34 You must restart your system for the configuration changes made to Easy CD & DVD Creator to take effect.\n\n Click Yes to restart now or No if you plan to restart later.
46 \n\nInstall completed successfully!
47 \n\nClick on the "Install" button to begin.
49 Are you sure you want to exit now?
50 The update has been canceled. \nThe language you are trying to install is different than what is currently on your system.
51 Your current version of Easy CD & DVD Creator is already up to date.
65 &Reboot
66 &OK
68 &Exit
69 &Install
2048 Unable to update this version of Easy CD & DVD Creator.
2049 Unable to update this version of Easy CD & DVD Creator.
2051 The update has been cancelled.
2052 An internal error has occurred.
2053 A copy of the install utility is already running.
2054 The update utility cannot run on this platform.
2055 The registry update file has been corrupted.
2056 There is not enough memory to complete the update.
2057 An attempt to create a temp directory has failed.
2065 An attempt to collect information on one or more files has failed.
2066 An attempt to copy one or more files has failed.
2067 An attempt to open one or more files has failed.
2068 The update utility cannot access a registry INF file.
2069 An attempt to decompress one or more files has failed.
2070 An attempt to delete one or more files has failed.
2071 Windows cannot be restarted. Please reboot your computer after closing this utility.
2072 The update utility is unable to calculate the size of one or more files.
2073 An attempt to create one or more temporary files has failed.
2074 The update utility cannot access a registry INF file.
2075 An attempt to move one or more files has failed.
2077 An attempt to create one or more registry keys has has failed.
2078 An attempt to set one or more registry values has failed.
2079 An attempt to adjust one or more file attributes has failed.
2080 There is not enough free hard disk space in the Windows Temp directory \nto complete the update.
2081 The update file is corrupted. Please download the update utility.
2082 The update utility will update your
2083 The update utility will update your software with the most current version of the software available.
2084 Thank you for using Roxio products.
2091 The update utility has been canceled. \nNo qualified Roxio product can be detected.
2092 Install failed!\n\nDownload and run the update utility again.