"IDS_ABOUT_DESCRIPTION2=The plug-in includes generic services that can be used by all public-key security handlers (plug-ins). The plug-in also includes two public-key security handler implementations from Adobe Systems Inc: "
"IDS_ABOUT_DESCRIPTION3=integration with Microsoft Windows certificate and cryptographic services (MSCAPI, Windows only); direct support for industry standard PKCS#12, password-protected private key storage files (Default Certificate Security). "
"IDS_ABOUT_DESCRIPTION4=Check the Adobe web site to find public-key security handlers from other security product vendors. "
"IDS_ABOUT_DEPENDENCIES=Plug-ins required for loading: DigSig, AcroForm, EScript\r\n"
"IDS_ABOUT_DEPENDENCIES2=Plug-ins required for full functionality: LegalPDF, Checkers, SendMail, WebLink, Updater, EFS"
"IDS_ABOUT_LEGAL_STUFF=This plug-in includes libraries that are licensed from RSA Security Inc. "
"IDS_ABOUT_LEGAL_STUFF2=RSA and RSA Security Inc. are registered trademarks of RSA Security Inc. "
"IDS_ABOUT_LEGAL_STUFF3=For more information on obtaining RSA security components please visit http://www.rsasecurity.com. "
"IDS_DeleteConfirm=Are you sure you want to delete this %ITEM%?\r\n%NAME%"
"IDS_FDFDeleteConfirm=You have finished processing the contents of this Data Exchange File.\r\n\r\nClick 'Ok' to delete this file or 'Cancel' if you do not want to delete the file."
"IDS_DeleteCertWarning=\r\n\r\nYou will no longer be able to verify the identity of the owner if you do."
"IDS_DeleteContactCerts=Do you want to delete Certificates associated with this Contact?"
"IDS_NotAdded= (not added because invalid or duplicate)"
"IDS_NODIGSIG=The plug-in ppklite failed to load because plug-in DigSig is missing."
"IDS_NOPUBSEC=The plug-in ppklite failed to load because required PubSec features are missing."
"IDS_NOCORETOOLS=The plug-in ppklite.api failed to load because required CoreToolsHFT features are missing."
"IDS_NOPDFEDIT=The plug-in ppklite failed to load because required PDFEdit features are missing."
"IDS_NOACROFORM=The plug-in ppklite failed to load because required version of plug-in AForm32 is missing."
"IDS_NOPDMODEL=The plug-in ppklite.api failed to load because required PDModel features are missing."
"IDS_BROWSE_NEWPROFILE=New Self-Sign Digital ID File"
"IDS_BROWSE_PROFILE=Locate Digital ID File"
"IDS_PROFILE_NAME=Acrobat Self-Sign Digital ID File"
"IDS_ABAllEntries=All Entries"
"IDS_SIGNING_DONE=You have successfully signed this document. "
"IDS_FILE_EXISTS_CONFIRM=The file\r\n%sFILENAME%\r\nalready exists. Do you want to replace it?"
"IDS_SaveAPPreviewTitle=Save Signature Preview"
"IDS_SSCERT_Notice1=You are about to create a self-signed Digital ID. \r\n"
"IDS_SSCERT_Notice2=You will be the only certifying authority for this Digital ID, so anyone wishing to validate this Digital ID must contact you directly. As a result, this Digital ID may not be appropriate for use in situations requiring third party validation.\r\n"
"IDS_SSCERT_Notice3=Do you wish to continue?"
"IDS_FileType_PDFDocument=Adobe PDF"
"IDS_FileType_FDFCertExchange=Acrobat FDF Data Exchange"
"IDS_SelectSigningCredTitle=Apply Digital Signature - Digital ID Selection"
"IDS_SelectEncryptCredTitle=Document Security - Digital ID Selection"
"IDS_SelectFDFSigningCredTitle=Data Exchange File - Digital ID Selection"
"IDS_LOGIN_ASK_ENCRYPT=Please select a Digital ID to use to access the encrypted document. If you do not select a Digital ID in this step, you may not be able to open the document once it has been saved. "
"IDS_LOGIN_ASK_DECRYPT=Please select your decryption Digital ID to access this secured document or data. "
"IDS_LOGIN_ASK_SIGNDOC=Please select a Digital ID to use to sign this document."
"IDS_LOGIN_ASK_SIGNDATA=Please select a Digital ID to use to sign."
"IDS_LOGIN_ASK_GENERAL=This operation requires that you access or select your Digital ID. "
"IDS_LOGIN_NO_ID_WARNING=You don't have any suitable Digital IDs. Click Add Digital ID to get one now. "
"IDS_EXPORTING_CREDS=Please select the Digital IDs you wish the recipient to use when validating your signatures or encrypting documents for you. "
"IDS_CredMCLV_DefBoth=signing, encryption"
"IDS_LOGOUT_CLOSECONFIRM=There are %dNUM% secure file(s) that remain open.\r\nClose these files?"
"IDS_LOGOUT_SAVENOTIFY=There are %dNUM% secure file(s) that need to be saved.\r\nThese files must be closed or saved before logging out."
"IDS_CredAlreadyInProfile=This Digital ID is already in your profile"
"IDS_EnterCredFilePwd=Please enter a password to open the Digital ID file."
"IDS_CredFileOpenTrouble=Could not open Digital ID file with the password provided. Please try again."
"IDS_NoValidCredsInFile=No valid Digital IDs were found in this file."
"IDS_CannotRemoveAllCreds=Cannot remove all Digital IDs from your profile."
"IDS_ConfirmCredRemoval=Are you sure you want to remove the selected Digital IDs from your Digital IDs File?"
"IDS_ConfirmAPFConversion=You have selected a file type that is no longer directly supported. Would you like to convert this data to use a supported file type?"
"IDS_AutenticateNote=Password required for the following operation:\r\n%sREASON%"
"IDS_LOGIN_PLEASE_PROFILE=Please select a Digital ID File."
"IDS_LOGIN_NOPROFILE=Digital ID File does not exist."
"IDS_MSLOGIN_DONE0=You have selected a Digital ID for '%sNAME%'. "
"IDS_MSLOGIN_ActiveOnce=You will be prompted the next time you need to choose a Digital ID. The Digital ID remains selected only for one operation. "
"IDS_MSLOGIN_ActiveSession=You will not be prompted again to select a Digital ID until the next time you start this application. "
"IDS_MSLOGIN_ActiveAlways=This Digital ID is now set as the default to use for this operation. "
"IDS_CERT_EXPIRE0=Warning: your Certificate has expired or is about to expire. It is recommended that you create a new Digital ID and keep your old Digital ID file to decrypt old documents. "
"IDS_PrefsCMSText=This will create a larger signature but may improve compatiblity with other digital signature solutions."
"IDS_Dialogs_AddCredential_Reason1=If you have received a document requiring your signature, in most cases you should have already been given instructions on how to obtain a Digital ID. Otherwise you can choose one of the following options. "
"IDS_Dialogs_AddCredential_Reason2=Your Digital ID can be used to sign and decrypt documents. The Certificate that comes with your Digital ID is used by others when verifying your signature and encrypting documents for you. "
"IDS_Dialogs_AddCredential_EnrollWithCA_Note=Third party Digital ID providers give both senders and recipients a convenient way to exchange Digital IDs."
"IDS_Dialogs_AddCredential_CreateSelfSign_Note=If you create a Self-Signed Digital ID, you will need to distribute your Certificate to those who need to validate your Digital Signatures or encrypt documents for you. "
"IDS_Dialogs_AddCredential_Note2=When you obtain a Digital ID, you will always receive a Certificate. Certificates allow you to validate Digital Signatures and encrypt documents. "
"IDS_Dialogs_AddCredential_SelfSign_Note=If you create a Self-Signed Digital ID, you should distribute your Certificate to those who need to validate your Digital Signatures or encrypt documents for you. "
"IDS_TitleCredentialFile=Digital ID File Settings"
"IDS_CredExpired=Some of the Digital IDs above may be unavailable if they have expired."
"IDS_CredExpiredSVMismatch=Some of the Digital IDs above may be unavailable because either they have expired or Author's signature requirements do not permit their usage."
"IDS_DeleteEntryConfirm=Are you sure you want to delete this entry? "
"IDS_BROWSE_CRED=Locate Digital ID File"
"IDS_LegalCertDisclaimer=Validation of a digitally signed document may require Certificate-related services provided by independent third-party service vendors (see Issuer's User Notice below). Adobe does not provide any warranties of any kind with respect to digitally signed documents, Certificates used to create digitally signed documents, and any related services. For further information, please review the Acrobat or Adobe Reader End User License Agreement and the Issuer Certificate Information and Policy Statement."
"IDS_CPS=To learn about the Certificate Policy Statement visit "
"IDS_CERT_UNDER_TESTCPS=The Digital ID used to Certify/Ubiquitize this document has been issued for Adobe's internal test purposes only. Hence the identity of the signer must NOT be trusted."
"IDS_SIGNOTE_NOTLOADED=Click 'Verify' to process signature"
"IDS_ERR_SIG_CREATION=Creation of this signature could not be completed."
"IDS_ERR_SIG_SIGN=Signature could not be created."
"IDS_MDP_ALLOWALL=All changes are allowed"
"IDS_MDP_ALLOWNONE=Disallow any changes to be made to the document"
"IDS_MDP_ALLOWNATURAL=Only allow form fill-in, signing and page adding actions to this document"
"IDS_MDP_ALLOWCOMMENTS=Only allow commenting, forms fill-in, signing and page adding actions to this document"
"IDS_ErrDuplicateCertificate=Unable to add Certificate because it already exists. "
"IDS_ErrCreateAddressBookEntry=A name is required to create a %TYPE%. Please enter a unique name."
"IDS_ErrDuplicateAddressBookEntry=A %TYPE% with this name already exists. Please choose another name."
"IDS_ImportAPFTrustedCertsTitle=Import Digital ID File"
"IDS_ImportAPFTrustedCerts=This User Profile contains Certificates which you previously trusted for verifying digital signatures. Would you like to import these Certificates into your Trusted Identities?"
"IDS_SIGNPWD_ELAPSE_SINGULAR=%s% has passed since I last entered my password"
"IDS_SIGNPWD_ELAPSE_PLURAL=%s% have passed since I last entered my password"
"IDS_ImportCertNote0=You are advised to verify the identity of the owner of this Certificate.\r\nTo verify this identity please contact the owner (by phone, email, etc.) and confirm that one of the fingerprint numbers below matches the fingerprint number of their Certificate."
"IDS_ImportCertNote1=\r\n\r\nClick \"Add to Trusted Identities\" if a fingerprint number matches and you want to always trust this Certificate: the Certificate will then be added to your list of Trusted Identities. Click 'Cancel' if the fingerprints do not match or if you cannot contact the Certificate owner.\r\n "
"IDS_ImportCertNotePAB=This Contact and/or Certificate is already in your list of Trusted Identities. "
"IDS_DialogsExportCertNote=Your Certificate has been successfully exported."
"IDS_ExportCommunicateNote=Please communicate one or both fingerprint strings to those who receive your Certificate so that they can verify its origin and ensure it has not been damaged."
"IDS_ExportSubject=Acrobat FDF Data Exchange File"
"IDS_ExportSubjectWithName=Acrobat FDF Data Exchange File from %sUSERNAME%"
"IDS_ExportBodyWithName=Attached is an Acrobat FDF Data Exchange File from %sUSERNAME%.\r\n\r\n"
"IDS_ExportBody=Attached is an Acrobat FDF Data Exchange File.\r\n\r\n"
"IDS_ExportBodyRequest1=The attached file contains a request to provide a copy of your Certificate.\r\n"
"IDS_ExportBodyRequest2=Your Certificates can be used by others to verify your signatures or encrypt documents for you.\r\n"
"IDS_ExportBodyContainsMyContact=The attached file contains a copy of a Certificate from %sUSERNAME% which you can use to verify digital signatures and encrypt documents.\r\n"
"IDS_ExportBodyContainsContacts=The attached file contains a list of Certificates that you can use to verify signatures and encrypt documents.\r\n"
"IDS_ExportBodyContainsDirSettings=The attached file contains search directory configuration information that can be used to access search identity directories.\r\n"
"IDS_TheSender=the sender"
"IDS_ExportBodyOpen=Opening this file will launch Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader and prompt you to process the file.\r\n"
"IDS_ExportBodyRequire5=\r\nTo open and process the file attachment you need Adobe Acrobat 5.0, Reader 5.1, or later versions."
"IDS_ExportBodyRequire6=\r\nTo open and process the file attachment you need Adobe Acrobat 6.0 Professional or Standard, Adobe Reader 6.0, or later versions."
"IDS_ExportBodyRequireTM=\r\n\r\nAdobe, Acrobat and Adobe Reader are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries."
"IDS_ExportEMailWarning=Are you sure that you do not want to send your Certificate? It is normally okay to share a public-key Certificate."
"IDS_DataRequestInfo_ContactInfoNote=The recipient of your request may use your Contact information (e.g. phone number) to verify that you are the one who sent this request."
"IDS_DataRequestInfo_Note=Email a request for a copy of someone else's Certificate. You may use the Certificate to verify signatures from that person as well as encrypt documents for that person. "
"IDS_DataRequestInfo_IncludeNote=You can also send your Certificates so the recipient can verify your signatures and encrypt documents for you. "
"IDS_DataRequestInfo_WarningMissingFields=Please provide your name and return email address. The person you are sending a request to will identity you and respond to your request using this information."
"IDS_FDFExport_SendMailNotAvailable=Email is not configured correctly, or the sendmail plug-in is not available. Do you want to save the file instead?"
"IDS_FDFExportOption_SignNote=If you intend to share this data with someone else, you may want to digitally sign the data so that the recipient can verify where it came from."
"IDS_DataEMail_NoteRequest=Email your request. "
"IDS_DataEMail_NoteContact=Email your public-key Certificate. "
"IDS_DataEMail_NoteContacts=Email your Trusted Identities List entries. "
"IDS_DataEMail_NoteDirSettings=Email your Search Directory settings. "
"IDS_DataEMail_Generic=Clicking the 'Email' button will transfer this message to your email client software. "
"IDS_DataExportCert_NoCertError=No Certificates were selected for export."
"IDS_DataExportCert_NoCert=No Certificates were selected. Do you want to continue without including your Certificate?"
"IDS_DataExportSign_NoHandler=No Digital IDs could be selected for signing. Do you want to continue without signing?"
"IDS_DataExportSign_UserCancel=Signing was cancelled. "
"IDS_DataExportSign_Continue=Do you want to continue without signing?"
"IDS_FDFOpenDialogImport_Contact=The file you have opened contains Contact information for one person."
"IDS_FDFOpenDialogImport_Contacts=The file you have opened contains Contact information for %dNUM% people. "
"IDS_FDFOpenDialogImport_ContactName=This file contains Contact information for %sNAME%. By clicking on 'Set Contact Trust' you can set options on how to include this Contact in your list of 'Trusted Identities'. "
"IDS_FDFOpenDialogImport_OnceTrusted=Contact information includes Certificates that, once trusted, can be used to verify signatures from and encrypt documents for the associated Contact. "
"IDS_FDFOpenDialogImport_ContactsTrust=Before adding these Contacts, you should verify that they are authentic. If they come from a trusted source you might choose to accept the level of trust the sender has specified. Otherwise you will be prompted to individually verify each Contact as you add it into your list of Trusted Identities."
"IDS_FDFOpenDialogImport_DirSettingsTrust=You may wish to confirm the trustworthiness of this file's sender (check the validity of the digital signature, if one was included). "
"IDS_FDFOpenDialogTrust_Contacts=Accept the level of &Trust specified by the signer for all Contacts in this file"
"IDS_FDFOpenDialogExportNote=A request that you send your identity and Certificate information to the following address:"
"IDS_FDFOpenDialogExportDirNote=A request that you send your Search Directory configuration information to the following address:"
"IDS_FDFOpenDialogExportEMailNote=mailto: "
"IDS_FDFOpenDialogExportWarning=You will be prompted before sending any information. "
"IDS_FDFOpenNotDoneWarning=Are you sure you want to cancel?"
"IDS_FDFOpenImportToBeDoneWarning=You have not imported the provided information."
"IDS_FDFOpenExportToBeDoneWarning=You have not provided the requested information."
"IDS_FDFOpenImportButtonContacts=&Add Contacts to List of Trusted Identities..."
"IDS_FDFOpenImportContactHandlerOperation=Select a destination to which to import Identities:"
"IDS_FDFOpenImportDirHandlerOperation=Select a directory to which to import configuration information:"
"IDS_FDFOpenExportMyContactHandlerOperation=Select a source from which to export your Idenitity information and Certificates:"
"IDS_FDFOpenExportDirHandlerOperation=Select a source for my Search Directory configuration information:"
"IDS_ExportData_HdlrReasonSign=Select a method to use to sign:"
"IDS_ExportData_HdlrReasonValidate=Select a method to use to validate:"
"IDS_ExportData_HdlrReasonExportAndSign=Select a method/source to use to sign and from which to export your Idenitity information and Certificates:"
"IDS_FDFOpenImportDirSettingsDone=The following entries have been added to your Identity Search Directory settings:\r\n"
"IDS_FDFOpenExportEMail=The sender has requested that you send your %sDATATYPE% to the following email address: %sADDRESS%"
"IDS_FDFOpenExportURL=The sender has requested that you send your %sDATATYPE% to the following URL address:\r\n%sADDRESS%\r\nClicking the Upload button will open your web browser and after a few moments the connection should be made. "
"IDS_HTTPSWarning=You are connecting to an unsecure server. Click 'OK' to proceed with this connection. "
"IDS_SignDialogAVDocNote=To complete the signing process you must apply the Digital Signature to the document by saving the document. In case you need to later make changes to the orginal, it is recommended that you create a new signed copy of the document using 'Sign and Save As'."
"IDS_SignDialogBrowserNote=To complete the signing process click 'Sign' to sign to apply the Digital Signature to the document. After signing you can create a local copy of the signed document using the 'Save a Copy of the File' toolbar button."
"IDS_SignDialogExternalNote=Click 'Sign' to sign this document."
"IDS_SignDialogFDFDataNote=Click 'Sign' to sign this Acrobat FDF Data Exchange File."
"IDS_SignDialogCosDocNote=Click 'Sign' to sign this FDF Data File."
"IDS_CERT_IssuedToCNAlt=%sAltCN (%sCN)"
"IDS_CERT_IssuedToAltOrg=%sCN, %sOrg"
"IDS_CERT_IssuedToCNAltOrg=%sAltCN (%sCN), %sOrg"
"IDS_CERT_ValidFromTo=%s0 to %s1"
"IDS_CERT_SubjectCN=Subject Common Name (CN): "
"IDS_CERT_SubjectDN=Subject Distinguished Name (DN): "
"IDS_CERT_IssuerCN=Issuer Common Name (CN): "
"IDS_CERT_IssuerDN=Issuer Distinguished Name (DN): "
"IDS_CERT_NotValidBefore=Not Valid Before: "
"IDS_CERT_NotValidAfter=Not Valid After: "
"IDS_CERT_Email=Email Address: "
"IDS_CERT_SerialNumber=Serial Number: "
"IDS_CERT_SubjectAltDN=Alternate Subject DN: "
"IDS_CERT_KeyUsage=Key Usage: "
"IDS_CERT_KeyAlg=Key Algorithm: "
"IDS_CERT_ExtendedKeyUsage=Extended Key Usage: "
"IDS_CERT_FingerprintMD5=MD5 Fingerprint: "
"IDS_CERT_FingerprintSHA1=SHA-1 Fingerprint: "
"IDS_CERT_CPS=Policy Statement: "
"IDS_CertCreator_IllegalChar=The \"%FIELD%\" attribute contains an illegal character.\r\nOnly the following characters are permitted: "
"IDS_CertCreator_IllegalASCIIChar=The \"%FIELD%\" attribute is limited to ASCII characters.\r\nOnly the following characters are permitted: space "
"IDS_CertCreator_NonASCIIWarning2=Acrobat versions prior to Acrobat 6.0 and non-Acrobat applications may not display Certificates with non-ASCII characters correctly. "
"IDS_CertCreator_NonASCIIWarning3=To ensure compatibility with these applications, you must enter ASCII equivalents of some attributes. "
"IDS_CertCreator_NonASCIIWarning4=\r\n\r\nWould you like to use non-ASCII characters for some attributes?"
"IDS_CertCreator_NonASCIIWarningTitle=Create Digital ID - Compatibility Warning"
"IDS_CertCreator_UseForBoth=Digital Signatures and Data Encryption"
"IDS_CertCreator_AddAsRoot=If this option is chosen, the Digital ID will be available for use by non-Acrobat applications."
"IDS_CertCreator_Note=The following options are used to generate a Digital ID and an accompanying Certificate. "
"IDS_CertCreator_Access_Windows=Access to this Digital ID will be protected by your Windows login"
"IDS_CertCreator_Access_Password=Access to this Digital ID will be protected by your password"
"IDS_EditContact_BadEmail=The email address entered is invalid.\r\nOnly the following characters are permitted: "
"IDS_SIGVAL_APPLIESTO=Document revision %dNUM% of %dTOTAL%"
"IDS_SIG_REASON0=I am the author of this document"
"IDS_SIG_REASON1=I have reviewed this document"
"IDS_SIG_REASON2=I am approving this document"
"IDS_SIG_REASON3=I attest to the accuracy and integrity of this document"
"IDS_SIG_REASON4=I agree to the terms defined by the placement of my signature on this document"
"IDS_SIG_REASON5=I agree to 'specified' portions of this document"
"IDS_ExportSigReason_DirSettings=I have exported these Search Directory Settings"
"IDS_ExportSigReason_Contacts=These entries are from my list of Trusted Identities and Certificates"
"IDS_ExportSigReason_Generic=I have exported and signed this data"
"IDS_APIconDefaultAPTitle=Standard Text"
"IDS_DefaultAPNotSetUp= You are going to sign using a default signature appearance that has not been configured yet. Click ok to continue or cancel to go back to the previous dialog. You can configure the appearance from the previous dialog by clicking on the edit signature appearance button."
"IDS_APICON_CATEGORY_HEADER=Picture Signatures for "
"IDS_SIG_AP_AUTHNAME=Certified by "
"IDS_SIG_AP_NAME=Digitally signed by "
"IDS_APDefaultAP2DisplayTitle=Rubber Stamp"
"IDS_ConflictWithSV=Selected Appearance has some conflicting flags with seed value. These flags' setting will be overridden by the seed value."
"IDS_SignDialog_Name=Signing as %sNAME%."
"IDS_SignDialog_FDFTitle=Sign Data Exchange File"
"IDS_SignDialog_AuthSigTitle=Save as Certified Document - Sign"
"IDS_CAEnrollmentErr=Unable to launch the default internet browser. Please browse to the following URL to enroll:"
"IDS_SigValModPropUnknown=This signature has not yet been verified. "
"IDS_SigValModPropUnknownTrouble=This signature could not be verified because there were errors encountered during the verification process. "
"IDS_SigValModPropUnknownBytesNotReady=This signature could not yet be verified because the document has not completely been downloaded to your machine. "
"IDS_SigValModPropInvalidTrouble=This signature is invalid because there are errors in the formatting or information contained in this signature%sR%. "
"IDS_SigValModPropDocTamper=The document has been altered or corrupted since it was signed. "
"IDS_SigValModPropObjTamper=There have been changes made to this document that invalidate the signature. "
"IDS_SigValModPropJustSigned=The document is signed by the current user. "
"IDS_SigValModPropAuthJustSigned=The document is certified and signed by the current user. "
"IDS_SigValModPropSigNoChanges=The document has not been modified since this signature was applied. "
"IDS_SigValModPropAuthSigNoChanges=The document has not been modified since it was certified. "
"IDS_SigValModPropSigOkMod=The changes that have been made to this document since it was certified are permitted by the certifying party and do not invalidate the signature. "
"IDS_SigValModPropSigOkModAuthUnknown=The changes that have been made to this document since it was certified are permitted by the certifying party, however the certifying party's signature is invalid or could not be verified and therefore the validity of this signature is unknown. "
"IDS_SigValModPropSigRevChanges=The revision of the document that was covered by this signature has not been altered, however there have been subsequent changes to the document. "
"IDS_SigValModPClkSigRevChanges=Click 'View Signed Version' to view what was covered by this signature. "
"IDS_SigValModVClkSigRevChanges=Click 'Signature Properties' then 'View Signed Version' to view what was covered by this signature. "
"IDS_SigValModDSAVUnknown=Signature not yet verified"
"IDS_SigValModDSAVUnknownTrouble=An error occured while attempting to verify this signature"
"IDS_SigValModDSAVUnknownBytesNotReady=Download incomplete, signature not yet verified"
"IDS_SigValModDSAVInvalidTrouble=There are errors in the formatting or information contained in this signature%sR%"
"IDS_SigValModDSAVDocTamper=Document has been altered or corrupted since it was signed"
"IDS_SigValModDSAVObjTamper=There have been changes made to this document that invalidate the signature"
"IDS_SigValModDSAVJustSigned=Document is signed by the current user"
"IDS_SigValModDSAVAuthJustSigned=Document is certified and signed by the current user"
"IDS_SigValModDSAVSigNoChanges=Document has not been modified since this signature was applied"
"IDS_SigValModDSAVAuthSigNoChanges=Document has not been modified since it was certified"
"IDS_SigValModDSAVSigOkMod=Changes have been made to this document that are permitted by the certifying party"
"IDS_SigValModDSAV1SigOkModAuthUnknown=Unverifiable changes have been made to this document"
"IDS_SigValModDSAV2SigOkModAuthUnknown=The certifying signature status is invalid or unknown"
"IDS_SigValModDSAV1SigRevChanges=This revision of the document has not been altered"
"IDS_SigValModDSAV2SigRevChanges=There have been subsequent changes to the document"
"IDS_SigValIdDSAVUnknown=Signer's identity has not yet been verified"
"IDS_SigValIdDSAVTrouble=Signer's identity could not be verified because of errors during validation"
"IDS_SigValIdDSAVCertInvalid=Signer's Certificate is invalid"
"IDS_SigValIdDSAVNotTimeValid=Signer's identity is invalid because it has expired or is not yet valid"
"IDS_SigValIdDSAVRevoked=Signer's identity is invalid because it has been revoked"
"IDS_SigValIdDSAVUntrustedRoot=Signer's identity is unknown because it has not been included in your list of Trusted Identities and none of its parent Certificates are Trusted Identities"
"IDS_SigValIdDSAVBrokenChain=Signer's identity is unknown because the Certificate Chain could not be built"
"IDS_SigValIdDSAVPathLenConstraint=Signer's identity is invalid because the Certificate Chain has exceeded the specified length restriction. "
"IDS_SigValIdDSAVCritExtension=Signer's identity is unknown because it has unrecognized critical extensions"
"IDS_SigValIdDSAVIsSelf=Signed by the current user"
"IDS_SigValIdDSAVAssumedValid=Signature is valid, but revocation of signers identity could not be checked"
"IDS_SigValIdDSAVValid=Signer's identity is valid"
"IDS_SigValIdPropUnknown=The signer's identity has not yet been verified. "
"IDS_SigValIdPropTrouble=The signer's identity could not be verified because errors were encountered during the verification process. "
"IDS_SigValIdPropCertInvalid=The signer's Certificate is invalid. "
"IDS_SigValIdPropNotTimeValid=The signer's Certificate has expired or is not yet valid. "
"IDS_SigValIdPropRevoked=The signer's identity is invalid because the signer's Certificate has been revoked. "
"IDS_SigValIdPropUntrustedRoot=The signers identity is unknown because it has not been included in your list of Trusted Identities and none of its parent Certificates are Trusted Identities. "
"IDS_SigValIdPropBrokenChain=The signer's identity is unknown because the Certificate Chain could not be built. "
"IDS_SigValIdPropPathLenConstraint=The signer's identity is invalid because the Certificate Chain has exceeded the specified length restriction. "
"IDS_SigValIdPropCritExtension=The signer's identity is unknown because it has unrecognized critical extensions. "
"IDS_SigValIdPropIsSelf=The document is signed by the current user. "
"IDS_SigValIdPropAssumedValid=The signer's identity was valid when it was issued, but no revocation checks could be made to validate the identity at this time. "
"IDS_SigValIdPropValid=The signer's identity is valid. "
"IDS_SigValIdDSTTUnknown=signer's identity not yet verified"
"IDS_SigValIdDSTTTrouble=error while verifying signer's identity"
"IDS_SigValIdDSTTCertInvalid=signer's Certificate is invalid"
"IDS_SigValIdDSTTNotTimeValid=signer's Certificate has expired or is not yet valid"
"IDS_SigValIdDSTTRevoked=signer's Certificate has been revoked"
"IDS_SigValIdDSTTUntrustedRoot=signer's identity has not been trusted"
"IDS_SigValIdDSTTBrokenChain=signer's identity unknown, could not build Certificate Chain"
"IDS_SigValIdDSTTPathLenConstraint=signer's identity invalid, Certificate Chain longer than allowed"
"IDS_SigValIdDSTTIsSelf=signed by the current user"
"IDS_SigValIdDSTTAssumedValid=signer'd identity was valid, but could not check if revoked"
"IDS_SigValIdDSAVDefaultUnknown=Signer's identity is unknown"
"IDS_SigValIdDSAVDefaultInvalid=Signer's Certificate is invalid"
"IDS_SigValIdDSAVDefaultValid=Signer's identity may be valid, but not all checks could be made to verify that it is still valid"
"IDS_SigValIdDSAVDefaultDoubleValid=Signer's identity is valid"
"IDS_SigValIdDSTTDefaultUnknown=signer's identity is unknown"
"IDS_SigValIdDSTTDefaultInvalid=signer's Certificate is invalid"
"IDS_SigValIdDSTTDefaultValid=signer's identity may be valid"
"IDS_SigValIdDSTTDefaultDoubleValid=signer's identity is valid"
"IDS_SigValIdDSAVUntrustedSig=The signer's Certificate has not been trusted for the purpose of creating signatures"
"IDS_SigValIdDSAVUntrustedAuthSig=The signer's Certificate has not been trusted for the purpose of creating certified documents"
"IDS_SigValIdPropUntrustedSig=The signer's identity is valid, but you have not trusted the signer's Certificate for the purpose of creating signatures. "
"IDS_SigValIDPropUntrustedSigClick=Click 'Trust Identity' to review or change your trust settings."
"IDS_SigValIdPropUntrustedAuthSig=The signer's identity is valid, but you have not trusted the signer's Certificate for the purpose of creating certified documents. "
"IDS_SigValIdDSTTUntrusted=Certificate valid but not trusted"
"IDS_SigValIconPropTitleBlank=Signature is unsigned. "
"IDS_ErrUserInterfaceRequired=This operation requires input from the user. "
"IDS_CertDoesNotMeetConstraints=Certificate does not meet the specified constraints"
"IDS_CertNotValidYet=Certificate validity period has not yet started"
"IDS_CertExpired=Certificate is expired"
"IDS_CertUsesUnsupportedAlgorithm=Certificate uses an unsupported algorithm"
"IDS_CertIsCA=Certificate belongs to a Certificate Authority"
"IDS_NotAnEncryptionCert=Certificate cannot be used for encryption"
"IDS_NotAnSigningCert=Certificate cannot be used for signing"
"IDS_CertDoesNotMeetSeedValue=Certificate does not meet the specified Seed Value constraints"
"IDS_PDCryptHandlerName=Certificate Security"
"IDS_SecuredDocumentDenied=You do not have access rights to this encrypted document. "
"IDS_CannotChangeSecurity=You are not authorized to change the security settings of this document. "
"IDS_BatchDocumentAccess=Default Certificate Security is your default batch security handler. Please log in to your profile now if this batch sequence will need to open any files secured with Default Certificate Security."
"IDS_DOC_SECURITY_ENCRYPT_NOTE=You will not be able to save changes to this document because this application is restricted by U.S. export regulations to encryption using key lengths of %dNUM%-bits or less. "
"IDS_USER_PERMS_CHANGE_FORM_FILL=Only form field fill-in or signing"
"IDS_USER_PERMS_CHANGE_ANNOT_FILL=Comment authoring, form field fill-in or signing"
"IDS_USER_PERMS_CHANGE_ALL=General editing, commenting and form field authoring"
"IDS_ChooseDecryptionHandler=Select a method to use for decryption of this document or data"
"IDS_ChooseEncryptionHandler=Please select a method to use to access your Digital ID. If you do not select a Digital ID in this step, you may not be able to open the document once it has been saved."
"IDS_DocChooseRecipientsCaption=Restrict Opening and Editing to Certain Identities"
"IDS_DocChooseRecipientsNote=Select the recipients for whom you would like to encrypt this document. You may select recipients by selecting their Certificates in your Trusted Identities list, or you may select them from an Identity Search Directory. You may also manually browse for people's Certificates which may be on your computer."
"IDS_EncryptionCertCoudntFind=Could not find a usable encryption Certificate"
"IDS_EncryptionCertCoudntFindError=Unexpected error while looking for an encryption Certificate"
"IDS_RecipientRejectedUnexpectedError=Unexpected error while adding a recipient"
"IDS_RejectedRecipientsDlgNote=The following recipients could not be added to the recipient list:"
"IDS_CannotEditRLCaption=Recipient List Cannot be Edited"
"IDS_CannotEditRLNote=The existing recipient list for this encrypted document cannot be edited. Would you like to replace it with a new one?"
"IDS_PermsWarning=All Adobe products enforce the restrictions that are set for recipients. However, not all third party products fully support and respect these settings. Recipients using such third party products may be able to bypass some of the restrictions you have set."
"IDS_SecurityMustSaveWarning=Security settings will not be applied to the document until it has been saved and closed."
"IDS_NoOwnCredentialWarning=You are in the process of encrypting this document for a set of people using their Certificates. You have specified that none of your Digital IDs will be able to open the encrypted document you are about to create."
"IDS_BrazilEncryptionWarning=These document security settings were produced by Acrobat 5. If you modify these settings, they may no longer be compatible with Acrobat 5. Do you want to proceed?"
"IDS_ErrPasswordInAdequate6=Inadequate password. Password must be at least six characters long. "
"IDS_ErrPasswordNoMatch=Passwords do not match. "
"IDS_ErrFileOpen=File open error. "
"IDS_ErrFileHeader=File header error. File is not the correct file type. "
"IDS_ErrDataOpenIncorrectData=The file does not contain data in the expected format. "
"IDS_ErrDataCorrupt=Data or file contents are corrupt or not properly formatted. "
"IDS_ErrFileSave=Error when trying to save a file. "
"IDS_ErrFileOpenIncorrectPassword=File open error. Incorrect password supplied. "
"IDS_ErrCosDocCreate=Unexpected internal error when trying to create a CosDoc. "
"IDS_ErrFileDoesNotExist=File or folder does not exist error. "
"IDS_ErrTempFileOpen=Could not create temporary file. "
"IDS_ErrFDFDirOpen=This file contains machine generated directory configuration information and cannot be viewed."
"IDS_ErrKeyFileData=Error in keyfile data. "
"IDS_ErrRegisterSSHandler=Error when registering/unregistering Default Certificate Security handler. "
"IDS_ErrNoUser=You are not logged in. Please log in and try again."
"IDS_ErrCertDecode=Certificate parsing error. "
"IDS_ErrSigParsing=Signature processing error. "
"IDS_ErrSigInvalidData=Signature contains incorrect, unrecognized, corrupted or suspicious data. "
"IDS_ErrSignFormatNotSupported=The format of this signature is not supported by this signature handler. You may require a newer version of the signature handler."
"IDS_ErrSignVersionOldVersion=The signature version is not supported. The document was signed with a pre-release or revoked version of software.\r\n\r\nYou should NOT trust this signature. "
"IDS_ErrSignVersionVersionConfirm=\r\n\r\nClick 'Ok' if you wish to continue validating this signature?"
"IDS_ErrSignVersionNewVersion=The signature version is not supported. A newer version of the software is required to process this signature. Do you want to proceed with the update?"
"IDS_ErrSignVerifyMissingPlugin=A software module that is required for this operation is not available. Please reinstall the software and try again."
"IDS_ErrKeyFileOldVersion=File open error. The version number of this file is old and is not supported. "
"IDS_ErrKeyFileNewVersion=File open error. The version number of this file is newer than is supported by this product. "
"IDS_ErrNoSendMail=Error. Operation could not be completed because SendMail plug-in is not installed. "
"IDS_ErrNoWebLink=Error. Operation could not be completed because WebLink plug-in is not installed. "
"IDS_ErrFDFVersionOld=Error. The version of this FDF Data Exchange File is no longer supported. "
"IDS_ErrFDFVersionNew=Error. The version of this FDF Data Exchange File requires a later version of this application. "
"IDS_ErrFDFDataError=There was an error in the contents of the FDF Data Exchange File data. "
"IDS_ErrFDFEmpty=The FDF Data Exchange File did not contain the data that was expected. Operation cancelled. "
"IDS_ErrFDFChecksum=The checksum on this file was incorrect. File not saved. "
"IDS_ErrSendMail=Error emailing export data. "
"IDS_ErrEScriptLogin=Currently logged in. Must log out first. "
"IDS_ErrNoValidationSig=You cannot validate a signature of size 0."
"IDS_ErrCreatingSelfSign=An error occurred creating your Digital ID."
"IDS_ErrBadPFXPassword=The password entered did not decrypt this PKCS#12 data."
"IDS_ErrImportNotAvailable=The import function is not available because Internet Explorer 5.01 or higher is not installed. Please upgrade Internet Explorer to allow importing from Acrobat."
"IDS_ErrImportFailed=Unable to import the chosen Digital ID."
"IDS_ErrAuthenticationFailed=Unable to authenticate the chosen Digital ID."
"IDS_ADSI_ERR_CLIENT_EXTENSIONS=This system needs ADSI client extensions. Please install the software from the following web site: www.microsoft.com/windows2000/downloads/tools/adclient."
"IDS_ADSI_ERR_NEEDS_UI=This feature requires a dialog to be presented but does not have permission to do so."
"IDS_ADSI_ERR_SEARCH_FAILED=The search operation failed. Please check the configuration information for the directory being used."
"IDS_DIR_ERR_CONNECTION_LOW_MEMORY=Open connection failed because of insufficient memory. Please free up some memory and try again"
"IDS_ADSI_ERR_CONNECTION_FAILED=Connection could not be established. Please check your directory configuration settings."
"IDS_DIR_ERR_READ_ONLY_FIELDS=The directory settings could not be modified as a read-only field differed from the original setting."
"IDS_DIALOG_DIRNOTE=Identity Search Directories can provide access to Contact information and Certificates when managing your list of Trusted Identities and encrypting a document using Certificates."
"IDS_DIRECTORY_CONNECT_ERROR=The directory '%s' cannot be used at this time as a connection to that directory could not be established."
"IDS_FONT_ACRO_CE_1=MyriadPro Regular"
"IDS_FONT_ACRO_CE_2=MyriadPro Bold"
"IDS_FONT_ACRO_CE_3=MyriadPro Bold Italic"
"IDS_FONT_ACRO_CE_4=MyriadPro Italic"
"IDS_FONT_ACRO_CE_5=MinionPro Regular"
"IDS_FONT_ACRO_CE_6=MinionPro Bold"
"IDS_FONT_ACRO_CE_7=MinionPro Bold Italic"
"IDS_FONT_ACRO_CE_8=MinionPro Italic"
"IDS_FONT_ME_01=WinSoft Pro Medium"
"IDS_FONT_ME_02=WinSoft Pro Bold"
"IDS_FONT_ME_03=WinSoft Pro Bold Italic"
"IDS_FONT_ME_04=WinSoft Pro Medium Italic"
"IDS_FONT_ME_05=WinSoft Serif Pro Medium"
"IDS_FONT_ME_06=WinSoft Serif Pro Bold"
"IDS_FONT_ME_07=WinSoft Serif Pro Bold Italic"
"IDS_FONT_ME_08=WinSoft Serif Pro Medium Italic"
"IDS_SCRIPT_ROMAN=Western European"
"IDS_SCRIPT_CE=Central European"
"IDS_SCRIPT_EXTENDED_LATIN=Extended Central European"