120 Please specify a valid capture frame rate in the range 0.01 fps - 30 fps.
122 < Entire Screen >
123 < Window >
124 < Region of Screen >
125 Transparent Window Class
126 SHIFT +
127 CTRL +
128 ALT +
129 Trayicon Window Class
130 What to capture
131 When to capture
132 Capture:
133 Top left:
134 Frequency:
135 Video quality
136 Jerkier
137 Smoother
138 Less often
139 More often
140 fps
141 Size
142 Capture
143 Preview
144 F1
145 F2
146 F3
147 F4
148 F5
149 F6
150 F7
151 F8
152 F9
153 F10
154 F11
155 F12
156 Software\Microsoft\ScreenCapture
157 FlashRectangle
158 TrayIcon
159 HotkeyCtrl
160 ResizeMode
161 FrameTime
162 HotkeyFunc
163 Stretch new area to fit old area, maintaining aspect ratio.
164 Stretch new area to fit old area, ignoring aspect ratio.
165 Clip new area to fit into old area.
166 Flash capture rectangle when capturing.
167 Display tray icon ( to access these property pages from taskbar.
168 Capture window whenever hot key
169 is pressed.
170 Resizing
171 Hot Key
172 Others
173 Please specify a valid capture window size.
174 Screen Capture
175 Program Manager
400 wmeosppg
401 Osprey Device Property Page
403 Osprey Device Property Page
700 tcpi
701 Time Compression
703 Time Compression Properties
708 Log files (*.txt)
809 Windows Media Time Compression
990 WMEnc###.chm
991 WMEx###.chm
6108 Title of encoded output
6109 Author of encoded output
6110 Copyright of encoded output
6111 Rating of encoded output
6112 Description of encoded output
6204 Clients connected to this encoder
6208 URL used by clients to connect to the encoder over the Internet
6209 Copy Internet URL to clipboard
6211 URL used by clients to connect to the encoder over a local area network
6212 Copy LAN URL to clipboard
9000 Attributes
9001 WM Encoder Attributes
9010 Display Information
9011 WM Encoder Display Information
9020 Sources
9021 WM Encoder Sources
9025 Sources
9026 WM Encoder Sources
9030 Profile
9031 WM Encoder Profile
9040 Output
9041 WM Encoder Output
9050 Advanced
9051 WM Encoder Advanced
9070 General
9071 WM Encoder General Preferences
9073 Language
9074 WM Encoder Language Preferences
9080 General
9081 WM Monitor Main Page
9083 Display Information
9084 WM Monitor Display Information Page
9086 Connections
9087 WM Monitor Connections Page
9100 Browse for Source File
9101 Browse for Output File
9103 Description:
9104 Details:
9105 New Attribute
9106 Change Attribute
9107 Name
9108 Value
9109 An attribute named '%s' already exists.\n\nType a different name or change the attribute that already exists.
9110 The attribute name '%s' is reserved for use by the system.\n\nType a different name.
9111 Group
9112 Archive
9113 Script
9115 Windows Media files (*.wmv;*.wma)|*.wmv;*.wma|Windows Media video files (*.wmv)|*.wmv|Windows Media audio files (*.wma)|*.wma|All files (*.*)|*.*||
9116 wmv
9117 wma
9118 Video:
9119 Audio:
9120 Script:
9121 Input
9122 Output
9123 Archive:
9125 Broadcast port:
9126 Connections:
9127 File:
9128 Progress
9129 Elapsed time:
9130 Estimated time:
9131 Percent complete:
9132 Video size:
9133 Encoding
9134 Media Bit Rate:
9135 Total scripts:
9136 Last script:
9137 Profile:
9138 Current fps:
9139 Quality:
9140 Dropped frames:
9141 System
9142 CPU load:
9143 Disk time left:
9144 Disk space left:
9145 -
9146 Expected fps:
9150 Currently selected video input
9151 Currently selected audio input
9152 Currently selected script input
9155 Output file or archive for this session
9157 Port through which session is being broadcast
9158 Total number of clients connected to this session
9161 Amount of time elapsed since session started
9162 Estimated amount of time session will take to encode
9163 Percentage of session completed
9164 Dimensions of encoded video
9166 Total aggregate bandwidth produced by all streams and total bandwidth available
9167 Total number of scripts inserted in this session
9168 Last script inserted into this session
9169 Profile being used in this session
9170 Current frame rate of encoded video
9171 Current, lowest, and highest quality achieved during this encoding session
9172 Video frames dropped during encoding
9173 Percentage of CPU being used by all running applications
9174 Approximate amount of encoding time remaining on disk
9176 Amount of disk space remaining
9177 Expected frame rate of encoded video
9180 Archive to file:
9181 Encode to file:
9182 http://%s:%u
9183 http://%s:%u
9184 (Could not detect)
9185 (Session)
9190 Record
9191 Pause
9192 Stop
9200 Sources and Archive
9203 Video Clipping
9204 Video Optimization
9208 Browse for file...
9209 All tips are now re-enabled.
9221 New Source Group
9222 Change Source Group
9223 File
9224 Device
9230 The name of the source group is blank.\n\nType a name before continuing.
9231 Select a video source before continuing.
9232 Specify an input audio source before continuing.
9234 The file you have specified does not contain any video.\n\nSelect another file before continuing.
9235 The file you have specified does not contain any audio.\n\nSelect another file before continuing.
9237 The device '%s' is already being used.\n\nSelect another input before continuing.
9238 The name '%s' is already being used.\n\nType another name before continuing.
9300 (Regional Options)
9301 (No profile matches input source types)
10000 Profile Manager
10001 Name
10002 Media
10003 Target Audience
10004 Media Bit Rate
10005 Effective Bit Rate
10006 Edit Audience
10008 Total streams
10009 Profile name
10010 Description
10011 Stream
10012 Video
10013 Script
10014 Edit Profile
10015 New Profile
10121 Custom: %s %i
10150 Dial-up modems (14.4 Kbps)
10151 Dial-up modems (28.8 Kbps)
10152 Dial-up modems (28.8 Kbps) 2
10153 Dial-up modems (28.8 Kbps) 3
10154 Dial-up modems (56 Kbps)
10155 Dial-up modems (56 Kbps) 2
10156 Dial-up modems (56 Kbps) 3
10157 Single channel ISDN
10158 Local playback and dual channel ISDN
10159 Corporate LAN or cable modem/DSL (256 Kbps)
10161 Corporate LAN or cable modem/DSL (384 Kbps)
10162 Broadband or cable modem/DSL (768 Kbps)
10163 High bandwidth
10164 High bandwidth 2
10165 High bandwidth 3
10166 Intranet and corporate LAN connections
10203 (Unknown Codec)
10207 Screen Capture
10208 Script Panel
10300 Audio
10301 Audio - Video
10302 Audio - Script
10303 Audio - Video - Script
10400 Audio bandwidth
10401 Audio codec
10402 Audio format
10403 Video streams
10404 Video bit rate
10405 Video codec
10406 Video size
10407 Script bit rate
10500 Kbps
10501 Mbps
10502 kHz
10507 Mono
10508 Stereo
10600 Custom...
10601 160 x 120
10602 176 x 144 (QCIF)
10603 320 x 240
10604 352 x 288 (CIF)
10605 640 x 480
10606 %i x %i
11001 Type a name for this profile before continuing.
11003 The script bit rate value is too large.\n\nType a number between %i and %i before continuing.
11004 Select a target audience before continuing.
11005 Type a name for this audience before continuing.
11006 The profile could not be saved.\n\nRestart the encoder and try again.
11007 The profile could not be loaded.\n\nCheck the .prx file or create a new profile.
11008 This profile name is already being used.\n\nType a different name before continuing.
11009 The profile cannot be deleted until Windows has been restarted.
11010 This value is outside of the acceptable range.\n\nType a number between 0 and 100 before continuing.
11012 This audience name is already being used.\n\nType a different name before continuing.
11013 Select a video codec before continuing.
11014 Could not create a video stream.\n\nCheck your video stream settings and try again.
11015 The script bit rate is invalid.\n\nType a number between 1000 and 9999
11016 The total bandwidth of your media streams exceeds your minimum target bandwidth.\n\nAdjust your individual stream bandwidths.
11018 If you select a minimum target audience that is less than 80 Kbps, then your maximum target audience must not exceed 300 Kbps.\n\nChoose different audiences before continuing.
11019 Could not locate or create the custom profile directory.\n\nReinstall the application.
11020 Could not load audio codecs.\n\nReinstall codecs.
11021 Could not load video codecs.\n\nReinstall codecs.
11022 Specify a maximum audience bit rate between 10 Kbps and 10 Mbps before continuing.
11023 Could not create an audio stream.\n\nCheck your audio stream settings and try again.
11024 The frame rate value must be from 1 to 60.\n\nType a valid frame rate before continuing.
11025 The key frame interval must be from 0 to 30.\n\nType a valid key frame interval before continuing.
11026 The image quality value must be from 0 to 100.\n\nType a valid image quality value before continuing.
11027 The profile name contains a " character, which is invalid.\n\nEnter a different name before continuing.
11028 The profile description contains a " character, which is invalid.\n\nEnter a different description before continuing.
11029 The data buffer size must be between %d and %d.\n\nEnter a valid number before continuing.
11030 The video width and height must be between %i and %i.\n\nEnter a valid size before continuing.
11031 The specified video size already exists.\n\nEnter a different size before continuing.
11033 The clipping value is invalid.\n\nEnter an even (for example, 2,4 or 6) clipping value before continuing.
11034 The audience name contains a \ character, which is invalid.\n\nEnter a different name before continuing.
11035 Could not create a script stream.\n\nCheck your script settings and try again.
11036 The profile could not be created.\n\nRestart the encoder and try again.
11037 The video size height and width must be even unless you are using the screen codec.\n\nType a valid size before continuing.
11038 The clipping values are too large for the profile's video size (%i x %i). The minimum clipped video size allowed is (%i x %i).\n\nChange your clipping values before continuing.
11039 The clipping values are too large for the profile's video width (%i). The minimum clipped video width allowed is %i.\n\nChange your clipping values before continuing.
11040 The clipping values are too large for the profile's video height (%i). The minimum clipped video height allowed is %i.\n\nChange your clipping values before continuing.
11041 The profile name is blank.\n\nType a name before continuing.
11042 The audience name is blank.\n\nType a different name before continuing.
11043 A profile cannot contain more than 10 video streams.\n\nRemove some audiences before continuing.
11100 The port %u is already in use.\n\nChoose a different port before continuing.
11101 The broadcast port must be in the range %u to %u.\n\nEnter a valid port number before continuing.
11102 The file '%s' was not found.\n\nEnter a valid file name before continuing.
11105 The file '%s' is read-only.\n\nEnter a different file name before continuing.
11106 The file name '%s' specifies a folder.\n\nEnter a valid file name before continuing.
11107 The folder specified in the file name '%s' does not exist.\n\nEnter a valid file name before continuing.
11108 You cannot overwrite the file '%s'.\n\nEnter a different file name before continuing.
11109 Enter a file name before continuing.
11110 You must have an audio device in order to encode from device.
11111 Select a profile before continuing.\n\nIf no profiles are available, click the Manage button to create a new profile that matches your input sources.
11112 Define at least one source group before continuing.
11113 Specify at least one output option (either broadcast or file) before continuing.
11114 Specify a maximum packet size between %ld and %ld before continuing.
11115 Specify an identification name for this encoder before continuing.
11116 Specify a video input for the '%s' source group before continuing.
11117 There was an error copying to the clipboard.\n\nTry to copy again.
11118 The file '%s' is already in use as a source file.\n\nChoose a different file name before continuing.
11119 One or more source groups in this session have their archive property set to Pause or Stop. Since you are not broadcasting, this needs to be changed to Record for your output file to be created properly.\n\nWould you like to continue?
11120 You cannot specify a custom maximum packet size when using an uncompressed profile.\n\nEither select the default option or choose a different profile before continuing.
12000 Are you sure you want to remove this audience?
12001 Are you sure you want to remove this profile?
13000 Details >>
13001 << Details
13002 None (PCM)
13003 Full Frames (Uncompressed)
13006 New Profile Wizard
13007 Edit Profile Wizard
13016 Microsoft Corporation 1999-2000
13017 http://www.microsoft.com
13018 yes
13019 no
13020 Aggregate Bandwidth
13021 MBR
13022 Uncompressed
13100 %.2f Kbps
13101 %d Hours, %d Minutes, %d Seconds
13102 %d minute, %d seconds
13103 %d seconds
13104 More than %d hours
13105 %d hours, %d minutes
13106 %d hour, %d minutes
13107 %d hours, %d minute
13108 %d hour, %d minute
13109 %d minutes, %d seconds
13110 %d minutes, %d second
13111 %d minute, %d second
13112 %.0f%% ( %.0f%% / %.0f%% )
13113 %.2f Kbps ( %.2f Kbps )
13114 %.2f GB
13115 %.2f MB
13116 %.2f Kb
13117 %d%%
13118 %4d Kbps, %2d Khz, %s
13119 %d Kbps, %2d Khz, %s
13120 %i Kbps
13121 %i Mbps
13122 %i bps
13123 Buffer size: %d seconds
13124 Video stream %s: %i fps, %i seconds per key frame, Quality: %i\n
13125 Frames per second: %i
13150 No optimization.
13151 Deinterlacing removes artifacts and improves the quality of video by processing interlaced fields into separate frames. Use only with a video source that was previously interlaced.
13152 Inverse Telecine detects and removes extra frames of a 30 fps source to achieve the original 24 fps in film content. Use only with a video source that was previously telecined. The source frame rate must be 30 fps.