"IDS_QueryReplace_MovieFileNotFound=%s cannot be found. Would you like to choose a replacement file?"
"IDS_QueryReplace_MovieFileIsWrongType=%s is not a supported file type. Would you like to choose a replacement file?"
"IDS_InvalidFileChosen_MovieFileIsWrongType=The type of file you have selected is not supported. Please select another file."
"IDS_InvalidFileInput_MovieFileIsWrongType=The type of file you have input is not supported. Please input a valid file."
"IDS_InvalidFileChosen_Generic=The file you have chosen is not valid. Please select another file."
"IDS_NoPlayer_Movie=Cannot find player software for the movie."
"IDS_PlayerFailed_Movie=Player software failed to play movie."
"IDS_MovieOnDifferentPage=Cannot play movie. The movie is not present on the current page."
"IDS_MOVIE_FLOAT_WND_TITLE=Adobe Acrobat - Movie"
"IDS_MOVIE_CANNOT_PLAY_FULL_FIDELITY=The movie may not play as the author intended using the player software on your machine. Do you wish to play the movie anyway?"
"IDS_PLAYBACK_FILEOPENERROR=Cannot play media because %s cannot be opened. The file may not be present."
"IDS_PLAYBACK_ERRDLG_SUPPRESS=Suppress further multimedia errors for this document."
"IDS_DONOT_SHOW_AGAIN_DOC=Do not show again for this document."
"IDS_PLAYBACK_DISALLOWED_GENERIC=Cannot play media at this time."
"IDS_PLAYBACK_DISALLOWED_WHILE_AUTHORING=Cannot play media while in authoring mode."
"IDS_PLAYBACK_DISALLOWED_CONFIGURATION=Cannot play media clip because media playback is disabled in user preferences."
"IDS_SELECT_FAILED_SECURITY=Cannot play media clip because it would violate your security settings."
"IDS_SELECT_FAILED_CRITERIA=Cannot play media clip because it is not compatible with your machine configuration."
"IDS_SELECT_FAILED_MH=The media clip cannot be played in the manner that the author intended. You may need to upgrade your player software or install new player software."
"IDS_SELECT_FAILED_PLAYERS_GENERIC=Cannot play media clip because there is no player available that can play the media while satisfying the author's intentions as well as your security settings."
"IDS_PLAY_FROM_START=Play from beginning"
"IDS_UNDO_SHOW_CNTLS_CHANGE=&Undo Movie Show Controls"
"IDS_REDO_SHOW_CNTLS_CHANGE=&Redo Movie Show Controls"
"IDS_UNDO_FLOAT_WND_CHANGE=&Undo Movie Floating Window"
"IDS_REDO_FLOAT_WND_CHANGE=&Redo Movie Floating Window"
"IDS_RENDITION_ACTION_INSTRUCTION=Control the playing of Acrobat 6 compatible media."
"IDS_RENDITION_ACTION_STRING1=Use this button to choose the Acrobat 6 compatible media to control."
"IDS_RENDITION_ACTION_INVALID_ERROR=Cannot perform action. Either the file is invalid, or it requires a newer version of Acrobat."
"IDS_ERROR_OPENING_FILE=Cannot open this sound file."
"IDS_ERROR_READING_FILE=There was an error attempting to read the file, it may be in use, missing, or corrupt."
"IDS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_AN_AIFF_NOR_WAV=This file is not a WAV nor an AIFF. Only these formats are importable."
"IDS_ERROR_COMPRESSED_FILE=Only uncompressed WAVs and AIFFs are importable."
"IDS_ERROR_FILE_MISSING_PARTS=The file is corrupt; it is missing sections."
"IDS_ADMPLAYERFINDERPDF=The PDF file contains media that requires an additional player. Please click 'Get Media Player' to download the correct media player. To play the media, you will need to close and restart the application once the player installation is complete."
"IDS_ADMPLAYERFINDERMEDIA=The media requires an additional player. Please click 'Get Media Player' to download the correct media player. To play the media, you will need to close and restart the application once the player installation is complete."
"IDS_ADMPLAYERFINDERMESSAGE=The author stated that the Web page '%s' would contain the players that could handle the format. Would you like to open that page?"
"IDS_ADMPRIVACYINFOMESSAGE=To provide you with the best link to the media player you need, we need to know your operating system, browser version, language version, Acrobat version and type, preferred media player and content type."
"IDS_ADMPRIVACYINFODESC=By clicking the 'Get Media Player' button in the previous dialog, we will obtain this information and provide you the appropriate media player."
"IDS_MEDIACLIPTYPEUNKNOWN=<Unrecognized media clip type>"
"IDS_EMBEDDEDCONTENT=<Embedded Content>"
"IDS_FILENOTFOUND=<File not found>"
"IDS_PLAYER_OS=Operating System"
"IDS_DURATION_INFINITE=Forever once activated"
"IDS_DURATION_INTRINSIC=For normal length of content"
"IDS_DURATION_TIME=For a specific number of seconds"
"IDS_SPECIFYPLAYER_NOOS_ERROR=You have not selected any operating system for this player. Please select at least one."
"IDS_SPECIFYPLAYER_INVALIDVERSION_ERROR=The version string can be empty or a series of digits separated by '.'. Please type in a valid version string."
"IDS_RENDITIONNAMEEMPTY_ERROR=You have selected the option to add the rendition to the name tree. This requires a rendition name. Please enter a name."
"IDS_RENDITIONEXISTS_ERROR=A rendition with the name '%s' already exists in the rendition tree. Would you like to overwrite it with this rendition?"
"IDS_MEDIACLIPNAMEEMPTY_ERROR=You have selected the option to add the media clip to the name tree. This requires a media clip name. Please enter a name."
"IDS_MEDIACLIPEXISTS_ERROR=A media clip with the name '%s' already exists in the media clip tree. Would you like to overwrite it with this media clip?"
"IDS_RENDITIONLOCATION_HIDDEN=Hidden (recommended for sounds)"
"IDS_EDIT_RENDITION_ACTION=Play Media (Acrobat 6 Compatible)"
"IDS_RENDITION_ACTION_N=Rendition Action %u"
"IDS_JAVASCRIPT_INSTRUCTIONS=To specify custom JavaScript for this rendition action, click the JavaScript button."
"IDS_RENDITION_INSTRUCTIONS=Using the list above, please select the rendition from this document that you wish to copy."
"IDS_APPEARANCE_MPP_NAME=Adobe Appearance Player"
"IDS_ALTTEXT_MPP_NAME=Adobe Alternate Text Player"
"IDS_STATUS_CONTACTING=Contacting host: %s"
"IDS_SEARCHING_FOR_SCREEN_ANNOTS=Searching for screen annotations..."
"IDS_CLEANING_UP_AND_PREPARING_UI=Cleaning up and preparing dialog..."
"IDS_ERROR_NO_SCREEN_ANNOTS=There is no Acrobat 6 compatible media in this document, therefore an action cannot be created."
"IDS_PAGE_N=Page %u"
"IDS_UNTITLED_SCREEN_ANNOT=<untitled multimedia>"
"IDS_NO_RENDITIONS= (no renditions)"
"IDS_SPECIFY_JS_INFO_TEXT=The above control can be used to specify a rendition to associate with the JavaScript."
"IDS_ERROR_NO_RENDITIONS=There are no renditions to copy in this document. Please create on from a file or URL."
"IDS_ERROR_COULDNOTACCESSMOVIE=Cannot create the movie annotation because the movie could not be loaded. This can occur if the file cannot be found or the URL is unreachable (make sure proxy server settings are correct)."
"IDS_ERROR_COULD_NOT_GET_ASPECT_CANCEL=Cannot get the dimensions for the content because initialization was canceled. A floating window requires dimensions."
"IDS_ERROR_COULD_NOT_GET_ASPECT_BADFILE=Cannot get the dimensions for the content because the referenced file is missing or of an unsupported type."
"IDS_ERROR_COULD_NOT_GET_POSTER=Cannot get the poster from the media because the referenced file is missing or of an unsupported type."
"IDS_ERROR_COULD_NOT_GET_AUTHOR=Cannot add the content because the file type is not supported."
"IDS_ERROR_COULD_NOT_UPDATE_SIZE=Cannot update the aspect ratio and size because the referenced file is missing or of an unsupported type."
"IDS_COLOR=Border Color"
"IDS_THICKNESS=Border Width"
"IDS_STYLE=Border Style"
"IDS_ERROR_COULD_NOT_CONVERT_FILE_FOR_POSTER=Cannot convert file for poster, using no poster instead."
"IDS_ERROR_CONVERSION_OF_POSTER_FILE_CANCELED=Creation of poster from file was canceled, using no poster instead."
"IDS_ERROR_DURING_BROWSE_FOR_FILE=There was an error attempting to browse for a file. Please try again."
"IDS_NO_FILE_SELECTED=<no file selected>"
"IDS_ERROR_NO_POSTER_PATH_SUPPLIED=No file was selected from which to create a poster, please choose one."
"IDS_ERROR_EXCEPTION_DURING_PROCESSING=An error was encountered while updating the user interface. Please close the dialog and start over."
"IDS_ERROR_NO_VIABLE_PLAYER_FOR_SOUND_AVAILABLE=Cannot find an appropriate player for the sound."
"IDS_SELECT_VALID_CONTENT_TYPE=Click here to select a content type."
"IDS_JS_PLAYBACK_ERROR=Acrobat has encountered an error while playing this media clip:\n\n"
"IDS_UNTITLED_MOVIE_ANNOT=<untitled media %u>"
"IDS_INETSPEED_ALL=All download speeds"
"IDS_INETSPEED_OTHER=Custom download speed"
"IDS_SCREENRES_ALL=All screen resolutions"
"IDS_SCREENRES_800600=800 by 600 pixels"
"IDS_SCREENRES_1024768=1024 by 768 pixels"
"IDS_SCREENRES_1152864=1152 by 864 pixels"
"IDS_SCREENRES_12801024=1280 by 1024 pixels"
"IDS_SCREENRES_16001200=1600 by 1200 pixels"
"IDS_SCREENRES_19201200=1920 by 1200 pixels"
"IDS_SCREENRES_OTHER=Custom resolution"
"IDS_SCRCOLOR_ALL=All color settings"
"IDS_SCRCOLOR_256=256 colors"
"IDS_SCRCOLOR_16=16 bit"
"IDS_SCRCOLOR_24=24 bit"
"IDS_SCRCOLOR_32=32 bit"
"IDS_SCRCOLOR_OTHER=Custom color settings"
"IDS_SYS_REQUIREMENTS_INFO=Using the controls below, you can choose the minimum settings and capabilities for systems on which the rendition is allowed to play."
"IDS_ACCEPTABLE_LANGUAGES_LABEL=Choose the set of acceptable languages for Acrobat to be running in for this rendition to be played:"
"IDS_CONVERT_TO_5_COMPATIBILTY=Convert to Acrobat 5 Compatibility"
"IDS_CONVERT_TO_6_COMPATIBILTY=Convert to Acrobat 6 Compatibility"
"IDS_PLAYER_LIST_INFO=A rendition could potentially be played using any of the available media players. Using the controls below, you can prevent specific players from being used to play this rendition."
"IDS_DOES_NOT_LOOK_LIKE_URL=The entered location does not appear to be a URL. Do you wish to use it as a URL anyway?"
"IDS_TAKE_A_LONG_TIME=Some settings may be lost because of the conversion. Do you wish to continue anyway?"
"IDS_ERROR_ADDING_CONTENT=There was an error adding the content to the document. This can happen if the media file is invalid, inaccessible, or of an unsupported type."
"IDS_ERROR_POSTER_NOT_SUPPORTED=Cannot retrieve a poster from the content because the operation is not supported for this type, using no poster instead."
"IDS_ERROR_DIMENSIONS_NOT_SUPP=Cannot retrieve the content proportions because the operation is not supported for this type, using default proportions instead."
"IDS_POSTER_DIMENSIONS_NOT_SUPP=Cannot retrieve the content proportions or a poster because these operations are not supported for this type, using default proportions and no poster instead."
"IDS_ERROR_URL_INVALID=The entered URL appears to be invalid. Please enter a valid URL."
"IDS_RENDITION_FROM=Rendition from %s"
"IDS_ANNOT_FROM=Annotation from %s"
"IDS_MEDIA_CLIP_FROM=Media clip from %s"
"IDS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_SUPPORT_BY_ADDMOVIE=The type of file you have selected is not supported by the add movie tool. Please use the add sound tool instead."
"IDS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_SUPPORT_BY_ADDSOUND=The type of file you have selected is not supported by the add sound tool. Please use the add movie tool instead."
"IDS_USE_CURRENT_BORDER_AS_DEFAULT=Use Current Border as New Default"
"IDS_ERROR_NEW_POSTER_NOT_SUPPORTED=Cannot retrieve a poster from the content because the operation is not supported for this type."
"IDS_ERROR_NO_ALT_TEXT_SPECIFIED=<no alternate text available>"