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- ╔════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
- ║ ║
- ║ SPEA BigFocus ║
- ║ ║
- ║ Display List Driver v13.18 ║
- ║ for AutoCAD 12/13 (DOS) ║
- ║ ║
- ║ SPEA Software AG Release: 1295 ║
- ╚════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
- This README file contains the following information:
- 1) About BigFocus and 3D-World
- 2) Requirements
- 3) What's new?
- 4) Installation notes
- 5) Notes concerning your manual
- 1) About BigFocus and 3D-World
- ==============================
- (a) BigFocus
- BigFocus is SPEA's extended function DLD driver for
- - AutoCAD 12 and 13 (DOS)
- The BigFocus driver for DOS contains 3D functionality and therefore
- offers you a 3D-Viewer trial feature (you can use this feature for about 3
- minutes) with each BigFocus installation. If you are interested in
- purchasing the full version then please refer to your distributor and
- ask him for the 'SPEA 3D-World' product.
- (b) SPEA 3D-World
- This software package also includes the following:
- - a 3D-Viewer for AutoCAD 12/13 DOS
- - a 3D-Viewer for AutoCAD for Windows (3D-Win)
- - a 3D-Viewer for Microstation
- - an Animation Previewer for 3D Studio
- 2) Requirements:
- ================
- This driver supports the following boards:
- V7-MIRAGE P-64 VL/PCI (2 MB),
- V7-MIRAGE P-64 V PCI (2 MB),
- V7-MERCURY P-64 V PCI und
- Monitor Type
- ------------
- This version of BigFocus is exclusively for use with multiscan
- monitors.
- If you own a fixed-frequency monitor from the SPEA GDM 1950 or 1963
- series then you will need a special BigFocus driver: contact your
- retailer and ask for the 'V7 SyncFix' package.
- 3) What's new?
- ===============
- - Online help
- The online help for AutoCAD 12 (DOS) has been revised with
- information concerning the latest changes. The online help for
- AutoCAD 13 (DOS) has also been created and updated.
- - New: Fit button in the Birds-Eye View window (BEV)
- This button shows the exact location in the BEV, even if a very small
- zoom area has been selected with the mouse. A click on the BEV returns
- to the original view. Check the online help for details!
- - DOS:
- Text window display output has been accelerated (up to 50%)
- - Antialiasing
- This function is currently not available.
- - New: #LIST
- This command can be seen as an extension of the AutoCAD _LIST
- command. When called it executes _LIST and subsequently _GRAPHSCR.
- This enables you to automatically return to the drawing after using
- the _LIST command in the text window.
- - V3DSETUP, the configuration dialogue for the 3D-Viewer has been
- fitted with various new options (3DS reading modes and parameters).
- Check the online help for more details.
- - AutoCAD command 'MULTIPLE'
- Not a new feature, but a common cause of problems which is often
- overseen. If you use the AutoCAD MULTIPLE command do NOT move or
- use any of the SPEA icon menus unil you have completed the AutoCAD
- command! Doing so may cause your system to hang (for reasons which
- SPEA has no influence over).
- - SPEACONFIG (Hotkey)
- Doubleclick assignments (mouse) are no longer supported!
- - Dual screen configurations with SPEA V7 boards: as of now, SPEA
- supplies two 'SPEA DoubleScreen' packages:
- (a) SPEA DoubleScreen DOS/Win
- (b) SPEA DoubleScreen DOS
- Package (a) contains two V7-MERCURY P-64 boards and the software
- necessary to run this combination under AutoCAD DOS/Windows, Windows
- and MicroStation.
- Package (b) contains a V7-STORM PRO and a V7-MIRAGE P-64 as well as
- the software necessary to run this combination under AutoCAD DOS and
- MicroStation.
- 4) Installing BigFocus for DOS:
- ===============================
- 1. Put the disk 'BigFocus' in drive A: and enter:
- A:
- According to whether you are using the Rel. 12 or 13 version of
- AutoCAD make your selection and follow the instructions on the screen.
- 2. At the end of the installation a file named RCSETUP.BAT is created in
- your SPEA\GDC directory. This file sets the necessary environment
- variable (SPEAPOP) needed by the BigFocus tools.
- Call RCSETUP.BAT before you reconfigure AutoCAD itself.
- 3. Start AutoCAD again and select the following driver when choosing
- the display driver:
- SPEA S3 3D ADI 4.2 Display/Rendering - by SPEA AG
- NOTE (see also: RCSETUP.BAT):
- If you have installed a dual screen configuration, then you can use the
- following environment variables to determine which board controls the
- AutoCAD main screen:
- SET SWAPBOARDS=ON AutoCAD starts on the primary board
- SET SWAPBOARDS=OFF AutoCAD starts on the secondary board
- If you are using 2 SPEA boards and SWAPBOARDS=OFF is set, then
- you can use an environment variable to force the primary board to
- always work as a text screen, whilst the secondary board always shows
- the AutoCAD desktop. To do this make the following entry in the
- If you have already installed a version of BigFocus and are using
- this installation as an update, then the position of the SPEA icons
- will be different to the last position saved when you restart AutoCAD.
- 5) Notes concerning your manual
- ================================
- Please note that the manual included with this software only describes
- the DOS version of BigFocus 12. Note that the Tutor window is no longer
- available!
- NOTE: Before you configure your digitizer please enter on the command line:
- #logo_off
- and after configuration
- #logo_on
- to avoid conflicts with BigFocus.
- The following software is also available from the Media Gallery CD
- (available from your national distributor):
- - 3D-Win (3D-Viewer for AutoCAD for Windows Rel. 12 & 13)
- - BigFocus 13/WIN for AutoCAD for Windows Rel. 13
- ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
- ║ End of README - Press [Esc] ║
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