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- /*------------------------------------------------------------------
- Tool Include
- ------------
- This is the main tool include file. Any tool DLLs should
- include this file as it contains the interface for the
- tool base class from which all tools are derived. It
- also provides the prototypes for the main DLL entry points
- used to create and delete the tool object (NB. The editor
- code cannot create a derived class it doesn't know about)
- (C) Silicon Dream Ltd 1994
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- Changes: Date:
- * Created file 27/12/94
- */
- #ifndef TOOL
- #define TOOL
- #define STRICT // For correct HDC definition, otherwise derived tools get linker error
- #include <windows.h>
- #include <atomic.h>
- #include <cppmaths.h>
- #include <cppdebug.h>
- #include <geometry.h>
- /* Used by tool to inform editor what to redraw after a tool action */
- typedef enum Redraw{REDRAW_ALL=0, // Re-renders and redraws overlay
- REDRAW_NONE, // No redraw
- REDRAW_TOOL, // Redraw ONLY using tools DrawSoFar() routine
- REDRAW_NOTOOL, // Refreshes screen from bitmaps and thats all
- REDRAW_REFRESH, // Refreshes screen from bitmaps and calls DrawSoFar()
- REDRAW_OBJECT_WIRE, // Redraw current object only direct to screen in XOR
- /* Tool callback codes and router function definition */
- #define CT_SETVIEWDATA 1
- #define CT_ADDNAMEDOBJ 2
- #define CT_DELNAMEDOBJ 4
- #define CT_GETOBJNAME 9
- #define CT_GETCSYSNAME 10
- #define CT_UPDATEVIEWS 11
- typedef ulong _exp fnToolCallback(void *pvDoc, ushort usCallType,
- ulong ul1, ulong ul2, ulong ul3);
- /* Marker types */
- #define MT_BOX 0
- #define MT_PLUS 1
- #define MT_CROSS 2
- #define MT_DIAMOND 3
- /* Flags for DrawArrow */
- #define DA_FILLED 1
- #define DA_FIXEDSIZE 2
- /* Maximum list object name length */
- #define MAX_NAME_BUFF_LEN 35 // To allow for null and digits
- #define MAX_NAME_LEN 30
- /* Notice all the functions in the Tool class are virtual as it serves
- purely as a polymorphic interface for derived classes. The functions
- implemented in the Tool class do nothing. We cannot however make them
- pure virtual as we would then have an abstract class, and derived tools
- would be required to implement every function otherwise they too would
- become abstract classes (ie. we wouldn't be able to create one) */
- class Tool
- {
- private:
- void *pvDoc; // Ptr to document object
- fnToolCallback *ToolCallback; // Callback entry point to editor
- ulong ulMaxVerts, ulMaxNorms, ulMaxPats;
- HanObject hobjPrim;
- bool bReportErrs, bUndoOnErr;
- public:
- HINSTANCE hinst; // Instance of DLL
- HWND hwnd; // Main frame window
- HanVertex *ahverPrim, hverPrim; // Primitive vertex handle array
- HanNormal *ahnorPrim, hnorPrim; // Primitive normal handle array
- HanPatch *ahpatPrim; // Primitive patch handle array
- ulong ulNumVerts, ulNumNorms, ulNumPats; // Numbers of elements
- HanCoorSys hcsysTopLevel; // Documents top level coor sys
- HanCoorSys hcsysOnSelect; // Active coor sys when tool selected
- HanSurf hsurOnSelect; // Current surface when tool selected
- public:
- // Overideables
- virtual _cppdyn ~Tool(); // Destructor
- virtual void _cppdyn Initialise(); // Called once when DLL loaded
- virtual Redraw _cppdyn OnSelect(Vec &vec); // Called when tool is selected
- virtual Redraw _cppdyn OnUnSelect(bool *pbOkToChange); // Called when tool is selected
- virtual void _cppdyn OnConfigure(); // Called to configure tool
- virtual Redraw _cppdyn OnButtonDown(Vec &vec); // Called when button pressed
- virtual Redraw _cppdyn OnMouseMove(Vec &vec); // Called when mouse moves with button down
- virtual Redraw _cppdyn OnButtonUp(Vec &vec); // Called when button is released
- virtual Redraw _cppdyn OnSet(Vec &vec); // Called when the 'Set' button is clicked
- virtual Redraw _cppdyn OnUndo(); // Called when user wishes to undo effect of tool
- virtual Redraw _cppdyn OnDo(Vec &vec); // Called to end use of tool
- virtual void _cppdyn OnViewChange(HanCoorSys hcsys, Vec &vec); // Called when active view changes
- virtual void _cppdyn DrawSoFar(HDC hdc, HanCoorSys hcsys,
- void *pvViewData, bool bInvalid); // Called to draw object so far into the view
- // Tool support functions
- void _cppdyn WriteMessage(int iResId); // Call to write message in status bar
- void _cppdyn WriteMessage(const char *szMsg); // Call to write message in status bar
- int _cppdyn MessageBox(int iTitleId, int iMsgId, UINT uiStyle=MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); // Call to create message box
- int _cppdyn MessageBox(int iTitleId, const char *szMsg, UINT uiStyle=MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); // Call to create message box
- int _cppdyn MessageBox(int iTitleId, GeomErr gerr); // Call to create message box
- void _cppdyn EndPrim (void); // Removes buffers for handles
- bool _cppdyn StartPrim (HanObject hobj, ulong ulMaxVerts, // Allocate buffers for handles
- ulong ulMaxNorms, ulong ulMaxPats,
- bool bReportErrs, bool bUndoOnErr);
- void _cppdyn RemovePrim (void); // Removes all primitive elements (verts etc.)
- GeomErr _cppdyn AddVertex (Vec &vec); // Adds a vertex (records handle)
- GeomErr _cppdyn AddNormal (Vec &vec); // Adds a normal (records handle)
- GeomErr _cppdyn DefPatch (ushort usNumEdges, ushort usFlags, float fSmoothAng, // Adds a patch (records handle)
- HanVertex *ahver, HanNormal *ahnor, HanSurf hsur=NULL_HANDLE);
- HanObject _cppdyn AddObject(HanCoorSys hcsys, char *szName, // Adds a new named object
- ushort usBuffSize, float fNewVertTol, HanObject hobj);
- HanCoorSys _cppdyn AddCoorSys(HanCoorSys hcsysParent, char *szName, // Adds a new named coor sys
- ushort usBuffSize, HanCoorSys hcsys,
- Mat &matToParent, Mat &matFromParent,
- ushort usType, bool bAddView);
- bool _cppdyn DelObject(const char *szName); // Removes a named object
- bool _cppdyn DelCoorSys(const char *szName); // Removes a named coor sys
- ushort _cppdyn GetSelectedObjects(char *szNames, ushort usBuffSize); // Returns names of selected objects
- HanObject _cppdyn GetObjectHandle(const char *szName);// Returns the handle of a named object
- HanCoorSys _cppdyn GetCoorSysHandle(const char *szName);// Returns the handle of a named coor sys
- void _cppdyn GetObjectName(HanObject hobj, char *szName, // Returns the name of the object with the handle
- ushort usBuffSize);
- void _cppdyn GetCoorSysName(HanCoorSys hcsys, char *szName, // Returns the name of the coor sys with the handle
- ushort usBuffSize);
- void _cppdyn DrawMarker(HDC hdc, int iX, int iY, ushort usType); // Draws a marker on the DC
- void _cppdyn DrawArrow(HDC hdc, int iX, int iY, ushort usFlags); // Draws an arrow onto the DC
- void _cppdyn SetViewData(void *pvData, ushort usSize); // Sets data for all views
- void _cppdyn BackgroundYield(const char *szWrite=NULL);// Yields control and writes message
- void _cppdyn ForceRedraw(Redraw rd, HanCoorSys hcsys=NULL_HANDLE); // Forces a redraw independently of event
- bool _cppdyn ActivateCSysWin(HanCoorSys hcsys); // Activates coor sys window (brings to top)
- HanSurf _cppdyn GetCurrentSurf(); // Returns handle to currently selected surface
- void _cppdyn ModifiedScene(); // Mark scene as modified by this tool
- // Editor support functions (not for use by derived tools)
- void _cppdyn Initialise(HINSTANCE hinstDLL,
- void *pvDocIn,
- HWND hwnd,
- fnToolCallback *ToolCallbackIn,
- HanCoorSys hcsysDocTop); // Called to initialise base class
- Redraw _cppdyn OnSelect(HanCoorSys hcsysActive, HanSurf hsurCurrent,
- Vec &vec); // Called to initialise tools public data
- };
- /* The IMPLEMENT_OBJECT macro implements the CreateTool and DeleteTool functions, and the
- typedefs are used by the editor to call the function */
- #define IMPLEMENT_OBJECT(class) _st class tool; extern "C" { \
- Tool *_getdyn CreateTool() {return New class;} \
- void _getdyn DeleteTool(Tool *ptool) {Delete ptool;}}
- typedef Tool *_getdyn fnCreateTool();
- typedef void _getdyn fnDeleteTool(Tool *ptool);
- #endif