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- ╔═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
- ║ SPEA BigFocus 13/WIN Driver ║
- ║ Display List Driver for AutoCAD 13 Windows ║
- ║ ║
- ║ BF13W v2.2 ║
- ║ ║
- ║ For all Windows accelerator boards ║
- ║ ║
- ║ SPEA Software AG Release 1295 ║
- ╚═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
- Table of Contents
- =================
- 1 Introduction
- 1.1 BigFocus 13/Win General Information
- 1.2 System Requirements
- 1.3 Software Registration
- 2 Installation
- 3 Release Notes
- 3.1 GDIByPass
- 4 Troubleshooting
- 1 Introduction
- =================
- 1.1 BigFocus 13/Win General Information
- ----------------------------------------
- Welcome to BigFocus 13/Win, SPEA's acceleration driver for
- AutoCAD 13 for Windows and Windows NT! This software is simple to use and
- offers a number of attractive features:
- - performance boost up to factor 10 of the standard AutoCAD display
- drivers
- - a new SPEA Toolbar which contains the main features of the driver:
- + Bird's-Eye View
- + Zoom All function
- + Spyglass Lense
- + Redraw function
- + Zoom Window function
- + SPEA Hotkeys configuration
- + BigFocus 13/Win online help
- - effective mouse-controlled zoom and pan actions via the Bird's-Eye
- View
- - Spyglass window enabling close-up views of the drawing and transfer
- back to AutoCAD
- Note that the driver does not contain any 3D functionality. This
- can be purchased with the 3D-World package (which contains '3D-Win', a
- hardware-independant 3D-Viewer for Windows).
- 1.2 System Requirements
- -----------------------
- (a) Boards
- The BigFocus 13/Win driver is hardware independant - it can therefore be
- used with any Windows accelerator! It is also optimized for use with
- graphics boards which incorporate an S3 or Weitek P9100 graphics
- processor.
- (b) PC + Memory
- To use AutoCAD and BigFocus effectively you will need a large amount of
- memory and a large Windows swap file. Special information on this topic
- is described in the AutoCAD 13 for Windows documentation and in the
- corresponding Autodesk forum in CompuServe.
- (c) Windows
- The current version of this software is for Windows 3.1x, Windows for
- Workgroups and Windows NT 3.5 only.
- 1.3 Software Registration
- --------------------------
- This software need not be registered for use with one of the following
- SPEA graphic boards: V7-MERCURY series board, FIRE, HiLite and FGA860GX
- and V7-STORM PRO.
- It can also be used with other SPEA boards and any other Windows accelerator
- (independant of the manufacturer) AFTER REGISTRATION and entering the
- registration code key.
- Registration information is automatically shown on the screen. It fills out
- the enclosed form REGISTER.TXT which can then be used to register the
- software (please refer to that file for details).
- 2. Installation and Configuration
- ==================================
- a) Installation from floppy disk
- --------------------------------
- 1. Start Windows and the Program Manager.
- 2. Select the menu items 'File' and then 'Run'.
- 3. Select A:\SETUP.EXE.
- 4. Click on 'OK' and follow the instructions on the screen. The
- installation routine will decompress and copy various files onto your
- harddisk.
- b) Installation from CD ROM
- ---------------------------
- 1. Run the program SPEAINST from the CD ROM
- 2. Select 'SPEA Software Products'
- 4. Follow the instructions on the screen. The installation routine will
- decompress and copy various files onto your harddisk.
- Configuration
- -------------
- An important file will also be created on your hard disk:
- DSBIGFOC.INI contains an important entry that you may need to change
- to accomodate for your hardware (see 'GDIByPass' below).
- Reconfiguring AutoCAD for Windows to use BigFocus 13/Win:
- Start ACADWIN, Select "Options", "Configure", and when selecting the
- display driver choose:
- SPEA BigFocus - Accelerated Display Driver by SPEA AG
- 3. Release Notes
- ==================
- 3.1 GDIByPass
- --------------
- During the software installation a file named DSBIGFOC.INI is created in
- the directory you enter when installing. It contains the following section:
- [display device]
- GDIByPass=3
- This entry controls both the operating mode of the BigFocus 13/Win
- software and hardware accesses to the graphics board installed. It is
- vital to the speed of the driver's operation. The Windows GDI (Graphics
- Device Interface) is a standardized but generally slower software solution.
- The GDIByPass entry controls whether BigFocus 13/Win uses the GDI or not.
- Explanation of GDIByPass values:
- Windows GDI Bypass: Hardware access:
- ---------------------------------------
- GDIByPass=3 ON ON (default)
- The default setting is GDIByPass=3 because this is the fastest operating
- mode. If you should experience problems with BigFocus 13/Win then
- change the entry in DSBIGFOC.INI to GDIByPass=0 to eliminate these (see
- also BigFocus 13/Win online help 'Troubleshooting' for more detailed
- information).
- 4 Troubleshooting
- ====================
- Problem:
- Boot problems, Windows General Protection Fault report (system crash)
- after installation.
- Solution:
- Edit the file DSBIGFOC.INI in the BigFocus 13/Win installation target
- directory. It contains the following section by default:
- [display device]
- GDIBypass=3
- Change the value for GDIByPass to 0.
- Problem:
- During the AutoCAD configuration the option 'SPEA BigFocus - Accelerated
- Display Driver - by SPEA AG' doesn't appear, the SPEA Toolbar doesn't appear.
- Solution:
- Check the file DSBIGFOC.INI in your BigFocus 13/Win installation target
- directory. It should contain the following section (example):
- [environment]
- GDC=c:\spea\bf13win
- whereby the path (C:\SPEA\BF13WIN in this example) must correspond to your
- installation target directory. Alter or add the entries if necessary.
- Also check your ACAD.INI file. It must contain the following section (example):
- [General]
- ....
- ....
- ACAD=c:\acadr13\win;.....;C:\SPEA\BF13WIN
- ACADDRV=c:\acadr13\win\drv;C:\ACADR13\WIN;C:\SPEA\BF13WIN
- ....
- whereby the SPEA path (C:\SPEA\BF13WIN in this example) should correspond to
- the target directory you entered during the software installation. Change or
- add the entry if necessary.
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- ║ End of README - Press [Esc] ║
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