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- This disk contains Windows Reminder 2.30a
- For a list of items that are new for this release, just press the
- F1 key in Reminder to see the Help file. Then select "Revision History"
- for a complete list of new features.
- Here is a partial list of some of the more exciting new features.
- 1. You can now seach items for key words or parts of words.
- See the View Search menu.
- 2. You can make repeating items that keep a history. See the
- Edit Repeat item daily menus
- 3. Calendar has been improved to skip weekends for repeating items.
- 4. Sound, sound and more sounds. You can have sounds based on your
- chime, when an alarm goes off based on a category and even
- have the time in spoken words, like "Ten thirty" with the
- sound module.
- Functional and Powerful
- Windows Reminder is a new time management program written exclusively for
- the new Windows. The program is both simple to use, yet powerful enough to
- do your work for you without you having to be there!
- Functional
- Windows Reminder was designed to let you set up and view your appointments
- as easily as possible. You can visually see the times you have scheduled
- in the graph display. The graph also allows you to click on the time you
- want to enter a new item for. Items or tasks are sorted by date and time
- which places all items needing attention at the top so you can "see" what
- is next on your list. A time is not required so you can still enter a task
- that needs to be done that day. Enter in a time and Windows Reminder will
- automatically set the alarm to display your message or run other programs.
- A repeat option is also provided for daily, weekly, monthly, and end of
- month events. Windows Reminder displays the time and date when running as
- an icon so you can always keep track of what time it is.
- Set up "To Do" or "Task" lists for yourself and others to keep track of
- dates, times and milestones.
- Set alarms to remind you of items that have to be done or places you have
- to be. You can set reminder to chime on the hour, 1/2 and 1/4 hour. If
- you have Multimedia installed, you will hear the chimes from Control Panel.
- Set alarms to start other tasks without you being there.
- Generate status reports at any time based on the items you have done and
- that are still on your list of items that need to be done or need your
- attention. Collect the time spent on each item for time management reports.
- Windows Reminder keeps track of when items are completed and creates a
- log file when you delete your items to a file (see the Options Preference
- menu) to set this.
- Versatile
- You can group your items by category for easy viewing and printing of
- status reports. The category list can be used to schedule what others in
- your group need to be on top of. This helps with daily assignments and
- long term goals by allowing you to schedule different intervals in which
- to monitor your progress. You can also assign your own personal priorities,
- like ASAP, by replacing the time field for each item.
- As you enter each item, they are sorted automatically by date and time or
- by your own personal priorities so that you can always see what is next on
- your list of items to do. For easy viewing, dates are displayed in
- different colors depending if they are past, present or future items to do
- or if they are done so that you can instantly "see" what needs to be done
- next.
- Ease of use
- Windows Reminder makes it as simple as possible to enter and edit items by
- taking full advantage of a Control Bar with three dimensional buttons, full
- keyboard support, a Calendar program, Pen Windows support, and a sophisticated
- Online Help complete with "Jump Words" for easy access and look-up.
- The Windows Reminder Control bar gives you quick access to editing and
- viewing items along with a corresponding key on the keyboard to allow you
- the same access. The current time is displayed on the right side of the
- control bar and an alarm picture is displayed only when there is a time set
- to go off for the current day. This gives you the added benefit of adding
- items that have to be done a certain day, but have no set time.
- The Edit section of the Control bar allows you to quickly edit an item.
- To create a new item to be reminded of, you can choose the "+" button on the
- Control Bar, or the "+" key on the keyboard or the Edit Add menu item, or
- the F5 function key, or double click on the day you want in the Calendar
- program.
- The View section of the Control bar allows you to quickly view the items
- by past, present, future and done dates. To view just those items you need
- to do from the past and today, you just select the left arrow (for past) and
- the down arrow (for now or today). If you also want to view what you have
- done for the same time frame, just press the "check" button. You can use
- the F9-F12 keys to "press" the same buttons or use the View menu commands.
- The asterisk at the end is for viewing everything at once by pressing all
- the buttons down.
- Windows Reminder comes with a Calendar program that lets you view the days
- in a month and scroll to other months and years. It can even print calanders!
- If Windows Reminder isn't running, Calendar will start it for you by double-
- clicking on a date. The Enter New Item dialog is automatically brought up for
- you with the selected date already placed in the date field for you. Anytime
- the Edit Item dialog is up, you can use Calendar to enter or change the date
- and time just by clicking the mouse on the date you want and using the right
- mouse button to select the time.
- Powerful Date Transfer and Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE)
- Windows Reminder data is copied to the clipboard as tab delimited text
- that can then be used with any editor and any spreadsheet program or
- other program that accepts a tab delimited ASCII file. Windows Reminder
- will also accept data from the clipboard that is only space delimited for
- easy importing.
- Windows Reminder supports Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) as both a Client
- starting other DDE conversations requesting information and also as a
- Server so that data can be passed back and forth with other DDE programs.
- A sample Template file for Microsoft Word for Windows and macro sheet for
- Microsoft Excel is supplied to show you how you can automatically generate
- different reports with different combinations of monthly and/or items listed
- by a specific "category".
- Powerful Alarm actions
- Windows Reminder allows a number of different Actions to take place when
- an alarm goes off. You select the action to take place when you enter
- your message and it can be changed at any time. The Run Action will
- automatically have Reminder start another Windows or DOS application.
- Run DDE will start a DDE conversation with another application to run a
- macro that gathers information from a data base or electronic news service
- that places the information into another application.
- When an alarm goes off, your message is displayed for you. You are then
- given 4 choices of what you want to do with the message. The first is
- nothing so that you can decide what you want to do with it later. You
- can select the Mark as Done check box to indicate you no longer need to
- be reminded of the message. If you are busy when the message is displayed
- you can set the Repeat in ? minutes, a "snooze" option and press the Reset
- Time button so the message will be displayed again in the extra time you
- selected. This is really handy when you are on the phone. Selecting the
- Re-schedule button brings up the message for editing so you can change
- the date, time or any other information.
- You can reset the item to the next day, week, month or year and it will
- also bump the day to Mondya if you use the "Business Day option.
- When the Run with Prompt or Run DDE with Prompt action item is selected
- or you select the Option Run menu command, the Run dialog will be displayed.
- Here you will see the message you had scheduled if it was from an alarm
- going off, or you can change or enter any command to start up another
- application or enter in a DDE command. You don't have to run Program Manager
- or File Manager to start another application.
- With this version you have the following files:
- REMINDER EXE The Reminder program.
- CAL EXE The integrated calendar program.
- CTL3D DLL The DLL that give the 3D look to dialogs.
- ITEMS CAT The "category" data base file - Press F4 to add more.
- ITEMS DAT Tutorial data file.
- README TXT This File
- REMINDER HLP The Reminder Help file - press F1 to display it.
- WWWDBMS DLL The data base engine
- INSTALL BAT Manual setup program in case SETUP.EXE doesn't work for you.
- WSETUP EXE The setup program
- WSETUP2 OVL More of the setup program
- WSETUP INF The setup script file
- LED Software has on-line support for registered users!
- The home of LED Software is on Compuserve, in the WINSHARE forum,
- in the Windows Shareware section.
- The rest of this file contains the following information:
- ) Information on our fully functional demos and our
- "Registration Reminder" screens.
- ) A basic, consise explanation of our disclaimers.
- ) Generic installation instructions for our software,
- including a section on manual installations.
- ) Generic uninstall instructions.
- ) Our update policy.
- ) The long, drawn out legalese section, software license
- information, limited warranty, trademarks, etc.
- ) Ordering information.
- ) International Ordering Information.
- ) Order Form.
- Unlicensed copies of LED Software products are 100% fully functional.
- We make them this way so that you can have a real look at them, and then
- decide whether they fit your needs or not. Our entire business depends
- on your honesty. If you use it, we expect you to pay for it. We feel
- that if we treat you right, you will treat us right.
- Unlicensed copies of our products do have a pesky registration reminder
- screen that pops up whenever you start the program. This shouldn't
- really affect your evaluation of our software for 20 days.
- We're sure that once you see the incredible quality of our software,
- you will dig out your credit card, pick up the phone, call the nice
- people at our 800 number and register the software.
- When you pay for the shareware you like, you are voting with your pocketbook,
- and will encourage us to bring you more of the same kinds of products.
- Of course the usual disclaimers still apply. We are not
- responsible for anything at all. Nothing. Even if we are held
- responsible, the limit of our liability is the licensing fees
- you paid. The full text of our license agreement is found near
- the bottom of this file.
- Use our snazzy setup program...
- 1) Close down all extraneous Windows applications.
- (You do have to be in Windows to run SETUP.EXE)
- 2) Double-Click on the SETUP.EXE program.
- 3) When the setup program asks for a directory, specify initial
- directory, or accept the given default.
- 4) When the screen comes up that asks you what you want to
- install, do your selections, or just hit the INSTALL ALL
- button. Hit the OK button to continue.
- ******************** MANUAL INSTALL *********************
- If you cannot use the snazzy setup program, you can
- run INSTALL.BAT from MS-DOS or a DOS window.
- It defaults to copying the files to C:\REMINDER
- 1) Most files to be installed by the installation program end in
- an underscore "_". They are not compressed.
- You may simply rename the files to the correct name.
- 2) In general, the DLL files should go into your WINDOWS directory.
- The snazzy setup program will create a DOS batch file - UNINSTAL.BAT
- in the target directory that will un-install the product just installed.
- You may either review the batch file and perform a manual uninstall, or,
- if you have not installed any products *after* installing this product,
- go ahead and run the batch file.
- If you have installed several products before deciding to uninstall this,
- the uninstall will *generally* work successfully. The only problem that
- occurs is when this product installs a file that the other products use.
- In general, this will only be a problem when you install several of our
- products, and will be much less of a problem if you install products from
- other vendors. If problems occur, generally all that is required is to
- re-install the product that is complaining about the lack of a file.
- A quick review of the uninstall bat file, deleting a line or two for files
- you know are used by other products may be all that is required to
- successfully run the uninstall.
- It is the policy of LED Software to protect faithful customers, and to
- derive the majority of our income via sales to new customers rather than
- continually attempting to extract more funds from existing customers. Of
- course we must at least cover our costs or we could not stay in business
- bringing you new and updated software.
- LED Software frequently updates it products. There are various kinds
- of updates, including Major updates, Minor updates, and bug-fix updates.
- Minor and bug-fix updates for our shareware products are free -- subject
- only to our reasonable shipping and and handling charges for disks. As we
- are not in the disk selling business, you may find that shareware vendors
- specializing is disk sales can easily sell disks cheaper than we can. On
- the other hand, we *always* have the most recent versions of our software.
- Our shipping and handling charges for update disks are as follows:
- 6.95 US and Canada for the first product,
- 4.00 US and Canada for each additional disk.
- 2.50 Surcharge for shipping outside of US and Canada.
- If you obtain a minor or bug-fix update from Compuserve or other online
- service, a BBS, a shareware disk vendor or from another source, there is
- no charge from us (of course you will have to pay the on-line service fees,
- disk vendors fees, or at least pay your phone bill for downloading from
- a BBS). In addition, you may use a single disk to update any number of
- copies of a product.
- The policy and pricing for Major shareware updates vary. Depending on the
- nature of the upgrade, length of time since the previous major upgrade,
- desirability of new features added, the extent of revisions to the printed
- manuals (if any), work involved and possible price changes for new users,
- we may or may not charge fees. Since it is difficult to determine what the
- cost of future major updates will be, and since we do not wish to commit
- ourselves to the uncertainty of the future, we have provided information on
- the cost of major past updates here so that you can see our track record,
- and possibly feel reassured about the future.
- The legalese section...
- REMINDER Copyright ⌐ 1991-95 by LED Software.
- LED Software is not and has never been public domain software,
- nor is it free software.
- Non-licensed users are granted a limited license to use our
- software on a 20-day trial basis for the purpose of determining
- whether the software is suitable for their needs. Any use
- of our software, except for the initial 20-day trial, requires
- registration. The use of unlicensed copies of our software,
- outside of the initial 20-day trial, by any person, business,
- corporation, government agency or any other entity is strictly prohibited.
- A single user license permits a user to use one copy of the licensed
- software product only on a single computer. Licensed users may use
- the program on different computers, but may not use the program
- on more than one computer at the same time.
- No one may modify or patch any of our executable files in any way,
- including but not limited to decompiling, disassembling, or otherwise
- reverse engineering our software programs.
- A limited license is granted to copy and distribute our shareware
- software only for the trial use of others, subject to the above
- limitations, and also the following:
- 1) The software must be copied in unmodified form, complete
- with the file containing this license information.
- 2) The full machine-readable documentation must be included
- with each copy.
- 3) Our software may not be distributed in conjunction with
- any other product with out a specific license to do so
- from LED Software.
- 4) Vending of our software products in retail stores (by
- "shareware rack vendors") is specifically prohibited without
- prior written authorization. Written authorization will generally
- require payment of a small royalty on each disk sold.
- 5) No fee, charge, or other compensation may be requested or
- accepted, except as authorized below:
- A) Non-profit user groups may distribute copies of the our
- products to their members, subject to the above conditions,
- without specific permission. Non-profit groups may collect
- a disk duplication fee not to exceed five dollars.
- B) Operators of electronic bulletin board systems (sysops)
- may make our products available for downloading only as
- long as the above conditions are met. An overall or
- time-dependent charge for the use of the bulletin board
- system is permitted as long as there is not a specific
- charge for the download of our software.
- C) Mail-order vendors of shareware software approved by
- the ASP may distribute our products, subject to the
- above conditions, without specific permission. Non-
- approved vendors may distribute our products only after
- obtaining written permission from LED SoftWare.
- Such permission is usually granted. Please write for
- details (enclose your catalog). Vendors may charge a
- disk duplication and handling fee, which, when pro-rated
- to each individual product, may not exceed eight dollars.
- LED Software guarantees your satisfaction with this product for
- a period of 30 days from the date of original purchase.
- If you are unsatisfied with the product within that time period,
- return the package in saleable condition to the place of purchase
- for a full refund minus shipping and handling if necessary.
- LED Software warrants that all disks provided are free from defects
- in material and workmanship, assuming normal use, for a period of
- 90 days from the date of purchase.
- LED Software warrants that the program will perform in substantial
- compliance with the documentation supplied with the software product.
- If a significant defect in the product is found, the purchaser may
- return the product for a refund. In no event will such a refund
- exceed the purchase price of the product.
- Use of this product for any period of time constitutes
- your acceptance of this agreement and subjects you to its
- contents.
- Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject
- to restrictions as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of
- the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at
- 252.227-7013. Contractor/manufacturer is LED Software
- 7515 - 86th Ave SE/ Mercer Island, WA 98040
- Microsoft and MS-DOS are registered trademarks of
- Microsoft Corporation.
- Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
- Reminder is a trademark of LED Software.
- Licensing our products brings you wonderful benefits. Some of these are:
- - Gets rid of that pesky reminder window that comes up when you start
- up the software.
- - Insures that you have the latest version of the product.
- - Encourages the authors of these programs to continue bringing you
- updated/better versions and new products.
- - Gets you on our mailing list so you are occassionally notified of
- spectacular updates and our other Windows products.
- - And, of course, our 30-day money back guarantee.
- Name: ____________________________________________________
- Company:____________________________________________________
- Address:____________________________________________________
- ____________________________________________________
- City: ________________________ St:______ Zip:___________
- Phone: (______)_________________ Country:________________
- ____ Reminder (s) @ $39.95 : _______.____
- There is no shipping and handling unless
- you want us to send you a disk.
- If you do, fill in the
- ____ Disk, handling and shipping
- (US & Canada) @ $6.95 : _______.____
- ____ Disk, handling and
- International Shipping @ $9.50 : _______.____
- WA residents please add tax @ 8.2%: _______.____
- Total: _______.____
- Please enclose a check payable to LED Software;
- International customers please see note below.
- or you may use Visa or MasterCharge.
- For credit cards, please enter the information below:
- Card #:__ __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ __
- Expiration date: ____/____
- Signature: _________________________________________
- Where did you hear about or get a copy of our products?
- ____________________________________________________________
- **************************************************************************
- * International customers. Although we do prefer payment by Credit Card *
- * we can accept non-US-bank checks under certain conditions.... *
- * The check MUST be in your currency -- NOT IN US$ -- Just look in your *
- * newspaper for the current exchange rates, make out your check and send *
- * it to us. We will take care of the rest. No Eurocheques please. *
- **************************************************************************
- Send to: LED Software, Inc.
- 7515 - 86th Ave SE
- Mercer Island, WA 98040
- or call: (800) 905-4155 (USA Orders Only )
- (206) 232-4155 (Customer Service/International Orders)
- CompuServe 75604,2533 (Technical Support)
- (Please allow 1 to 2 weeks for delivery)