Computerworld 1996 March
File List
35 lines
NOTE: This list was created on Sun Jan 14 09:15:26 EST 1996
Some files may have been added or deleted since that date.
See SimTel/win3/filedocs/upload.inf for uploading information.
NOTE: Type B is Binary; Type A is ASCII
Directory SimTel/win3/calendar/
Filename Type Length Date Description
3dvcp31.zip B 739998 950726 ViSuAL Calendar Planner 3.
addondar.zip B 491213 951220 12 classic pictures for IconDar 2.
am_cr40.zip B 175604 950912 Calendar/Reminder -reminds you of appointment
anw100.zip B 472458 950604 Appointments calendar/alarm/pim for Window
calend11.zip B 99016 951021 Gregorian/Islamic/Jewish perpetual calenda
calmst12.zip B 194459 950127 Prints calendars with remembered event
calpsc20.zip B 442047 950812 Windows Calendar (Single Month or Year
dw4win10.zip B 237767 950115 Daywatch: Calendar program for Window
easter10.zip B 5413 951106 Calculates date of Easte
event30.zip B 36465 951202 Event Reminder 3.0: Reminds of upcoming event
events10.zip B 425483 950408 Popup reminder program (b-days, annivs, etc.
famcal15.zip B 278064 950801 Family Calendar for Windows v1.5 <ASP
fsch11.zip B 537322 951004 Family Scheduler v1.1: For busy familie
gov55.zip B 560523 951031 Get Organized: Group schedule
hbcl75b.zip B 378999 951214 Jewish/common date conversion, et
icondar2.zip B 210248 951220 A Classic Calendar With Picture
minart10.zip B 52614 950214 Computes Islamic prayer hours & Hijri date
sew200.zip B 358615 930706 Employee weekly scheduler for Windows 3.
stdc10.zip B 961144 941212 Seize the Day calendar/organizer/art galler
uzpro110.zip B 290459 950422 UZPronto v1.10: Laptop appointment calenda
wdates12.zip B 376035 950509 Bithday, Automatic Holiday, Event Reminde
winbag.zip B 304539 950607 Calendar/Game/System Inf
windo20.zip B 453610 951205 WinDO v2.0: Reminds the user of various event
winmor10.zip B 98420 951125 Winmoret v1.01: Multi-Calendar one pag
yacpu20.zip B 191096 950422 Calendar printing utility for Window