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- (10/1/95)
- =================================================
- This document contains the latest information about the
- HP Printing System for Windows that supplements the
- online help.
- =================================================
- At the time this file was released, information on Windows 95
- conflicts was very limited. If you use Windows 95, upgrading
- your software programs to Windows 95 versions is the best
- way to avoid system conflicts.
- =================================================
- 1. Printer Software Installation
- - Installing through the Control Panel
- - Installing on Packard Bell Systems with FaxWorks 3.0
- - Reinstalling the HP DeskJet printer software after
- reinstalling MS Windows
- 2. Problems With Specific Software Programs
- 3. Formatting problems with print regions and margins
- 4. Other Known Problems
- - The driver will not install to an HP Omnibook
- - "Incompatible Print Manager" error message
- - "Printer Port Problem" error messages
- - Multiple HP DeskJet printers on a port
- - Conflicts with other printer drivers
- 5. Acknowledgments
- =================================================
- 1. Printer Software Installation
- =================================================
- The HP ColorSmart Printer Driver works with
- Microsoft Windows 3.1, 3.11 and Windows 95.
- ..............................................................
- Installing through the Control Panel
- Windows 3.1 only
- ------------------------------------------
- The HP Printing System for Windows cannot be installed
- through the Control Panel. Use the SETUP.EXE program on
- disk 1 that came with your printer (from the Program Manager,
- select File, Run..., then type a:\setup).
- ..............................................................
- Installing through the Control Panel
- Windows 95 only
- ------------------------------------------
- The HP Printing System for Windows can be installed
- through the Control Panel. From the Printers folder, choose
- Add Printer, then Have Disk. When prompted, insert disk 1 and
- follow the installation instructions.
- ..............................................................
- Installing on Packard Bell Systems with FaxWorks 3.0
- Windows 3.1 only
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Before installing the HP Printing System for Windows, contact
- Packard Bell customer support and request the new master CD,
- or edit the SYSTEM.INI file as follows:
- Change the line "comm.drv=fx-comm.drv" to "comm.drv=comm.drv".
- After installing the HP Printing System for Windows, change
- the line back to the original statement.
- To edit the SYSTEM.INI file, select File, Run... from the
- Program Mangager, then type "sysedit" and click OK. Click
- on the window that says "C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM.INI", edit the file,
- then select File, Save.
- ..............................................................
- Reinstalling the HP Printing System for Windows
- after reinstalling MS Windows 3.1
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- If you re-install Microsoft Windows 3.1 after installing the HP Printing
- System for Windows, you must also re-install the HP Printing System
- for Windows to ensure correct printer operation.
- ..............................................................
- Gateway ATI Mach 32 Driver 3.10 (ATIKey)
- Windows 3.1 only
- -----------------------------------------------------
- ATIKey is a program that comes with ATI ultra cards installed on
- Gateway P5-60 Pentium machines. A General Protection fault will
- occur in ATIKey during installation. Press the Continue key after
- the GP fault to continue install. Restart Windows when installation
- is complete. The driver is installed correctly.
- =================================================
- 2. Problems With Specific Software Programs
- =================================================
- At the time this README file was released,
- the following known software program limitations existed:
- ..............................................................
- General
- Windows 3.1 and 95
- -------------------------
- Some software programs such as Notepad and Write, do not allow you to
- configure custom size paper in the HP ColorSmart dialog box. You must
- do this through the Printers Control Panel. Software programs designed
- for Windows 3.1 may also have this problem in Windows 95.
- ..............................................................
- Ami Pro 3.0 (Lotus)
- Windows 3.1 and 95
- -------------------------
- -Background colors and fill patterns may not print correctly.
- ..............................................................
- ATM 2.5 and earlier (Adobe)
- Windows 3.1 and 95
- -----------------------------------
- -If ATM fonts are selected in your document, they will not print.
- To fix this, check the "Print ATM Fonts as Graphics" checkbox in
- the ATM control panel.
- ..............................................................
- Corel Draw 4.0
- Windows 3.1
- ----------------------
- -The problem with Fractal fills not printing correctly has been fixed.
- If you added the line "Rasterize=1" to the [Config] section of the
- CORELPRN.INI file in the directory COREL4\CONFIG to enable printing
- of fractal fills with versions 4.0 and 4.1 of this driver, delete
- the line after installing the version 6.0 driver. Otherwise, fractal
- fills printing will be slow.
- -Portions of printed output may be rotated 180 degrees and enlarged.
- Exit Windows and then restart Windows. Try printing again.
- ..............................................................
- Corel Draw 5.0
- Windows 3.1 and 95
- -------------------------
- -Bitmaps print at low resolutions and colors may be very dark.
- Complex bitmaps may disappear.
- This problem was fixed in version 5.0.F2
- ..............................................................
- Excel 4.0 (Microsoft)
- Windows 3.1
- -------------------------
- -After cancelling a print job, an error message may be displayed.
- Click OK to return to the software program. This is fixed in
- version 5.0.
- -Some paths to the driver dialogs do not work correctly and settings
- are not retained. Use the following path to reach a printer setup
- that works:
- For version 4.0: File, Page Setup, Printer Setup, Setup
- For version 5.0: File, Page Setup, Options
- -Documents formatted for printers other than HP DeskJet printers may
- shrink when printed. Changing print settings has no effect.
- This is fixed in version 5.0.
- ..............................................................
- Harvard Graphics 2.0 (Software Publishing Corporation)
- Windows 3.1
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- -If you are using Harvard Graphics with SuperQueue version 3.01/3.02
- and you get the error message "SuperQueue cannot continue-disk may
- be full" when printing TIF graphics, turn off SuperQueue and reprint
- the document.
- -When the HP ColorSmart dialog box is called from inside Harvard
- Graphics, orientation and paper size setting changes are ignored
- by Harvard Graphics.
- ..............................................................
- HP Explorer (Hewlett-Packard)
- Windows 3.1
- -------------------------------------
- -If you have the HP Explorer software for the HP LaserJet 4L running
- in background and you attempt to print with an HP ColorSmart printer
- driver, you may get an error message "Not Enough Memory To Print".
- To print with the HP ColorSmart printer driver, either turn off the
- HP Explorer Software or add the "/x" switch to the STAT4L.EXE command
- in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. The command should then read:
- "STAT4L.EXE /x".
- Using the /x switch may increase the time it takes for HP Explorer
- to "Pop Up."
- ..............................................................
- Improv 2.0 (Lotus)
- Windows 3.1
- ----------------------
- -Images with scaling factors greater than 100% will be clipped.
- ..............................................................
- Pagemaker 5.0 (Adobe)
- Windows 3.1
- -----------------------------
- -If Print Manager is turned off and an error message appears during
- printing, the system will hang.
- -Color pattern fills do not always print with the correct pattern.
- -Some documents created in PageMaker 4.0 may not print correctly in
- PageMaker 5.0.
- ..............................................................
- Paintbrush (Microsoft)
- Windows 3.1
- ---------------------------
- -When printing from Paintbrush with the video driver set to more than
- 256 colors, the error message "Not enough memory" will appear.
- ..............................................................
- PowerPoint (Microsoft)
- Windows 3.1
- -------------------------------------------
- -Grid lines on a graph that should be hidden will print if Best or Normal
- print quality is selected. Select EconoFast to avoid this problem.
- This happens on the HP DeskJet 660C printer only.
- ..............................................................
- Printshop Deluxe 1.0 (Broderbund)
- Windows 3.1
- -------------------------------------------
- -Objects that go outside of the print region are clipped. The program
- does not provide a means of adjusting the bottom margin of the document
- to fit within the limits of the printer driver's margin settings.
- This problem is fixed in version 2.0.
- -If a paper size other than Letter is selected in the printer driver
- when a document is sent to print, a message may display asking the
- user to select either Portrait or Landscape orientation. The selection
- has no effect on how the document is printed.
- -When printing a banner that uses large fonts (>100 pt.), a general
- protection fault (GPF) will occur.
- ..............................................................
- Publisher 1.0 (Microsoft)
- Windows 3.1
- ------------------------------
- -You cannot change the HP ColorSmart Printer Driver settings from
- Microsoft Publisher 1.0. You must change them through the Control Panel.
- -If you are printing cards and images are missing after you've printed,
- check the 'MS Publisher Printing' checkbox in the HP configuration* program.
- *HPFCFG02.EXE=600 Series, HPFCFG03.EXE=660Cse, HPRCFG01.EXE=800 Series
- This program is located in the C:\WINDOWS directory in Windows 3.1.
- ..............................................................
- Publisher 2.0 (Microsoft)
- Windows 3.1 and 95
- ------------------------------
- -Information at the bottom of a page may be clipped. Increase the
- bottom margin of your page. See the user's guide for print region
- specifications.
- ..............................................................
- RAM Doubler (Connectix)
- Windows 3.1
- ---------------------------------------------
- -Printing bitmap graphics while RAM Doubler is running will cause
- a general protection fault (GPF).
- Superqueue 3.01, 3.02 (Zenographics)
- Windows 3.1 and 95
- ------------------------------------------------
- -Superqueue is not recommended for use with the HP Printing System
- for Windows, versions 6.0 and later. If Print Manager is turned on with
- Superqueue is running, documents will print as garbage.
- ..............................................................
- Windows Printing System (Microsoft)
- Windows 3.1
- ---------------------------------------------
- -If you use the Windows Printing System, you must comment out the
- following entry in the SYSTEM.INI file before using the HP ColorSmart
- printer driver. In the [386Enh] section of the file, change the line
- "device=wpsljvpd.386" to ";device=wpsljvpd.386". Restart Windows after
- making this change. To use the Windows Printing System, remove the
- semi-colon (;) from the beginning of the statement, then restart
- Windows.
- ..............................................................
- Word For Windows, Versions 6.0 and earlier (Microsoft)
- Windows 3.1
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Default footer settings may be outside the printable region on some
- printers. To move the footer within the printable region, change the
- default footer settings so that the footer is at the minimum print
- region specifications.
- (This does not apply to the HP DeskJet 850C printer.)
- -Edges of italic characters may be clipped in version 2.0.
- This problem is fixed in version 6.0.
- -If the 'copies' setting is changed in the ColorSmart dialog box for
- a document, the change will not happen for that print job, however,
- the change will happen when the next document is sent to print.
- -When printing to a file, the path and filename must be shorter than
- 30 characters. Otherwise, the file that is created will be an empty.
- ..............................................................
- WordPerfect 6.0 (Novell Corporation)
- Windows 3.1
- ---------------------------------------------
- -WordPerfect reads the minimum print margins only when it is first
- started. These margins are determined by the paper size and orientation
- settings in the driver. If you are unable to set the margins to the
- minimum values for the printer, exit WordPerfect and make sure that
- the correct paper size and orientation settings are set in the driver
- through the Windows Control Panel. Then restart WordPerfect.
- This problem has been fixed in version 6.0a. Contact WordPerfect for
- upgrade information.
- ..............................................................
- Works 2.0A, 3.0, 3.1 (Microsoft)
- Windows 3.1
- ---------------------------------------
- -Charts print incorrectly when the Automatic ColorSmart option is
- selected.
- ..............................................................
- Write 3.1 (Microsoft)
- Windows 3.1
- --------------------------
- -When printing envelopes, the left and right margins are switched
- with each other. If clipping occurs when printing envelopes, switch
- the left and right margin settings.
- =================================================
- 3. Formatting problems with print regions and margins
- =================================================
- The minimum margins using the HP ColorSmart printer driver is
- 0.04 in.for the top margin and the bottom margin varies by printer.
- Versions3.x or earlier of HP Deskjet Series printer drivers had
- minimum margins of 0.5 in. for both top and bottom margins. You
- may need to reformat documents created for previous versions of
- this driver or restore the printer margins to the settings used
- in previous versions of this driver.
- To use similar print region to versions 3.x or earlier of the
- HP DeskJet Series printer drivers, check the "Adjust Print Region"
- checkbox in the HP configuration* program.
- *HPFCFG02.EXE=600 Series, HPFCFG03.EXE=660Cse, HPRCFG01.EXE=800 Series
- This program is located in the C:\WINDOWS directory in Windows 3.1.
- This program is located in the C:\SYSTEM\WINDOWS directory in Windows 95.
- To run the HP configuration program from Windows 3.1, select Run from
- the File menu in Program Manager. Type "HPxCFGxx.EXE"*, then, click OK.
- To run the HP configuration program from Windows 95, select Run from the
- Start menu then click Browse. Select "HPxCFGxx.EXE"*, then, click OK.
- NOTE: With this change, all data printed will be shifted up from what
- you see on your screen.
- The printable area on a page using the HP DeskJet printer software
- differs from the printable area allowed by DOS software programs.
- =================================================
- 4. Other Known Problems
- =================================================
- The driver will not install to an HP Omnibook (Models 300 and 425)
- Windows 3.1 and 95
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HP Omnibooks have a subset of Microsoft Windows. Windows on
- HP Omnibooks do not have the file LZEXPAND.DLL in the WINDOWS\SYSTEM
- directory. This file is required in order to install the HP DeskJet
- printer software and is included in the WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory on
- most desktop and laptop systems using Microsoft Windows 3.1 or later.
- Obtaina copy of the file and put it in the WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory
- of your HP Omnibook before installing the printer driver. The
- LZEXPAND.DLL file is shipped with HP Omnibook models 430 and later.
- ..............................................................
- "Incompatible Print Manager" error message
- Windows 3.1
- -----------------------------------------------------
- If an HP LaserJet 4 printer driver is installed after the HP Printing
- System for Windows is installed, an "Incompatible Print Manager" error
- message will appear. The HP Printing System must be reinstalled.
- ..............................................................
- "Printer Port Problem" error message
- Windows 3.1 and 95
- ----------------------------------------------
- If a printer that is connected to FILE (instead of an LPT port) is
- selected from the DeskJet Status Monitor Printer menu, the message
- "Printer Port Problem" will appear. When this happens, the Status
- Monitor is attempting to communicate with the selected printer and
- is unsuccessful when the output is being sent to a file. Do not
- attempt to monitor the status of a print job that is being sent
- to a file.
- ..............................................................
- Multiple HP DeskJet printers on a port
- Windows 3.1 and 95
- ---------------------------------------------
- This version of the HP Printing System for Windows does not support
- multiple HP DeskJet printers on a port.
- ..............................................................
- Conflicts with other printer drivers
- Windows 3.1
- -----------------------------------------
- The Print Manager allows only one queue processor on a port to be
- recognized. The HP ColorSmart Printer Driver has its own unique
- queue processor identity in the [spooler] section of the WIN.INI file.
- This identity is ** 'qp.lpt1=HPxQPRxx.dll'*.
- *HPRQPR01.DLL=800 Series, HPFQPR03.DLL=660Cse or HPFQPR02.DLL=600 Series
- Other printers that use a queue processor have their own unique identities,
- denoted by a file 'xxxqp.dll'. If you are using a printer driver besides the
- HP ColorSmart Printer Driver, either hook the other printer up
- to a separate LPT port, or modify the 'qp.lptx=' line in the WIN.INI
- file to reflect that printer's queue processor identity.
- =================================================
- 5. Acknowledgments
- =================================================
- Lotus(R)1-2-3(R) are U.S. registered trademarks of Lotus Development Corp.
- Microsoft is a U.S. registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
- WordPerfect is a U.S. registered trademark of Novell Corporation.
- Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
- Dr. DeskJet was created in Asymetrix Toolbook, version 1.53.