home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- inherited OffsetForm: TOffsetForm
- Caption = 'Offset'
- ClientHeight = 119
- OldCreateOrder = True
- PixelsPerInch = 96
- TextHeight = 13
- object LeftAxis: TDogAxis
- Left = 42
- Top = 22
- Width = 207
- Height = 16
- Associate = LeftFader
- Min = -1
- Max = 1
- Border = 22
- end
- object RightAxis: TDogAxis
- Left = 42
- Top = 64
- Width = 207
- Height = 16
- Associate = RightFader
- Min = -1
- Max = 1
- Border = 22
- end
- object LeftLabel: TStaticText
- Left = 14
- Top = 7
- Width = 25
- Height = 17
- Alignment = taRightJustify
- Caption = 'Left:'
- TabOrder = 0
- end
- object RightLabel: TStaticText
- Left = 7
- Top = 50
- Width = 32
- Height = 17
- Alignment = taRightJustify
- Caption = 'Right:'
- TabOrder = 3
- end
- object LeftFader: TFader
- Left = 42
- Top = 6
- Width = 207
- Height = 16
- Hint = ' (0%)'
- TabOrder = 1
- Associate = Left
- Line = 0.001000000000000000
- Page = 0.010000000000000000
- Min = -1
- Max = 1
- Stripe = True
- end
- object RightFader: TFader
- Left = 42
- Top = 48
- Width = 207
- Height = 16
- Hint = ' (0%)'
- TabOrder = 4
- Associate = Right
- Line = 0.001000000000000000
- Page = 0.010000000000000000
- Min = -1
- Max = 1
- Stripe = True
- end
- object Left: TNumEdit
- Left = 255
- Top = 4
- Width = 69
- Height = 21
- TabStop = True
- Min = -1
- Max = 1
- Decimal = 7
- PageChange = 10
- LineChange = 1
- Label = 'Left'
- Buddy = LeftFader
- Caption = '0.0000000'
- TabOrder = 2
- MaxLength = 10
- OnChange = Change
- end
- object Right: TNumEdit
- Left = 255
- Top = 46
- Width = 69
- Height = 21
- TabStop = True
- Min = -1
- Max = 1
- Decimal = 7
- PageChange = 10
- LineChange = 1
- Label = 'Right'
- Buddy = RightFader
- Caption = '0.0000000'
- TabOrder = 5
- MaxLength = 10
- OnChange = Change
- end
- object Scan: TButton
- Left = 129
- Top = 86
- Width = 75
- Height = 25
- Action = ScanAction
- Caption = 'Scan Offset'
- TabOrder = 6
- end
- object ScanActionList: TActionList
- Left = 288
- Top = 82
- object ScanAction: TAction
- Caption = 'Scan offset'
- Hint = 'Scans the selection to get the inverse offset'
- OnExecute = ScanExecute
- OnUpdate = ScanUpdate
- end
- end
- end