Chip 1997 April (Special)
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Text File
491 lines
@name="Inline Driver for 3D Studio"
@qstring @company = "Vibrant Graphics"
@qstring @copyyear = "1993-1996"
@qstring @copycomp = "Vibrant Graphics"
@qstring @realdate = "Sun Jun 30 1996"
@qstring @rootfn = "VIB3DS"
@qstring @resfn = "VIBRANT"
@qstring @docfn = "VIB3DS"
@qstring @rlmfn = "VG940124"
@qstring @lsrootfn = "VGLSPEED"
@qstring @lsresfn = "LSPEED"
@qstring @lsdocfn = "LSDEMO"
@qstring @setfn = "3DS"
@qstring @cddir = "PRODUCTS\\3DSID\\DISK1"
@qstring @rootbak = "DUMMY_FN.BAK"
@qstring @resbak = "DUMMY_FN.BAK"
@qstring @docbak = "DUMMY_FN.BAK"
@qstring @lsrootbak = "DUMMY_FN.BAK"
@qstring @lsresbak = "DUMMY_FN.BAK"
@qstring @lsdocbak = "DUMMY_FN.BAK"
@qstring @rlmbak = "DUMMY_FN.BAK"
@qstring @setbak = "DUMMY_FN.BAK"
@if (@cdinstall)
@windmsg(2,23,"@Name","Version @Version @realdate","Copyright (c) @copyyear by @copycomp")
This product is an update to the drivers provided with Autodesk
3D Studio Release 3 and Release 4.
You may press [ESC] to abort at any time.
@writeat("Release selection",30,,100)
Please select the release of 3D Studio for this installation.
Use the <UP> <DOWN> arrow keys to move and <ENTER> to select.
@option 21 = "3D Studio Release 4"
@option 20 = "3D Studio Release 3"
@drive @studiodrive = @outdrive
@if (20 [= @option)
@dir @studiodir = "\\3ds3"
@dir @studiodir = "\\3ds4"
@getoutdrive @studiodrive
@if (20 [= @option)
@writeat("Please specify the drive where 3D Studio R3 is located.",30,2,100)
@writeat("Please specify the drive where 3D Studio R4 is located.",30,2,100)
@suppress A
@suppress B
@writeat("Use the <UP> <DOWN> arrow keys to move and <ENTER> to select.",31,18,100)
@getsubdir @studiodir
@if (20 [= @option)
@writeat("Please specify the directory where 3D Studio R3 is located.",30,8,100)
@writeat("Please specify the directory where 3D Studio R4 is located.",30,8,100)
@writeat("Type the pathname and press <ENTER>. <ESC> once to clear, twice to abort.",,20,100)
@if (!(@exists "@studiodrive:@studiodir\\3DS.EXE"))
@windmsg(3,79,"--- W A R N I N G ! ---",
"3DS.EXE was not found in the directory:",
@writeat("Use the <UP> <DOWN> arrow keys to move and <ENTER> to select.",,21,100)
@option 10000 = "Quit installation!"
@option 10001 = "Continue"
@if (10000 [= @option)
@abort @endif
/* Only try to install LS Demo for release 4 */
@if (21 [= @option)
/* Only prompt for install if LS Demo not alredy installed */
@if (@exists("@studiodrive:@studiodir\\@lsrootfn.VLM"))
@if (!@filesar("@studiodrive:@studiodir\\3DS.SET", "\"$VIBRANT$LIQUID SPEED\",\"LS Demo\""))
@writeat("Liquid Speed System Benchmark",30,2,100)
To measure the effectiveness of Liquid Speed on your system, we
have included a simple benchmark routine. This allows you to see
the acceleration of Liquid Speed on your system. If present, your
currently installed copy of Liquid Speed will be used.
The benchmark module will be installed in your 3DS.SET file. You
can then execute the benchmark by selecting "LS Demo" from the
Program menu. The benchmark will measure the display time of the
loaded mesh with and without Liquid Speed enabled and display the
results for you.
Use the <UP> <DOWN> arrow keys to move and <ENTER> to select.
@option 31 = "Install the Liquid Speed System Benchmark"
@option 30 = "Do not install the Liquid Speed Benchmark"
@writeat("Attention IPAS developers!",30,,100)
The VLM environment is now available for use in your applications.
The same environment used for the Fast Preview module, the Vibrant
inline drivers, and Liquid Speed will give your applications a
tremendous speed boost. Applications in the VLM environment can
ACCESS 3D Studio DATA 2 to 40 times faster than without VLM.
For information on how you can turbo charge your applications,
contact Vibrant Graphics today!
/* Check for the location of the TIGA system files */
@if (!@strequal("@getenvstr("TIGA")","\\"))
@if (!@strequal("@scanopt("@getenvstr("TIGA")",m)","*NOT*"))
@drive @rlmdrive = @str2drive("@scanopt("@getenvstr("TIGA")",m)")
@dir @rlmdir = "@str2dir("@scanopt("@getenvstr("TIGA")",m)")"
/* Tell the user what we're going to do */
@writeat("This install will do the following:",30,,100)
@if (20 [= @option)
@writeat("Install version @version of @name Release 3.",31,4,100)
@writeat("Install version @version of @name Release 4.",31,4,100)
@writeat("Your current @name files will be overwritten.",30,5,100)
@if ((31 [= @option) && (33 [! @option))
@writeat("Install the Liquid Speed System Benchmark files.",31,7,100)
@writeat("Install the Liquid Speed System Benchmark in your Program menu.",31,9,100)
@elseif (31 [= @option)
@writeat("Install the Liquid Speed System Benchmark in your Program menu.",31,7,100)
@writeat("If these selection(s) are not correct, press [ESC] and rerun the install.",79,16,100)
@if (31 [= @option)
@lsdocbak = @backup("@studiodrive:@studiodir\\@lsdocfn.DOC")
@if (31 [= @option)
@if (@exists "@studiodrive:@studiodir\\3DS.SET")
@copy("@studiodrive:@studiodir\\3DS.SET", "@studiodrive:@studiodir\\3DS.NEW")
@if (@filesar("@studiodrive:@studiodir\\3DS.NEW", ";USER-PROG1 ", "USER-PROG1 = \"$VIBRANT$LIQUID SPEED\",\"LS Demo\"",,,,,))
@elseif (@filesar("@studiodrive:@studiodir\\3DS.NEW", ";USER-PROG2", "USER-PROG2 = \"$VIBRANT$LIQUID SPEED\",\"LS Demo\"",,,,,))
@elseif (@filesar("@studiodrive:@studiodir\\3DS.NEW", ";USER-PROG3", "USER-PROG3 = \"$VIBRANT$LIQUID SPEED\",\"LS Demo\"",,,,,))
@elseif (@filesar("@studiodrive:@studiodir\\3DS.NEW", ";USER-PROG4", "USER-PROG4 = \"$VIBRANT$LIQUID SPEED\",\"LS Demo\"",,,,,))
@elseif (@filesar("@studiodrive:@studiodir\\3DS.NEW", ";USER-PROG5", "USER-PROG5 = \"$VIBRANT$LIQUID SPEED\",\"LS Demo\"",,,,,))
@elseif (@filesar("@studiodrive:@studiodir\\3DS.NEW", ";USER-PROG6", "USER-PROG6 = \"$VIBRANT$LIQUID SPEED\",\"LS Demo\"",,,,,))
@elseif (@filesar("@studiodrive:@studiodir\\3DS.NEW", ";USER-PROG7", "USER-PROG7 = \"$VIBRANT$LIQUID SPEED\",\"LS Demo\"",,,,,))
@elseif (@filesar("@studiodrive:@studiodir\\3DS.NEW", ";USER-PROG8", "USER-PROG8 = \"$VIBRANT$LIQUID SPEED\",\"LS Demo\"",,,,,))
@elseif (@filesar("@studiodrive:@studiodir\\3DS.NEW", ";USER-PROG9", "USER-PROG9 = \"$VIBRANT$LIQUID SPEED\",\"LS Demo\"",,,,,))
@elseif (@filesar("@studiodrive:@studiodir\\3DS.NEW", ";USER-PROG10", "USER-PROG10 = \"$VIBRANT$LIQUID SPEED\",\"LS Demo\"",,,,,))
@elseif (@filesar("@studiodrive:@studiodir\\3DS.NEW", ";USER-PROG11", "USER-PROG11 = \"$VIBRANT$LIQUID SPEED\",\"LS Demo\"",,,,,))
@elseif (@filesar("@studiodrive:@studiodir\\3DS.NEW", ";USER-PROG12", "USER-PROG12 = \"$VIBRANT$LIQUID SPEED\",\"LS Demo\"",,,,,))
@elseif (@filesar("@studiodrive:@studiodir\\3DS.NEW", ";USER-PROG13", "USER-PROG13 = \"$VIBRANT$LIQUID SPEED\",\"LS Demo\"",,,,,))
@elseif (@filesar("@studiodrive:@studiodir\\3DS.NEW", ";USER-PROG14", "USER-PROG14 = \"$VIBRANT$LIQUID SPEED\",\"LS Demo\"",,,,,))
@if (32 [= @option)
/* LS Demo option added to 3DS.NEW*/
@setbak = @backup("@studiodrive:@studiodir\\3DS.SET",,,)
@if (@strequal("@setbak", "\\"))
/* Error backing up file */
@rename("@studiodrive:@studiodir\\3DS.NEW", "3DS.SET")
@writeat("Liquid Speed System Benchmark",30,,100)
The Liquid Speed System Benchmark has been added to your 3DS.SET file,
and your original 3DS.SET file has been renamed @setbak. You can
execute the benchmark by selecting "LS Demo" from the program menu.
/* Unable to add LS Demo option */
@writeat("Liquid Speed System Benchmark",30,,100)
@if (101 [= @option)
Warning: The install program was unable locate your 3DS.SET file, and
was unable to add the Liquid Speed System Benchmark. The files have
been copied to your 3D Studio directory.
Warning: The install program was unable to add the Liquid Speed
System Benchmark to your 3DS.SET file, but the files have been copied
to your 3D Studio directory.
To use the benchmark module, add the following line to your 3DS.SET
where n is the number of an unused user program selection. See the
3D Studio Installation Guide for more details on user programs. You
can execute the benchmark by selecting "LS Demo" from the program menu.
The benchmark will measure the display time of the loaded mesh with
and without Liquid Speed enabled and display the results for you.
@label = "Distribution Disk"
@beginlib @rootfn.RED
@file @rootfn.VLM @out @studiodrive:@studiodir\\*.*
@file @resfn.RES @out @studiodrive:@studiodir\\*.*
@if (31 [= @option)
@if (33 [! @option)
@file @lsrootfn.VLM @out @studiodrive:@studiodir\\*.*
@file @lsresfn.RES @out @studiodrive:@studiodir\\*.*
@file @lsdocfn.DOC @out @studiodrive:@studiodir\\*.*
@if (40 [= @option)
@file @rlmfn.RLM @out @rlmdrive:@rlmdir\\*.*
@file @docfn.DOC @out @studiodrive:@studiodir\\*.*
The installation of @name is complete...
See the @docfn.DOC file for informaiton on the use of the inline
driver. It is located in @studiodrive:@studiodir. To reconfigure your
driver, execute 3D Studio with the VIBCFG command option. See
your 3D Studio documentation for more configuration information.
@if (31 [= @option)
See the @lsdocfn.DOC file for more information on the Liquid Speed
System Benchmark.
@chdrive @startupdrive
@chdir "@startupdir"