"IDS_LANGUAGE=ENU" "IDS_FULL_NAME=Image Viewer" "IDS_ABOUT_COPYRIGHT=Copyright 1998-2003 Adobe Systems Incorporated and its licensors. All rights reserved." "IDS_ABOUT_DESCRIPTION=The Adobe Image Viewer Plugin allows users to view multimedia slideshows." "IDS_ABOUT_DESCRIPTION2=" "IDS_ABOUT_DESCRIPTION3=" "IDS_ABOUT_DESCRIPTION4=" "IDS_ABOUT_DEPENDENCIES=None" "IDS_ABOUT_DEPENDENCIES2=" "IDS_ABOUT_DEPENDENCIES3=" "IDS_ABOUT_LEGAL_STUFF=This product includes MPEG Layer-3 audio compression technology licensed by Fraunhofer IIS and THOMSON multimedia." "IDS_ABOUT_LEGAL_STUFF2= It also contains source code governed by the Mozilla Public License version 1.1. " "IDS_ABOUT_LEGAL_STUFF3=The modified versions of the source files covered by the MPL are available for the public at http://www.adobe.com/svg/viewer/MPL/5.0/main.html as required by the license." "IDS_ABOUT_LEGAL_STUFF4="