEX [74774,3570]
- America Online: Photodex
- Internet: photodex@netcom.com
- NAME:________________________________________________________________
- ADDRESS:_____________________________________________________________
- _____________________________________________________________
- CITY:_______________________ STATE:__________ ZIP:__________-________
- PHONE:(______)_______-___________ COUNTRY:____________________
- Where did you hear about Photodex Wallpaper?_________________________
- I would like order the following products from Photodex:
- __QTY__Description___________________________Price/Ea.______Price___
- ______ Tantalizing Textures (75 wallpapers) $9.95 _____________
- ______ Patchwork Potpourri (165+ wallpapers) $9.95 _____________
- ______ Wild & Crazy (125+ wallpapers) $9.95 _____________
- ______ Beautiful Blondes (30 wallpapers) $9.95 _____________
- ______ Beautiful Brunettes (30 wallpapers) $9.95 _____________
- ______ Beautiful Brunettes II (30 wallpapers) $9.95 _____________
- ______ ALL SIX (455 wallpaper images!) $39.95 _____________
- -----------------------------
- SUB-TOTAL: ______________
- CA Res add 8.25% sales tax: ______________
- Shipping & Handling: ______________
- ($3.00 US/CANADA $8.00 Foreign)
- TOTAL: ______________
- Payment Method: [ ] VISA [ ] MasterCard [ ] Check (US)
- [ ] AmEx [ ] Discover or Money Order
- enclosed
- Card Number:_________-_________-_________-_________ Expires:________
- Signature:_X____________________________________
- *** Fax
- Mail
- or E-Mail this form to Photodex (see above) ***
- .Tile Wallpaper
- Check this box to tile the bitmaps to cover the entire screen, if the box is not
- checked, the bit map picture will be centered in the screen background.
- .Unload on change
- This option applies only to the weekly schedule, you can setup Wallpaper
- Manager to change wallpaper daily, simply use the weekly schedule, check
- the unload on change box, exit the program and enter the Wallpaper
- Managers Icon in you startup group, the program will change the wallpaper
- based on the daily schedule, you will then have 30 seconds to bring up the
- options screen or allow the program to terminate.
- .Benefits
- Benefits of Registration include on-going support of this product
- notification of future releases via mail and the ability to register
- future upgrades with your registration number.
- All Blind Mellon products qualify for the 3 for 2 discount, see documentation
- enclosed with this package for details.
- 1. The Program may be registered in the compuserve SW Registration
- GO SWREG and enter ID# 4439 compuserve will notify us via email
- and the cost of registration will be added to your compuserve bill.
- or:
- Payment may be in Cash
- money order & checks
- Remit Cash/money orders/checks to:
- Mike Owens
- 499 Dogwood dr.
- Lawrenceville
- Ga. 30245
- Checks payable to: Mike Owens
- Future additional tools are planned . Let me know if you
- have suggestions or comments.
- Mike Owens
- America on line: blindmello
- All registered users will be notified of updates and may either download the improved versions
- and use your same registration number to register your new copy
- .Task Bar
- Task Bar is a handy utility provided as a bonus to registered users of Wallpaper
- Manager. It must be started from Wallpaper Manager but once started maintains
- its own user run list and features. Task Bar will allow you to see and control
- everything that is running on windows simply by dropping the mouse all the way
- to the bottom of the screen at any point and time. You may also create your own
- run list menu.