61485 This is not a standard ISO file. Make a backup for this file first. Do you still want to convert?
61486 Unable to convert. Either the file is not an ISO9660 file type or you do not have read/write permissions.
61487 Unable to read file
61488 Unable to convert ISO9660 file !
61489 ISO9660 file successfully converted!
61490 Unable to rename the ISO9660 file.
61491 %s is not a VCD file!
61492 Failed to eject VCD!
61493 Unable to write data file!
61494 Unable to write Hot-Key file!
61495 Add VCD
61496 The number of VCDs for this copy of VirtualDrive exceeds the number of limitative VCDs!
61497 Error: Unable to read configuration file!
61498 This edition of VirtualDrive does not support VCD files over a network. Please buy the network edition.
61499 The number of users for this copy of VirtualDrive exceeds the number of licensed users!
61500 My Computer
61501 All Drives
61502 &Search
61503 &Stop
61504 Network Place
61505 Find %d VCD file(s)
61506 Add vcd file(s) successfully!
61507 Invalid file name
61508 All VCD files
61509 (Read file error)
61510 (The file type error)
61511 (Unable to write file)
61512 (Unable to rename)
61513 (Unable to convert the file)
61514 Cannot find the file or path '%s'. Make sure the path or filename are correct.
61515 Adding VCD files, please wait . . .
61516 Refreshing VCD list, please wait . . .
61517 The computer or sharename could not be found !
61518 Administrator access is required to change this option !
61519 Failed to execute "eval.exe!"
61520 Failed to execute "ShowCpyr.exe!"
61521 FarStone CDServer Client
61522 The program setting has been changed. Please restart your computer!
61523 Password or user name is incorrect, please try again!
61524 Unable to connected server!
61525 Unable to find "CDSBrowse.dll"!
61526 CD Tower
61527 CD Volume
61528 The file named 'Winaspi32.DLL' could not be \nloaded.This file is required by VirtualDrive in \norder to access your CD-ROM.\n\nBefore attempting to execute VirtualDrive,\nPlease exit and restart Windows.If the\n error persists,try reinstalling VirtualDrive.\n
61529 Unable to find "CDS_explorer.exe"!
61530 Failed to load data file!
61531 Invalid Address!
61532 The file named 'Display.DLL' could not be loaded!
61533 Failed to connect to the FarStone CDServer!
61534 Unable to insert the CD, you may not have the privileges.