Computerworld 1996 March
FM Towns/JPY
Macintosh JP
EDGE Diagrammer diagram
34.3 KB
2,113 lines
EDGE Diagram File
Version 1.0
## Globals Section:
X 0
Y 594
Scale 81
Orientation 1
Paper 1
PosterRows 1
PosterCols 1
Color1 255,255,255
Color2 192,192,192
Color3 130,130,130
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Color7 0,0,160
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Color10 255,0,0
Color11 128,0,64
Color12 128,64,0
Color13 0,255,0
Color14 0,128,0
Color15 128,128,255
Color16 255,255,0
GridX 32
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ShadowX 5
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ShowGrid FALSE
AlignToGrid FALSE
SmartConnect FALSE
SBarWidth 108
SBarFigCols 2
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SBarConCols 2
SBarFigHeight 28
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SBarConHeight 20
## Figure Symbols Section:
FigureSymbol "process"
TextBox >100,>100,<900,<900
Rect 0,0,1000,1000
Rect 0,0,1000,1000
FigureSymbol "input/ouput"
TextBox >200,>100,<800,<900
Polygon 5 >200,0 1000,0 <800,1000 0,1000 >200,0
Polyline 5 >200,0 1000,0 <800,1000 0,1000 >200,0
Hot 5 >200,0 1000,0 <800,1000 0,1000 >200,0
FigureSymbol "decision"
TextBox 275,275,725,725
Polygon 5 500,0 1000,500 500,1000 0,500 500,0
Polyline 5 500,0 1000,500 500,1000 0,500 500,0
Hot 5 500,0 1000,500 500,1000 0,500 500,0
FigureSymbol "sort"
Polygon 5 500,0 1000,500 500,1000 0,500 500,0
Polyline 5 500,0 1000,500 500,1000 0,500 500,0
Line 0,500 1000,500
Hot 5 500,0 1000,500 500,1000 0,500 500,0
FigureSymbol "auxiliary"
TextBox >100,>100,<900,<900
Rect 0,0,1000,1000
Rect 0,0,1000,1000
FigureSymbol "core"
TextBox >200,>200,<900,<900
Rect 0,0,1000,1000
Rect 0,0,1000,1000
Line >100,0 >100,1000
Line 0,>100 1000,>100
Rect 0,0,1000,1000
Line >250,0 >250,1000
Line 0,>250 1000,>250
FigureSymbol "merge"
TextBox 250,100,750,600
Polygon 4 0,0 1000,0 500,1000 0,0
Polyline 4 0,0 1000,0 500,1000 0,0
Hot 4 0,0 1000,0 500,1000 0,0
FigureSymbol "extract"
TextBox 250,400,750,900
Polygon 4 0,1000 500,0 1000,1000 0,1000
Polyline 4 0,1000 500,0 1000,1000 0,1000
Hot 4 0,1000 500,0 1000,1000 0,1000
FigureSymbol "collate"
Polygon 4 0,0 1000,0 500,500 0,0
Polygon 4 0,1000 1000,1000 500,500 0,1000
Polyline 4 0,0 1000,0 500,500 0,0
Polyline 4 0,1000 1000,1000 500,500 0,1000
Hot 7 500,500 0,0 1000,0 500,500 0,1000 1000,1000 500,500
FigureSymbol "predefined"
TextBox >200,>100,<800,<900
Rect 0,0,1000,1000
Rect 0,0,1000,1000
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Line <900,0 <900,1000
Rect 0,0,1000,1000
Line 100,0 100,1000
Line 880,0 880,1000
FigureSymbol "preparation"
TextBox >150,>100,<850,<900
Polygon 7 >200,0 <800,0 1000,500 <800,1000 >200,1000 0,500 >200,0
Polyline 7 >200,0 <800,0 1000,500 <800,1000 >200,1000 0,500 >200,0
Hot 7 >200,0 <800,0 1000,500 <800,1000 >200,1000 0,500 >200,0
FigureSymbol "manual operation"
TextBox >150,>100,<850,<900
Polygon 5 0,0 1000,0 <800,1000 >200,1000 0,0
Polyline 5 0,0 1000,0 <800,1000 >200,1000 0,0
Hot 5 0,0 1000,0 <800,1000 >200,1000 0,0
FigureSymbol "connector"
TextBox 100,100,900,900
Ellipse 0,0,1000,1000
Ellipse 0,0,1000,1000
Hot 17 599,1000 783,924 924,783 1000,599 1000,402 924,218 783,77 599,1-
402,1 218,77 77,218 1,402 1,599 77,783 218,924 402,1000-
FigureSymbol "terminal"
TextBox >200,>100,<800,<900
Rect >500,0,<500,1000
Ellipse 0,0,>999,1000
Ellipse <1,0,1000,1000
Line >500,0 <500,0
Line >500,1000 <500,1000
Arc 0,0,>999,1000 >500,0 >500,1000
Arc <1,0,1000,1000 <500,1000 <500,0
Hot 17 >401,1 >217,77 >77,218 >1,402 >1,599 >77,783 >217,924 >401,1000-
<599,1000 <783,924 <923,783 <999,599 <999,402 <923,218 <783,77 <599,1-
FigureSymbol "punched card"
TextBox >100,>100,<900,<900
Polygon 6 >250,0 1000,0 1000,1000 0,1000 0,>250 >250,0
Polyline 6 >250,0 1000,0 1000,1000 0,1000 0,>250 >250,0
Polyline 6 250,0 1000,0 1000,1000 0,1000 0,400 250,0
Hot 6 >250,0 1000,0 1000,1000 0,1000 0,>250 >250,0
FigureSymbol "card file"
TextBox >200,>250,<775,<850
Polygon 6 >300,>75 <900,>75 <900,1000 0,1000 0,>375 >300,>75
Polyline 6 >300,>75 <900,>75 <900,1000 0,1000 0,>375 >300,>75
Polyline 3 <700,0 1000,0 1000,>250
Polyline 6 250,150 900,150 900,1000 0,1000 0,500 250,150
Polyline 3 700,0 1000,0 1000,500
Hot 6 >300,>75 <900,>75 <900,1000 0,1000 0,>375 >300,>75
FigureSymbol "card deck"
TextBox >200,>250,<775,<850
Polygon 8 1000,1000 1000,>75 <925,0 >300,0 0,>300 0,<925 >75,1000 1000,1000
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Polyline 4 >75,1000 >75,>375 >375,>75 1000,>75
Line 0,>300 >75,>375
Line >300,0 >375,>75
Polyline 8 1000,1000 1000,150 900,0 250,0 0,250 0,900 100,1000 1000,1000
Polyline 4 100,1000 100,400 400,150 1000,150
Line 0,250 100,400
Line 250,0 400,150
Hot 7 >375,0 1000,0 1000,<925 <900,1000 0,1000 0,>375 >375,0
FigureSymbol "document"
TextBox >100,>100,<900,<750
Rect 0,0,1000,<900
Ellipse 0,<800,500,1000
Chord 500,<800,1000,1000 1000,<900 500,<900
Polyline 4 0,<900 0,0 1000,0 1000,<900
Arc 0,<800,500,1000 0,<900 500,<900
Arc 500,<800,1000,1000 1000,<900 500,<900
Polyline 4 0,900 0,0 1000,0 1000,900
Arc 0,600,550,1000 0,750 550,750
Arc 480,700,1000,1000 1000,850 480,850
Hot 11 1,<941 147,<1000 354,<1000 500,<941 501,<860 647,<801 854,<801 1000,<860-
1000,0 0,0 1,<941
FigureSymbol "punched tape"
TextBox >100,>250,<900,<750
Rect 0,>100,1000,<900
Ellipse 0,<800,500,1000
Chord 500,<800,1000,1000 1000,<900 500,<900
Chord 0,>200,500,0 0,>100 500,>100
Ellipse 500,>200,1000,0
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Line 1000,>100 1000,<900
Arc 0,<800,500,1000 0,<900 500,<900
Arc 500,<800,1000,1000 1000,<900 500,<900
Arc 0,>200,500,0 0,>100 500,>100
Arc 500,>200,1000,0 1000,>100 500,>100
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Line 1000,200 1000,850
Arc 0,600,550,1000 0,750 550,750
Arc 480,700,1000,1000 1000,850 480,850
Arc 0,0,550,350 0,100 550,100
Arc 480,50,1000,350 1000,200 480,200
Hot 17 1,<941 147,<1000 354,<1000 500,<941 501,<860 647,<801 854,<801 1000,<860-
1000,>60 854,>1 647,>1 501,>60 500,>141 354,>200 147,>200 1,>141-
FigureSymbol "manual input"
TextBox >100,>250,<900,<900
Polygon 5 0,>250 1000,0 1000,1000 0,1000 0,>250
Polyline 5 0,>250 1000,0 1000,1000 0,1000 0,>250
Hot 5 0,>250 1000,0 1000,1000 0,1000 0,>250
FigureSymbol "drum"
TextBox >300,>100,<850,<900
Rect >100,0,<900,1000
Ellipse 0,0,>200,1000
Ellipse <800,0,1000,1000
Line >100,0 <900,0
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Arc <800,0,1000,1000 <900,1000 <900,0
Line 100,0 950,0
Line 100,1000 900,1000
Ellipse 0,0,200,1000
Arc 800,0,1000,1000 900,1000 900,0
Hot 17 >81,1 >44,77 >16,218 >1,402 >1,599 >16,783 >44,924 >81,1000-
<920,1000 <957,924 <985,783 <1000,599 <1000,402 <985,218 <957,77 <920,1-
FigureSymbol "disk"
TextBox >100,>350,<900,<900
Rect 0,>100,1000,<900
Ellipse 0,0,1000,>200
Ellipse 0,<800,1000,1000
Line 0,>100 0,<900
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Arc 0,<800,1000,1000 0,<900 1000,<900
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Arc 0,>100,1000,>300 0,>200 1000,>200
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Line 1000,100 1000,900
Ellipse 0,0,1000,400
Arc 0,600,1000,1000 0,800 1000,800
Hot 17 1,>81 77,>44 218,>16 402,>1 599,>1 783,>16 924,>44 1000,>81-
1000,<920 924,<957 783,<985 599,<1000 402,<1000 218,<985 77,<957 1,<920-
FigureSymbol "magtape"
TextBox >150,>150,<850,<850
Ellipse 0,0,1000,1000
Ellipse 0,0,1000,1000
Line 500,1000 1000,1000
Hot 17 599,1000 783,924 924,783 1000,599 1000,402 924,218 783,77 599,1-
402,1 218,77 77,218 1,402 1,599 77,783 218,924 402,1000-
FigureSymbol "offline storage"
TextBox 250,100,750,600
Polygon 4 0,0 1000,0 500,1000 0,0
Polyline 4 0,0 1000,0 500,1000 0,0
Line 375,750 625,750
Hot 4 0,0 1000,0 500,1000 0,0
FigureSymbol "online storage"
TextBox >100,>100,<650,<900
Rect >150,0,1000,1000
Ellipse 0,0,>300,1000
Line >150,0 <850,0
Line >150,1000 <850,1000
Arc 0,0,>300,1000 >150,0 >150,1000
Arc <700,0,1000,1000 <850,0 <850,1000
Line 150,0 850,0
Line 150,1000 850,1000
Arc 0,0,300,1000 150,0 150,1000
Arc 700,0,1000,1000 850,0 850,1000
Hot 17 >121,1 >66,77 >24,218 >1,402 >1,599 >24,783 >66,924 >121,1000-
<821,1000 <766,924 <724,783 <701,599 <701,402 <724,218 <766,77 <821,1-
FigureSymbol "display"
TextBox >300,>100,<900,<900
Ellipse <800,0,1000,1000
Polygon 6 0,500 >400,0 <900,0 <900,1000 >400,1000 0,500
Polyline 5 <900,1000 >400,1000 0,500 >400,0 <900,0
Arc <800,0,1000,1000 <900,1000 <900,0
Hot 12 <920,1000 <957,924 <985,783 <1000,599 <1000,402 <985,218 <957,77 <920,0-
>400,0 0,500 >400,1000 <920,1000
FigureSymbol "comment"
TextBox >100,>100,1000,<900
Polyline 4 1000,0 0,0 0,1000 1000,1000
FigureSymbol "dog ear"
TextBox >150,>150,<850,<850
Polygon 6 0,0 <850,0 1000,>150 1000,1000 0,1000 0,0
Polyline 6 0,0 <850,0 1000,>150 1000,1000 0,1000 0,0
Polyline 3 <850,0 <850,>150 1000,>150
Polyline 6 0,0 <750,0 1000,>250 1000,1000 0,1000 0,0
Polyline 3 <750,0 <750,>250 1000,>250
FigureSymbol "parallel mode"
TextBox >100,>100,<900,<900
Line 0,0 1000,0
Line 0,1000 1000,1000
## End Symbols Section:
EndSymbol "block"
LineTo 100
Polygon 4 500,500 1000,300 1000,700 500,500
Polyline 4 500,500 1000,300 1000,700 500,500
EndSymbol "stick"
Polyline 3 1000,300 500,500 1000,700
EndSymbol "taper"
LineTo 80
Polygon 5 500,500 1000,300 900,500 1000,700 500,500
Polyline 5 500,500 1000,300 900,500 1000,700 500,500
## Figure Styles Section:
FigureStyle "Label"
Label TRUE
Height 64
Width 128
Description "An annotation or comment"
TypeFace "Arial"
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Behavior 0x000241E1
Symbol "lbl"
FigureStyle "Label2"
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Height 64
Width 40
Description "An annotation, comment, or title"
TypeFace "Arial"
TypeSize -7
TextFormat 0x0C20
Behavior 0x00024A12
Symbol "lbl"
FigureStyle "Process"
HasButton TRUE
Height 160
Width 288
Description "A process, operation, or function"
TypeFace "Arial"
TypeSize -8
BorderWidth 2
TextFormat 0x0022
Behavior 0x00024E12
Symbol "process"
FigureStyle "Input/Output"
HasButton TRUE
Height 160
Width 288
Description "An input or output operation"
TypeFace "Arial"
TypeSize -8
BorderWidth 2
TextFormat 0x0022
Behavior 0x00024E12
Symbol "input/ouput"
FigureStyle "Decision"
HasButton TRUE
Height 160
Width 288
Description "A branch of control based on a conditional expression"
TypeFace "Arial"
TypeSize -8
BorderWidth 2
TextFormat 0x0022
Behavior 0x00024E12
Symbol "decision"
FigureStyle "Auxiliary Operation"
HasButton TRUE
Height 160
Width 160
Description "An operation carried out offline"
TypeFace "Arial"
TypeSize -8
BorderWidth 2
TextFormat 0x0022
Behavior 0x00024E12
Symbol "auxiliary"
FigureStyle "Preparation"
HasButton TRUE
Height 160
Width 288
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TypeSize -8
BorderWidth 2
TextFormat 0x0022
Behavior 0x00024E12
Symbol "preparation"
FigureStyle "Predefined Process"
HasButton TRUE
Height 160
Width 288
Description "A process (such as a subroutine) that has been defined elsewhere"
TypeFace "Arial"
TypeSize -8
BorderWidth 2
TextFormat 0x0022
Behavior 0x00024E12
Symbol "predefined"
FigureStyle "Manual Operation"
HasButton TRUE
Height 160
Width 288
Description "An operation performed offline by hand"
TypeFace "Arial"
TypeSize -8
BorderWidth 2
TextFormat 0x0022
Behavior 0x00024E12
Symbol "manual operation"
FigureStyle "Merge"
Height 160
Width 288
Description "Two or more files to be merged together"
TypeFace "Arial"
TypeSize -8
BorderWidth 2
TextFormat 0x0022
Behavior 0x00024E12
Symbol "merge"
FigureStyle "Extract"
Height 160
Width 288
Description "Data removed from (a file)"
TypeFace "Arial"
TypeSize -8
BorderWidth 2
TextFormat 0x0022
Behavior 0x00024E12
Symbol "extract"
FigureStyle "Connector"
HasButton TRUE
Height 64
Width 64
Description "A symbol for connecting two separate parts of the flowchart"
TypeFace "Arial"
TypeSize -8
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Behavior 0x00024E12
Symbol "connector"
FigureStyle "Terminal"
HasButton TRUE
Height 64
Width 288
Description "A beginning, end, or interruption point"
TypeFace "Arial"
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TextFormat 0x0022
Behavior 0x00024E12
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FigureStyle "Manual Input"
HasButton TRUE
Height 160
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Behavior 0x00024E12
Symbol "manual input"
FigureStyle "Document"
HasButton TRUE
Height 160
Width 288
Description "Data output in the form of a document"
TypeFace "Arial"
TypeSize -8
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TextFormat 0x0022
Behavior 0x00024E12
Symbol "document"
FigureStyle "Disk"
HasButton TRUE
Height 160
Width 288
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FigureStyle "Display"
Height 160
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Description "Output to a display device"
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Behavior 0x00024E12
Symbol "display"
FigureStyle "Sort"
Height 128
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Behavior 0x00024E12
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FigureStyle "Collate"
Height 128
Width 128
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Behavior 0x00024E12
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FigureStyle "Punched Card"
Height 160
Width 288
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TypeSize -8
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Behavior 0x00024E12
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FigureStyle "Card Deck"
Height 160
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Behavior 0x00024E12
Symbol "card deck"
FigureStyle "Card File"
Height 160
Width 288
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Behavior 0x00024E12
Symbol "card file"
FigureStyle "Online Storage"
Height 160
Width 288
TypeFace "Arial"
TypeSize -8
BorderWidth 2
TextFormat 0x0022
Behavior 0x00024E12
Symbol "online storage"
FigureStyle "Magnetic Tape"
Height 160
Width 160
TypeFace "Arial"
TypeSize -8
BorderWidth 2
TextFormat 0x0022
Behavior 0x00024E12
Symbol "magtape"
FigureStyle "Core"
Height 160
Width 160
Description "I/O operation using primary storage"
TypeFace "Arial"
TypeSize -8
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Behavior 0x00024E12
Symbol "core"
FigureStyle "Offline Storage"
Height 160
Width 288
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TypeSize -8
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Behavior 0x00024E12
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FigureStyle "Punched Tape"
Height 160
Width 288
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TypeSize -8
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Behavior 0x00024E12
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FigureStyle "Magnetic Drum"
Height 160
Width 288
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Behavior 0x00024E12
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Height 160
Width 288
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Symbol "comment"
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Height 192
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FigureStyle "newlbl1"
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Symbol "lbl"
## Connector Styles Section:
ConnectorStyle "Plain"
HasButton TRUE
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## Figures & Connectors Section:
Figure 1
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Figure 6
Style "Manual Operation"
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Behavior 0x00000000
Figure 14
Style "Dog Ear"
Bounds 1184,1344,1440,1536
BorderWidth 3
TextFormat 0x0A22
Behavior 0x00024A12
Symbol "dog ear"
Font 0
Figure 15
Style "Dog Ear"
Bounds 1568,1344,1824,1536
BorderWidth 3
TextFormat 0x0A22
Behavior 0x00024A12
Symbol "dog ear"
Font 0
Figure 16
Style "Dog Ear"
Text ""
Bounds 1273,1305,1288,1320
FillColor 0,0,0
BorderWidth 0
BindToStyle FALSE
TextFormat 0x0000
Behavior 0x00024A12
Symbol "null"
Font 0
Connector 17
Style "Flow (closed)"
Figure1 -1
Figure2 16
EndPoint1 1088,1312
EndPoint2 1280,1312
SuppressEnd1 FALSE
SuppressEnd2 TRUE
End1 "null"
End2 "block"
End1Length 21
End2Length 21
LineWidth 3
EndBorderWidth 3
Behavior 0x00000000
Connector 18
Style "Flow (closed)"
Figure1 16
Figure2 -1
EndPoint1 1280,1312
EndPoint2 1280,1344
SuppressEnd1 TRUE
SuppressEnd2 FALSE
End1 "null"
End2 "block"
End1Length 21
End2Length 21
LineWidth 3
EndBorderWidth 3
Behavior 0x00000000
Figure 19
Style "Dog Ear"
Text ""
Bounds 1657,1273,1672,1288
FillColor 0,0,0
BorderWidth 0
BindToStyle FALSE
TextFormat 0x0000
Behavior 0x00024A12
Symbol "null"
Font 0
Connector 20
Style "Flow (closed)"
Figure1 -1
Figure2 19
EndPoint1 1088,1280
EndPoint2 1664,1280
SuppressEnd1 FALSE
SuppressEnd2 TRUE
End1 "null"
End2 "block"
End1Length 21
End2Length 21
LineWidth 3
EndBorderWidth 3
Behavior 0x00000000
Connector 21
Style "Flow (closed)"
Figure1 19
Figure2 -1
EndPoint1 1664,1280
EndPoint2 1664,1344
SuppressEnd1 TRUE
SuppressEnd2 FALSE
End1 "null"
End2 "block"
End1Length 21
End2Length 21
LineWidth 3
EndBorderWidth 3
Behavior 0x00000000
Connector 22
Style "Flow (closed)"
Figure1 -1
Figure2 -1
EndPoint1 1728,1216
EndPoint2 1728,1344
SuppressEnd1 FALSE
SuppressEnd2 FALSE
End1 "null"
End2 "block"
End1Length 21
End2Length 21
LineWidth 3
EndBorderWidth 3
Behavior 0x00000000
Figure 23
Style "Process"
Bounds 1185,1057,1441,1185
FillColor 0,0,0
TextColor 255,255,255
BorderWidth 3
BindToStyle FALSE
TextFormat 0x0A22
Behavior 0x00024A12
Symbol "process"
Font 0
Connector 24
Style "Flow (closed)"
Figure1 -1
Figure2 -1
EndPoint1 1344,1184
EndPoint2 1344,1344
SuppressEnd1 FALSE
SuppressEnd2 FALSE
End1 "null"
End2 "block"
End1Length 21
End2Length 21
LineWidth 3
EndBorderWidth 3
Behavior 0x00000000
Figure 25
Style "Process"
Text ""
Bounds 537,1081,552,1096
FillColor 0,0,0
BorderWidth 0
BindToStyle FALSE
TextFormat 0x0000
Behavior 0x00024A12
Symbol "null"
Font 0
Connector 26
Style "Flow (closed)"
Figure1 6
Figure2 25
EndPoint1 544,1248
EndPoint2 544,1088
SuppressEnd1 FALSE
SuppressEnd2 TRUE
End1 "null"
End2 "block"
End1Length 21
End2Length 21
LineWidth 3
EndBorderWidth 3
Behavior 0x00000000
Connector 27
Style "Flow (closed)"
Figure1 25
Figure2 1
EndPoint1 544,1088
EndPoint2 832,1088
SuppressEnd1 TRUE
SuppressEnd2 FALSE
End1 "null"
End2 "block"
End1Length 21
End2Length 21
LineWidth 3
EndBorderWidth 3
Behavior 0x00000000
Figure 28
Style "Process"
Text ""
Bounds 1305,1593,1320,1608
FillColor 0,0,0
BorderWidth 0
BindToStyle FALSE
TextFormat 0x0000
Behavior 0x00024A12
Symbol "null"
Font 0
Connector 29
Style "Flow (closed)"
Figure1 -1
Figure2 28
EndPoint1 1312,1536
EndPoint2 1312,1600
SuppressEnd1 FALSE
SuppressEnd2 TRUE
End1 "null"
End2 "block"
End1Length 21
End2Length 21
LineWidth 3
EndBorderWidth 3
Behavior 0x00000000
Figure 30
Style "Process"
Text ""
Bounds 1465,1593,1480,1608
FillColor 0,0,0
BorderWidth 0
BindToStyle FALSE
TextFormat 0x0000
Behavior 0x00024A12
Symbol "null"
Font 0
Connector 31
Style "Flow (closed)"
Figure1 28
Figure2 30
EndPoint1 1312,1600
EndPoint2 1472,1600
SuppressEnd1 TRUE
SuppressEnd2 TRUE
End1 "null"
End2 "block"
End1Length 21
End2Length 21
LineWidth 3
EndBorderWidth 3
Behavior 0x00000000
Connector 32
Style "Flow (closed)"
Figure1 30
Figure2 -1
EndPoint1 1472,1600
EndPoint2 1472,1664
SuppressEnd1 TRUE
SuppressEnd2 FALSE
End1 "null"
End2 "block"
End1Length 21
End2Length 21
LineWidth 3
EndBorderWidth 3
Behavior 0x00000000
Figure 33
Style "Process"
Text ""
Bounds 1689,1593,1704,1608
FillColor 0,0,0
BorderWidth 0
BindToStyle FALSE
TextFormat 0x0000
Behavior 0x00024A12
Symbol "null"
Font 0
Connector 34
Style "Flow (closed)"
Figure1 -1
Figure2 33
EndPoint1 1696,1536
EndPoint2 1696,1600
SuppressEnd1 FALSE
SuppressEnd2 TRUE
End1 "null"
End2 "block"
End1Length 21
End2Length 21
LineWidth 3
EndBorderWidth 3
Behavior 0x00000000
Figure 35
Style "Process"
Text ""
Bounds 1529,1593,1544,1608
FillColor 0,0,0
BorderWidth 0
BindToStyle FALSE
TextFormat 0x0000
Behavior 0x00024A12
Symbol "null"
Font 0
Connector 36
Style "Flow (closed)"
Figure1 33
Figure2 35
EndPoint1 1696,1600
EndPoint2 1536,1600
SuppressEnd1 TRUE
SuppressEnd2 TRUE
End1 "null"
End2 "block"
End1Length 21
End2Length 21
LineWidth 3
EndBorderWidth 3
Behavior 0x00000000
Connector 37
Style "Flow (closed)"
Figure1 35
Figure2 -1
EndPoint1 1536,1600
EndPoint2 1536,1664
SuppressEnd1 TRUE
SuppressEnd2 FALSE
End1 "null"
End2 "block"
End1Length 21
End2Length 21
LineWidth 3
EndBorderWidth 3
Behavior 0x00000000
Connector 38
Style "Flow (closed)"
Figure1 -1
Figure2 -1
EndPoint1 1408,1792
EndPoint2 682,1791
SuppressEnd1 FALSE
SuppressEnd2 FALSE
End1 "null"
End2 "block"
End1Length 21
End2Length 21
LineWidth 3
EndBorderWidth 3
Behavior 0x00000000
Connector 39
Style "Flow (closed)"
Figure1 -1
Figure2 -1
EndPoint1 704,1728
EndPoint2 1408,1728
SuppressEnd1 FALSE
SuppressEnd2 FALSE
End1 "null"
End2 "block"
End1Length 21
End2Length 21
LineWidth 3
EndBorderWidth 3
Behavior 0x00000000
Figure 40
Style "Process"
Text ""
Bounds 633,1465,648,1480
FillColor 0,0,0
BorderWidth 0
BindToStyle FALSE
TextFormat 0x0000
Behavior 0x00024A12
Symbol "null"
Font 0
Connector 41
Style "Flow (closed)"
Figure1 -1
Figure2 40
EndPoint1 640,1664
EndPoint2 640,1472
SuppressEnd1 FALSE
SuppressEnd2 TRUE
End1 "null"
End2 "block"
End1Length 21
End2Length 21
LineWidth 3
EndBorderWidth 3
Behavior 0x00000000
Figure 42
Style "Process"
Text ""
Bounds 953,1465,968,1480
FillColor 0,0,0
BorderWidth 0
BindToStyle FALSE
TextFormat 0x0000
Behavior 0x00024A12
Symbol "null"
Font 0
Connector 43
Style "Flow (closed)"
Figure1 40
Figure2 42
EndPoint1 640,1472
EndPoint2 960,1472
SuppressEnd1 TRUE
SuppressEnd2 TRUE
End1 "null"
End2 "block"
End1Length 21
End2Length 21
LineWidth 3
EndBorderWidth 3
Behavior 0x00000000
Connector 44
Style "Flow (closed)"
Figure1 42
Figure2 -1
EndPoint1 960,1472
EndPoint2 960,1376
SuppressEnd1 TRUE
SuppressEnd2 FALSE
End1 "null"
End2 "block"
End1Length 21
End2Length 21
LineWidth 3
EndBorderWidth 3
Behavior 0x00000000
Figure 45
Style "Process"
Text ""
Bounds 761,1113,776,1128
FillColor 0,0,0
BorderWidth 0
BindToStyle FALSE
TextFormat 0x0000
Behavior 0x00024A12
Symbol "null"
Font 0
Connector 46
Style "Flow (closed)"
Figure1 -1
Figure2 45
EndPoint1 768,1472
EndPoint2 768,1120
SuppressEnd1 FALSE
SuppressEnd2 TRUE
End1 "null"
End2 "block"
End1Length 21
End2Length 21
LineWidth 3
EndBorderWidth 3
Behavior 0x00000000
Connector 47
Style "Flow (closed)"
Figure1 45
Figure2 -1
EndPoint1 768,1120
EndPoint2 832,1120
SuppressEnd1 TRUE
SuppressEnd2 FALSE
End1 "null"
End2 "block"
End1Length 21
End2Length 21
LineWidth 3
EndBorderWidth 3
Behavior 0x00000000
Connector 48
Style "Flow (closed)"
Figure1 -1
Figure2 -1
EndPoint1 1472,1856
EndPoint2 1472,1952
SuppressEnd1 FALSE
SuppressEnd2 FALSE
End1 "null"
End2 "block"
End1Length 21
End2Length 21
LineWidth 3
EndBorderWidth 3
Behavior 0x00000000
Connector 49
Style "Flow (closed)"
Figure1 -1
Figure2 -1
EndPoint1 1536,1952
EndPoint2 1536,1856
SuppressEnd1 FALSE
SuppressEnd2 FALSE
End1 "null"
End2 "block"
End1Length 21
End2Length 21
LineWidth 3
EndBorderWidth 3
Behavior 0x00000000
Figure 50
Style "Process"
Text ""
Bounds 1049,2009,1064,2024
FillColor 0,0,0
BorderWidth 0
BindToStyle FALSE
TextFormat 0x0000
Behavior 0x00024A12
Symbol "null"
Font 0
Connector 51
Style "Flow (closed)"
Figure1 -1
Figure2 50
EndPoint1 1056,1376
EndPoint2 1056,2016
SuppressEnd1 FALSE
SuppressEnd2 TRUE
End1 "null"
End2 "block"
End1Length 21
End2Length 21
LineWidth 3
EndBorderWidth 3
Behavior 0x00000000
Connector 52
Style "Flow (closed)"
Figure1 50
Figure2 -1
EndPoint1 1056,2016
EndPoint2 1376,2016
SuppressEnd1 TRUE
SuppressEnd2 FALSE
End1 "null"
End2 "block"
End1Length 21
End2Length 21
LineWidth 3
EndBorderWidth 3
Behavior 0x00000000
Figure 53
Style "Process"
Text ""
Bounds 985,2073,1000,2088
FillColor 0,0,0
BorderWidth 0
BindToStyle FALSE
TextFormat 0x0000
Behavior 0x00024A12
Symbol "null"
Font 0
Connector 54
Style "Flow (closed)"
Figure1 -1
Figure2 53
EndPoint1 1376,2080
EndPoint2 992,2080
SuppressEnd1 FALSE
SuppressEnd2 TRUE
End1 "null"
End2 "block"
End1Length 21
End2Length 21
LineWidth 3
EndBorderWidth 3
Behavior 0x00000000
Connector 55
Style "Flow (closed)"
Figure1 53
Figure2 -1
EndPoint1 992,2080
EndPoint2 992,1376
SuppressEnd1 TRUE
SuppressEnd2 FALSE
End1 "null"
End2 "block"
End1Length 21
End2Length 21
LineWidth 3
EndBorderWidth 3
Behavior 0x00000000
Figure 56
Label TRUE
Style "Label2"
Bounds 964,632,1470,736
FillColor 0,0,0
BorderWidth 0
BindToStyle FALSE
TextFormat 0x0C20
Behavior 0x00024A12
Symbol "lbl"
Font 1
## Staples Section: