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- Exchange (c) 1994-1995 Shawn Kresal
- * * * * * * * Welcome to Exchange for Windows * * * * * * * * * * *
- (All this information and then some can be found in the README.HLP
- file that came along with the rest of Exchange's files.)
- Q1. Which files do I need?
- Q2. How do I install Exchange?
- Q3. What does my computer need for this program?
- Q4. How do I register/ask question/report bugs?
- A. Keep reading!
- ============================================================================
- Exchange will usually come to you in the form of a compressed file. This
- ZIP file is a package of files. It must contain ALL of the files listed
- below in order to be installed properly. If it does NOT contain one or
- more of these files then you have an incomplete copy. Contact the author
- for information on how to get a complete, up-to-date copy.
- - COMMDLG DL_ Library for Windows common dialogs
- - CMDIALOG VB_ Library for Windows common dialogs
- - CTL3D DL_ 3D message box library
- - EXCHANGE EX_ The program
- - ORDERFRM WR_ Order form
- - README TXT This file
- - README HLP Windows hypertext help file
- - SETUP EXE Installation program
- - THREED VB_ Beveled 3D effects library file
- - VER DL_ Necessary Windows system file
- ============================================================================
- 1) load Windows
- 2) run File Manager
- 3) From inside File Manager, run SETUP.EXE that
- came with this set of files. You can do this
- by double clicking on SETUP.EXE. The other
- files that came in this ZIP file must found
- in the same directory as SETUP.EXE for the
- installation to succeed.
- That's all there is to it. The rest is done for you automatically.
- =========================================================================
- - IBM compatible PC with at least a 80286 processor
- - Windows 3.1 or greater
- - You must have a file called VBRUN300.DLL to run this program.
- This file must be in your windows\system directory or in your
- "path". This file is easily obtained from CompuServe, the
- Internet, and most any BBS from around the globe.
- - A mouse
- - A 386 processor or better
- =========================================================================
- Exchange is shareware and may be copied and distributed
- freely for non-commercial use as long as all the files
- are included and no part of any file is changed.
- The registration fee is $15.00. If you find this program
- to be useful, worthwhile, valuable, and/or beneficial,
- please support the author's efforts by registering.
- Please send your support to:
- Shawn Kresal
- P.O. Box 25834
- Fresno, CA 93729
- Include $1.50 shipping and handling. Orders outside the
- continental United States please add an additional $3.00.
- Make checks or money orders payable in US DOLLARS ONLY.
- Brand New! Now you can register online through CompuServe!
- Simply GO SWREG and look up Exchange's registration ID
- number: 4343. See the README Help file that accompanied
- this package for more about this convenient service.
- ===========================================================================
- Please e-mail bug reports to:
- Internet : shawn_kresal@csufresno.edu
- CompuServe* : 72066,1750
- * preferred
- ===========================================================================
- By using, or attempting to use the program Exchange,
- you agree to the following conditions:
- The use of the program is at your own risk.
- Exchange is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind,
- either express or implied, including, but not limited to,
- the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for
- a particular purpose. Should Exchange prove defective,
- you assume the cost of all necessary repair or correction.
- In no event will the author be liable to you for damages,
- including any lost profits, lost monies, any damage to your
- mental or physical health, or other special, incidental or
- consequential damages arising out of the use, or inability
- to use the program.