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- FINREAD.TXT--Read me text for the "FINCALC" program.
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- by
- Joe Piedimonte
- 3609 S. 10th Street Ct.
- Blue Springs, Missouri 64015
- bus. phone: (816) 224-3517
- Compuserve ID: 71573,235
- INTERNET: 71573.235@compuserve.com
- COMPUSERV USERS: You can register this product through the Compuserv
- Registration Database. If you do, I will forward the final version
- of the software. To purchase by this method do the following:
- the registration ID is 3807
- VISA & MASTERCARD Purchasing is available!!!!
- Just call NORTHSTAR SOLUTIONS 1-800-699-6395
- from 10:00am to 10:00pm EST. Have ready this
- Program Name, Version, Card Number, Expiration,
- and desired diskette size. I will forward
- the final copy upon your registration with them.
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- [COPYRIGHT NOTICE] All rights reserved by Joe Piedimonte
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- [PROGRAM DESCRIPTION] "FINCALC" is a Windows program designed to
- handle differing financial calculations related to investments and
- lending. Businesses, Financial Institutions, Government Agencies,
- and Consumers will find this program useful. If you are involved in
- analyzing, acquiring, and recommending investments or loans you
- will like using "FINCALC".
- The program acts like a loan calculator. It will display and
- print loan amortization schedules. The loan calculator portion
- computes the scheduled payment, the number of payments, or the
- proper loan payout, if the other two input items are given. The
- loan calculator optionally considers four types of insurance and
- real estate taxes on the amortization schedule. Estimated annual
- insurance charges can be entered for homeowners, or one other type
- of miscellaneous insurance. A provision is made for both
- disability and life where the insurance is calculated on the
- outstanding loan balance and allows user definable insurance rates,
- terms, and repayment frequencies. The same features are offered
- for balloon loans, with a user definable amortization period and
- term. All loan calculations can be based on a 360 or 365 day
- interest year. The program allows for multiple repayment
- frequencies and will calculate the maturity date based upon leap
- years.
- The investment portion of the program handles annuities and
- figures both present and future values of deposits based upon user
- input for APR, interest periods, investment term, and optional
- recurring investment contributions. An effective APR based upon
- input for the number of compounding periods can be performed.
- General business calculations including, markup over cost and
- price, percent of total cost, and price based upon a markup percent,
- are also available. The program provides context sensitive on-line
- help with examples and hypertext links.
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- [REGISTRATION INFORMATION] This program is shareware. If you find it
- useful, please send me $20.00 plus $3.00 for shipping and handling.
- The user is granted a limited license to evaluate the program. If you
- wish to continue using the program, please register is by completing
- the registration form (which can be printed from the HELP menu item
- called registration form). Please send the completed form with the
- $20.00 registration fee (plus $3.00 S/H) to:
- Joe Piedimonte
- 3609 S. 10th Street Ct.
- Blue Springs, Missouri 64015
- VISA & MASTERCARD Purchasing is available!!!!
- Just call NORTHSTAR SOLUTIONS 1-800-699-6395
- from 10:00am to 10:00pm EST. Have ready this
- Program Name, Version, Card Number, Expiration,
- and desired diskette size. I will forward
- the final copy upon your registration with them.
- Registration will entitle you to a licensed copy of the latest version
- and special upgrade prices on future releases of the program.
- The user is granted permission to make unlimited copies of the
- demo program and distribute those copies as long as all files are
- copied intact and no fee is charged for the program.
- "FINCALC" is written by Joe Piedimonte and all rights are reserved.
- No warranties are made, either expressed or implied, with respect to
- the software, its fitness for any particular purpose, or its documen-
- tation. The product is sold "as is".
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- [INSTALLATION] After downloading "FINCALC.ZIP", unzip this file. The
- following program files can be placed in any directory you wish.
- 1. FINCALC.EXE--The main program file.
- 2. LNPAYOUT.DLL--Library required by FINCALC.EXE.
- 3. BLPAYOUT.DLL--Library required by FINCALC.EXE.
- 4. MARKP.DLL--Library required by FINCALC.EXE.
- 5. MARKC.DLL--Library required by FINCALC.EXE.
- 6. FINCALC.HLP--The online help file.
- 7. FINCALC.DGB--A file required by FINCALC.EXE.
- 8. FINCALC.ICO--ICON for use with FINCALC.EXE.
- 9. FINREAD.TXT--The file which you are viewing that contains
- installation and product information.
- The above files are a minimum installation configuration for those
- not interested in using the install program. The "FINCALC.ZIP" file
- can be unziped in any directory and installed with use of the install
- program included in the ZIP file. If the install program is used, it
- will do the following:
- 1. Create a program group on your windows desktop
- 2. Create an ICON within the program group called
- 3. Copy all files to your C:\WINDOWS directory.
- To run the install program, select from the Program Manager in
- Windows, the FILE|RUN option. Where the command line is asked for,
- key in: [drive]:\dir\install.exe. (As an example: C:\FIN\INSTALL.EXE).
- The "dir" is the directory or path, where you placed FINCALC.ZIP
- and unziped the file.
- NOTE: This product will run under OS/2 if WIN OS/2 is installed.
- Copy the 9 files mentioned above to the C:\OS2\MDOS\WINOS2 directory.
- Do not use the install program because it will not work. Create
- your own program item under the WINOS2 Program Manager, or select
- FILE|RUN for FINCALC.EXE to launch the program.
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- [HOW TO RUN] You have two options depending upon how you installed
- A. If the install program was used, double click on the group
- item called "FINANCIAL SOFTWARE" and then double click on
- the program item called "FINCALC" while in the Program
- Manager. This will launch the program.
- B. If the install program was not used, either create your own
- program item using FINCALC.ICO and launch the program from
- it, or start from the Program Manager using the FILE|RUN
- option and key in the following for the command line:
- [drive]:\dir\fincalc.exe
- "dir" is the path or directory where you unzipped FINCALC.EXE.
- As an example, (C:\FIN\FINCALC.EXE) would work if you had
- created a directory called C:\FIN and unzipped FINCALC.ZIP
- in that directory. You may also have copied the 9 files shown
- above under [INSTALLATION], to a special directory or path and
- this directory would be used in that case, where the "dir" is
- shown in the above example.
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- [KNOWN INCOMPATABILITIES] Incompatible with windows versions prior
- to 3.0.
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- [VERSION HISTORY] New features were added for Homeowners Insurance,
- and Miscellaneous Insurance for all loan amortizations and payment
- calculations. The Loan Input screen was redesigned to be more
- intuitive and a "COMPUTE" button was added to it. The printed
- amortization schedule now gives totals for all categories by year.
- A bug was fixed having to do with insurance payments computing
- incorrectly when the repayment frequency was not monthly. A bug was
- fixed making the scheduled payment more level when the interest base
- is 365 days. A bug was fixed with the maturity date when the number
- of payments is given with or without the payment amount. A bug was
- fixed with the computed number of payments when disability and life
- insurance are figured with a specified payment. A bug was fixed with
- the loan payout totals not matching the screen listing of totals
- at the bottom of the amortization. A new price based upon a user
- definable markup percent was added to the Business Menu of the
- program. In general modifications were made to make the
- program more intuitive over version 1.1.
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- ***** PLEASE NOTE *****
- This software is provided "as is". The author claims no responsibility
- for any damages you may experience as a result of using this software.
- Any comments, questions, or suggestions are welcomed.
- Joe Piedimonte
- 3609 S. 10th Street Ct.
- Blue Springs, MO 64015
- bus. phone: (816) 224-3517
- Compuserv ID: 71573,235
- INTERNET: 71573.235@compuserve.com
- COMPUSERV USERS: You can register this product through the Compuserv
- Registration Database. If you do, I will forward the final version
- of the software. To purchase by this method do the following:
- the registration ID is 3807
- VISA & MASTERCARD Purchasing is available!!!!
- Just call NORTHSTAR SOLUTIONS 1-800-699-6395
- from 10:00am to 10:00pm EST. Have ready the
- Program Name, Version, Card Number, Expiration,
- and desired diskette size. I will forward
- the final copy upon your registration with them.