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- ***************************************************************
- Odyssey v2.00j for Windows - README.TXT
- Copyright 1995, Skyro Software and TRIUS, Inc.
- Exclusive Distribution in the US and Canada by TRIUS, Inc.
- ***************************************************************
- Please note that Odyssey for Windows is a fully commercial
- application program. It is NOT traditional shareware, freeware or
- public domain software.
- However, in order not to disappoint our customers who like to try
- out software before purchase, we have prepared this EVALUATION
- VERSION of Odyssey. The evaluation version is identical to the
- retail version, except for the reminder dialogs, and particularly
- because the evaluation version will EXPIRE AFTER 45 SEPARATE DAYS
- of actual use. Note that this is 45 days of USE, NOT 45 calendar
- days!
- The software will cease to work if the 45 day evaluation period
- expires. Note that you will NOT get another 45 days by re-
- installing the software. So, if you intend to buy the retail
- version please bear this deadline in mind - avoid a hiatus by
- ordering BEFORE the end of your evaluation period!
- The US retail version costs $79+$6 s/h, and can be ordered from:
- TRIUS, Inc., P.O. BOX 249, N. Andover, MA 01845-0249
- Orders ONLY:1-800-468-7487, Info:508-794-9377, Fax:508-688-6312
- Visa, MC, AmEx, checks drawn on US banks, and most POs accepted!
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Distribution
- ============
- You may distribute UNMODIFIED copies of the Evaluation Version of
- Windows Odyssey (hereinafter referred to as "Program") for others
- to evaluate provided that:
- - You do not charge any fees for such distribution, other than
- a fee of up to $5 US to recover material costs.
- - ALL files are included in the distributed copies.
- - You clearly explain, in any references made to this Program,
- that it is a 45-day evaluation copy.
- - You do NOT combine the Program with any other software or
- hardware offers.
- - You do not alter any of the files contained in the
- Evaluation copy distributed by TRIUS, Inc. including, but
- not limited to, this text file.
- If the program is distributed in violation of any of the above
- conditions, TRIUS shall have the right to seek compensation of up
- to $5 US per copy for all such copies distributed.
- If you have any questions regarding the program, distribution,
- etc., you may contact TRIUS, Inc. at:
- CompuServe .... 71333,103
- FIDO........... 1:324/413
- Info........... (508) 794-9377, 8:00-5:00 ET
- Fax ........... (508) 688-6312
- BBS ........... (508) 794-0762 (1200 - 14400,N,8,1) 24 hrs
- US Mail ....... TRIUS, Inc.
- P.O. Box 249
- N. Andover, MA 01845-0249
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Installation. Do NOT install more than once! See below!!!
- ===========================================================
- In order to install the evaluation copy of Odyssey for Windows
- Ver 2.00, follow these steps:
- 1. Make certain you are running MS Windows Ver 3.1 or 3.11
- 2. Place the Odyssey diskette in Drive A:
- 3. Select File, Run from the Windows Program Manager
- 4. When the Command Line dialog appears, type A:INSTALL and
- select OK.
- 5. Follow the on-screen instructions provided by the Installation
- program.
- The trial version of the "Odyssey v2.00 for Windows" software is designed
- to expire after 45 separate days of use (not 45 calendar days). As part of
- the expiry routines, the software uses several techniques to ensure that a
- user cannot get himself another 45 days simply by reinstalling the
- software.
- It turns out that some users have a particular technique for evaluating
- software which causes them to fall foul of this "not installed before"
- check. The scenario is this :-
- 1. User downloads trial software from BBS, and installs it in a
- temporary directory for initial checking out.
- 2. User works with the software from the temporary directory for
- a few days, and decides that he likes it. At this point he decides
- to delete the temporary copy already present, and install it again
- in a more permanent location.
- 3. Software installs, but then refuses to run, on the grounds that it
- has already been previously installed on that machine, and hence the
- user is evidently attempting to get around the 45 day time limit.
- We see no way to allow a user to install the trial software more than once
- on a particular machine without at the same time defeating the 45 day
- limit, so please do NOT do this! Ideally you should install the software
- in a "permanent" directory right away - after all, that directory is no
- harder to erase than a so called "temporary directory", if it turns out
- that you don't want to keep the software around.
- WinOdy (trial version) uses several kinds of checks to detect tampering,
- however its response in each case is the same: your days left is set to
- zero and the software thereafter goes on strike. If you have fallen foul
- of this by the above means (or something similar) then help *is* possible.
- A DOS utility called FIXDAYS is included with WinOdy which is capable of
- resetting your "Days Remaining" back to 45 days, allowing you to continue
- as if nothing had happened.
- HOWEVER: for obvious reasons this utility will not work unless you enter a
- special password, which you can only obtain from a Windows Odyssey support
- number (eg. Brown Bag or Micropack in the UK, TRIUS in the US). If the
- support personnel at any of these numbers is persuaded that you have
- reasonable case for wishing to reset the day counter then they will (over
- the phone) talk you through the running of this utility, including giving
- you the necessary password (which only works once, by the way). You may
- call any of these support numbers, depending on whom you bought your copy
- from :-
- Micropack (UK) : 01224-625022
- Brown Bag (UK) : 01297-552020
- TRIUS (US/Canada) : (508) 794-9377
- Please note that, because of the one-time nature of the password required,
- support personnel *must* talk you through this on the phone; they cannot
- send you the necessary information by FAX, email etc.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Information Contents
- ======================
- 1. Getting the Sample Scripts to work.
- 2. Problems finding comm port in OS/2 Warp.
- 3. Late Software Changes.
- =================================================================
- =====================================
- Note that Odyssey is supplied with sample scripts for some
- commercial hosts (eg. CompuServe, CIX). However, these scripts
- won't work right away, because a logon script can't transmit your
- ID and password to the host until it knows what your ID and
- password are! To fix this problem you need to edit the file
- PASSWORD.ODY (the internal Ody editor is great for this). For
- example, to supply an ID/password for CompuServe you change the
- line :-
- "CIS" = "your.id|" "your.password|"
- The "|" characters at the end of each string tell Ody to transmit
- a carriage return at that point. The PASSWORD.ODY file is read by
- the script language "FetchStr()" command; see the online help for
- documentation of that command. The "CIS" field on the left is a
- key which the script uses to fetch the correct line - you should
- check the FetchStr() call in any supplied script you intend to
- use, to see what key it is using, so you then know which
- PASSWORD.ODY line to fix.
- =================================================================
- ==========================
- Your humble author has several times received a variant of the
- following complaint:
- "Odyssey/INSTALL says it can't find the comm port when
- I run it under OS/2 WARP. Are you accessing the hardware
- directly or something?"
- If you get this problem then it almost certainly means that you
- have forgotten to configure the Windows serial ports properly
- under OS/2. In particular, remember to go into WINDOWS control
- panel and check that the addresses and IRQs of the serial ports
- are filled in. The standard OS/2 setup apparently doesn't do this
- automatically (as of this writing).
- Finally, please bear in mind that Odyssey for Windows is sold as
- (naturally), a Windows application. We make NO guarantees that
- Odyssey will run correctly in other environments (OS/2, NT etc.).
- So while we will certainly try to help with any problems,
- ultimately you use Ody in these environments at your own risk.
- Having said all that, as far as we know, Ody seems to run fine
- under NT, OS/2 Warp and Win95, plus of course, it runs perfectly
- under Windows 3.1, the intended environment.
- ===================================================================
- ========================
- This section is for late changes to the software which may not have
- made the manual in the version of Odyssey shipped to you. The
- online help should always however be up to date.
- 3.1 ZIP/ARC/LZH Viewer Added.
- 3.2 Changes to VTxxx terminal emulation keyboard layouts.
- 3.3 Alternate Config files.
- 3.1 Archive Viewing feature added (ZIP, ARC and LZH formats).
- --------------------------------------------------------------
- Windows Odyssey already had the ability to view a number of file
- types by double-clicking on them in a Directory Viewer window. It
- particularly supported text files, Windows HLP files, and
- BMP,GIF,JPEG and FAX bitmap formats - all of this is documented in
- the manual and online help. However, given that the purpose of this
- feature was to allow you to view "housekeep" files you have just
- downloaded, the omission of an ability to view popular archive
- formats was hard for us to ignore, particularly since that will
- most likely account for the majority of downloaded files.
- All that is now fixed: if you download a ZIP, ARC or LZH file then
- you can view its contents by double-clicking that file while in the
- Directory Viewer. You can then double-click on files in the opened
- Archive Viewer window to view *those* files; you can even view the
- contents of ZIPs within ZIPs etc! Be *VERY* careful when double-
- clicking on .EXE files stored in archives - many will expect other
- files to be unpacked as well (I'm not entirely sure we should even
- have left this feature in). You can also, of course unpack entire
- archives into a directory of your choice (including encrypted ZIP
- archives).
- This feature came too late to make the manual, it is however fully
- documented in the online help.
- 3.2 Changes to VTxxx terminal emulation keyboard layouts
- ---------------------------------------------------------
- The Windows Odyssey manual mentions that since an IBM PC keyboard
- does not have keys for PF1/PF2/PF3/PF4 that these must be generated
- using Ctrl+F1, Ctrl+F2, etc, plus Ctrl+F5 as <Keypad-ENTER>. This
- is no longer correct. Odyssey now maps the PFkeys onto the top row
- of the numeric keypad, ie. PF1(Gold key)=NumLock, PF2=<keypad '/'>,
- PF3=<keypad '*'> and PF4= <keypad '-'>. This places the PFkeys more
- or less in the same position as they would be on a real VTxxx
- terminal (the top row of keys on a VT100 keypad are also PFkeys).
- VT100 <Keypad-ENTER> is now mapped to its natural equivalent - the
- <Keypad-Enter> found on any AT enhanced keyboard.
- The reason for this change is a) because the new layout is easier
- (more like the genuine terminal), and b) because using Ctrl+Fx
- clashes with some standard Windows keystrokes, particularly Ctrl+F4
- which closes an MDI document window. The reason for the original
- awkward layout was in order to remain compatable with XT style
- keyboard layouts which had a less VTxxx like keypad - however this
- conservatism is probably no longer justified, since few people are
- likely to run Windows on machines with XT-style keyboards.
- The new layout does however create one minor problem, which is that
- a real VT100 terminal also has a '-' key on the numeric keypad,
- which is sometimes used as a function key; yet it looks like we
- can't generate that code because we have just mapped it to PF4. To
- solve this problem Odyssey now maps ALT+<keypad '-'> as the VT100
- <keypad '-'> key, which will generate either '-' or the appropriate
- function key sequence, depending on the VT100 keypad mode set by
- the host.
- Note that we could never have used the obvious looking mapping of
- PF1-->F1 etc, since a) this would block access to the online help
- normally on the F1 key, b) it would not be consistant with extended
- VTxxx emulations, which have the PFx keys *AND* programmable Fx
- keys.
- The new keyboard mapping described here applies to all the Odyssey
- VTxxx emulations, ie. VT52, VT100 and VT320.
- Finally, note that since we have mapped NUMLOCK to PF1, NUMLOCK
- will no longer serve its normal PC function when the Odyssey
- terminal window is active. Odyssey terminal emulations will always
- act is if the NUMLOCK flag was permanently set.
- 3.3 Alternate Config files.
- ---------------------------
- The DOS version of Odyssey had a feature whereby it was possible to
- launch Odyssey from different subdirectories, each such
- subdirectory containing a different ODYSSEY.CFG file. This allowed
- users to have (eg) different configurations for talking to
- different modems.
- This feature did not seem to map all that well to the Windows
- version of Odyssey, since the concept of "current directory" is not
- made explicit by Program Manager, which is where most windows apps
- are started from. Also, not many users have mentioned to us that
- they liked this feature.
- So, when developing the Windows version of Odyssey we originally
- decided not to include any equivalent of this facility, however
- early feedback has caused us to change our minds!
- To force Odyssey to use an alternate config file, you need to add
- an option "-S<filename>" to the Odyssey command line set in the
- "File|Properties..." dialog in Windows "Program Manager". For
- example :-
- c:\winody\winody.exe -sMYCONFIG.CFG
- forces Odyssey to load and save its configuration data to
- MYCONFIG.CFG instead of the standard ODYSSEY.CFG. It would be
- possible for you to have several different Odyssey icons in your
- WinOdy group, each of which launches Odyssey with a different
- config file name. Note that this alternate name applies for the
- entire Odyssey session - there is no command provided which allows
- you to change config files in mid-session.
- Note that there should be no space between the '-s' and the
- filename. The filename can specify a complete path, or it can
- consist of just the tail part, in which case the config file will
- be stored in the Odyssey directory - in which case (of course) the
- tail name should not conflict with the standard name of
- If you also specify a script on the Odyssey command line this may
- come either before or after the config file option, eg :-
- c:\winody\winody.exe -sMYCONFIG.CFG myscript
- c:\winody\winody.exe myscript -sMYCONFIG.CFG
- both do the same thing, ie. load setup information from
- MYCONFIG.CFG, and then run the script 'myscript.scr'.