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- The easiest way to un-install WizManager is to use the
- un-install program provided with WizManager. Make sure that
- File Manager is not running (WizManager is not loaded) when you
- launch UNINSTAL.EXE. UNINSTAL.EXE is available on WizManager's
- installation disk.
- If you do not have an installation disk (if you are running the
- evaluation version of WizManager for example), copy the
- UNINSTAL.BMP) from your WizManager directory to a floppy disk
- and run the UNINSTAL.EXE program from there.
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- To un-install WizManager manually you must erase or suspend
- the WizManager specific information in the WINFILE.INI file
- (not WIN.INI!) and, if desired, delete all of the WizManager
- files.
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- Edit the WINFILE.INI file with notepad.exe or any other text
- editor (not a word processor, unless you know how to save the
- modified file as a text file). WINFILE.INI should be in your
- Windows directory.
- Look for the [AddOns] section and either:
- - Delete the entry (entire line) which starts with
- WizManager=(...)WIZMGR.DLL, where (...) is the path to
- or
- - Add a ';' (without the quotes) at the beginning of the
- entry WizManager=(...)WIZMGR.DLL. Adding a ';' makes the
- line a comment and is therefore discarded by File
- Manager. Choosing this method to un-install WizManager
- leaves you the option to have WizManager back at any time
- by simply removing the ';' at the beginning of the entry.
- The following entries may also have been created by earlier
- versions of WizManager in WINFILE.INI and can be removed:
- [WizManager]
- [WizManager Launch]
- [WizManager Launch Working Dir]
- [WizManager Launch Commands]
- [WizManager Opef Files Applications]
- [Cmd Line History]
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- If you choose to completely remove WizManager, your second step
- is to erase all the WizManager files in the directory where
- WizManager is installed. You can look up in WINFILE.INI what
- WizManager's path is under the [WizManager] section in the
- WizManagerPath entry.
- WizManager files to delete are:
- WIZMGR.DLL (WizManager main library)
- WIZBAR.DLL (WizManager buttonbars library)
- WIZSRCH.DLL (WizManager search engine)
- WIZUNIT.EXE (WizManager memory unit)
- WIZMGR.DAT (WizManager data file)
- THRDUTLS.DLL (WizManager threads)
- WIZ3D.DLL (WizManager 3D Library)
- MZIP.DLL (WizManager ZIP library)
- MUNZIP.DLL (WizManager UnZIP library)
- BIVBX11.DLL (WizManager viewer support library)
- MHVIEW.VBX (WizManager viewer support library)
- MH*.DLL (WizManager viewer filters/libraries)
- WIZMGR.HLP (WizManager Help file)
- WIZCMD.PIF (WizManager External DOS command launcher)
- WIZCMD.BAT (WizManager External DOS command launcher)
- README.TXT (Information file)
- README2.TXT (Installation information file)
- UNINSTAL.TXT (Information to un-install WizManager)
- NETWORK.TXT (Information about network installation)
- ORDER.TXT (Purchasing WizManager Information)
- SITE_LIC.WRI (Site license information and pricing)
- VENDOR.DOC (Information File for Vendors)
- LICENSE.DOC (Mijenix Corp. Shareware License)
- FILE_ID.DIZ (WizManager Description File for BBSs)
- INSTALL.* (Installation Files)
- INSTLIB.DLL (Installation File)
- EDI3D.BIN (Installation File)
- UNINSTAL.* (UnInstallation Files)
- Four other WizManager files has been installed during the
- installation process or created in your Windows directory. You
- can delete them as well:
- WIZBAR.DLL (WizManager buttonbars library)
- WIZBAR.DAT (WizManager Buttonbar data file)
- WIZLNCH.DAT (WizManager Launchbar data file)
- WIZCMD.BAT (WizManager External DOS command launcher)
- The following file has also been installed in the Windows
- directory, however, we do not recommand deleting it as it may
- be used by several other programs:
- CTL3DV2.DLL (3D library)