"IDS_ERROR_TEMP=Unable to access the temporary files directory"
"IDS_ERROR_DICTIONARY=Unable to access the dictionary files directory"
"IDS_ERROR_WRAPPER=Acrobat was unable to make this document accessible because of the following error:\n\n%s\n\nPlease note that some pages of this document may have been changed. Because of this failure, you are advised to not save these changes."
"IDS_WARNING_WRAPPER=Acrobat was able to make this document accessible but found the following oddities:\n\n%s"
"IDS_CANCEL_WRAPPER=Process to convert to tagged PDF canceled by user.\nPlease note that some pages of this document may have been changed."
"IDS_NOACCESS_WRAPPER=Acrobat is unable to make this document accessible for the following reason:\n\n%s"
"IDS_SPELLER_WARNING=Acrobat was unable to find the Spelling plugin which is necessary for certain aspects of the Make Accessible service. You can still use this service, but its functionality will be slightly reduced."
"IDS_SPELLER_WARNING_BATCH=Missing Speller plugin. Executing with reduced functionality."
"IDS_ABOUT_DESCRIPTION=Converts untagged PDF to tagged Adobe PDF. Tagged PDF can be read by a screen reader. "
"IDS_ABOUT_DESCRIPTION2=In addition, tagged Adobe PDF can be reflowed with the new reflow feature in Acrobat 5 "
"IDS_ABOUT_DESCRIPTION3=as well as saved into RTF (Rich Text Format) format. "
"IDS_ABOUT_DESCRIPTION4=For more information on creating accessible PDF refer to http://access.adobe.com "
"IDS_ABOUT_DEPENDENCIES=Plug-ins required for loading: None\r\n"
"IDS_ABOUT_DEPENDENCIES2=Plug-ins required for full functionality: Spelling"
"IDS_MENU_STD=&Make Accessible"
"IDS_MENU_PRO=&Add Tags to Document"
"IDS_MENU_BATCH=Make Accessible"
"IDS_FAIL_PDF_INIT=Failure to initialize PDF toolkit"