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- //***************************************************************************
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- // Copyright 1991, 1992 -- Adobe Systems, Inc.
- // PostScript is a trademark of Adobe Systems, Inc.
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- //***************************************************************************
- Software Release Notes
- Adobe Printer Driver, Windows version 2.00A
- For use with the PaintJet XL300 PostScript printer
- and the DeskJet 1200C PostScript printer.
- February 9, 1993
- *****************************************************************************
- Introduction
- These are the release notes for the Adobe Printer Driver
- Windows version 2.00A for use on the Hewlett-Packard Company's
- PaintJet XL300 and the DeskJet 1200C Postscript printers.
- -------------------
- Versions of Windows
- -------------------
- The Adobe Printer Driver, Windows version 2.00A is designed for use
- with Microsoft Windows 3.0. It can also be used with Windows 3.1, but
- the following Windows 3.1 features will not be available:
- 1) Documents previously formatted with TrueType fonts will print
- using the closest Type 1 printer-resident font. The Adobe driver
- automatically finds the closest Type 1 font to the TrueType font.
- This substitution cannot be overridden.
- 2) The user will not be able to format new documents with TrueType fonts
- if the driver is the currently active printer driver.
- 3) In the Printers Control Panel, the Installed Printers dialog entry will
- list the current printer as "PostScript Device" instead of using the
- printer model name.
- 4) Applications which take advantage of any of the features available
- in the Windows 3.5 PostScript driver but not present in the Adobe driver
- will not work. These are:
- A) Printing a document which has multiple page sizes and orientations.
- B) Setting the printer's resolution from the driver.
- C) Setting the printer's halftone screen angle and frequency.
- D) Setting the document image to negative.
- E) Setting all colors to black.
- F) Setting the document image to be mirrored.
- -----------------------------
- Installing for Which Printer?
- -----------------------------
- The Adobe Printer Driver, Windows version 2.00A can be used with many
- different PostScript printers. The same driver uses different PPD
- (PostScript Printer Description) files to operate different printers.
- This disk contains PPD files for both the HP PaintJet XL300 PS and the
- HP DeskJet 1200C/PS printers.
- The installation process for the Adobe Driver is the same for any printer.
- The Printer Selection and Configuration section is where you will select
- the printer model you want to install. You can install both printer's PPD
- files.
- ----------------------------
- Installing under Windows 3.0
- ----------------------------
- If you have already installed the Adobe Printer Driver, Windows version
- 2.00A, you can start with the Printer Selection and Configuration section
- below.
- To install the driver under Windows 3.0:
- 1) From the Program Manager, double-click the Control Panel icon.
- 2) Double-click the Printers icon. Choose the "Add Printer >>" button to
- display the list of printers.
- 3) Select Unlisted Printer from the bottom of the printer list. Choose the
- "Install" button and the "Add unlisted printer" dialog box appears.
- 4) Insert the driver disk into your floppy drive.
- 5) In the "Directories:" list box, select the floppy drive that contains the
- driver disk and choose "OK". The PostScript printer driver filename,
- `adobeps.drv', appears in the "Driver Files" list.
- 7) Select `adobeps.drv' in the Driver Files list box. The driver filename
- appears in the "Driver Name" text box. Click "OK".
- 8) A number of files are transferred to your hard disk. When the
- installation is complete, the Printers dialog box appears and an entry
- called "PostScript Device on None, Inactive" appears in the "Installed
- Printers" list.
- Loading of the PostScript driver is complete. Before any printer can be
- used, the PPD file for your printer must be copied, the printer
- configured, and printer port selected.
- -----------------------------------------------------
- Printer Selection and Configuration under Windows 3.0
- -----------------------------------------------------
- 1) Select the "PostScript Device on None, Inactive" entry in the "Installed
- Printers" list. Choose "Configure..." and the Printers-Configure dialog
- box appears.
- 2) From the Ports list, select the port to which your printer is connected.
- 3) Change "Transmission Retry:" to 900. *****VERY IMPORTANT!!!!*****
- 3) Choose "Setup". After about 30 seconds, one of two dialogs will appear:
- If the dialog says: "The nickname for this port is unknown.", select
- "Install a new printer" and choose "OK".
- If the dialog is a PostScript device configuration dialog for an
- existing printer, choose the "Add Printer" button in the lower
- left corner.
- 4) The "Install PostScript Device on LPT1:" dialog box appears.
- 5) From the "Directories:" list, double-click the letter of the drive
- containing the driver disk. A list of printer models appears in the
- "PostScript Printer Descriptions available" list.
- 6) Click to select the printer, HP PaintJet XL300 or HP DeskJet 1200C, you
- are installing.
- 7) Enter a nickname for your printer in the "Nickname" text box.
- 8) Choose "OK". After the printer description files are transferred to your
- hard disk, a message appears telling you that your printer has been
- successfully installed. Choose "OK". The message box closes and the
- PostScript device configuration dialog for your printer appears.
- 9) Make any needed changes to your printer settings then select "OK".
- If you want to add a second PPD file, select the "Add Printer" button
- from the lower left corner.
- 10) The Printers-Configure dialog box appears. Make sure you changed the
- "Transmission Retry:" to 900 seconds. Select "OK" and the Printers
- dialog box appears.
- 11) Click "Active" in the "Status" box. If you want to make the
- PostScript Device the default printer, double-click its name in the
- "Installed Printers" list. Choose "OK" to exit and return to the
- Control Panel.
- 12) To have the driver operate properly, you must EXIT Windows and then
- restart Windows for the driver files to be recognized from your hard
- disk.
- ----------------------------
- Installing under Windows 3.1
- ----------------------------
- If you have already installed the Adobe Printer Driver, Windows version
- 2.00A, you can start with the Printer Selection and Configuration section
- below.
- To install the driver under Windows 3.1:
- 1) From the Program Manager, double-click the Control Panel icon.
- 2) Double-click the Printers icon. Choose the "Add >>" button to display
- the list of printers. "Unlisted Printer" is automatically selected.
- 3) Choose "Install" and the "Install Driver" dialog box appears.
- 4) Insert the driver disk into your floppy drive.
- 5) Enter the floppy drive that contains the driver disk and choose "OK".
- The PostScript printer driver filename, `PostScript Device' appears in
- the Add Unlisted Printer dialog box.
- 6) Select "PostScript Device" in the "Add Unlisted Printer" dialog box and
- choose "OK".
- A number of files are transferred to your hard disk. When the installation
- is complete, an entry called `PostScript Device on LPT1' appears in the
- "Installed Printers" list.
- Loading of the PostScript driver is complete. Before any printer can be
- used, the PPD file for your printer must be copied, the printer
- configured, and printer port selected.
- -----------------------------------------------------
- Printer Selection and Configuration under Windows 3.1
- -----------------------------------------------------
- 1) Select the "PostScript Device on LPT1' entry in the "Installed Printers"
- list. Choose "Connect".
- 2) From the Ports list, select the port to which your printer is connected.
- 3) Change "Transmission Retry:" to 900 seconds ****VERY IMPORTANT!!!****
- then choose "OK".
- 4) Choose "Setup". The "Install PostScript Device" dialog box
- appears.
- 5) Enter a nickname for your printer in the "Nickname" text box at the
- bottom of the dialog box.
- 6) From the "Directories:" list, double-click the letter of the drive
- containing the driver disk. A list of printer models appears in the
- list of "PostScript Printer Descriptions available".
- 7) Click to select the printer, HP PaintJet XL300 or HP DeskJet 1200C, you
- are installing.
- 8) Choose "OK". After the printer description files are transferred to
- your hard disk, a message appears telling you that your printer has
- been successfully installed.
- 9) Choose "OK". The message box closes and the `PostScript
- Device' dialog box appears.
- 10) Make any needed changes to your printer settings then select "OK".
- If you want to add a second PPD file, select the "Add Printer" button
- from the lower left corner.
- 11) If you want to make your PostScript Device printer the default
- printer, choose the "Set As Default Printer" button.
- 12) Select "Use Print Manager" if it is not already selected.
- 13) Choose the Close button to return to the Control Panel.
- *****************************************************************************
- Updated Font Downloader Installation
- The Adobe Printer Driver, Windows version 2.00A is packaged with a font
- downloader that allows the user to pre-download PostScript fonts, download
- PostScript files and do other kinds of printer and font management. In this
- driver version, the Font Downloader is automatically installed along with
- the driver. Because of this installation method, the Font Downloader is
- initially available only through the main Printer Feature Control dialog.
- To run the Font Downloader from the desktop its icon must be setup in an
- applications group.
- To create a desktop icon in the Windows Desktop Accessories Group:
- 1) From the Program Manager:
- Windows 3.0: Click the group icon of the group where you want the Font
- Downloader.
- Windows 3.1: Double-click the Accessories application group icon. If
- it is already open, click the header to make it the active program
- group.
- 2) Select "New" from the File menu of the Program Manager. Click the
- "Program Item" radio button. Choose "OK".
- 3) In the "Program Item Properties" dialog, enter your preferred name
- for the font downloader into the "Description" text entry window. Then,
- enter the full pathname for the downloader into the "Command Line" text
- entry window. If Windows resides on your "C" hard drive in the
- directory "WINDOWS", the full pathname would be:
- Windows 3.1: You may leave the "Working Directory" and "Shortcut Key"
- text entry windows empty. You may also leave the "Run Minimized" check
- box unchecked.
- Click "OK". The application group you selected will now display the
- program icon for the Font Downloader. At this point you may launch the
- Font Downloader by double-clicking its icon.
- The Font Downloader will still remain accessible through the driver's main
- feature control dialog.
- *****************************************************************************
- Adobe Printer Driver Diskette Contents
- ----------------------------
- Driver and Downloader
- ----------------------------
- README Release Notes for the HP DeskJet 1200C and HP PaintJet XL300
- ADOBEPS .DRV Adobe PostScript Driver file
- ADOBEPS .HLP On-line Windows help file for the Adobe PostScript Driver
- PS_ENUM .DLL Enumerator DLL
- RUN_ENUM.EXE Enumerator EXE
- OEMSETUP.INF Data file for the Windows Control Panel utility.
- PSINSTDV.EXE The Device Installer
- WINDOWN.EXE The Downloader main module
- DOWN.DLL The Downloader's Dynamic Link Library module
- DEFPRTR .PPD Default PostScript printer description (PPD) file
- AGW_____.PFM AvantGarde-Book font metric file
- AGWO____.PFM AvantGarde-BookOblique font metric file
- AGD_____.PFM AvantGarde-Demi font metric file
- AGDO____.PFM AvantGarde-DemiOblique font metric file
- BKD_____.PFM Bookman-Demi font metric file
- BKDI____.PFM Bookman-DemiItalic font metric file
- BKL_____.PFM Bookman-Light font metric file
- BKLI____.PFM Bookman-LightItalic font metric file
- COBO____.PFM Courier Bold font metric file
- COB_____.PFM Courier Bold Oblique font metric file
- COM_____.PFM Courier font metric file
- COO_____.PFM Courier Oblique font metric file
- HV______.PFM Helvetica font metric file
- HVB_____.PFM Helvetica Bold font metric file
- HVBO____.PFM Helvetica Bold Oblique font metric file
- HVN_____.PFM Helvetica-Narrow font metric file
- HVNB____.PFM Helvetica-Narrow-Bold font metric file
- HVNBO___.PFM Helvetica-Narrow-BoldOblique font metric file
- HVNO____.PFM Helvetica-Narrow-Oblique font metric file
- HVO_____.PFM Helvetica Oblique font metric file
- NCB_____.PFM NewCenturySchlbk-Bold font metric file
- NCBI____.PFM NewCenturySchlbk-BoldItalic font metric file
- NCI_____.PFM NewCenturySchlbk-Italic font metric file
- NCR_____.PFM NewCenturySchlbk-Roman font metric file
- POB_____.PFM Palatino-Bold font metric file
- POBI____.PFM Palatino-BoldItalic font metric file
- POI_____.PFM Palatino-Italic font metric file
- POR_____.PFM Palatino-Roman font metric file
- SY______.PFM Symbol font metric file
- TIB_____.PFM Times Bold font metric file
- TIBI____.PFM Times Bold Italic font metric file
- TII._____PFM Times Italic font metric file
- TIR_____.PFM Times Roman font metric file
- ZCMI____.PFM ZapfChancery-MediumItalic font metric file
- ZD______.PFM ZapfDingbats font metric file
- HPDJ1200.PPD PPD for the DeskJet 1200C PostScript Printer
- HPPJXL31.PPD PPD for the PaintJet XL300 PostScript Printer
- CMYKPANT.TXT Pantone color tables for the HP PaintJet XL300 printer
- and the HP DeskJet 1200C printer
- DJ1200C.PS A PostScript file that prints the Pantone color table
- colors. i.e. C:>copy /b <path>\DJ1200C.PS LPT(n) [enter]
- *****************************************************************************
- Compatibility Issues
- -----------------------------------------------
- Optimize for Speed vs. Optimize for Portability
- -----------------------------------------------
- On the PostScript Options dialog, there is a group box called
- "PostScript Performance". The user should be aware that by selecting
- the "Optimize for Speed" option, the PostScript output may no longer
- be portable and the print job will most likely lose its page independence.
- In addition, certain jobs may cause the printer to run out of memory,
- thus simply terminating the job, possibly with a VM error or
- rangecheck error. If problems are encountered while printing complex
- jobs with printers having limited amounts of memory, try setting the
- PostScript Performance setting to "Optimize for Portability".
- -----------------
- Adobe Illustrator
- -----------------
- The driver's enumerator is different from the enumerator used by Adobe
- Illustrator 4.0 and 4.0.1. If you wish to use the Adobe Printer Driver,
- Windows version 2.00A with Adobe Illustrator 4.0 or 4.0.1 you must use the
- enumerator that ships with the driver. If Illustrator is already
- installed on your machine and you then install the driver, the driver's
- enumerator automatically replaces the one supplied with Illustrator. If,
- however, you install Illustrator after the driver, you will see the following
- dialog:
- "The file C:WINDOWS\SYSTEM\PS_ENUM.DLL already exists and has a different
- date than the file Illustrator is about to install. Do you wish to overwrite
- the current file on the system?"
- DO NOT overwrite the driver's enumerator.
- The same dialog will also appear for RUN_ENUM.EXE. Again, don't replace the
- driver's enumerator with Illustrator's enumerator.
- If you already made the mistake of installing Illustrator's enumerator on top
- of the driver's, then you must delete those files and re-install in order to get working again. The following steps will accomplish this:
- 1) Delete all .EBF and .PPB files in your \WINDOWS directory. You may do this
- by giving the following commands from the DOS prompt:
- 2) Delete all .EBF and .PPB files in your \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. You may
- do this by giving the following commands from the DOS prompt:
- 3) Delete the DEFPRTR files in your \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. You may do
- this by giving the following command from the DOS prompt:
- 4) Delete the ADOBEPS files in your \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. You may do
- this by giving the following command from the DOS prompt:
- 5) Using a Notepad from within Windows or some other text editor, edit the
- WIN.INI file in your Windows directory, deleting the following lines:
- [PostScript Device,<port>:] (where <port> can be LPT1, COM1, etc.)
- PrinterName=Printer Nickname
- [devices]
- PostScript Device=ADOBEPS,<port>:
- [PrinterPorts]
- PostScript Device=ADOBEPS,<port>:,15,45
- 6) Reinstall the driver using the instructions given above for your
- version of Windows.
- *****************************************************************************
- Known limitations of this release
- Corel Draw
- ==========
- Corel Draw will recognize this driver only if you make the correct
- modification to the CORELDRW.INI file (in your corel directory).
- Corel checks list of driver names under [Coreldrivers] in
- CORELDRW.INI (in Corel directory). Add a line "ADOBEPS=1" to
- this section.
- Corel Draw may generate PostScript errors while printing.
- Ventura Publisher 3.0
- =====================
- Ventura requires that the PostScript driver be named "PSCRIPT.DRV".
- Ventura has fixed this problem in release 4.0.
- Word for Windows 1.1a
- =====================
- WinWord 1.1a may incorrectly print certain EPS files.
- Due to bugs in Winword 1.1a, you should not use Print Options to select
- the paper bin for your printer. Use Printer Setup instead.
- Aldus
- =====
- Aldus applications make assumptions about the driver with respect to
- Landscape orientation. If you are experiencing problems printing from
- an Aldus application using a Landscape orientation, try switching to the
- opposite Landscape orientation.
- You must add the following two lines to your ALDUS.INI file:
- [PostScript Device]
- PostScript Printer=1
- The location of the ALDUS.INI file is determined at the time of installation
- of your first Aldus application.
- *****************************************************************************
- Known Defects and Limitations
- - When selecting envelopes for the DeskJet 1200C, the Paper Source
- text box listing "Paper Tray" goes blank. Click the dropdown arrow and
- select Manual Feed.
- - A problem may occur when selecting B5 paper and Manual Feed. If B5 does
- not appear as expected after selecting Manual Feed, exit the Setup dialog,
- then click on Setup again, i.e., enter Setup with Manual Feed already
- selected. B5 should now appear in the Paper list box.
- - Horizontal white lines appear in output from Publishers
- Paintbrush when printing selected bitmaps to PostScript Level 1
- printers. All types of bitmaps can show this behavior (.pcx, .tif,
- .bmp). Work-around: None.
- - Printing lengthy Ventura files that include several soft fonts
- with insufficient memory generates PostScript errors:
- PostScript Error: limit check Offending Command: rectclip
- PostScript Error: limit check
- PostScript Error: Vmerror
- Work-arounds: 1) Reduce the number of fonts in the document. 2) Add
- memory to your printer.
- - Level two printers with binary capability do not download the
- header in binary when these options are enabled. A very small performance
- penalty results. Work-around: Use the driver as is.
- - The driver does not prevent users from creating multi-page EPS
- files. Multi-page EPS files are syntactically incorrect and applications
- which use EPS files may fail if attempts are made to include these
- incorrect EPS files. Work-around: Be sure to create only one
- page EPS files by setting the page range to be from 1 to 1.
- - The Adobe Driver PostScript code is redundant when printing
- line graphics. The driver emits the sequence "stroke closepath".
- Since "stroke" consumes the current path, "closepath" is not
- necessary. Work-around: Use the driver as is.
- - The Adobe Driver method for setting shading is different than
- other drivers and can result in output at a lower resolution than
- the printer's capacity. Work-around: Use the driver as is.
- - Changing the number of copies to be printed within an
- application print dialog box has no effect using several
- applications. This occurs with Microsoft Write.
- Work-around: Use the printer setup dialog's "number of copies" option
- to set the number of copies to be printed.
- - Some PFM files are not installed after a default printer
- installation. Work-around: Use the driver as is. Reinstallation of
- the default PPD will require the driver distribution diskette.
- - Graded fill patterns printed from Freelance Graphics
- demonstrate severe image defects, ranging from placement on
- the page to printing with only two steps (solid white and solid
- black). Work-around: None.
- - Selecting the optional feature "side" while using the QMS PS
- 1700 printer and PPD, sends output to the upper tray. Work-around:
- None.
- - To successfully create a printer instance, the *.pfm and *.ppd
- files must be in the same directory and on the same disk. If this
- procedure is not followed, a printer instance will be generated
- that does not work correctly in some cases, and may cause a
- printer instance corruption. Work-around: Use the driver as is.
- - When using the Adobe Driver with some applications, the color
- of the text output may differ from other vendors color text output.
- Work-around: Use the driver as is.
- - When invoking the SetPolyFillMode (winding) command, there
- is on occasion a problem with the placing of the object's path.
- Work-around: Use the driver as is. This problem occurs rarely.
- - No more than 36 ppd's can be installed at one time. Work-around:
- Use the driver as is.
- - If a printer is configured to print EPS output to file, it is
- possible to then change the port to a printer port without having
- to change the output format back to PostScript. When printing
- with this configuration, the following behavior occurs: the job
- prints correctly, then the printer stays in a waiting mode until
- either another job is sent, or a time-out error occurs. Work-around:
- Be sure to set the PostScript output type back to "PostScript" after
- finishing with creation of a EPS file.
- - The presence of fonts installed by some font installers will not
- be known to the enumerator. Work-around: To notify the driver of fonts
- installed by non-Adobe font installers, manually update the ATM.INI
- file. See the Adobe ATM user manual for more information.
- - Some example files from Micrografx Designer and Charisma
- display image defects when printed using the Adobe Driver. Work-around:
- None.
- - A postscript error: limitcheck, offending command: eofill is
- generated when printing some Micrografx Designer files on
- level 1 printers. Work-around: None.
- - "%%DocumentFonts" DSC comment missing from some EPS
- output. As a result, some fonts may print out using Courier. Also,
- the driver fails to include the "%%IncludeFont" DSC comment
- when the driver assumes the font is resident in the printer.
- Work-around: Use the driver as is. This will only affect network
- spoolers which actively parse PostScript.
- - The driver omits the "%%DocumentNeededResources: font
- names of fonts necessary" DSC comment from the PostScript
- output files. This may cause some post processing software to be
- unable to download fonts automatically for PostScript jobs from
- the Adobe Driver. Work-around: Use the driver as is. This will only
- affect network spoolers which actively parse PostScript.
- - The Adobe Driver emits the DSC comment "%%BeginData ...
- %%EndData." Without this comment, parsing failures are a
- potential problem on Adobe Driver jobs by PostScript print job
- post processors. Work-around: Use the driver as is. This will only
- affect network spoolers which actively parse PostScript.
- - The driver's C-code attempts to reencode every font it
- encounters into the ANSII encoding. It even attempts to reencode
- PI fonts like Symbol. This will cause problems printing Cyrillic
- and Japanese fonts. Work-around: Use the English version of the
- driver as is. This only affects the Japanese and Cyrillic versions
- of the driver.
- - The enumerator routine that parses PFM's for a font's menu name
- expects the menu name buffer to immediately follow the buffer
- "PostScript" in the PFM file. If there are null padding bytes
- between the buffers, the enumerator will return a null string for
- the font name in the font menu. Work-around: Use the English and
- European versions of the driver as is. This only affects Japanese
- language fonts.
- *****************************************************************************
- Getting Help
- Hewlett-Packard has support services available to help you in case you have
- a problem with your HP PaintJet XL300 or DeskJet 1200C Postscript printer.
- The HP Customer Support Center Service is available from 7 am - 6 pm
- (Mountain Standard Time), Monday through Friday, except Wednesday when it
- closes at 4 pm. You may call (208) 323-2551 to receive technical support.