ocr: - - > - - a - - 5 I1 - IL à - 1s6 ce Ongrammere/engn-Xorm Busarow - - Guitar Workshop v.1.5 91995 Oberwerk Corporation Alll Rights Reserved Registrationinfo-> Registeredusers of Guitar Workshop will receive: Toregister Guitar Workshop run the Registration lcon and follow instructions. 1)1 The latest version of Guitar' workshop. Youmay also register Guitar Workshop through Compuserve shareware 2) Junior Smith's "Cool Licks"lessonmodulel registation #4692, or! youmay order directly trom: 3) nstructions on how to. add your own songs 3997N.L Uberwerk Lakeshore Corporation Ur., Jamestown, OH45335 t ...