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- DivX(tm) Codec 5.0.5
- ====================
- Version: 5.0.5
- README file updated on: 2003-04-24
- (c) Copyright DivXNetworks, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- DivX is a trademark of DivXNetworks, Inc.
- Table of Contents
- -----------------
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Installation instructions
- 3. What's new in this version
- 3. DivX encoding and decoding
- 4. Known issues
- 5. What's new in the DivX codec
- Introduction
- ------------
- The DivX(tm) codec 5.0.5 is the latest and greatest release of DivX,
- the best compression technology for high-resolution movies. The DivX
- codec (short for COmpression-DECompression) is becoming the standard
- for high quality video over IP networks because it hits the sweet spot
- between superior visual quality and small file size. With a broadband
- connection, you can download a full-length feature film in the time it
- takes to have a pizza delivered!
- Installation instructions
- -------------------------
- To install the DivX codec, you should follow the following simple steps:
- 1. Copy the installer program (DivX505Bundle.exe) to a location on
- your hard drive (e.g., C:\temp).
- 2. Run the installer program by double-clicking on the
- DivX505Bundle.exe icon.
- 3. Follow the instructions of the installer program to install the
- DivX Codec.
- 4. Done! The DivX software should be installed in your Systems directory.
- **What files are installed?**: The DivX Codec installer will install the
- following files on your system:
- * divx.dll (DivX Codec)
- * divxdec.ax (DivX Decoder Filter)
- * README.txt (This README file.)
- * License.txt (License agreement for the software.)
- * DivX Help GUide (Internet Shortcut to DivX.com help site)
- * config.exe (DirectShow Decoder Configuration Utility)
- **Uninstalling the DivX Codec**: To remove the DivX Codec from your
- system, you should use the "Add/Remove Programs" control panel in
- Windows. To this by selecting "Start -> Settings -> Control Panel ->
- Add/Remove Programs" from the Windows Start menu. In the listbox that
- is presented to you, choose "DivX 5.0.4 Bundle" and click "remove."
- What's new in this version
- --------------------------
- WhatÆs Fixed:
- * Encoding I-Frame only with certain applications(AVIUtil, DVD2AVI,
- and some video capture applications).
- What's new in version 5.0.4
- ---------------------------
- WhatÆs Fixed:
- * K6-2 CPU related crash resolved.
- * Not able to change Bitrate Modulation through CLI field.
- * Cosmetic bug when cropping more than 1000 pixels.
- * Cosmetic bug when resize settings are invalid.
- * During 1pass quality-based, Quantizer can now be set to 1 with CLI
- * Multiple error windows no longer open upon entering wrong bitrate modulation option.
- * 'Max Keyframe Interval' no longer accepts negative values
- * Multiple error windows no longer open upon entering wrong CLI option.
- * Fixed CLI inconsistencies when ôRestore codecÆs defaultö is pressed.
- * Max bitrate and encoding bit rate(average) was displayed same.
- * Fixed hitting tab in the CLI field to enable 'Use Bidirectional Encoding'
- * Fixed: remove -w in the Quick Config CLI field, 'Update Log file' option is not getting
- deselected.
- * Fixed: When 'Psychovisual Enhancements' value is set to 4, in the Quick Config CLI field,
- mismatch in slider and label options.
- * Various cosmetic fixes in the Encoder GUI
- * ôDo not prompt Errorö unchecked as default fixed.
- * Light Psychovisual enabled itself automatically when exiting the CLI field.
- * Max bitrate reset itself to x10 the average when going in the ôprofileö tab
- * MPEG4 ôtype Indicatorö correctly set according to selected encoding parameters
- * No more green first frame at very high bitrates.
- * Decoder updates the display to the appropriate frame when seeking
- * Decoder remembers the postprocessing settings
- * Fixed some memory leaks related to Psychovisual and nth Pass mode
- * Nth pass RC is tweaked to minimize the usage of high quantizer
- * Nth pass doesnÆt create an empty frames at the beginning of the clip
- * Brightness/Saturation sliders now working correctly.
- * Certain dark sequences would produce a long period of frames using a Quantizer of 31.
- * Psychovisual Enhancement field sometimes displayed "Custom" instead of Light when
- unselected
- * "Do not prompt with errors and warnings" would select itself when random characters were
- entered in the CLI after the "-key" option
- * when "-d 3" option was entered in the CLI field, "Source interlace" became blank.
- * Max bitrate would not update at times.
- * DirectShow decoder postprocessing slider became disabled with ATI radeon 9700 Graphics card
- * DirectShow decoder would "fast forward" when seeking backwards. This could cause synch
- issues when re-encoding DivX Files using the DivX Decoder Filter.
- WhatÆs Changed:
- * The new RC doesnÆt use Q=1 frames anymore
- * No stuffing used, bitrate can be too low in some extreme cases.
- * Strategy planning for rate control is much faster now
- * Better tracking of the planned RC strategy creating more consistent quality.
- A full list of the changes in 5.0.4 is available at
- <http://www.divx.com/divx/divxpro_win_versions.php>.
- Known Issues
- ------------
- Please be sure to review the list of known issues before submitting a
- bug. But if you do find a problem that isn't included on the known
- issues list, please let us know at <support@divx.com>.
- <http://www.divx.com/support/divx/divx_knownissues.php>
- Please send submit all bugs to <http://www.divx.com/feedback>.
- For information about commercial licensing please email
- <licensing@divxnetworks.com>.