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- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- THE GROCERY CONSUMER 2.24 Food-for-Thought Software ⌐ 1994-1995
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Please refer to the gc_doc.wri (open with Windows Write) for
- complete instructions. It is The Grocery Consumer user manual.
- Windows 3.1x
- VGA/SVGA monitor
- video driver any VGA (640x480) or SVGA (800x600,1024x768) driver
- with normal fonts (do NOT use Large Fonts or any type
- of zoom fonts utility)
- mouse recommended, but not necessary
- printer recommended, but not necessary
- hard drive requires about 2 MB disk space for GC and average user files
- RAM 160K for program plus 1.6K per recipe
- (i.e., 240K for 50 recipes, 800K for 400 recipes, 1.8MB for
- 1000 recipes)
- PKUNZIP.EXE file decompression program (PKWARE) to unzip GC224.ZIP archive
- PKZIP.EXE file compression program (PKWARE) - see free sources below
- used by GC to zip recipe files for BBS exchange
- VBRUN300.DLL Visual Basic runtime library - see free sources listed below
- NOTEPAD.EXE Windows Notepad (text editor) used by GC for internal editing
- GC224.ZIP Grocery Consumer program archive
- WARNING!!! :
- If you have a previous version of GC on your system, DO NOT unzip the
- GC224.ZIP file in your previous GC directory or select its directory
- as the installation path; use a new directory. Otherwise, you will
- OVERWRITE your personalized recipe database and other important files
- with the sample ones that come with the GC archive!
- GC will work well with most video resolutions. However, GC will NOT
- work with a video driver that uses "Large Fonts". Check your video
- settings using Windows Setup in the Main Group to be sure
- you are NOT using "Large Fonts".
- Step 1. Make sure PKZIP.EXE is in your DOS path (i.e., is in a directory
- specified by the PATH statement in AUTOEXEC.BAT in your \(root)
- directory. GC will run without it but GC will not be able to create
- .ZIP files for you when you Export Recipes.
- Step 2. Make sure VBRUN300.DLL is in your \windows\system directory. The
- Setup program will not run without it, nor will The Grocery Consumer.
- Step 3. Installation of the Grocery Consumer
- Make sure all other applications are closed, especially Visual Basic
- applications.
- If you downloaded the gc224.zip archive from a BBS or from SimTel:
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- Copy the archive into an EMPTY directory and UNZIP it. Open the File
- Manager and double-click setup.exe in the list of files that were
- unzipped. This will run the Setup program that will install The
- Grocery Consumer on your hard drive under c:\gc224 unless you select
- another location during the install.
- If you received Grocery Consumer disk from Food-for-Thought Software:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Put the diskette in drive a: or b: and, in Windows, select File...Run
- ... and type a:\setup or b:\setup at the prompt. This will run the
- Setup program that installs The Grocery Consumer on your hard drive
- in c:\gc224 unless you select another location during the install.
- DO NOT INSTALL into any previous GC directory! Rename the old directory
- if necessary to avoid this.
- Step 4. If you are upgrading :
- from a previous version of GC and you are a registered user:
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- Once GC is running, use File...Upgrade... to copy over user files and
- your registration key from the previous GC directory.
- from a previous version of GC and you are NOT a registered user:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- Register the new version, put the registered gc.key into your new
- directory, then run File... Upgrade... to copy over user files from
- your old GC directory to the new one.
- NOTE: If you wish to continue adding to your recipe database as you
- upgrade but you aren't a registered user, you may contact Gary Hauser
- via BBS message or internet email. I will tell you how to do this if
- your need is legitimate and you intend to register in the near future.
- WARNING: Do not attempt to use a registered key that does not belong
- to you, or data loss could result. Do not attempt to edit the
- gc.key file or alter it in any way, or data loss could result.
- Step 5. You are DONE! Double-click the GC icon to begin using The Grocery
- Consumer to manage your grocery activities.
- during installation
- 1. If you see a message during setup like "ddeml.dll already open",
- close all applications and then run setup again. If it still occurs,
- find the file in your \windows\system or \windows directory and
- rename it to "ddeml.old" or something similar and reinstall GC.
- 2. If you see a message during execution like "can't load ___.dll"
- or "can't load ___.vbx" or "can't copy ____.vbx" (common examples are
- ddeml.dll, cmdialog.vbx, threed.vbx), find the file in your
- \windows\system or your \windows directory, rename it to ___.old,
- and reinstall GC.
- during execution
- 3. If you get "invalid row value" during input of prices or any other
- data that is placed into gridded tables, make sure your video driver is
- not using Large Fonts and you are not using some zoom fonts utility.
- Read the detailed manual (gc_doc.wri) in the GC archive and the Frequently
- Asked Questions (FAQ) document on the GC Web Page (see URL below). You can
- also contact Gary Hauser (GC author) by any of the following means:
- email: ghauser@usit.net
- FAX: (423) 922-5768
- <C>omment to Sysop: The Fox's Lair BBS at (423) 922-4679
- phone: (423) 922-4294 or 922-7722
- ================ IMPORTANT!!! See GROCERY CONSUMER Web Page =================
- Latest GC version, all external files, tech support, FAQ on internet WWW at:
- http://www.intergate.net/chtml/ghauser/gcinfo.html
- =============================================================================
- System files:
- gcxxx.exe Grocery Consumer (GC) program, where xxx represents the
- version number
- gauge.vbx Visual Basic gauge control
- grid.vbx Visual Basic grid control
- spin.vbx Visual Basic spin control
- toolbars.vbx Visual Basic toolbar control
- threed.vbx Visual Basic 3D button control
- cmdialog.vbx Visual Basic common dialog box control
- commdlg.dll Visual Basic common dialog runtime library
- msafinx.dll Visual Basic date function runtime library
- pkzip.pif PIF file to use PKZIP to compress GC recipe files
- file_id.diz program description file for BBS
- desc.sdi program description file for BBS
- gc.key user registration key (key shipped with GC is NOT REGISTERED)
- gc.ico Grocery Consumer icon
- gc_doc.wri GC documentation in Windows Write format
- gc.ini GC ini file that contains your text editor preference
- gc.hlp GC Help file (Windows)
- compat.tbl system compatibility table
- register.txt registration form for registering your copy of GC
- User files:
- latest.mnu temporary file containing latest menu
- latest.shp temporary file containing latest shopping list
- recipes.gc2 recipe database (binary)
- category.ndx category index for recipe assignments to categories
- recipes.bak backup of recipe database
- bbs.rcp external recipe file made by GC for exchange with another user
- somemore.rcp external recipe file (some more recipes) - to test importing
- original.rcp backup of recipes.gc2 done when upgrading and overwriting it
- name.rcp import/export GC recipe file
- name.ndx category index for import/export GC recipe file
- bbs.zip compressed (ZIPped) version of bbs.rcp for BBS transfer
- miscitem.lst droplist of miscellaneous items to add to shopping list
- ingred.lst droplist of recipe ingredients to help build recipes
- units.lst droplist of units for recipe ingredients to help build recipes
- prep.lst droplist of ingredient preparations to help build recipes
- price.lst list of prices and aisles for items in various stores
- unitcvrt.lst list of units conversions
- smplmm7.txt sample Meal Master (tm) v7.x recipe file to test conversion
- smplmm8.mmf sample Meal Master (tm) v8.x recipe file to test conversion
- External files required to run GC:
- pkzip.exe compression program (must be in your DOS path).
- Use version: PKZ204G.ZIP archive on The Fox's Lair or most
- any other BBS.
- vbrun300.dll Visual Basic run time library
- notepad.exe Windows Notepad editor
- Other sources of external files for GC:
- vbrun300.dll (run-time library for Visual Basic 3.0)
- internet anonymous FTP to oak.oakland.edu
- (vbrun300.zip in /SimTel/win3/dll)
- BBS The Fox's Lair BBS at (423) 922-4679
- (look for vbrun300.zip)
- Microsoft Microsoft Download Service at (206) 936-6735
- (look for vbrun300.dll)
- pkz204g.exe (self-extracting archive containing pkzip.exe, pkunzip.exe)
- internet anonymous FTP to oak.oakland.edu
- (look for pkz204g.exe in SimTel's directory
- /SimTel/msdos/zip)
- BBS The Fox's Lair BBS at (423) 922-4679
- (look for pkz204g.exe)
- any local BBS, usually in File Area called
- Archivers or Compression
- you can download both from The Grocery Consumer WWW Page at
- http://www.intergate.net/chtml/ghauser/gcinfo.html