"IDS_CCNVRT_ERROR_INVALID_FILE=%s\n\nThis document is damaged or invalid and therefore could not be opened.\nTry obtaining it again."
"IDS_CCNVRT_ERROR_OPEN=The document is already opened by another process."
"IDS_CCNVRT_ERROR_NOT_PERMITTED=The document does not permit save operation."
"IDS_CCNVRT_ERROR_POST_SAVE=The document was saved but it may be damaged. Please adapt it again."
"IDS_CCNVRT_ERROR_OPEN_DAMAGED=\n\nThe document could not be opened.\nIt may be damaged or in invalid format."
"IDS_CCNVRT_ERROR_OPEN_PASSWORD=\n\nThis document is password protected and therefore could not be opened.\nRemove the password using Acrobat and then retry."
"IDS_CCNVRT_ERROR_OPEN_SHANDLER=\n\nThis document has not been encrypted using the standard security method and therefore could not be opened."
"IDS_CCNVRT_ERROR_WRONG_PWD1=Incorrect password for file %s. Note that passwords are case sensitive."
"IDS_CCNVRT_ERROR_WRONG_PWD2=Incorrect password for file %s. Note that passwords are case sensitive."
"IDS_CCNVRT_FEEDBACK_FILE_X_OF_Y=%d of %d files processed"
"IDS_CCNVRT_ERROR_FILE_EXISTS=An adapted file by this name already exists. Would you like to overwrite it?"
"IDS_CCNVRT_ERROR_MEMORY=Insufficient memory. Close any running applications and try again."
"IDS_CCNVRT_ERROR_OPEN_GENERAL=Unable to open file %s"
"IDS_CCNVRT_MESSAGE_PROCESSED=%s\n\nThis file has already been processed. It will simply be added to the transfer list."
"IDS_CCNVRT_ERROR_SAVE_FORMAT=%s\n\nThere was an error saving this file. %s"
"IDS_CCNVRT_ERROR_DECRYPTING=%s\n\nThis file could not decrypted. It will not be processed."
"IDS_ABOUT_COPYRIGHT=^^C 2002 Adobe Systems Incorporated.\nAll rights reserved."
"IDS_ABOUT_CREDIT_STUFF=Robbin Ayer, Jason Boyer, John Cabot, Robin Chandler, Tom Diaz, Tom Doherty, Katherine Gavini, David Kelts, Ranjit Kher, Michael Kudla, Angela Lordi, Larry MacLennan, Andrea Mangini, Robert Mathews, Jon Melamut, David Pitkin, Robert Wiener"
"IDS_MENU_HELP=Using Adobe DRM Plug-In"
"IDS_ABOUT_DESCRIPTION=The Adobe DRM plug-in provides features for\n"
"IDS_ABOUT_DESCRIPTION2=obtaining and reading documents protected with Adobe\n"
"IDS_ABOUT_DEPENDENCIES=Plug-ins required for loading: None\n"
"IDS_ABOUT_DEPENDENCIES2=Plug-ins required for full functionality: Comments, EFS, Weblink, SendMail, Make Accessible"
"IDS_TOOLTIP_EBOOK=Show Bookshelf"
"IDS_INSTALL_NEWERREADER=A newer version of the eBook Plugin is required in order to obtain new eBooks."
"IDS_VERSION_STRING=<BR>Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat - %ls"
"IDS_LOG_DATE_FORMAT=\nStatus Reported on %.2d/%.2d/%.4d %.2d:%.2d:%.2d \n\n"
"IDS_REFRESHPROMPT=My Bookshelf could take a few moments to refresh. Click OK to continue or Cancel to stop."
"IDS_DELETEREALLY=Are you sure you want to delete the document \"%ls\", by %ls?"
"IDS_LIBRARY=My Bookshelf"
"IDS_BOOKBYAUTHOR=\"%ls\" by %ls"
"IDS_CANTEMAIL_FILE=The publisher of this document has not provided the information required to send the document via email."
"IDS_SELECTUSERFORHHTRANSFER=Select the mobile-device profile to which you want to send your documents."
"IDS_SELECTUSERFORHHACTIVATE=Select a mobile-device user account to activate."
"IDS_HHPREP_SUCCESSFUL=Finished preparing documents for transfer to a mobile device. Your documents will be transferred the next time you synchronize your mobile device with this computer."
"IDS_HHPREP_EBX_ERR=Your documents could not be prepared for transfer to a mobile device because of an internal Adobe DRM error (%d)."
"IDS_HHPREP_PDF_ERR=Your documents could not be prepared for transfer to a mobile device because of a PDF error (%ls)."
"IDS_HHPREP_CNVRT_ERR=Your documents could not be prepared for transfer to a mobile device because of a converter problem."
"IDS_HHPREP_UNKNOWN=Your documents could not be prepared for transfer to a mobile device."
"IDS_GBLINIT_FAIL=Globals could not be initialized."
"IDS_MAIL_SUBJECT=A document for you"
"IDS_GREAT_BOOK=Open the attached PDF document in Adobe Reader or Acrobat version %ls or later. Follow the instructions that Adobe Reader or Acrobat gives you to obtain permission to read the document. To get the latest version of Adobe Reader, visit %ls."
"IDS_BOOK_RECEIVE_COMPLETE=Click OK to read \"%ls\"."
"IDS_BOOK_RECEIVE_BOOKDONE=Finished downloading content for \"%ls\""
"IDS_BOOK_RECEIVE_ADDTOLIB=Adding \"%ls\" to My Bookshelf."
"IDS_BOOK_RECEIVE_GETVOUCHERS=Obtaining permission to open document..."
"IDS_OPENEBOOK=&My Bookshelf..."
"IDS_READ_BOOK=&Read in Book View"
"IDS_EBOOKS_ONLINE=&Get eBooks Online"
"IDS_EBOOKS_HOWTO=&How To.. Read eBooks"
"IDS_COMMENT_TOOLBAR=&Commenting Toolbar"
"IDS_CLICKTO_DWNLD=Double-click to download \"%ls\""
"IDS_CLICKTO_PURCHASE=Double-click to purchase \"%ls\""
"IDS_WMTEXT_NAMEEMAIL=From the Library of %ls %ls (%ls)"
"IDS_NEEDTOACTIVATE=Your Adobe software must be activated to continue. Please click Yes to go online to activate it."
"IDS_NEEDWEBLINKTOACTIVATE=Your Adobe software must be activated to continue. Please visit %ls to activate it."
"IDS_NEEDTOACTIVATE_SUGG=Adobe recommends that you activate Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat before continuing. Please click Yes to go online to activate your Adobe software."
"IDS_NEEDWEBLINKTOACTIVATE_SUGG=Adobe recommends that you activate Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat before continuing. Please visit %ls to activate your Adobe software."
"IDS_NEEDTOLOGINTOEDEN=Please log into Adobe DRM Activator before continuing."
"IDS_ACTIVATED=Your Adobe software has been activated."
"IDS_HANDHELDACTIVATED=Your mobile device has been activated."
"IDS_ACTIVATED_DOWNLOAD=Your Adobe software has been activated. Please click Yes to download your documents."
"IDS_NEEDS_WATERMARK=Watermark information is unavailable. To obtain watermark information, click Yes to go online to reactivate Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat."
"IDS_NO_WATERMARK=Watermark information is required to continue."
"IDS_HH_NOTACTIVATED=Your mobile device is not activated. Please click Yes to activate it."
"IDS_HH_NEEDSACTIVATION=Your mobile device cannot continue until it is activated."
"IDS_HH_POCKETPC_MAC=A Pocket PC device cannot be activated from a Macintosh computer."
"IDS_HH_POCKETPC_LIB=The ActiveSync libraries could not be initialized for communication with a Pocket PC device."
"IDS_HH_POCKETPC_API=Could not communicate with Pocket PC device to start activation."
"IDS_PENDINGDOWNLOAD=Please click Yes to download the documents you have chosen."
"IDS_PENDINGDOWNLOAD_NEEDCERT=To complete your document download, first click Yes to go online to activate Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat."
"IDS_PENDINGDOWNLOAD_NEEDCERT_NOWL=To complete your document download, first visit %ls to activate Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat."
"IDS_MACHINENOTACTIVATED=Your Adobe software could not be activated."
"IDS_EDEN_RESPONSE=Your Adobe software could not be activated. \nThe Adobe DRM Activator is not responding."
"IDS_EDEN_DOWNLOAD=Unable to download necessary files at this time. Please try again later."
"IDS_HHPREP_DONE=Your document has been prepared for transfer to a mobile device. To complete the transfer, synchronize your mobile device with this computer."
"IDS_INVALID_WMINFO=Watermark information could not be retrieved. To obtain watermark information, make sure you are logged in correctly and that Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat is already activated."
"IDS_WATERMARKIN_PROG=Watermarking in progress..."
"IDS_MOUSETRACKEXCEPTION=Exception thrown during mouse tracking. For debugging purposes."
"IDS_UNKNOWNHANDHELD=Cannot prepare files for the selected mobile device."
"IDS_FILEISOPEN=The file is currently in use. Please close it first."
"IDS_TRANSFERFILE=To transfer %ls:\n\n1. Choose a user from the menu.\n\n2. Click Prepare.\n\n3. Synchronize your mobile device with this computer to transfer the file."
"IDS_CONVERTER_FAILED=Converter failed"
"IDS_ACT_DATA=Document Activation Data"
"IDS_HOTSYNCHHTOACTIVATE=Please synchronize your mobile device with this computer to continue activation"
"IDS_BACKUPRESTORE=Backup & Restore"
"IDS_DONOTSHOWAGAIN=Do not show again"
"IDS_METEXPIR_HHTRANSF_NOTSUPP=Documents that expire after a period of reading time cannot be transferred to mobile devices."
"IDS_MIN_MACOS_VERSION=You must have Mac OS X version 10.2.4 or later installed to download eBooks. Please visit http://www.apple.com/ for information on upgrading to version 10.2.4 or later."
"IDS_EDEN_BAD_SOAP_ACTION=Incorrect Adobe DRM Activator action or URL."
"IDS_EDEN_BAD_XML=Unable to parse Adobe DRM Activator XML file."
"IDS_EDEN_SOAP_ENVELOPE=Adobe DRM Activator XML file missing required data."
"IDS_EDEN_MISSING_XML_DATA=Adobe DRM Activator XML file missing required data."
"IDS_EDEN_MISSING_PROFILE=No watermark information available for this user profile."
"IDS_EDEN_BAD_SIGNATURE=User's signature is invalid. Please reactivate."
"IDS_EDEN_SOAP_VERSION=Please install a newer version of Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat before continuing.\nGo to Help->Updates to check for the latest software."
"IDS_EDEN_SOAP_MUSTUNDERSTAND=Adobe DRM Activator XML file has required options not supported by the server."
"IDS_EDEN_BAD_SERIALNUMBER=Invalid data specified during activation. Please try activating again."
"IDS_EDEN_ACTIVATION_LIMIT=You have exceeded the number of permitted activations."
"IDS_EDEN_MISMATCH_HH_ERR=An authenticate machine response was targeted for mobile device. Please try again."
"IDS_EDEN_UNKNOWN_ERR=An unknown Adobe DRM Activator error has occurred."
"IDS_EDEN_FAULT_BLOB_UNKNOWN_HANDHELD=Unknown mobile device type in blob response."
"IDS_EDEN_FAULT_HANDHELD_NOTINSTALLED=The mobile device selected for activation must be installed first."
"IDS_EDEN_FAULT_HTTP_ERROR=HTTP error on Adobe DRM Activator request."
"IDS_MIGRATE_STAGE_SAVEFDF=Saving annotations to FDF file"
"IDS_MIGRATE_STAGE_MOVING=Adding to bookshelf"
"IDS_MIGRATE_CLEANUP=Cleaning up..."
"IDS_MIGRATE_SUCCESS=All your eBooks have been migrated!"
"IDS_MIGRATE_FAILURE=Some problems occurred during migration. Please check the file \"%s\" for details."
"IDS_MIGRATE_DBFAILURE=The migration tool could not read the Acrobat eBook Reader database file. Any highlights or notes you have added will be lost. Do you want to continue anyway?"
"IDS_MIGRATE_NOAEBR=The migration tool could not find an installed copy of Acrobat eBook Reader."
"IDS_MIGRATE_NONEWPORT=Acrobat 6.0 or Adobe Reader 6.0 must be installed and activated before you can migrate your eBooks."
"IDS_NO_MEMORY=Insufficient memory."
"IDS_VECTOR_INDEX_OUT_OF_BOUNDS=Index is out of bounds."
"IDS_UNABLE_TO_OBTAIN_KEY_VALUE=Unable to obtain registry key value '%ls'. Error Code: %x"
"IDS_UNABLE_TO_OPEN_KEY=Unable to open registry key '%ls'. Error code: %x"
"IDS_UNABLE_TO_OPEN_FILE=Unable to open file \"%ls\"."
"IDS_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_FILE=Unable to create file \"%ls\"."
"IDS_RESULTS_COLUMN=Unable to obtain results column '%ls'."
"IDS_HASHTABLE_KEY_NOT_FOUND=Unable to find table entry with key '%ls'."
"IDS_HASHTABLE_KEY_EXISTS=A table entry with key '%ls' already exists."
"IDS_COLUMN_APPEND_ERROR=Unable to append column '%ls' to the DB Table: %ls"
"IDS_TABLE_NOT_FOUND=Table '%ls' was not found."
"IDS_TABLE_NOT_OPEN=No table is open on call to Close()."
"IDS_TABLE_UPDATE_ERROR=Unable to update table entry: %ls"
"IDS_TABLE_DELETE_ERROR=Unable to delete table entry: %ls"
"IDS_UNABLE_TO_DROP_TABLE=Unable to destroy table: %ls"
"IDS_UNABLE_TO_DROP_COLUMNS=Unable to drop table columns: %ls"
"IDS_DELETE_KEY_ERROR=Unable to delete registry key '%ls'."
"IDS_GET_PROPERTY_ERROR=Unable to get field property '%ls'."
"IDS_NO_MATCH=No match."
"IDS_INDEX_OUT_OF_BOUNDS=Index out of bounds."
"IDS_END_OF_STREAM=End of input stream."
"IDS_SOCKET_ERROR=Socket error (#%d)."
"IDS_SOCKET_WRITE_ERROR=Error writing to socket (#%d)."
"IDS_DATABASE_DATA_STORE_APPEND_FIELD_FAILURE=Unable to add element '%ls' to field vector."
"IDS_BOOK_RECEIVE_ERROR=An error occurred while receiving this document: %ls."
"IDS_ACTIVATE_RECEIVE_ERROR=An error occurred while receiving activation data: %ls"
"IDS_HHNOT_CONNECTED=Please connect your mobile device to your computer before continuing."
"IDS_DLGGETHHACR_TEXT1=To activate Adobe Reader on your mobile device, you must first install Adobe Reader for mobile devices on this computer. Please download Adobe Reader for mobile devices from Adobe.com, then retry mobile-device activation."
"IDS_DLGGETHHACR_TEXT2=After installing Adobe Reader for mobile devices, click Send to Mobile Device to send a document to your mobile device."
"IDS_DLGCHOOSEHH_TEXT1=The following versions of Adobe Reader for mobile devices are installed on your computer."
"IDS_DLGCHOOSEHH_TEXT2=Click OK to choose the version of Adobe Reader for mobile devices that you want to use."
"IDS_DLGCHOOSEHH_TEXT3=If you would like to use a different version of Adobe Reader for mobile devices, you can change your settings from the Preferences menu."
"IDS_DLGCOPYTOHHPREFS_TEXT1=What would you like to do with images?"
"IDS_NEED_TRUSTED_MODE=The use of eBook features requires that only certified plug-ins be loaded. Do you wish to restart Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat with only certified plug-ins?"
"IDS_ALWAYS_LOAD_CERTIFIED=Always load only certified plug-ins."
"IDS_FILENAME_TOO_LONG=\"%s\" is more than 31 characters long."