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- Brenda History:
- ----------------
- v 2.00 March 3, 1995
- -------------------------
- New distribution: complete install disk. Brenda20.zip
- All files necessary for installation and use.
- Photoshop 3 Filters & Effects BY NEW RIDERS PUBLISHING.
- Fixed another major oversight that prevented users from specifiying
- the number of colors for palette creation from selected files.
- Brenda always supported specifying # colors; but I put in the
- wrong combo-box and didn't realize it wouldn't let you type in
- a custom value. Fixed.
- Also now aborts processing if you selected create palette, but
- then cancelled the name palette file requester.
- Cosmetic improvements in all type-in string fields.
- ************************
- ************************
- After using Brenda, myself, I decided I didn't like being bothered for
- Destination every time I picked a new set of source images. So, I made
- sure that you always get prompted for destination on startup, but then
- destination remains fixed until you explicitly change it.
- If this bothers anybody, let me know. Otherwise, that's the way it works
- now.
- *-*-*-*-*
- Features Pending (for v. ???):
- Ability to load Windows .PAL resources (whatever they are..)
- Possibly to load other types of palette dataform (unspecified).
- Media Architects assures me that the format interpretation library on
- which Brenda is based should be able to load .PAL resources already.
- Although I have asked repeatedly around cyberspace, I can't get any
- reliable information on what .PAL resources are, nor samples to test
- with.
- JASC (PaintShop Pro) Palettes -- saved with the .PAL suffix -- don't load
- and can't be used.
- PC Paintbrush Palettes -- saved with the .PAL suffix -- don't load and
- can't be used.
- Don't know if either of these types is the same or different from MS Windows
- .PAL.
- ------------
- Anybody with information on what it is a Windows .PAL; with a shareable program
- to actually make, save, load, edit, use them; and/or sample .PAL files please
- drop them in my e-mail box.
- ---------------
- As always, the best workaround is to make a .BMP file containing the required
- .PAL color set (using whatever program it is that lets you specify a .PAL
- in the first place) and use that image for Brenda's Load Palette input.
- *-*-*-*-*
- Known Bugs:
- None reported as of March 3, 1995.
- v 1.01 February 15, 1995
- --------------------------
- Bug Fix #1.
- -----------
- Fixed Major oversight that prevented Brenda from creating a single
- palette from palettized source pictures!
- Fixed cosmetic bug that prevented the Show Preview toggle from
- actually working.
- Added 2 levels of error trapping to Load Palette routine. Brenda
- will now gracefully refuse JPEG images as palettes and file types
- it doesn't know (see known bugs).
- *-*-*-*-*
- At least one user reported that SETUP.EXE wouldn't work. This is because the
- VBRUN300.DLL (which SETUP.EXE requires) was compressed for the distribution
- disk. This problem will be fixed for the next full distribution (which now
- may require TWO floppy disks for this simple reason!)
- Temporary WorkAround -- Using a DOS command line, type:
- c> A:\expand A:\VBRUN300.DL_ C:\WINDOWS\VBRUN300.DLL <return>
- SETUP.EXE will then work for you.
- *-*-*-*-*
- Unknown Bugs:
- You tell me.
- v 1.0 January 7, 1995
- -------------------------
- First release version of Brenda * The Batch Renderer completed