Want to rip a stream that's not on Shoutcast? Just type in the URL and Click 'Add'.
Clicking on "Listen to Stream" will bring up your MP3 player (e.g., WinAmp) and play that stream. As it's a separate instance of the stream, stopping it in WinAmp won't effect StationRipper.
Doubling click on a stream in the rip info list will let you listen to it (just like clicking the "Listen to Stream" button).
Want to look for a specific song or stream? Type it the Shoutcast "Search for" field and hit "Go!".
Click a Genre in the "Quick Genre" list on the Shoutcast page to only view stations that play that type of music.
Want StationRipper to do something new? Find a bug? Visit http://stationripper.sourceforge.net to find out how you can contribute!