8 %s Setup has enough information to start copying files.
9 If you want to review or change any settings, click Back. If you are
10 satisfied with the settings, click Next to begin copying files.
12 Selected Products
14 Type of Installation
15 List of Components
16 Program Folder
17 Destination Directory
18 To complete the installation, Windows needs to be restarted.
19 Please close all applications and DOS windows.
20 Restart Windows
21 Key %s was not found in section %s of %s
22 File %s was not found in %s
23 You have not selected an installation option.\n\nDo you wish to exit %s?
24 Internal error: An unknown choice was made from the Setup Type dialog.
25 Unable to load external DLL %s.\n\nSetup cannot continue.
26 The serial number %s is not a valid %s serial number.\n\nPlease re-enter your serial number.
27 An error occured during installation. Please contact Adobe Systems Technical Support.
28 You must be running %s %d.%d to install this application.
29 This program requires Windows 3.1 or higher.
30 This program requires VGA or better resolution.
31 Unable to create a directory under %s
32 Please check write access to this directory.
33 Please check target location %s and try installing again.
34 Incorrect disk inserted.\nPlease insert Disk %s
35 The destination directory you have specified does not allow write access.\n\nPlease select another directory.
36 Setup has determined that you do not have enough space available\non the destination drive. Please select another drive.
37 Unable to create directory %s\nPlease change your access rights or select another location before continuing.
38 This version of %s requires %s,\nand you are running %s.\n\nSetup cannot continue.
39 Unable to read key %s in section %s of %s
40 Unable to write value %s for key %s\nin section %s of %s
41 Encountered unknown compression type %s\nduring installation of %s
42 The destination directory could not be determined for %s
43 Unable to locate %s directory for installation of %s
44 Unable to install %s.\n\nSetup cannot continue.
45 Unable to launch %s.\n\nThe returned error was %d.
46 Unable to change directory to %s
47 There is not enough disk space available in %s\n\n
48 This installation requires %ld MBytes of free disk space.
49 \n\nError Number: %d
50 Internal error in installation script.
51 Error displaying error message.
52 An error occurred while decompressing files. Please try again.
53 An error occurred while copying files.
54 Internal error. Unable to create custom dialog.\nExiting installation program.
55 Due to a system error, Setup is unable to display a dialog.
56 An unknown error has occurred while performing file set.
57 Unable to copy file to destination location %s
58 An error occurred previously in specified file set.\nPossibly out of memory or resources.\nPlease close all other applications and try installing again.
59 Unable to copy files due to insufficient space on destination drive %s.
60 Target file %s requested by CompressGet function\ndoes not exist in compressed library.
61 Disk inserted in drive was not disk requested.
62 An error occurred during process of copying or decompressing files.
63 Specified file %s is not listed in packaging list.
64 Not enough sub-component STRINGs have been defined\nfor the number of sub-components in this build.\nYou will need to alter the template script to handle this.
65 Not enough parameters for function %s used with key %s of Product %s
66 Unknown function %s used by %s definition in Product %s
67 Incomplete functionality for [%s] in key %s of Product %s
68 Creating Program Folder and Icons...
69 Click Finish to complete Setup.
70 Setup is complete. You may view the Readme file at this time.
71 Installation complete.
72 Decompressing %s files into %s
73 Setup is complete. You may register your copy of %s \nelectronically from your computer at this time.
74 Setup is complete. You may register your copy of %s electronically and view the Readme file at this time.
75 %s online registration.
76 Display %s Readme file.
77 Setup is Complete!\n\nThank you for choosing %s!
78 Setup is Complete!\n\nThank you for choosing %s and \nplease be sure to send in the registration information.
79 Thank you for choosing %s!
80 Transferring files from Disk %s
81 Please insert Disk %s
82 Windows Operating System
83 Windows 95 or Windows NT
84 Windows NT 3.51
85 Windows 95
86 Windows NT
87 Windows NT 4.0
88 Any Windows operating systems except Windows NT
89 Unknown operating system
90 The available space on destination disk drive (%s) is not enough \nfor creation of some temporary files needed during installation.\n\n
91 This installation requires %ld MBytes of free disk space.
92 Decompressing Online Registration files into %s
93 Decompressing Win32s files into %s
94 Adobe
100 Software License Agreement
101 Please read the following License Agreement. Use the scroll bar to view the rest of the agreement.
108 Select the components you want to install, clear the components you do not want to install. Using the default selections will result in a typical installation for each product.
113 Select File Types
114 The following list of file types will be opened by Premiere unless you uncheck the adjacent boxes:
117 Please wait while %s is determining the component information.
118 Please wait while %s is determining the installation file set.
125 Creating registry entries for %s
126 Writing user information...
127 Setup is not complete. If you quit now,\n%s will not be installed.\n\nYou may run Setup at a later time to complete the\ninstallation.\n\nDo you wish to quit installing %s?
128 Exit Setup
131 1 2 3
132 Register
133 Uninstall
134 Title/Salutation
135 First Name
136 MI
137 Last (Family) Name
138 Company
139 ENU
142 Please fill in the 'Company' name field.
143 Please fill in either the 'First Name' or 'Last (Family) Name' field.
144 Please select who the product will be registered to.
145 The information in the '%s' field has exceeded the field boundary.\nPlease enter no more than %d characters.
146 The information in the '%s' field has exceeded the field boundary.\nPlease enter no more than one character.
312 Installing Microsoft DirectX Media Runtime. (This may take a minute or two.)
314 Bad Windows Version.
315 Source file missing.
316 Source file size wrong.
317 Source file date wrong.
318 Source file version.
319 Out of disk space.
320 Cannot find INF file.
321 Cannot find TEMP dir.
322 Internal installer error.
323 OS Version error.
324 Cancelled.
325 (2)
326 If you have an IEEE-1394 (DV or iLink) device, either built-in or added on\nto your computer, please read the "IEEE-1394 Support" section of the ReadMe.
400 Premiere 6.0
401 Premiere 6.0
402 Adobe Premiere 6.0 application
403 This component consists of the Adobe Premiere 6.0 application and associated files.
404 Decompressing Adobe Premiere 6.0 files into %s
405 Adobe Premiere 6.0
406 Adobe Premiere 6.0 ReadMe
407 Plug-ins
408 This installs the Plug-ins folder. The Plug-ins folder is essential for many filters and features of Adobe Premiere.
409 Decompressing Plug-ins into %s
410 Required Plug-ins
411 Plug-ins that must be present for the product to run.
412 Decompressing Required Plug-ins into %s
413 Extension Plug-ins
414 Plug-ins that add commonly used menu items, palettes, APIs and the ability to run old plug-ins and plug-ins from other products.
415 Decompressing Extension Plug-ins into %s
424 Adobe Online
425 Adobe Online provides a connection directly to the Adobe web site.
426 Decompressing Adobe Online files into %s
449 Select Country
450 Select the country in which you are located at the moment of entering into this licensing agreement.
451 United States / Canada
452 America Latina
453 Belgique
454 Belgiδ
455 Brasil
456 Canada Franτais
457 Danmark & Island
458 Deutschland
459 Espa±a
460 France
461 Ireland
462 Italia
463 Luxembourg
464 MΘxico
465 Nederland
466 Norge
467 ╓sterreich
468 Portugal
469 Suomi
470 Sverige
471 Suisse
472 Schweiz
473 Svizzera
474 United Kingdom
475 Republic of South Africa
499 All Other Countries
501 Online Help
502 Online help data files.
503 Decompressing Online Help into %s
504 Premiere Tutorial
505 Online Tutorial files.
506 Decompressing Tutorial into %s
507 QuickTime for Windows
508 Now Installing: QuickTime for Windows
509 QuickTime files
510 QuickTime files
511 Direct X for Windows
512 Now Installing: Direct X services
513 Direct X files
514 Direct X files
520 Windows Media Streaming Web Export
521 Windows Media Web Export will now be installed
522 Windows Media Streaming Web Export
523 Windows Media allows you to make streaming media files for the Internet.
524 Now Installing: Windows Media Streaming Web Support
530 Terran Cleaner 5 Web Export
531 Now Installing: Cleaner 5 Web Export
532 Cleaner 5 Web Export Files
533 Cleaner 5 Web Export requires QuickTime to be installed.
534 Cleaner 5 EZ allows you to make a variety of video files for the Web.
535 Real Media export from Real Nertworks
536 Now installing Real Network Export
537 Real Media Export Files
538 Allows you to create Real Media files from within Premiere