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- Love Your Dog - Version 2.0
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Love Your Dog is a shareware program. This means you have the
- right to use it for a limited time to see if you like it. If you
- want it, please register it with the author. Otherwise, please remove
- the program from your disk. Registered users will receive the latest
- version on 3.5 inch diskette along with a registration # that will
- work on all future versions of this program and free technical support
- if needed via CompuServe, America Online or US Mail.
- To use the program, I suggest you create the directory c:\lydog and
- copy all of the included files to that directory. To add a program
- icon to an existing program group, the executable file name will be
- c:\lydog\lydog.exe and the working directory will be c:\lydog.
- You can register this product by sending $12.95 to McCook Software,
- 40 Emily Drive, Lilburn Ga 30247. Ask for LOVE YOUR DOG or use the
- convenient order form accessible from the program itself. You can
- also register on CompuServe - Go SWREG, register product # 4714.
- You can contact the author on CompuServe by e-mailing to address
- 75262,465 or America Online @ RMcCookMan.
- Bulletin Board Services are free to distribute this product and
- advertise it in any way that seems suitable and so long as their
- actions do not interfere with the author's right to collect
- registration fees from the product.
- This application requires VBRUN300.DLL which may not be included.
- The following files are always included:
- LYDOG.EXE - Love Your Dog Executable Program File
- LYDOG.HLP - Love Your Dog Help File
- TIP.DAT - Love Your Dog Medical Terms & Tips File
- DOG1.WAV - Sound Effects File
- DOG2.WAV - Sound Effects File
- DOG3.WAV - Sound Effects File
- DOG4.WAV - Sound Effects File
- CMDIALOG.VBX - Common Dialog VBX
- COMMDLG.DLL - Common Dialog DLL
- MHGFRM.VBX - MicroHelp Frame Control VBX
- MHGLBX.VBX - MicroHelp ListBox Control VBX
- MHIN200.VBX - MicroHelp Text Box VBX
- MHRUN400.DLL - MicroHelp DLL
- THREED.VBX - Sheridan VBX
- WAVE1.VBX - Mabry Wav VBX
- Registered users of prior versions can use their existing registration
- number to run this software. If are registered but cannot find your
- number for some reason, write the author or contact him via CompuServe
- Address 75262,465 or America Online @ RMcCookMan. This version will not
- overwrite any existing information on your pets. If you load this program
- to a different directory than your existing program, you should copy
- the files PET.DAT and EVT.DAT to the new directory to use your existing
- pet information and event files.