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- WizManager Versions/Releases History
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- Version 2.5 (April '95) (current version)
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- WizManager 2.5 implements many wishes from users of version 2.0
- and also provides updated files.
- - Updated File Viewer libraries.
- - Additional File Viewer libraries for EXE, DLL, VBX, PIF, GRP,
- TTF (True Type Font), and FON files.
- - Updated Zip and UnZip libraries.
- - Enhanced File Finder: You can now view selected files,
- display file properties (version, etc.), print the selected
- files list or the entire file list either to a printer or to
- a file.
- - Enhanced Duplicates Finder: You can now view selected
- files, display file properties (version, etc.), perform CRC
- checks (compare files contents), print the selected files
- list or the entire file list either to a printer or to a
- file.
- - Enhanced Directory Synch/Comparison: The use of this feature
- has been simplified. In addition you can now view selected
- files, display file properties (version, etc.), print the
- selected files list or the entire file list either to a
- printer or to a file.
- - Date formats now follow the settings of your Windows
- configuration (support for international date formats).
- - After viewing or launching files from Zip files, WizManager
- Zip/UnZip feature prompts you whether or not you wish to
- clean up the temporary directory which was used to extract
- the files.
- - Lower AND upper case characters can now be entered in the
- Command Line of the Launchbar buttons and Launch menus.
- - Scroll bars are now properly drawn when the File Viewer is
- maximised.
- - "Always on Top" has been added to the File Viewer system menu
- so that this option can be selected when the viewer is
- minimised.
- - The COPY and SEL. ALL buttons is the File Viewer are now only
- active when the file/file format displayed allows copying to
- the clipboard.
- - WizManager's Zip/UnZip dialogue can now be minimized in File
- Manager and allows files to be dragged and dropped on it.
- - Tabs and spaces are better adjusted in Zip/UnZip's file
- listing so that the columns in the list box stay aligned.
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- Version 2.0 (Sept. '94)
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- WizManager version 2.0 is a major upgrade which introduces
- many new features, utilities and tools. Version 2.0 also
- enhances the features which were available in version 1.5x.
- WizManager 2.0 introduces:
- - File Viewer
- - Zip/UnZip
- - Super File Finder
- - Duplicates Finder
- - Directory Comparison & Synchronization
- - Directoires Size Browser
- - File Date/Time Stamper
- - Launchbar
- - Keyborad Shortcuts
- - Automatic recognition when a file doesn't have an association
- (lets you launch the file the way you want)
- - Enhanced features of previous versions
- - More customization (for example the Command Line box can be
- 'taken out' of the Buttonbar, buttons can be added or removed
- from the Buttonbar, drag and drop, etc.)
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- Version 1.5a
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- Updated Installation program. INSTALL is now compatible with
- Windows for Workgroups 32-bit file access.
- Updated registration information.
- Fixed problem when File Manager regains the focus and the
- Command Line Box current directory points to a floppy drive
- which disk has been removed.
- Fixed "Lock" function when a dialog or window is activated
- and displayed while the system is locked.
- Fixed Buttonbar position problem when File Manager is loaded
- in a virtual screen.
- Added drag and drop capability to the Associate button in the
- Buttonbar.
- Fixed refreshing problem which, under some circumstances,
- caused a "gray screen" in File Manager (Windows for Workgroups
- only).
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- Version 1.5
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- The following features and capabilities have been added and
- enhanced in WizManager 1.5. You can now:
- * Drag and drop files and directories to the Buttonbar.
- * Set the number of buttons displayed in the Buttonbar.
- * Set the number of buttons scrolled in each scroll increment.
- * Save a directory listing to a file.
- * Save a directory tree listing to a file.
- * Retrieve the commands you entered in the Command Line Box
- after you exit and restart File Manager (saved cmd history).
- * Activate file commands such as Copy, Delete, etc. directly
- from the popup menu.
- * Display file and disk size in a formatted manner
- (before: 10000 kB, now: 10,000 kB).
- In addition, several interface functions (Move Up, Move down
- buttons, etc.) have been enhanced and corrupted entries in
- WizManager's setup file (WINFILE.INI) are automatically
- detected and corrected (fixes a bug in DOS 6.x SETUP program).
- WizManager 1.5 is fully compatible with Windows for Workgroups
- 3.11.
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- Version 1.1f
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- Fixed problems when double-clicking the "DOS prompt" button or
- the "Lock" button.
- Fixed "Exit" cancellation when File Manager is run as the Windows
- shell.
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- Version 1.1e
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- When used in the Command Line Box, the '+', '*' and '-' keys no
- longer interact with File Manager's directory tree (no
- undesired directory tree refreshing).
- Fixed File Manager's path shortcut symbol when referring to the
- root directory of a drive.
- Fixed target drive free space checking when copying or moving a
- file which exists on the target drive.
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- Version 1.1d
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- Windows 3.1, Windows for Workgroups (and Microsoft's "updated")
- File Managers can now run WizManager from the same Windows
- directory and with only one setup file.
- Fixed "Startup Directory" in Preferences. The radio button can
- now be returned and saved in the "Current Directory" position.
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- Version 1.1c
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- Fixed the display of WizManager's Buttonbar in Windows for
- Workgroups (and Microsoft's "updated") File Manager when the
- Drivebar is showing its drives on more than one line.
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- Version 1.1b
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- Fixed COPY and MOVE commands to LPTx or COMx.
- Fixed edit fields in the Preferences options "Set DOS PIF",
- "Set Fast Open" and "Set Viewer". Auto-horizontal scroll is now
- implemented.
- Fixed "Lock" and "Minimize All" functions when minimizing
- applications which do not have a minimize box.
- Fixed hard copy left margin for "Print Dir" and "Print Tree".
- Now the left margin is independent of the resolution (dpi) of
- the output device (about 1/2").
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- Version 1.1a
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- Fixed File manager's path shortcut symbol when used as a
- command parameter.
- Fixed RENAME problem (rename with pathshortcut in Source and
- not in Target).
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- Version 1.1
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- Fixed potential General Protection Fault errors (GPF).
- Further optimized functions and commands.
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- Version 1.0
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- Initial WizManager version (June '93)