Computerworld 1996 March
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FRAMER Version 1.0
Copyright (C) 1994 P.J. Scholtz
All rights reserved.
P.J. Scholtz +27 (021) 22-2174 Office
P.O. Box 237 +27 (021) 22-2178 Fax
Stellenbosch +27 (021) 24-2208 BBS
South Africa
Fidonet 5:7102/110
Internet Pieter.Scholtz@f110.n7102.z5.fidonet.ORG
1) Introduction
2) Shareware
3) Registration
4) Legal
5) Documentation
6) FRAMER installation
7) GRABIT installation
8) GRABIT usage notes
9) Making objects
10) FRAMER functions and procedures
11) Run-time error messages
12) Software license agreement
FRAMER is a library (DLL) for use with Windows 3.1 which
allows for the programming of FRAME GRABBER cards, also
called Video-in-a-Window. It contains extensive routines
for anything from reading and writing a pixel right
through to animation.
It can be used to write a variety of software applications
such as:
- Police identi-kit
- Hairdressing hair fitting simulation
- Security/alarm
- Tourist (project them into another scenario)
- Plastic surgery
- Animation
- Games
- Video overlaying
It is designed for frame grabber cards based on the Chips&
Technology chipset 82C9001A (PC-Video : Video Window -
Cards based on this chipset include:
- Creative Labs: VideoBlaster
- PE-Von: PV100
- Adda: Aver 2000
- Aitech: Pro PC Video
This software is marketed under the Shareware concept.
Unlike Public Domain software, Shareware may only be used
in strict accordance with its registration policy. The
concept of "look before you buy" in no way reduces the
fact that you have to pay for the software.
P.J. Scholtz grants you the non-exclusive right to use one
copy of the object code version of the FRAMER software for
use on your computer system. You are entitled to evaluate
the software on a royalty free basis for 30 days. Use
after the 30 day evaluation period is subject to payment
of the license fee specified below.
FRAMER.DLL single user license US$ 100.00
Note that each copy of FRAMER (i.e. on each computer it
runs concurrently) must be registered. Which means that
any software you develop and sell using FRAMER requires
a registration for each copy you sell.
There are no fees for using the example source code. You
may modify and sell it as long as the registration fee is
paid for each copy of FRAMER.DLL.
Please fill in the attached ORDER.DOC order form.
The FRAMER software has been tested extensively using a
host of different systems and configurations. However
P.J. Scholtz does not accept any liability for damage
caused by the use of this software. The use of this
software is at your own risk.
FRAMER requires Windows to run in 386 Enhanced Mode.
The documentation of FRAMER is in the form of three source
code examples. Two are for Visual Basic and the third is
for Turbo Pascal for Windows.
First look at the Pascal source then at the Basic ALARM
source and lastly at the Basic GRABIT source. That is the
order of complexity.
This first version of FRAMER is not very forgiving if you
pass incorrect parameters. When you get a General -
Protection Fault (GPF) then you know that something wasn't
passed correctly or has not been set up correctly. Trace
to the offending statement and check the parameters ...
If a GPF occurs then you need to exit and reload Windows
to refresh the FRAMER DLL. An example of when a GPF would
occur is when colour-mixing an image and over-running the
right-hand-side of the screen.
The first order of business is to set up the DLL's. Your
frame grabber is supplied with it's own standard DLL. The
VideoBlaster has a DLL called PCVIDEO.DLL. For the Adda -
2000 it is AV2K.DLL, PV100 is PV100.DLL etc.
requires you to call it FRAMEGRB.DLL and it also requires
it to be installed in the \WINDOWS directory.
Copy FRAMER.DLL into \WINDOWS as well. The example source
files requires it there. You can change it to whatever you
7) GRABIT installation
GRABIT requires 8MB of RAM installed in your computer to
run. Don't even try running it with 4MB: you will wait
forever ...
I you do not have Visual Basic installed then you will
need to download VBRUN300.DLL to run ALARM.EXE and
GRABIT.EXE. VBRUN300.DLL should be installed in your
\WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory.
Before running GRABIT you must install the FRAMER DLL and
your frame grabbers DLL.
Create the directory C:\WINDOWS\GRABIT
Copy all the GRABIT.ZIP files into C:\WINDOWS\GRABIT
Copy all the GRABDATA.ZIP files into C:\WINDOWS\GRABIT
The following files need to exist for GRABIT to run. A batch file
is supplied to do the copying. It is called MAKEGRAB.BAT.
While video is live and clicking on file 1-3 (via the
camera icon) the video will be frozen and the frame will
be stored to that file. Video will go back to live after 2
When selecting freeze, file 1 will be loaded to the frozen
Using file 1-3 via the camera icon you can load different
backgrounds while an object is on the frozen screen.
The first time you select an object after freezing the
video the color chart will appear after selecting the
object. After that you need to specifically select color
to change the colors.
You can click the object icon while in live video. It will
freeze frame and load the object selection screen.
When you select a color from the color chart you are
actually selecting a color range. The colors displayed on
the color chart are averages.
Clicking the color icon will display the color options as
well as two color ranges. The top one is for the object
color and the second is the brush color. The options allow
for changing the object color, the brush color and to
change the object to grey-scale. The black lines on the
color-bars indicate the current color. Click on the color-
bar to move the black line to that position and have the
color changed.
The first option via the fx icon is for zooming the object
up/down and vertical/horizontal. The pull & push option is
for squaring a section of the object and up/downing the
squared area in a vertical or horizontal direction. Mirror
flips the object horizontally. Object sink in combines the
current object with the background. The scroll-bar on the
end indicates the size of: movement, zoom and pull & push.
The top is maximum and the bottom is minimum. The scroll-
bar can be adjusted via the key-pad: 9 = maximum and 1 =
minimum. Pressing 0 on the key-pad will clear the icons of
the screen so you can see the complete screen.
After selecting pull & push the cursor will change. You
then need to select the starting corner of the area you
wish to work with. After selecting the starting corner
move the cursor to block the area you want. Click a second
time to finalise the block selection. Now you need to
click next to one side of the four side of the rectangle.
Four button will appear where you clicked. Use plus to
enlarge, minus to shrink. When done select yes to make the
changes permanent or no to undo the changes.
The save option via the file icon can store four images.
It will save over the first one when you have saved four.
The load option will display the four saved images, click
on the one you like and it will be displayed full-screen.
The logo option will display the logo file LOGO.MMP. The
print option simply clears the icons of the screen.
Whenever a image is displayed full-screen, clicking the
mouse will return the icons.
The icon in the lower-right-hand corner is your 'cursor-
keys'. Click once in the relevant square to move a single
step (remember the scroll-bar under fx for the step size).
Click and keep the button depressed for continuous
The small square next to the movement icon is the brush
size. Click it to step through the three sizes.
Click on quit to exit the software.
Double click the top-right-hand icon for a slide-show.
Click and keep the button depressed on the undo icon for
step-by-step undo. Double click the undo for a complete
The left mouse button paints on the object, the right
mouse button erases. You can only paint/erase in the
rectangular area of the object.
When you select a new object it will be zoomed to the x
and y zoom % of the previous object.
Probably the most important feature of the FRAMER DLL is
the ability to mask objects. This allows for a variety of
software to be designed. Each object needs to be in the
.MMP format. Your frame grabber is supplied with a utility
for viewing video and it allows for saving and storing in
a few formats. It is also supplied with TRG2MMP and
An object file requires a corresponding .RLE file. This is
a Run-Length-Encoded file which maps the object. It
indicates which pixels are to be displayed and which are
The process of making a object is as follows:
1. Capture an image and save it as a 24 bit .TGA (Targa)
2. Size the image so its width (X size) is divisible by 4.
3. Use editing software and paint the "see-through" parts
black (RGB 0,0,0).
4. Run RLE&MMP in the directory which contains the .TGA
RLE&MMP requires TRG2MMP.EXE to be in the path. The result
will be a .MMP, .RLE and a .RGB file. The .RGB file is
used by the GRABIT Basic source example. The routine
MASKIMAGE requires .MMP and .RLE files.
Don't use MMP2TRG as it creates 16 .TGA files and RLE&MMP
requires 24 bit .TGA files. Use the Windows utility to
convert .MMP files to 24 bit .TGA.
SaveMMP : Save a rectangular area from the active
page. Extension not assumed. File will be
in the .MMP format. SaveMMP is a function.
Filename : String
X Start,
Y Start,
X Size,
Y Size : Word
LoadMMP : Load to the active page at X,Y. Extension
not assumed. File must be in the .MMP
format. LoadMMP is a function.
Filename : String
X Start,
Y Start : Word
SaveICO : Same as SaveMMP but stores in the frame -
grabber buffer format. SaveICO is a
LoadICO : Same as LoadMMP but expects file to be in
the frame grabber buffer format. LoadICO
is a function.
SetActivePage : Sets the active page for FRAMER.DLL to
work with. SetActivePage is a procedure.
Page : word
ClearPage : Blacks the specified page. ClearPage is
a procedure.
Page : word
MaskImage : Masks an object. Extensions are assumed
to be .MMP and .RLE. MaskImage is a
Filename : string
X Start,
Y Start,
Destination : word
BlockRGB : Fills a block on the active page. BlockRGB
is a procedure.
X Start,
Y Start,
X Size,
Y Size,
Blue : word
RGBPutPixel : Puts a pixel on the active page.
Specified in the RGB format.
RGBPutPixel is a procedure.
X Start,
Y Start,
Blue : word
RGBGetPixel : Gets a pixel from the active page.
Specified in the RGB format.
RGBGetPixel is a procedure.
X Start,
Y Start,
Blue : word
YuvGetPixel : Gets a pixel from the active page.
Specified in the YUV format.
YUVPutPixel is a procedure.
X Start,
Y Start,
Chroma2 : word
YUVGetPixel : Gets a pixel from the active page.
Specified in the YUV format.
YUVGetPixel is a procedure.
X Start,
Y Start,
Chroma2 : word
CopyBlock : Copies a block from one page to another.
CopyBlock is a procedure.
X Start,
Y Start,
X Size,
Y Size,
Destination : word
MoveBlock : Moves/Copies a block from one page to
another. MoveBlock is a procedure.
X Start,
Y Start,
X Size,
Y Size,
X Destination,
Y Destination,
Destination : word
ColourChange : Changes the colour of the active page.
Area indicated by the currently loaded
object. A value of 100% indicates no
change. ColourChange is a procedure.
Red Start,
Green Start,
Blue Start,
Red %,
Green %,
Blue % : word
ColMixImage : Loads an object to the active page and
changes the colour. Assumes extensions
.MMP and .RLE. a value of 100% indicates
no change. ColMixImage is a function.
Filename : string
X Start,
Y Start,
Red Start,
Green Start,
Blue Start,
Red %,
Green %,
Blue % : word
ColourBlock : Colours a block on the active page.
ColourBlock is a procedure.
X Start,
Y Start,
X Size,
Y Size,
X Addition,
Y Addition,
Red %,
Green %,
Blue % : word
UpdateRleBlock: Updates the currently loaded .RLE.
UpdateRleBlock is a procedure.
X Start,
Y Start,
X Size,
Y Size,
AddRemove : word
UpDateRleCircle:Updates the currently loaded .RLE.
UpDateRleCircle is a procedure.
X Start,
Y Start,
AddRemove : word
YZoomImage : Zooms the active page. 100 % indicates
no change. Zooms the area indicated by
the currently loaded object. YZoomImage
is a function.
Factor : word
YZoomBlock : Zooms a block on the active page. 100 %
indicates no change. YZoomBlock is a
X Start,
Y Start,
X End,
Y End,
Direction : word
XZoomImage : Zooms the active page. 100 % indicates
no change. Zooms the area indicated by
the currently loaded object. XZoomImage
is a function.
Factor : word
XZoomBlock : Zooms a block on the active page. 100 %
indicates no change. XZoomBlock is a
X Start,
Y Start,
X End,
Y End,
Direction : word
InitVariance : Initialises the circular brush random
value. InitVariance is a procedure.
Value : word
InitColours : Initialises the colours of the brush.
InitColours is a procedure.
Blue : word
DrawCircle : Draw a circle on the active page.
DrawCircle is a procedure.
X Start,
Y Start : word
ClearCircle : Erase a circle on the active page.
ClearCircle is a procedure
X Start,
Y Start : word
CopyCircle : Copies a circle from one page to another.
CopyCircle is a procedure.
X Start,
Y Start,
Destination : word
Freememory : Frees memory allocated during InitDll.
Freememory is a procedure.
InitDll : Initialises FRAMER.DLL for the number of
pages required and for the specific type
of frame grabber.
CardType : word
StoreRle : Make a internal backup of the currently
loaded .RLE. StoreRle is a procedure.
ReStoreRle : Restores the backed up .RLE. ReStoreRle
is a procedure.
StoreBlock : Make a internal backup of the area on the
active page. StoreBlock is a procedure.
X Start,
Y Start,
X Size,
Y Size : word
ReStoreBlock : Restores the backup block to the active
page. ReStoreBlock is a procedure.
The following are a list of FRAMER.DLL run-time errors.
Error # Error Message
1 Invalid function number
2 File not found
3 Path not found
4 Too many open files
5 File access denied
6 Invalid file handle
12 Invalid file access code
15 Invalid drive number
16 Cannot remove current directory
17 Cannot rename across drives
100 Disk read error
101 Disk write error
102 File not assigned
103 File not open
104 File not open for input
105 File not open for output
106 Invalid numeric format
200 Division by zero
201 Range check error
202 Stack overflow error
203 Heap overflow error
204 Invalid pointer operation
205 Floating point overflow
206 Floating point underflow
207 Invalid floating point operation
210 Object not initialised
211 Call to abstract method
212 Stream registration error
213 Collection index out of range
214 Collection overflow error
If you are running a Visual Basic program and a error pops
up that simply states "ERROR" then it might very well be a
division by zero error in a complex formula.
By using this software, you agree to the terms of this
No warranties are expressed or implied. In no event shall
P.J. Scholtz be held liable for damages resulting from the
use or misuse of this product, including but not limited
to implied warranties of fitness for a particular purpose.
The shareware version may be freely distributed as long
as all files stay together and are not modified in any
way. No cost may be charged for the shareware version
beyond normal and reasonable copying and distribution
No products developed with this software shall be sold
unless this software has been registered with P.J. Scholtz.
At no time for any reason shall this software be reverse
engineered, decompiled or disassembled.
This software may not be rented or leased.
This software may be used only on one terminal or one
computer at any one given moment in time. This software
may not be installed on a network of any type. Contact
P.J. Scholtz for networking options.
The ownership of this software may be transferred as long
as P.J. Scholtz is notified in writing of the transfer
date and new owner. The new owner must agree to this
contract. The transfer must include all registered updates
and previously registered versions. The original owner may
not retain any copies in any form of the registered
software or its documents.