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- To unlock this DART software, please write down the Code
- Entry and Computer ID numbers above and then select the
- "Register Later" button.
- You can then use these numbers to purchase an unlock code
- which will allow you to use the software to it's full capabilities.
- To purchase an unlock code, you can contact us at:
- 1-800-799-1692 (In the US)
- (952) 844-0217 (outside the US)
- (952) 844-9025 (Fax)
- or visit our website at http://www.dartpro.com and click on
- the "Unlock Code" button to the left of the page. You can also
- e-mail us at: info@dartpro.com
- Once you receive an unlock code, please enter it in the appropiate
- box above and select OK.