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- M I N A R E T
- -------------
- This program computes Islamic prayer schedules, the Qibla direction,
- and various data related to the Hijri calendar.
- Minaret is a shareware program. You may freely give copies of this
- program to others. Please give only unmodified copies to others, and
- include this documentation with the program. If you decide to keep
- the program for yourself, please send $10 to:
- Kamal Abdali
- P.O. Box 65207
- Washington, DC 20035
- USA.
- The author's e-mail address is abdali@netcom.com.
- The most recent version of this program is available for anonymous
- ftp in the directory "/pub/ab/abdali" on the host "ftp.netcom.com".
- The Place menu
- --------------
- This is the first menu you should look at. Minaret contains a
- built-in gazetteer with geographical information about 170 cities
- initially. At any time, there is also a Current Location for
- which all computations are done. To specify any location as the
- Current Location, click on the "Open Gazetteer" item in the Place
- menu. A large window will appear in which the list at left is the
- Gazetteer. As you scroll through the Gazetteer list and click on
- various location names, the stored data about them appears in the
- boxes at right. If your desired location is in the Gazetteer,
- select it, then press "Make it Current Location". All subsequent
- computations will be done for that city.
- You can edit the Gazetteer to add and delete locations, and to
- modify information about existing locations. By editing the boxes
- and setting radio buttons at right, you can supply the
- geographical data about the cities you wish to add. You will need
- to know the latitude, longitude, zone time relative to Greenwich,
- and whether or not the place observes Daylight Savings Time.
- After filling in the information for each city, press "Update/add
- this location". To delete a location, select it in the Gazetteer,
- then press "Remove this location". Only 200 cities are allowed in
- the Gazetteer, so you may need to delete some locations to make
- room for others. You can find out how many cities are already in
- the Gazetteer by selecting the "Gazetteer size" item.
- Note: Editing the Gazetteer doesn't change the Current Location.
- Also, the Current Location does not have to be necessarily added
- to the Gazetteer. To do computations for a city not in the
- Gazetteer, you would normally first edit the Gazetteer to add that
- city, then make the city the Current Location. But if you want to
- use a location only temporarily, you can fill in its name and
- geographical data, and make it the Current Location without adding
- it to the Gazetteer.
- The changes made to the Gazetteer by editing it accumulate from
- session to session. To revert to the original Gazetteer supplied
- with the program, use the the menu item "Restore factory-set
- gazetteer". You may like to do this before any other computation
- in case your copy of Minaret is not an original distribution from
- the author, and you're not sure of the validity of the stored
- data.
- Note: At the time of quitting a Minaret session in which you've
- edited the Gazetteer, Minaret asks you whether or not you want to
- save the changes you've made within that session. Should you
- respond by clicking "No", the Gazetteer remains unchanged for that
- session. On the other hand, "Restore factory-set gazetteer" throws
- away the changes accumulated through ALL the previous sessions in
- which the Gazetteer was edited.
- The Prayer Hours menu
- ---------------------
- Select "Prayer hours for a day" to get the five prayer hours plus
- the time of sunrise for any date. (Be sure to first set your
- location using the Place menu.) Minaret starts out by displaying
- the prayer hours for today (the current date). Minaret also
- presents you a dialog box in which you can fill in any other dates
- for which the prayer hours are desired. (Click on "Compute" after
- filling in the date.) If you hear a beep at this point, then you
- have typed either an illegal date or a date outside the period
- 1901--2100 A.D. You can compute prayer hours for as many
- different dates as you want. When you are done, click "CLOSE" to
- dismiss the prayer hours window.
- Select "Prayer hours for a month" or "Prayer hours for a year" to
- display a table of prayer hours in a text window. Minaret will
- first present you a dialog box in which you should fill in the
- month or the year for which the schedule is desired. For a
- "perpetual" schedule for a year, type "0" (zero) for the year.
- Perpetual schedules are further discussed below.
- You can print the contents of the text window in front by
- selecting "Print" from the File menu. By using the "Save" or
- "Save as" item from the File menu, you can save into a file the
- contents of the text window in front, for possible reformatting
- with a word processor. If you use a word processor for printing
- a saved schedule file, then print it using a monospaced font.
- This will keep the tabular columns neatly aligned.
- NOTE: The menu item "TeX input for prayer hours for a year"
- mentioned in the next paragraph is available only in the Mac
- version at present, not in the Windows version.
- The printout of the results from the menu selections "Prayer
- schedule for a month" and "Prayer schedule for a year" contain a
- single month's schedule per page. If you have access to the
- text-formatting system TeX (developed by Professor Knuth of
- Stanford University), then you can print a much prettier prayer
- schedule for a year by running TeX on a file generated by Minaret.
- This schedule comes out on three pages, four months per page. For
- this, first select "TeX input for prayer hours for a year" from
- the Prayer menu, and fill in the year (or 0 for a perpetual
- schedule). Minaret will generate TeX code for the schedule, and
- display it in a new window. Then select "Save As" from the File
- menu, choose an appropriate drive and folder, and type a suitable
- document name (for example, "schedule.tex") to save the window
- contents. You have now captured the TeX input which you can later
- process according to the instructions specific to your TeX system.
- Since prayer hours depend upon the sun's position, it is more
- practical to tabulate the Islamic prayer schedule according to the
- dates in the Western, solar calendar. For a fixed location,
- prayer times for any particular date in the Western calendar vary
- very little from year to year, and for all practical purposes
- repeat themselves in four year cycles. (Find this out for
- yourself by computing prayer hours for the same dates in different
- years.) If you want to print annual prayer schedules, I strongly
- recommend using zero for the year. This doesn't mean the year
- zero B.C. or A.D., but is a special value to cause Minaret to
- print a perpetual calendar in which the times are essentially the
- average of the four years of a cycle. It is silly to print a new
- calendar every year, since the yearly variation is seldom more
- than two minutes.
- If, according to the gazetteer, the Current Location observes
- Daylight Saving Time, then Minaret adds one hour to all times
- computed for the dates between the first Sunday of April and the
- last Saturday of October (inclusive). If the year is zero (that
- is, if a perpetual schedule is desired), then the adjustment is
- made throughout the period from April to October.
- Islamic prayer times are computed from their well-known
- astronomical definitions. (See, for example, the appendices A
- and B in "Prayer Schedules for North America", American Trust
- Publications, Indianapolis, Indiana, 1978.) Under certain
- conditions (for example, on certain summer dates at very high
- latitudes), the traditional astronomical definitions do not work,
- and the equations defining prayer times do not have solutions.
- Minaret prints "*" when it cannot compute a prayer time. (See
- also the description of Method menu below.)
- The Qibla menu
- --------------
- Select "Angle from North" to find the direction of the Qibla. (Be
- sure to first set your location using the Place menu.) The angle
- is given from the geographical, not magnetic, North. Since it is
- not always easy to accurately either determine North or measure
- angles, the shadow method described below is generally a better
- way to determine the Qibla.
- "Shadow diagram for a day" lets you determine the Qibla by
- observing shadows, without having to know the true North direction.
- You get a diagram which shows the directions in which the shadow
- of a vertical object points at certain times of the day. One of
- the lines in the diagram is marked with a Q. This is the
- direction of the Qibla. The times have been so computed that the
- angle between the Qibla and the shadow is a multiple of 45
- degrees, quite easy to measure. (If there is a time on the line
- marked Q, then the Qibla is exactly in the same direction as the
- shadow at that time, and you don't have to measure any angle.)
- Experiment with this menu using different dates to see the
- relation between the Qibla and the shadow. Summer dates give you
- more opportunities to determine the Qibla using the shadow method.
- Select "Shadow chart for a month" or "Shadow chart for a year" to
- display tables of the shadow information in a text window. See
- remarks under the Prayer menu for printing and saving the contents
- of the window.
- Note: The computed value of the qibla is not meaningful for
- locations very close to the Ka'aba (or its antipode in the Pacific
- Ocean), e.g., for the city of Makkah. Also, when using the shadow
- method, you should avoid the times within an hour of noon when the
- shadow is short and moves very fast.
- The Calendar menu
- -----------------
- Select "Date conversion" to convert Hijri dates into Western ones,
- and vice versa. Minaret will accept as input any date starting
- from Muharram 1, 1 A.H. (July 16, 622 A.D.), but will beep at any
- illegal or earlier date. The conversion is approximate, based on
- some heuristic algorithms for predicting the crescent moon's
- visibility.
- Select "New moon phase" to get the time of the astronomical new
- moon phase just preceding the start of any Hijri month. Minaret
- computes the time of this phenomenon with an accuracy of about
- three minutes, and displays it both as the Greenwich Mean Time and
- as the Zone time for the Current Location. Remember that the moon
- is invisible at the astronomical new moon phase, and the formation
- of the visible lunar crescent takes anywhere from about 18 to
- about 42 hours. Although a few younger sightings of the moon have
- been reported, they are extremely rare, and would be possible only
- under certain special circumstances.
- Select "Moon's age" to determine the age of moon at any desired
- time on any date in the period 1901--2100 A.D. To make a rough
- prediction whether the lunar crescent will be visible on a certain
- evening, you can find the time of sunset on that date by selecting
- "Prayer schedule for a day" in the Prayer hours menu, then find the
- moon's age at that time by selecting "Moon's age" in the Calendar
- menu. If the age turns out to be less than 18 hours, then it is
- quite unlikely that the crescent will be visible that evening. Of
- course, the first visibility of the crescent depends on several other
- factors too.
- The Method menu
- ---------------
- NOTE: In the Windows version, this called the "Options" menu.
- There are some variations in the methods people use to compute
- certain prayer times. This menu lets you select the methods
- according to your preference.
- The "shadow ratio" for a vertical object at any time is defined to
- be the quantity:
- (the length of shadow at the given time D the "residual" shadow
- of the object at noon) / (the object height).
- The shadow ratio at asr time is taken to be 2 by the Hanafi
- school, 1 by others. For fajr and isha, the time is usually
- determined by the Sun's angle of depression below the horizon.
- If this value is taken to be 18 degrees, then fajr coincides with
- the astronomical twilight. This seems OK for temperate latitudes.
- But at higher latitudes, say above 42 degrees, the resulting times
- for fajr and isha are too inconvenient (fajr too early, and isha
- too late). ISNA schedules are computed by taking this angle as 15
- degrees.
- At latitudes higher than 50 degrees, such as for cities in
- Northern Europe, it is impossible on certain dates to determine
- fajr and isha times by taking the value of the sun's depression to
- be 18 (or even 15) degrees. This is so because on those dates the
- sun doesn't descend sufficiently below the horizon. So people in
- some of those cities compute the fajr and isha times to be at 90
- minutes from sunrise/sunset. For latitudes above 66 1/2 degrees,
- of course, even sunrise and sunset are not always defined.
- The File Menu
- -------------
- Use this menu to open, save, and print the monthly or yearly
- prayer schedules and qibla charts computed by Minaret. When text
- files are printed using "Print" in this menu, the RETURN (ascii
- 13) and FORMFEED (ascii 12) characters will cause line skip and
- page eject, respectively. The File menu is intended only for use
- with the text files generated by Minaret. In particular, it will
- not work on non-text files, large text files (more than 32K
- characters), or text files with very long lines.
- Any Comments?
- --------------
- Please send your comments, suggestions, and bug reports to the
- author at the address given above (preferably by e-mail). They
- will be greatly appreciated. Please include your address in any
- correspondence.