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- /*------------------------------------------------------------------
- Debug Library
- -------------
- Header for C interface to debug library
- (C) Silicon Dream Ltd 1994
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- Changes: Date:
- * Created file 27/10/94
- */
- #ifndef DEBUG
- #define DEBUG
- #include <stdarg.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <atomic.h>
- /* Defined operations:
- DebOut("debug.txt+") First call to Deb should provide an output file name
- The optional '+' provides additional output to the console
- DebOut("....", p1, p2...pn); Outputs a formatted debug string with a timestamp
- DebOut(FLUSH) Forces flushing buffer contents to file
- DebOut(STOP) Flushes buffer to file and closes the file
- Malloc(size) Allocates memory
- Free(ptr) Frees memory
- DebListMem() Lists details of all memory currently allocated to the
- debug output file
- Given that the debug library can be linked to many EXEs and/or DLLs at the
- same time the rules governing what appears in what file are quite straightforward.
- There is one output file per instance (ie. per data segment to which the library
- is linked). If say we link to a DLL with one data segment per instance, then each
- task using the DLL will have a seperate output file. The first call to DebOut() for
- each instance should provide the name of an output file. The allocated memory list
- also works on a per-instance basis, so for instance an EXE linked to the library will
- get only its allocated memory shown by DebListMem() and not that of some DLL linked
- to its own copy of the library
- */
- #define FLUSH "\xff\0"
- #define STOP "\xfe\0"
- typedef void (* DebOutFunc) (char *sz, ...);
- typedef void (* AddOutFunc) (char *sz);
- typedef void *(* AppAllocFunc) (ulong ulSize, ulong *pulSizeGot);
- typedef void (* AppFreeFunc) (void *pv);
- typedef char MemoryLink[32]; // TEMP - WE SHOULDNT NEED THIS NOW
- extern void Deb (ulong ulClock, char *sz, AddOutFunc pfnAddOut, va_list val);
- extern void *DebAlloc (ulong ulSizeIn, char *szFN, ushort usLine, bool bNew, AppAllocFunc DebAppAlloc);
- extern void DebFree (void *pvMem, bool bDeb, ulong ulSegSize, AppFreeFunc DebAppFree);
- extern void DebMem (DebOutFunc pfnDebOut);
- /* If we're linking the debug library with a windows DLL we will not get
- access to the standard C library function clock, instead we use the
- windows function GetTickCount. Also it seems the malloc function can
- corrupt memory under windows so instead we call two seperate memory
- allocation routines for windows and non windows programs */
- //------------------ C PROGRAM -------------------------
- #ifndef _WINDOWS
- #include <time.h>
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- _st void AddOut (char *sz)
- {
- printf(sz);
- }
- _st void DebOut (char *sz, ...)
- {
- va_list val;
- va_start(val, sz);
- Deb(((ulong) clock())*1000L/CLOCKS_PER_SEC, sz, AddOut, val);
- va_end(val);
- }
- #endif
- #define SEG_SIZE 32768 // memory allocated in 32K blocks
- _st void *DebAppAlloc (ulong ulSize, ulong *pulSizeGot)
- {
- if (ulSize<SEG_SIZE)
- ulSize=SEG_SIZE;
- *pulSizeGot=ulSize;
- return malloc((size_t) ulSize);
- }
- _st void DebAppFree (void *pv)
- {
- free(pv);
- }
- #endif
- //------------------ WINDOWS PROGRAM -------------------
- #ifdef _WINDOWS
- #include <windows.h>
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- _st void AddOut (char *sz)
- {
- OutputDebugString(sz);
- }
- _st void DebOut (char *sz, ...)
- {
- va_list val;
- va_start(val, sz);
- Deb(((ulong) GetTickCount()), sz, AddOut, val);
- va_end(val);
- }
- #endif
- #define SEG_SIZE 32768 // memory allocated in 32K blocks
- _st void *DebAppAlloc (ulong ulSize, ulong *pulSizeGot)
- {
- HGLOBAL hg, *phg;
- if (ulSize<SEG_SIZE)
- ulSize=SEG_SIZE;
- if ((hg=GlobalAlloc(0, ulSize+sizeof(HGLOBAL)))==0)
- return NULL;
- *pulSizeGot=ulSize;
- phg=(HGLOBAL *) GlobalLock(hg);
- *phg=hg;
- return (void *) (phg+1);
- }
- _st void DebAppFree (void *pv)
- {
- HGLOBAL *phg=((HGLOBAL *) pv)-1;
- GlobalUnlock(*phg);
- GlobalFree(*phg);
- }
- #endif
- //------------------ ANY PROGRAM -----------------------
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- #define Malloc(x) DebAlloc(x, __FILE__, __LINE__, FALSE, DebAppAlloc)
- #define Free(x) DebFree(x, TRUE, SEG_SIZE, DebAppFree)
- #define DebListMem() DebMem(DebOut)
- #endif
- #ifndef _DEBUG
- #define Malloc(x) DebAlloc(x, NULL, 0, FALSE, DebAppAlloc)
- #define Free(x) DebFree(x, FALSE, SEG_SIZE, DebAppFree)
- #define DebListMem() ;
- #endif
- #endif DEBUG // Do no include this file twice