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- *******************************************************************
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- * Drivers *
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- * for *
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- * Drivers for OS/2 Warp v3 1295 *
- * *
- * SPEA Software AG Rel.: 1295 *
- *******************************************************************
- This README file contains the following information:
- A) Notes on the Installation
- B) Known Problems / Limitations
- A) Notes on the Installation
- The following steps will describe the installation of the SPEA MEDIA XTC
- under OS/2 Warp v3.
- 1. You must have the OS/2 Multimedia extensions already loaded on your
- system (indicated by the "Multimedia" icon on your desktop). If it is
- installed skip to step 2., otherwise continue to step 1.1.
- 1.1 Run the "Selective Install" located in the "System Setup" item under
- the "OS/2 System" folder.
- 1.2 After the Install program has been initialized, you will receive the
- "System Configuration" window. This window will display information
- about how your system is currently configured. The lower left corner
- of this window has the "Multimedia Device Support" box that should
- read "None,". You leave this screen by clicking on the "OK" button.
- 1.3 You should now have the "OS/2 Setup and Installation" window without
- any of the check boxes selected. The sixth box from the top is the
- "Multimedia Software Support" line with the check box at the beginning.
- You should click on this box, then click the "Install" button to
- continue.
- 1.4 Follow all of the prompts, and after the install is complete, shut
- down your system as normal and reboot OS/2, then continue with step 2.
- 2. Run the "Multimedia Application Install" program from the "Multimedia"
- icon window on the desktop.
- 3. Insert the SPEA MEDIA XTC OS/2 Install disk into the drive,
- then use the drive pull down (the upper left corner) to select the
- drive letter (A: or B:).
- 4. Click on the "SPEA MEDIA XTC" name or the ICON to the left. This
- should highlight the line and place a check mark at the beginning of
- the line. Then click the "Install" button to continue.
- 5. You should receive a warning saying that the program is going to
- change your config.sys file. You should let the program make the
- modifications for you, otherwise your sound card may not work! Click
- the "Yes" button to continue from this point.
- 6. After a brief message indicating that the driver information is being
- copied you will receive a prompt to "Select the total number of SPEA
- MEDIA XTC." This prompt is for systems that may have more than one
- SPEA MEDIA XTC installed. Currently we only support ONE. Selecting 0
- will uninstall any previous SPEA MEDIA XTC installations.
- 7. Set the SPEA MEDIA XTC system values as you would in any other
- system. The default values should be correct but if you know that
- these conflict with another device in your system make the change at
- this point in the install. Use the pull downs to select a different
- value if necessary.
- Do not change the default value (534) for 'Wave Port'.
- When all changes (if any were necessary) are completed, click "OK" to
- continue.
- 8. The installation will now update your system files. You should
- receive two more prompts, the first one saying that the config.sys
- file was backed up and the final one saying that the installation was
- completed. Click the "OK" button to clear these prompts.
- 9. After the installation has completed, shut down OS/2 and reboot it so
- that the changes can take effect. The SPEA MEDIA XTC card should be
- initialized and you should get the startup sound effects when the
- desktop appears.
- B) Known Problems / Limitations
- - With these drivers you can only record and playback Wave Audio (.WAV files
- and others). The WaveTable Technology of the SPEA MEDIA XTC (MIDI, .MID
- files) is not supported.
- - These drivers do not support 'Adapter sharing'. That means, that you don't
- have sound support within OS/2 DOS Boxes and WinOS/2 sessions. The
- installation of the SPEA MEDIA XTC DOS/Windows driver in an OS/2 DOS box
- or WinOS/2 session is not supported.