It contains important information about CALEND. Use the cursor keys or the scroll bar at right to move down the text. You will also find this text stored as README.TXT in your application directory.
CALEND is shareware - it is not free. You may evaluate CALEND for a period of up to 30 days. If after that time you intend to continue to use the program you must register it. If you do not intend to continue to use the program you must delete it from your system.
You can register by clicking on the 'Register' button from the startup screen (which can also be displayed by selecting 'Help | Register' from the program menu). This runs Notepad, which displays an order form for you to complete and return. (Alternatively, the order form is in the file ORDER.TXT in your program directory, which can be completed using any text editor.)
Shareware is copyrighted software which is distributed by authors through bulletin boards, on-line services, disk vendors, and by copies being passed among friends. It is commercial software that you are allowed to try before you pay for it. This makes shareware the ultimate in money back guarantees.
Shareware is a distribution method, not a type of software. There is good and bad shareware, just as there is good and bad retail software. The primary difference between shareware and retail software is that with shareware you know if it's good or bad before you pay for it.
You benefit because you get to use the software to determine whether it meets your needs, before you pay for it. Authors benefit because they are able to get their products into your hands without the expense it takes to launch a traditional retail software product.
The shareware system and the continued availability of quality shareware products depend on your willingness to register and pay for the shareware you use. It is the registration fees you pay which allow us to support and continue to develop our products. Please show your support for shareware by registering those programs you actually use and by passing them on to others. Shareware is kept alive by your support!